Dépassement de capacité

miamiaca Messages postés 17 Date d'inscription dimanche 5 mars 2006 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 22 février 2007 - 16 févr. 2007 à 21:31
Gobillot Messages postés 3140 Date d'inscription vendredi 14 mai 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 mars 2019 - 16 mars 2007 à 00:16
Salut tt le monde

j'ai un problème avec l'erreur 6 "dépassement de capacité"

Voila le code source

dim rib as string


---il ya des traitement concernat le rib


rib = Val(rib)

ribinter = rib * 100

ribinter = ribinter Mod 97 --- ici l'erreur de dépassement de capacité

MsgBox ribinter

Merci de répondre

43 réponses

Gobillot Messages postés 3140 Date d'inscription vendredi 14 mai 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 mars 2019 34
3 mars 2007 à 20:27
la multiplication c'est facile, la division c'est autre chose:
pour n1 et n2 de 1016 chiffres et precis = 1000, 172 ms avec des tableaux de Long et 125 ms avec des tableaux de Double.

    preci = 1000
    nb1 = "+6859610553647623715964088665892371829439866709240283944117," & _
           "9881257041327422001125735162772203142673516307553314590384" & _
           "6660055334469068596105536476237159640886658923718294398667" & _
           "0992402839441179812570413274220011257351627722031426735163" & _
           "0775533145903846600553344690685961055364762371596408866589" & _
           "2337182943986670924028394411798125704132742200112573516277" & _
           "2220314267351630755331459038466005533446906859610553647623" & _
           "7115964088665892371829439866709240283944117981257041327422" & _
           "0001125735162772203142673516307553314590384660055334469068" & _
           "5996105536476237159640886658923718294398667092402839441179" & _
           "8112570413274220011257351627722031426735163075533145903846" & _
           "6000553344690685961055364762371596408866589237182943986670" & _
           "9224028394411798125704132742200112674526387320324368462731" & _
           "8665332569149576116644556917950611664758624725074199775893" & _
           "4882830449977810340293054227081367151338522001236745263873" & _
           "2003243684627318653325691495761166445569179506116647586247" & _
           "2550741997758934828304499778103402930542270813671513385220" & _
    nb2 = "+7467636322858211413420378952487507706693561915417437336022," & _
           "8558108410407266652454504706493231612117134305999525878380" & _
           "1997265629154474676363228582114134203789524875077066935619" & _
           "1554174373360228581084104072666524545047064932316121171343" & _
           "0559995258783801972656291544746763632285821141342037895248" & _
           "7550770669356191541743733602285810841040726665245450470649" & _
           "3223161211713430599952587838019726562915447467636322858211" & _
           "4113420378952487507706693561915417437336022858108410407266" & _
           "6552454504706493231612117134305999525878380197265629154474" & _
           "6776363228582114134203789524875077066935619154174373360228" & _
           "5881084104072666524545047064932316121171343059995258783801" & _
           "9772656291544746763632285821141342037895248750770669356191" & _
           "5441743733602285810841040726665245551571749433261312724531" & _
           "6009063598848010737672026558578647323968212413431379053598" & _
           "5118717704662925428548446023968219411408376752565515717494" & _
           "3332613127245316090635988480107376720265585786473239682124" & _
           "1334313790535985187177046629254285484460239682194114083767" & _
   MsgBox Division(nb1, nb2)

 Const param = 9
 Const puis = 1000000000
 Const frmt = "000000000"
 Const chrz = "0"
 Const sep = ","
 Dim preci As Integer   'nombre de chiffres significatifs maxi
 Dim pos   As Integer

Private Function Division(n1 As String, n2 As String) As String
    Dim a     As String
    Dim b     As String
    Dim c     As String
    Dim resu  As String
    Dim sg    As String
    Dim zero  As String
    Dim a1    As Integer
    Dim a2    As Integer
    Dim b1    As Integer
    Dim b2    As Integer
    Dim di    As Integer
    Dim dj    As Integer
    Dim i     As Long
    Dim j     As Long
    Dim k     As Integer
    Dim r     As Integer
    Dim n     As Integer
    Dim p     As Integer
    Dim puis2 As Long
    Dim q     As Integer
    Dim v1    As Long
    Dim v2    As Long
    Dim x     As Integer
    Dim z     As Integer
    Dim W1()  As Long
    Dim W2()  As Long

    If Mid$(n2, 2) = chrz Then Err.Raise 11

    i = InStr(n1, sep)
    j = InStr(n2, sep)    If i > 0 Then a1 i - 2: b1 Len(n1) - i Else a1 = Len(n1) - 1    If j > 0 Then a2 j - 2: b2 Len(n2) - j Else a2 = Len(n2) - 1    If b1 > b2 Then pos b1 Else pos b2
    i = a1 + pos
    j = a2 + pos    If i > j Then k i Else k j    di k - j: dj k - i
    k = k + param - (k Mod param)
    a = String$(k - i - dj, chrz) & Mid$(n1, 2, a1) & Mid$(n1, a1 + 3, b1) & String$(pos - b1 + dj, chrz)
    b = String$(k - j - di, chrz) & Mid$(n2, 2, a2) & Mid$(n2, a2 + 3, b2) & String$(pos - b2 + di, chrz)    If Asc(n1) Asc(n2) Then sg "+" Else sg = "-"
    di = di + 1

    pos = pos + dj
    puis2 = puis \ 10
    z = k \ param
    ReDim W1(z), W2(z)
    i = 1
    For j = k + 1 - param To 1 Step -param
        W1(i) = CLng(Mid$(a, j, param))        W2(i) CLng(Mid$(b, j, param)): i i + 1

    x = 0
    For j = z To 1 Step -1
        If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
        If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For

    If dj > 0 Then
       If x = -1 Then
          dj = dj + 1
          r = 0
          For j = 1 To z
              v1 = W1(j)
              W1(j) = (v1 Mod puis2) * 10 + r
              r = v1 \ puis2
          End If
       resu = "0," & String$(dj - 1, chrz)
       p = 1: GoTo Boucle2
       End If

    If x = 0 Then
       resu = "1" & String$(di - 1, chrz): GoTo Fin
       End If
    If x = -1 Then
       If di > 1 Then
          r = 0
          For j = z To 1 Step -1
              v1 = W2(j)
              W2(j) = v1 \ 10 + r * puis2
              r = v1 Mod 10
          di = di - 1
          r = 0
          For j = 1 To z
              v1 = W1(j)
              W1(j) = (v1 Mod puis2) * 10 + r
              r = v1 \ puis2
          resu = resu & "0,"
          p = 1: GoTo Boucle2
          End If
       End If

    For q = 1 To di
        x = 0
        For j = z To 1 Step -1
            If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
            If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
        n = 0
        While x <> -1
            For i = 1 To z
                v1 = W1(i)                v2 W2(i) + r: r 0                If v1 < v2 Then v1 v1 + puis: r 1
                W1(i) = v1 - v2
            x = 0
            For j = z To 1 Step -1
                If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
                If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
            n = n + 1
        If q < di Then
           r = 0
           For j = z To 1 Step -1
               v1 = W2(j)
               W2(j) = v1 \ 10 + r * puis2
               r = v1 Mod 10
' permet d'avoir le modulo:
'          j = 1
'          For i = z To 1 Step -1'              Mid$(a, j, param) Format$(W1(i), frmt): j j + param
'              Next
           End If
        resu = resu & n

    If preci > di Then resu = resu & sep
    r = 0
    For j = 1 To z
        v1 = W1(j)
        W1(j) = (v1 Mod puis2) * 10 + r
        r = v1 \ puis2

'   If pos = 0 Then
'      Modulo = a$
'      Else
'      Modulo = Left$(a$, k - pos) & sep & Right$(a$, pos)
'      End If

    dj = preci - di + p
    zero = String$(k, 48)
    For q = 1 To dj
        x = 0
        For j = z To 1 Step -1
            If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
            If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
        n = 0
        While x <> -1
            For i = 1 To z
                v1 = W1(i)                v2 W2(i) + r: r 0                If v1 < v2 Then v1 v1 + puis: r 1
                W1(i) = v1 - v2
            x = 0
            For j = z To 1 Step -1
                If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
                If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
            n = n + 1
        If q < dj Then
           resu = resu & n
           x = 0
           For j = 1 To z
               If W1(j) > 0 Then x = 1: Exit For
           If x = 0 Then
              For i = Len(resu) To di + 2 Step -1
                  If Mid$(resu, i, 1) <> chrz Then Exit For
                  Next              If i di + 1 Then i di
              resu = Left$(resu, i)
              GoTo Fin
              End If
           If n > 0 Then resu = resu & n
           GoTo Fin
           End If
        r = 0
        For j = 1 To z
            v1 = W1(j)
            W1(j) = (v1 Mod puis2) * 10 + r
            r = v1 \ puis2

    Division = sg & resu

End Function

Gobillot Messages postés 3140 Date d'inscription vendredi 14 mai 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 mars 2019 34
8 mars 2007 à 23:57
pas mal de modifications depuis:
j'ai maintenant 2 modules ( a et b)
le premier travaille en Long, le second en Double
bien que le Double est plus lent, je peux mettre plus de chiffres, 7 pour la multiplication au lieu de 4, et 14 pour les autres opérations au lieu de 9, donc le Double devient plus rapide.
la Fonction Arrondi permet de tronquer au nombre de chiffres significatifs (sauf si Tronq = False)
elle est utilisée par toutes les opérations sauf la division (qui elle calcule un chiffre en plus pour permettre l'arrondi)
ce qui permet d'avoir des résultats "exacts"
retrouver le dividende en multipliant par le quotient:  (20 / 9) * 9 = 20
l'inverse de l'inverse doit donner le même nombre: (1 / (1 / 9) --> 9
la Division donne en prime le Modulo (en réel) et le Modulo donne en prime le quotient entier.

je donne tout le module b plus quelques publics du module a
j'espère avoir rien oublié
il y a encore pas mal de choses à revoir,
par exemple la division qui donne parfois beaucoup trop de zéro aprés la virgule

Option Explicit

Const chrz = "0"
Const sep = ","
Dim parm  As Integer
Dim puis  As Double
Dim frmt  As String
Dim s1    As Byte
Dim s2    As Byte
Dim a1    As Integer
Dim a2    As Integer
Dim b1    As Integer
Dim b2    As Integer
Dim k     As Integer

Public preci    As Integer
Public pos      As Integer
Public Modulo   As String
Public Quotient As String
Public Tronq    As Boolean

Public Function bAddition(n1 As String, n2 As String) As String
    Dim a     As String
    Dim b     As String
    Dim i     As Integer
    Dim j     As Integer
    Dim x     As Integer

    parm = 14
    puis = 10 ^ parm
    frmt = String(parm, chrz)
    i = InStr(n1, sep)
    j = InStr(n2, sep)    If i > 0 Then a1 i - 2: b1 Len(n1) - i Else a1 = Len(n1) - 1: b1 = 0    If j > 0 Then a2 j - 2: b2 Len(n2) - j Else a2 = Len(n2) - 1: b2 = 0    If b1 > b2 Then pos b1 Else pos b2
    i = a1 + pos
    j = a2 + pos    If i > j Then k i Else k j
    k = k + parm - (k Mod parm)
    a = String$(k - i, chrz) & Mid$(n1, 2, a1) & Mid$(n1, a1 + 3, b1) & String$(pos - b1, chrz)
    b = String$(k - j, chrz) & Mid$(n2, 2, a2) & Mid$(n2, a2 + 3, b2) & String$(pos - b2, chrz)    s1 Asc(n1): s2 Asc(n2)

    If s1 <> s2 Then
       x = StrComp(a, b, vbBinaryCompare)
       Select Case x
         Case 1: bAddition = bSbb(a, b, s1)
         Case 0: bAddition = "+0"
         Case -1: bAddition = bSbb(b, a, s2)
         End Select
       Exit Function
       End If
    bAddition = bAdd(a, b, s1)

End Function

Public Function bSoustraction(n1 As String, n2 As String) As String
    Dim a     As String
    Dim b     As String
    Dim i     As Integer
    Dim j     As Integer
    Dim x     As Integer

    parm = 14
    puis = 10 ^ parm
    frmt = String(parm, chrz)

    i = InStr(n1, sep)
    j = InStr(n2, sep)    If i > 0 Then a1 i - 2: b1 Len(n1) - i Else a1 = Len(n1) - 1: b1 = 0    If j > 0 Then a2 j - 2: b2 Len(n2) - j Else a2 = Len(n2) - 1: b2 = 0    If b1 > b2 Then pos b1 Else pos b2
    i = a1 + pos
    j = a2 + pos    If i > j Then k i Else k j
    k = k + parm - (k Mod parm)
    a = String$(k - i, chrz) & Mid$(n1, 2, a1) & Mid$(n1, a1 + 3, b1) & String$(pos - b1, chrz)
    b = String$(k - j, chrz) & Mid$(n2, 2, a2) & Mid$(n2, a2 + 3, b2) & String$(pos - b2, chrz)    s1 Asc(n1): s2 Asc(n2)
    If s1 <> s2 Then
       bSoustraction = bAdd(a, b, s1)
       Exit Function
       End If    If s1 43 Then s2 45 Else s2 = 43
    x = StrComp(a, b, vbBinaryCompare)
    Select Case x
      Case 1: bSoustraction = bSbb(a, b, s1)
      Case 0: bSoustraction = "+0"
      Case -1: bSoustraction = bSbb(b, a, s2)
      End Select

End Function

Private Function bAdd(n1 As String, n2 As String, sg As Byte) As String
    Dim c     As String
    Dim i     As Integer
    Dim j     As Integer
    Dim x     As Integer
    Dim r     As Long
    Dim t     As Double

    parm = 14
    puis = 10 ^ parm
    frmt = String(parm, chrz)
    k = Len(n1)
    c = String$(k, chrz)
    For i = k + 1 - parm To 1 Step -parm
        t = CDbl(Mid$(n1, i, parm)) + CDbl(Mid$(n2, i, parm)) + r
        r = 0: If t >= puis Then r = 1: t = t - puis
        Mid$(c, i, parm) = Format$(t, frmt)

    bAdd = Arrondi(c$, Chr$(sg))
End Function

Private Function bSbb(n1 As String, n2 As String, sg As Byte) As String
    Dim c     As String
    Dim i     As Integer
    Dim j     As Integer
    Dim x     As Integer
    Dim r     As Long
    Dim t     As Double
    Dim v1    As Double
    Dim v2    As Double

    k = Len(n1)
    c = String$(k, chrz)
    For i = k + 1 - parm To 1 Step -parm
        v1 = CDbl(Mid$(n1, i, parm))        v2 CDbl(Mid$(n2, i, parm)) + r: r 0        If v1 < v2 Then v1 v1 + puis: r 1
        t = v1 - v2
        Mid$(c, i, parm) = Format$(t, frmt)
    bSbb = Arrondi(c$, Chr$(sg))
End Function

Public Function bMultiplication(n1 As String, n2 As String) As String
    Dim a     As String
    Dim b     As String
    Dim d     As String
    Dim sg    As String
    Dim i     As Long
    Dim j     As Long
    Dim ka    As Integer
    Dim kb    As Integer
    Dim x     As Integer
    Dim y     As Integer
    Dim z     As Integer
    Dim r     As Long
    Dim tt    As Double
    Dim v1    As Double
    Dim v2    As Double
    Dim W1()  As Double
    Dim W2()  As Double

    parm = 7
    puis = 10 ^ parm
    frmt = String(parm, chrz)

    i = InStr(n1, sep)
    j = InStr(n2, sep)    If i > 0 Then a1 i - 2: b1 Len(n1) - i Else a1 = Len(n1) - 1: b1 = 0    If j > 0 Then a2 j - 2: b2 Len(n2) - j Else a2 = Len(n2) - 1: b2 = 0
    pos = b1 + b2    If Asc(n1) Asc(n2) Then sg "+" Else sg = "-"
    i a1 + b1: x parm - (i Mod parm): If x = parm Then x = 0    j a2 + b2: y parm - (j Mod parm): If y = parm Then y = 0
    a = String$(y, chrz) & Mid$(n2, 2, a2) & Mid$(n2, a2 + 3, b2)
    b = String$(x, chrz) & Mid$(n1, 2, a1) & Mid$(n1, a1 + 3, b1)    ka y + j: kb x + i
    x kb \ parm: k ka + kb: z = k \ parm
    ReDim W1(x), W2(z)
    i = 1
    For j = kb + 1 - parm To 1 Step -parm        W1(i) CDbl(Mid$(b, j, parm)): i i + 1

    y = 0
    For i = ka + 1 - parm To 1 Step -parm
        v1 = CDbl(Mid$(a, i, parm))
        r = 0
        For j = 1 To x
            tt = W1(j) * v1 + W2(j + y) + r
            r = Int(tt / puis)
            W2(j + y) = tt - r * puis
        W2(j + y) = r
        y = y + 1

    d$ = String(k, chrz)
    j = 1
    For i = z To 1 Step -1        Mid$(d$, j, parm) Format$(W2(i), frmt): j j + parm

    bMultiplication = Arrondi(d$, sg)
End Function

Public Function bDivision(n1 As String, n2 As String) As String
    Dim a     As String
    Dim b     As String
    Dim c     As String
    Dim resu  As String
    Dim sg    As String
    Dim di    As Integer
    Dim dj    As Integer
    Dim i     As Long
    Dim j     As Long
    Dim r     As Integer
    Dim n     As Integer
    Dim p     As Integer
    Dim puis2 As Double
    Dim q     As Integer
    Dim v1    As Double
    Dim v2    As Double
    Dim x     As Integer
    Dim z     As Integer
    Dim W1()  As Double
    Dim W2()  As Double

    If Mid$(n2, 2) = chrz Then Err.Raise 11

    parm = 14
    puis = 10 ^ parm
    frmt = String(parm, chrz)
    puis2 = puis / 10

    i = InStr(n1, sep)
    j = InStr(n2, sep)    If i > 0 Then a1 i - 2: b1 Len(n1) - i Else a1 = Len(n1) - 1: b1 = 0    If j > 0 Then a2 j - 2: b2 Len(n2) - j Else a2 = Len(n2) - 1: b2 = 0    If b1 > b2 Then pos b1 Else pos b2
    i = a1 + pos
    j = a2 + pos    If i > j Then k i Else k j    di k - j: dj k - i
    k = k + parm - (k Mod parm)
    a = String$(k - i - dj, chrz) & Mid$(n1, 2, a1) & Mid$(n1, a1 + 3, b1) & String$(pos - b1 + dj, chrz)
    b = String$(k - j - di, chrz) & Mid$(n2, 2, a2) & Mid$(n2, a2 + 3, b2) & String$(pos - b2 + di, chrz)    If Asc(n1) Asc(n2) Then sg "+" Else sg = "-"
    di = di + 1

    pos = pos + dj
    z = k \ parm
    ReDim W1(z), W2(z)   ' et W3(z)
    i = 1
    For j = k + 1 - parm To 1 Step -parm
        W1(i) = CDbl(Mid$(a, j, parm))        W2(i) CDbl(Mid$(b, j, parm)): i i + 1

'   x = StrComp(a, b, vbBinaryCompare)
    x = 0
    For j = z To 1 Step -1
        If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
        If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For

    If dj > 0 Then
       If x = -1 Then
          dj = dj + 1
' a$ = Mid$(a$, 2) & "0"
          r = 0
          For j = 1 To z
              v1 = W1(j)
              v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
              W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
              r = v2
          End If
       resu = "0," & String$(dj - 1, chrz)
       p = 1: GoTo Boucle2
       End If

    If x = 0 Then
       resu = "1" & String$(di - 1, chrz): GoTo Fin
       End If
    If x = -1 Then
       If di > 1 Then
' b$ = "0" & Left$(b$, k - 1)
          r = 0
          For j = z To 1 Step -1
              v1 = W2(j)
              v2 = Int(v1 / 10)
              W2(j) = v2 + r * puis2
              r = v1 - v2 * 10
          di = di - 1
' a$ = Mid$(a$, 2) & "0"
          r = 0
          For j = 1 To z
              v1 = W1(j)
              v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
              W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
              r = v2
          resu = resu & "0,"
          p = 1: GoTo Boucle2
          End If
       End If

    For q = 1 To di
        x = 0
        For j = z To 1 Step -1
            If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
            If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
        n = 0
        While x <> -1
            For i = 1 To z
                v1 = W1(i)                v2 W2(i) + r: r 0                If v1 < v2 Then v1 v1 + puis: r 1
                W1(i) = v1 - v2
            x = 0
            For j = z To 1 Step -1
                If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
                If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
            n = n + 1
        If q < di Then
' b$ = "0" & Left$(b$, k - 1)
           r = 0
           For j = z To 1 Step -1
               v1 = W2(j)
               v2 = Int(v1 / 10)
               W2(j) = v2 + r * puis2
               r = v1 - v2 * 10
           End If
        resu = resu & n

    If preci + 1 > di Then resu = resu & sep
    j = 1
    For i = z To 1 Step -1        Mid$(a$, j, parm) Format$(W1(i), frmt): j j + parm
' a$ = Mid$(a$, 2) & "0"
    r = 0
    For j = 1 To z
        v1 = W1(j)
        v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
        W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
        r = v2

    If pos = 0 Then
       Modulo = a$
       Modulo = Left$(a$, k - pos) & sep & Right$(a$, pos)
       End If

    dj = preci + 1 - di + p
    For q = 1 To dj
' x = StrComp(a, b, vbBinaryCompare)
        x = 0
        For j = z To 1 Step -1
            If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
            If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
        n = 0
        While x <> -1
            For i = 1 To z
                v1 = W1(i)                v2 W2(i) + r: r 0                If v1 < v2 Then v1 v1 + puis: r 1
                W1(i) = v1 - v2
            x = 0
            For j = z To 1 Step -1
                If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
                If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
            n = n + 1
        If q < dj Then
           resu = resu & n
           x = 0
           For j = 1 To z
               If W1(j) > 0 Then x = 1: Exit For
           If x = 0 Then
              For i = Len(resu) To di + 2 Step -1
                  If Mid$(resu, i, 1) <> chrz Then Exit For
                  Next              If i di + 1 Then i di
              resu = Left$(resu, i)
              GoTo Fin
              End If
           If n > 0 Then resu = resu & n
           GoTo Fin
           End If
' a$ = Mid$(a$, 2) & "0"
        r = 0
        For j = 1 To z
            v1 = W1(j)
            v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
            W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
            r = v2

    bDivision = sg & resu

End Function

Public Function bModulo(n1 As String, n2 As String) As String
    Dim a     As String
    Dim b     As String
    Dim c     As String
    Dim resu  As String
    Dim sg    As String
    Dim di    As Integer
    Dim dj    As Integer
    Dim i     As Long
    Dim j     As Long
    Dim r     As Integer
    Dim n     As Integer
    Dim p     As Integer
    Dim puis2 As Double
    Dim q     As Integer
    Dim v1    As Double
    Dim v2    As Double
    Dim x     As Integer
    Dim z     As Integer
    Dim W1()  As Double
    Dim W2()  As Double

    If Mid$(n2, 2) = chrz Then Err.Raise 11

    parm = 14
    puis = 10 ^ parm
    frmt = String(parm, chrz)
    puis2 = puis / 10

    i = InStr(n1, sep)
    j = InStr(n2, sep)    If i > 0 Then a1 i - 2: b1 Len(n1) - i Else a1 = Len(n1) - 1: b1 = 0    If j > 0 Then a2 j - 2: b2 Len(n2) - j Else a2 = Len(n2) - 1: b2 = 0    If b1 > b2 Then pos b1 Else pos b2
    i = a1 + pos
    j = a2 + pos    If i > j Then k i Else k j    di k - j: dj k - i
    k = k + parm - (k Mod parm)
    a = String$(k - i - dj, chrz) & Mid$(n1, 2, a1) & Mid$(n1, a1 + 3, b1) & String$(pos - b1 + dj, chrz)
    b = String$(k - j - di, chrz) & Mid$(n2, 2, a2) & Mid$(n2, a2 + 3, b2) & String$(pos - b2 + di, chrz)    If Asc(n1) Asc(n2) Then sg "+" Else sg = "-"
    di = di + 1

    pos = pos + dj
    z = k \ parm
    ReDim W1(z), W2(z)   ' et W3(z)
    i = 1
    For j = k + 1 - parm To 1 Step -parm
        W1(i) = CDbl(Mid$(a, j, parm))        W2(i) CDbl(Mid$(b, j, parm)): i i + 1

'   x = StrComp(a, b, vbBinaryCompare)
    x = 0
    For j = z To 1 Step -1
        If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
        If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For

    If dj > 0 Then
       If x = -1 Then
          dj = dj + 1
' a$ = Mid$(a$, 2) & "0"
          r = 0
          For j = 1 To z
              v1 = W1(j)
              v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
              W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
              r = v2
          End If
       resu = "0": GoTo Fin
       End If

    If x = 0 Then
       resu = "1" & String$(di - 1, chrz): GoTo Fin
       End If
    If x = -1 Then
       If di > 1 Then
' b$ = "0" & Left$(b$, k - 1)
          r = 0
          For j = z To 1 Step -1
              v1 = W2(j)
              v2 = Int(v1 / 10)
              W2(j) = v2 + r * puis2
              r = v1 - v2 * 10
          di = di - 1
' a$ = Mid$(a$, 2) & "0"
          r = 0
          For j = 1 To z
              v1 = W1(j)
              v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
              W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
              r = v2
          resu = resu & "0": GoTo Fin
          End If
       End If

    For q = 1 To di
        x = 0
        For j = z To 1 Step -1
            If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
            If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
        n = 0
        While x <> -1
            For i = 1 To z
                v1 = W1(i)                v2 W2(i) + r: r 0                If v1 < v2 Then v1 v1 + puis: r 1
                W1(i) = v1 - v2
            x = 0
            For j = z To 1 Step -1
                If W1(j) < W2(j) Then x = -1: Exit For
                If W1(j) > W2(j) Then x = 1: Exit For
            n = n + 1
        If q < di Then
' b$ = "0" & Left$(b$, k - 1)
           r = 0
           For j = z To 1 Step -1
               v1 = W2(j)
               v2 = Int(v1 / 10)
               W2(j) = v2 + r * puis2
               r = v1 - v2 * 10
           End If
        resu = resu & n
    j = 1
    For i = z To 1 Step -1        Mid$(a$, j, parm) Format$(W1(i), frmt): j j + parm

    Quotient = sg & resu
    sg = Left$(n1, 1)
    bModulo = Arrondi(a$, sg)

End Function

Private Function Arrondi(a As String, sg As String) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim r     As Long
    Dim t     As Double
    Dim z     As Integer
    x = k + 1 - pos
' suppression des zéros devant
    For i = 1 To x - 2
        If Mid$(a$, i, 1) <> chrz Then Exit For
' suppression des zéros derrière
    For j = k To x Step -1
        If Mid$(a$, j, 1) <> chrz Then Exit For
    a1 = x - i
    b1 = j + 1 - x
    If Tronq Then       b2 preci - a1: If b2 < 0 Then b2 0
       If b2 < b1 Then
          If Mid$(a$, x + b2, 1) > "4" Then
             z% = x + b2 - 1             j z% Mod parm: If j 0 Then j = parm
             j = z% - j + 1
             r = 10 ^ ((k - z%) Mod parm)
             While r > 0
                t = CDbl(Mid$(a$, j, parm)) + r
                r = 0                If t >puis Then r 1: t = t - puis
                Mid$(a$, j, parm) = Format$(t, frmt)
                j = j - parm
             End If          If Mid$(a$, i - 1, 1) <> chrz Then i i - 1: a1 a1 + 1
          For j = x + b2 - 1 To x Step -1
              If Mid$(a$, j, 1) <> chrz Then Exit For
          b1 = j + 1 - x
          End If
       End If
    Arrondi = sg & Mid$(a$, i, a1)
    If b1 > 0 Then Arrondi = Arrondi & sep & Mid$(a$, x, b1)

End Function

Gobillot Messages postés 3140 Date d'inscription vendredi 14 mai 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 mars 2019 34
16 mars 2007 à 00:16
voici la nouvelle division modifiée, elle utilise maintenant Arrondi comme les autres opérations.
quelques bugs ont été corrigés dans Arrondi()
et en plus une autre opération a été ajoutée

calcul de racine carrée:
   - première estimation en Double avec un maximum de chiffres
      j'avais adapté la méthode John Carmak, mais elle était pas assez performante   
      je sais pas si vous connaissez le nombre magique &H5F3759DF (ou &H5F375A86)
      pourtant simple à adapter en VB6 mais jamais trouvé sur le net:
           Dim i As Long
           Dim x As Single
           Dim z As Single
           CopyMemory i, x, 4&
           i = &H5F375A86 - i / 2
           CopyMemory z, i, 4&
           Racine = z * x
   - transformation en chaîne de cette estimation:
     là aussi aucune instruction Format n'a été capable d'afficher tous les chiffres
     et en plus il y avait dépassement de capacité en multipliant par une puissance de 10 trop grande
   - ensuite calcul jusqu'à la précision demandée
     par itération en utilisant la méthode de Héron  x = ( n/x + x ) /2

'2 constantes en plus
Const sg1 = "+"
Const sg2 = "-"

Public Function bDivision(n1 As String, n2 As String) As String
    Dim a     As String
    Dim b     As String
    Dim c     As String
    Dim resu  As String
    Dim sg    As String
    Dim di    As Integer
    Dim dj    As Integer
    Dim i     As Integer

    Dim j     As Integer
    Dim n     As Integer
    Dim p     As Integer
    Dim puis2 As Double
    Dim q     As Integer
    Dim r     As Integer
    Dim v1    As Double
    Dim v2    As Double
    Dim x     As Integer
    Dim z     As Integer
    Dim W1()  As Double
    Dim W2()  As Double

    If Mid$(n2, 2) = chrz Then Err.Raise 11

    parm = 14
    puis = 10 ^ parm
    frmt = String(parm, chrz)
    puis2 = puis / 10

    i = InStr(n1, sep)
    j = InStr(n2, sep)    If i > 0 Then a1 i - 2: b1 Len(n1) - i Else a1 = Len(n1) - 1: b1 = 0    If j > 0 Then a2 j - 2: b2 Len(n2) - j Else a2 = Len(n2) - 1: b2 = 0    If b1 > b2 Then pos b1 Else pos b2
    i = a1 + pos
    j = a2 + pos    If i > j Then k i Else k j    di k - j: dj k - i
    k = k + parm - (k Mod parm)
    a = String$(k - i - dj, chrz) & Mid$(n1, 2, a1) & Mid$(n1, a1 + 3, b1) & String$(pos - b1 + dj, chrz)
    b = String$(k - j - di, chrz) & Mid$(n2, 2, a2) & Mid$(n2, a2 + 3, b2) & String$(pos - b2 + di, chrz)    If Asc(n1) Asc(n2) Then sg sg1 Else sg = sg2
    di = di + 1
    pos 0: z k \ parm
    ReDim W1(z), W2(z)
    i = 1
    For j = k + 1 - parm To 1 Step -parm
        W1(i) = CDbl(Mid$(a, j, parm))        W2(i) CDbl(Mid$(b, j, parm)): i i + 1

    x = 0
    For k = z To 1 Step -1
        If W1(k) < W2(k) Then x = -1: Exit For
        If W1(k) > W2(k) Then x = 1: Exit For

    If dj > 0 Then
       If x = -1 Then
          dj = dj + 1
          r = 0
          For j = 1 To z
              v1 = W1(j)
              v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
              W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
              r = v2
          End If
       pos = dj - 1
       p = 1: GoTo Boucle2
       End If

    If x = 0 Then
       resu = "1" & String$(di - 1, chrz): GoTo Fin
       End If
    If x = -1 Then
       If di > 1 Then
          r = 0
          For j = z To 1 Step -1
              v1 = W2(j)
              v2 = Int(v1 / 10)
              W2(j) = v2 + r * puis2
              r = v1 - v2 * 10
          di = di - 1
          r = 0
          For j = 1 To z
              v1 = W1(j)
              v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
              W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
              r = v2
          p = 1: GoTo Boucle2
          End If
       End If

    For q = 1 To di
        x = 0
        For k = z To 1 Step -1
            If W1(k) < W2(k) Then x = -1: Exit For
            If W1(k) > W2(k) Then x = 1: Exit For
        n = 0
        While x <> -1
            For i = 1 To z
                v1 = W1(i)                v2 W2(i) + r: r 0                If v1 < v2 Then v1 v1 + puis: r 1
                W1(i) = v1 - v2
            x = 0
            For k = z To 1 Step -1
                If W1(k) < W2(k) Then x = -1: Exit For
                If W1(k) > W2(k) Then x = 1: Exit For
            n = n + 1
        If q < di Then
           r = 0
           For j = z To 1 Step -1
               v1 = W2(j)
               v2 = Int(v1 / 10)
               W2(j) = v2 + r * puis2
               r = v1 - v2 * 10
           End If
        resu = resu & n

    r = 0
    For j = 1 To z
        v1 = W1(j)
        v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
        W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
        r = v2

    dj = preci + 1 - di + p
    For q = 1 To dj
        x = 0
        For k = z To 1 Step -1
            If W1(k) < W2(k) Then x = -1: Exit For
            If W1(k) > W2(k) Then x = 1: Exit For
        n = 0
        While x <> -1
            For i = 1 To z
                v1 = W1(i)                v2 W2(i) + r: r 0                If v1 < v2 Then v1 v1 + puis: r 1
                W1(i) = v1 - v2
            x = 0
            For k = z To 1 Step -1
                If W1(k) < W2(k) Then x = -1: Exit For
                If W1(k) > W2(k) Then x = 1: Exit For
            n = n + 1
            Wend        resu resu & n: pos pos + 1
        If q < dj Then
           For k = 1 To z
               If W1(k) > 0 Then
                  r = 0
                  For j = 1 To z
                      v1 = W1(j)
                      v2 = Int(v1 / puis2)
                      W1(j) = (v1 - v2 * puis2) * 10 + r
                      r = v2
                  Exit For
                  End If
           q = dj
           End If

    q = Len(resu)
    k = q + parm - (q Mod parm)
    a$ = String$(k - q, chrz) & resu
    bDivision = Arrondi(a$, sg)

End Function

Private Function Arrondi(a As String, sg As String) As String
    Dim i     As Integer
    Dim j     As Integer
    Dim x     As Integer
    Dim r     As Double
    Dim t     As Double
    Dim z     As Integer
    x = k + 1 - pos
    For i = 1 To k
        If Mid$(a$, i, 1) <> chrz Then Exit For
    For j = k To x Step -1
        If Mid$(a$, j, 1) <> chrz Then Exit For

    a2 = x - i    If a2 > 0 Then a1 a2 Else a1 1: i = x - 1
    b1 = j + 1 - x
    If Tronq Then       b2 preci - a2: If b2 < 0 Then b2 0
       If b2 < b1 Then
          If Mid$(a$, x + b2, 1) > "4" Then
             z% = x + b2 - 1             j z% Mod parm: If j 0 Then j = parm
             j = z% - j + 1
             r = 10 ^ ((k - z%) Mod parm)
             While r > 0
                t = CDbl(Mid$(a$, j, parm)) + r
                r = 0                If t >puis Then r 1: t = t - puis
                Mid$(a$, j, parm) = Format$(t, frmt)
                j = j - parm
             End If          If Mid$(a$, i - 1, 1) <> chrz Then i i - 1: a1 a1 + 1
          For j = x + b2 - 1 To x Step -1
              If Mid$(a$, j, 1) <> chrz Then Exit For
          b1 = j + 1 - x
          End If
       End If

    Arrondi = sg & Mid$(a$, i, a1)
    If b1 > 0 Then Arrondi = Arrondi & sep & Mid$(a$, x, b1)

End Function

Public Function bRacine(n1 As String) As String
    Dim a     As String
    Dim b     As String
    Dim c     As String
    Dim ex    As Integer
    Dim i     As Integer
    Dim j     As Integer
    Dim x     As Integer
    Dim W1    As Double
    Dim W2    As Double

    If Asc(n1) = 45 Then Err.Raise 5

    i = InStr(n1, sep)    If i > 0 Then a1 i - 2 Else a1 Len(n1) - 1
    If a1 < 16 Then       k% 0: W1 CDbl(n1)
       Else       If (a1 And 1) 0 Then b2 15 Else b2 = 16       k% (a1 - b2 + 1) \ 2: W1 CDbl(Left$(n1, b2))
       End If

    W2 = Sqr(W1)
    c$ = Format$(W2, "###############E+")
    ex = Mid$(c$, 17) + k
    If ex >= 0 Then       a1 15: a2 ex: x = 0
       ex = -ex
       If ex >= 15 Then          a1 0: a2 1: b1 = ex - 15
          Else          a1 15 - ex: a2 0: b1 = 0
          End If
       For i = 15 To a1 + 1 Step -1
           If Mid$(a$, i, 1) <> "0" Then Exit For
           Next       b2 i - a1: x b1 + b2
       End If
    a$ = sg1 & Left$(c$, a1) & String$(a2, chrz)
    If x Then a$ = a$ & sep & String$(b1, chrz) & Mid$(c$, a1 + 1, b2)
    c$ = "+2"
    x = 1
       b$ = a$
       a$ = bDivision(n1, b$)
       a$ = bAddition(a$, b$)
       a$ = bDivision(a$, c$)
       x = StrComp(a$, b$)
       Loop Until x = 0
    bRacine = a$

End Function
