Ecran CHANGE PASSWORD dans Windows 2000

neon_rider99 Messages postés 1 Date d'inscription dimanche 7 décembre 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 décembre 2003 - 11 déc. 2003 à 23:36
cs_EBArtSoft Messages postés 4525 Date d'inscription dimanche 29 septembre 2002 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 22 avril 2019 - 12 déc. 2003 à 10:10
Salut tout le monde,

Je voudrais savoir comment faire apparaitre la fenetre pour changer le mot de passe dans windows 2000 a partir de VB..

Dans le fond, je veux la boite qui apparait quand on appuie sur CTRL+ALT+DEL pis qu'on choisi CHANGE PASSWORD!

Je ne veux pas faire un nouveau form, je veux seulement faire apparaitre la fenetre existante dans Win2k

Merci a l'avance!


1 réponse

cs_EBArtSoft Messages postés 4525 Date d'inscription dimanche 29 septembre 2002 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 22 avril 2019 9
12 déc. 2003 à 10:10
Voici la function, appel la comme ceci :


Option Explicit

Private Declare Function NetUserChangePassword _
Lib "Netapi32.dll" (ComputerName As Any, User As Any, _
OldPass As Any, NewPass As Any) As Long

Private Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5&
Private Const NERR_InvalidComputer = 2351
Private Const NERR_NotPrimary = 2226
Private Const NERR_UserNotFound = 2221
Private Const NERR_PasswordTooShort = 2245

'Changes the Password for the user "User" on the
'computer "Server" from "OldPassword" to "NewPassword"
Function ChangeUserPassword(ByVal Server As String, _
ByVal User As String, ByVal OldPassword As String, _
ByVal NewPassword As String) As String

Dim r As Long, msg As String

'Create Unicode-Arrays
Dim bComputer() As Byte: bComputer = GetByteArray(Server)
Dim bUser() As Byte: bUser = GetByteArray(User)
Dim bOldPassword() As Byte: bOldPassword = GetByteArray(OldPassword)
Dim bNewPassword() As Byte: bNewPassword = GetByteArray(NewPassword)

'call API-Function
r = NetUserChangePassword(bComputer(0), bUser(0), _
bOldPassword(0), bNewPassword(0))

'check return value and represent as string
Select Case r
Case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: msg = "Error: Access denied."
Case ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD: msg = "Error: Invalid password."
Case NERR_InvalidComputer: msg = "Fehler: Invalid Computer-/Domainname."
Case NERR_NotPrimary: msg = "Error: This operation can only performed on the primary domain controler."
Case NERR_UserNotFound: msg = "Error: User not found."
Case NERR_PasswordTooShort: msg = "Error: Password does not match Password-Restrictions. (Password to short, to long or has already been used by this user.)"
msg = "Error: Error accessing info for domain controler. Maybe the computer is not available or access was denied."
Case 0: msg = "Operation performed successfully."
Case Else: msg = "Error: Unexpected Error " & r & " occured."
End Select

ChangeUserPassword = msg
End Function

'Converts a Unicode-String to a Unicode-Byte-Array.
'Is used because VB always passes Strings as ANSI instead of Unicode.
Private Function GetByteArray(ByVal str As String) As Byte()
Dim Buf() As Byte
Buf = str
ReDim Preserve Buf(Len(str) * 2 + 1)
GetByteArray = Buf
End Function

