
niketou Messages postés 295 Date d'inscription dimanche 4 mai 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 6 décembre 2010 - 25 juin 2006 à 11:16
Flachy Joe Messages postés 2103 Date d'inscription jeudi 16 septembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 novembre 2023 - 25 juin 2006 à 22:19
Salut ,voila un code que j'ai pris sur le site:

Option Explicit

'These don't change in this program, so I made them constants so they're
'as fast as can be. Public Const AngleNumerator 6.283185   ' 2 * Pi 2 * 3.14159265358979
Public Const NumSamples = 1024
Public Const NumBits = 10

'Used to store pre-calculated values
Private ReversedBits(0 To NumSamples - 1) As Long

Sub DoReverse()
    'I pre-calculate all these values.  It's a lot faster to just read them from an
    'array than it is to calculate 1024 of them every time FFTAudio() gets called.
    Dim I As Long
    For I = LBound(ReversedBits) To UBound(ReversedBits)
        ReversedBits(I) = ReverseBits(I, NumBits)
End Sub

Function ReverseBits(ByVal Index As Long, NumBits As Byte) As Long
    Dim I As Byte, Rev As Long
    For I = 0 To NumBits - 1
        Rev = (Rev * 2) Or (Index And 1)
        Index = Index \ 2
    ReverseBits = Rev
End Function

Sub FFTAudio(RealIn() As Integer, RealOut() As Single)
    'In this case, NumSamples isn't included (since it's always the same),
    'and the imaginary components are left out since they have no meaning here.
    'I've used Singles instead of Doubles pretty much everywhere.  I think this
    'makes it faster, but due to type conversion, it actually might not.  I should
    'check, but I haven't.
    'The imaginary components have no meaning in this application.  I just left out
    'the parts of the calculation that need the imaginary input values (which is a
    'big speed improvement right there), but we still need the output array because
    'it's used in the calculation.  It's static so that it doesn't get reallocated.
    Static ImagOut(0 To NumSamples - 1) As Single
    'In fact... I declare everything as static!  They all get initialized elsewhere,
    'and Staticing them saves from wasting time reallocating and takes pressure off
    'the heap.
    Static I As Long, j As Long, k As Long, n As Long, BlockSize As Long, BlockEnd As Long
    Static DeltaAngle As Single, DeltaAr As Single
    Static Alpha As Single, Beta As Single
    Static TR As Single, TI As Single, AR As Single, AI As Single
    For I = 0 To (NumSamples - 1)
        j = ReversedBits(I) 'I saved time here by pre-calculating all these values
        RealOut(j) = RealIn(I)
        ImagOut(j) = 0 'Since this array is static, gotta make sure it's clear
    BlockEnd = 1
    BlockSize = 2
    Do While BlockSize <= NumSamples
        DeltaAngle = AngleNumerator / BlockSize
        Alpha = Sin(0.5 * DeltaAngle)
        Alpha = 2! * Alpha * Alpha
        Beta = Sin(DeltaAngle)
        I = 0
        Do While I < NumSamples
            AR = 1!
            AI = 0!
            j = I
            For n = 0 To BlockEnd - 1
                k = j + BlockEnd
                TR = AR * RealOut(k) - AI * ImagOut(k)
                TI = AI * RealOut(k) + AR * ImagOut(k)
                RealOut(k) = RealOut(j) - TR
                ImagOut(k) = ImagOut(j) - TI
                RealOut(j) = RealOut(j) + TR
                ImagOut(j) = ImagOut(j) + TI
                DeltaAr = Alpha * AR + Beta * AI
                AI = AI - (Alpha * AI - Beta * AR)
                AR = AR - DeltaAr
                j = j + 1
            I = I + BlockSize
        BlockEnd = BlockSize
        BlockSize = BlockSize * 2
End Sub

Je voudrais savoir apres :
FFTAudio(RealIn, RealOut); 
quels sont les calcules a faire pour recuperer les frequences et amplitudes?.

3 réponses

Flachy Joe Messages postés 2103 Date d'inscription jeudi 16 septembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 novembre 2023 1
25 juin 2006 à 12:35
Le resultat d'une FFT est un tableau contenant les amplitudes  corespondant à chaque "canal" de ton signal. Il y a une relation entre le canal et la frequence, c'est fonction de la frequence d'echantillonage de ton son et de la taille de la FFT :

f = c / N * Fe

 f la frequence en Hz
 c le numero du canal (entre 1 et N/2, le spectre est symetrique)
 N le nombre d'echantillon utilisés par la FFT
 Fe la frequence d'echantillonage en Hz

Tu as un exemple de FFT ici

[;)] Flachy Joe [;)]
niketou Messages postés 295 Date d'inscription dimanche 4 mai 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 6 décembre 2010
25 juin 2006 à 13:31
ok et pour l'amplitude en decibel stp?
Flachy Joe Messages postés 2103 Date d'inscription jeudi 16 septembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 novembre 2023 1
25 juin 2006 à 22:19
D'aprés Wikiedia :

Un décibel peut être défini de deux manières différente :


ou X0 est la référence spécifiée. Dans certains cas, la référence est 1, et est ainsi ignorée.

[;)] Flachy Joe [;)]