Pb de changement de panel

cs_Serik Messages postés 13 Date d'inscription mercredi 31 décembre 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 mai 2004 - 2 mars 2004 à 16:19
cs_Serik Messages postés 13 Date d'inscription mercredi 31 décembre 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 mai 2004 - 2 mars 2004 à 17:32
Voilà j'ai une "pile" de Panel, et dans un je veux aller dans l'autre...etc mais un bug se produit : il faut faire un resize de la fenêtre pour que ça s'affiche correctement. voila un code simple que provoque ça :
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class TestCT extends Frame{
Panneau pan1, pan2;
CardPanel cp;
public static void main (String args[]){
new TestCT();

public TestCT(){
cp = new CardPanel();
this.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
pan1 = new Panneau(1);
pan2 = new Panneau(2);
cp.add(pan1, "pan1");
cp.add(pan2, "pan2");
public void changerPanel(int i){

public class Panneau extends Panel{
int number;
Button change;

public Panneau(int i){
number = i;
change = new Button("Changer");
change.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
if (number==1) changerPanel(2);
else changerPanel(1);
this.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
public void paint (Graphics g){
g.drawString("Panneau "+number,10,10);

public Dimension getPreferredSize(){ return new Dimension(200,200);}

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;

* A simpler alternative to a JPanel with a CardLayout. The AWT CardLayout
* layout manager can be inconvenient to use because the special "stack of
* cards" operations it supports require a cast to use. For example to show
* the card named "myCard" given a JPanel with a CardLayout one would write:
* ((CardLayout)(myJPanel.getLayout())).show(myJPanel, "myCard");

* This doesn't work well with Swing - all of the CardLayout display operations,
* like
call validate directly. Swing supports automatic
* validation (see JComponent.revalidate()); this direct call to validate is
* inefficient.
* The CardPane JPanel subclass is intended to support a layout with a modest number
* of cards, on the order of 100 or less. A cards name is it's component
* name, as in java.awt.Component.getName(), which is set when the component
* is added to the CardPanel:
* myCardPanel.add(myChild, "MyChildName");
* myChild.getName() => "MyChildName"

* As with CardLayout, the first child added to a CardPanel is made visible
* and there's only one child visible at a time. The

* method accepts either a childs name or the child itself:
* myCardPanel.show("MyChildName");
* myCardPanel.show(myChild);

* The CardPanel class doesn't support the vgap/hgap CardLayout properties since
* one can add a Border, see JComponent.setBorder().

public class CardPanel extends JPanel
private static class Layout implements LayoutManager
* Set the childs name (if non-null) and and make it visible
* iff it's the only CardPanel child.
* @see java.awt.Component#setName
public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component child) {
if (name != null) {
child.setVisible(child.getParent().getComponentCount() == 1);

* If this child was visible, then make the first remaining
* child visible.
public void removeLayoutComponent(Component child) {
if (child.isVisible()) {
Container parent = child.getParent();
if (parent.getComponentCount() > 0) {

* @return the maximum preferred width/height + the parents insets
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) {
int nChildren = parent.getComponentCount();
Insets insets = parent.getInsets();
int width = insets.left + insets.right;
int height = insets.top + insets.bottom;

for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++) {
Dimension d = parent.getComponent(i).getPreferredSize();
if (d.width > width) {
width = d.width;
if (d.height > height) {
height = d.height;
return new Dimension(width, height);

* @return the maximum minimum width/height + the parents insets
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) {
int nChildren = parent.getComponentCount();
Insets insets = parent.getInsets();
int width = insets.left + insets.right;
int height = insets.top + insets.bottom;

for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++) {
Dimension d = parent.getComponent(i).getMinimumSize();
if (d.width > width) {
width = d.width;
if (d.height > height) {
height = d.height;
return new Dimension(width, height);

public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
int nChildren = parent.getComponentCount();
Insets insets = parent.getInsets();
for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++) {
Component child = parent.getComponent(i);
if (child.isVisible()) {
Rectangle r = parent.getBounds();
int width = r.width - insets.left + insets.right;
int height = r.height - insets.top + insets.bottom;
child.setBounds(insets.left, insets.top, width, height);

* Creates a CardPanel. Children, called "cards" in this API, should be added
* with add(). The first child we be made visible, subsequent children will
* be hidden. To show a card, use one of the show*Card methods.
public CardPanel() {
super(new Layout());

* Return the index of the first (and one would hope - only)
* visible child. If a visible child can't be found,
* perhaps the caller has inexlicably hidden all of the
* children, then return -1.
private int getVisibleChildIndex() {
int nChildren = getComponentCount();
for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++) {
Component child = getComponent(i);
if (child.isVisible()) {
return i;
return -1;

* Hide the currently visible child "card" and show the
* specified card. If the specified card isn't a child
* of the CardPanel then we add it here.
public void showCard(Component card) {
if (card.getParent() != this) {
int index = getVisibleChildIndex();
if (index != -1) {

* Show the card with the specified name.
* @see java.awt.Component#getName
public void showCard(String name) {
int nChildren = getComponentCount();
for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++) {
Component child = getComponent(i);
if (child.getName().equals(name)) {

* Show the card that was added to this CardPanel after the currently
* visible card. If the currently visible card was added last, then
* show the first card.
public void showNextCard() {
if (getComponentCount() <= 0) {
int index = getVisibleChildIndex();
if (index == -1) {
else if (index == (getComponentCount() - 1)) {
else {
showCard(getComponent(index + 1));

* Show the card that was added to this CardPanel before the currently
* visible card. If the currently visible card was added first, then
* show the last card.
public void showPreviousCard() {
if (getComponentCount() <= 0) {
int index = getVisibleChildIndex();
if (index == -1) {
else if (index == 0) {
showCard(getComponent(getComponentCount() - 1));
else {
showCard(getComponent(index -1));

* Show the first card that was added to this CardPanel.
public void showFirstCard() {
if (getComponentCount() <= 0) {

* Show the last card that was added to this CardPanel.
public void showLastCard() {
if (getComponentCount() <= 0) {
showCard(getComponent(getComponentCount() - 1));

2 réponses

kirua12 Messages postés 1155 Date d'inscription samedi 17 janvier 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 29 avril 2011 7
2 mars 2004 à 16:59

il manque juste 2 appels à la méthode pack():
une dans le constructeur de TestCT avant le setVisible(true),
l'autre dans l'ActionListener du bouton 'changer' à la fin de la méthode actionPerformed()
cs_Serik Messages postés 13 Date d'inscription mercredi 31 décembre 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 mai 2004
2 mars 2004 à 17:32
bon ok là ça marche, parce qu'on a accès à la Frame.
Mais en fait mon problème se situe dans un panel d'un panel d'un panel d'une applet. Donc pas de Frame --> impossibilité d'appeler pack(). En fait je recherche la méthode qui recalcule tout, car le repaint() laisse les composants invisibles.