Lag Barre

MatteoAngeNoir Messages postés 1 Date d'inscription samedi 22 mars 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 mars 2003 - 23 mars 2003 à 23:11
Ewok_ Messages postés 5 Date d'inscription mercredi 8 mars 2006 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2006 - 8 mars 2006 à 13:13
Je sui à la recherche dune barre de lag ke je pourré rajouter à mon script.
Si elle pouvais se trouver en haut à droite avec les icones ça serais sympa.
Et si possible avec des explcations pour linstaller complète

8 réponses

druide77 Messages postés 44 Date d'inscription mercredi 10 mars 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 25 juillet 2004
29 avril 2004 à 01:03
ba tien franchement moi cette lags barre s'accorde tres bien et pas besoin d'explication pour la configuration.... tu verra par toi mm tu clic sur oui en premier et ensuite sur non...

; technique lag bar v.09 June 6 2002 for mIRC 5.91, 6.0, 6.01 and above by ex|l- (Ryan)
; Contact Email: Website: or
; For my friends and those who want a sweet pic win lagbar with options!
; Thanks to dohcan for tbwin.dll and sample script from which I learned from. :)
; Important note if you ignore notices or ctcps this wont work, depends on the method! <------------------ IMPORTANT
; The script will stop itself if it detects notice or ctcp ignores on yourself! Change your ignore status
; then type /lag.start to turn back on! Ignores on other users wont affect this, just yourself!
; Use the raw method if you have probs with the ignores!
; If you right click on lagbar it has popup and if you close lagbar to turn it back on type /lag.start
; Leave all this code in the same file and make sure tbwin.dll is in script dir or mirc dir!
; This is a bug fix version with oval switch added as well.
on master:TEXT:`lag:*:{ lag.msg }
menu {
..&red:{ }
..&blue:{ }
..&green:{ }
..&yellow:{ lag.yellow }
..&orange:{ }
..&custom:{ lag.custom }
.&text:{ lag.stext }
.&border:{ lag.sborder }
.&background:{ lag.sface }
.&default values:{ lag.defaults }
.¤t $+($lag.delay,s):{ lag.stime }
&style .$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,oval) 1,$style(1) &oval,&oval):{ lag.oval.set $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,oval) 1,0,1) | $ }
.$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,style) == small,$style(1) &small,&small):{ small | $ }
.$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,style) == classic,$style(1) &classic,&classic):{ classic | $ }
$iif($active ischan,&say lag):{ lag.msg }
.$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == raw,$style(1) &raw,&raw):{ lag.method.raw }
.$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == ctcp,$style(1) &ctcp,&ctcp):{ lag.method.ctcp }
.$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == notice,$style(1) ¬ice,¬ice):{ lag.method.notice }
$iif($version >= 6.0,&network)
.¤t $lower($scid($timer(.lag.chk).cid).network):{ echo $color(info) -a *** Currently checking your lag on Network: $+($chr(2),$scid($timer(.lag.chk).cid).network,$chr(2)) Server: $+($chr(2),$scid($timer(.lag.chk).cid).server,$chr(2)) }
&close:{ lag.stop | echo $color(info) -a *** Stopped all lag bar functions, to turn back on type /lag.start }
alias -l {
tbwin Attach var %z $dll($_tbwin,GetTBInfo,NOT_USED),%w $gettok(%z,1,32),%h = $gettok(%z,2,32)
lagbar.size %w %h
tbwin OnSize /lagbar.size
window -a
alias lag.update { if ($window( { $ } }
alias { window -phB +d 0 0 200 22 }
alias lagbar.size { window $calc($1 - 195) $int($calc(($2 - 22) / 2)) 200 22 }
alias -l lag.oval.set { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff oval $1 }
alias -l lag.oval { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,oval) == 1,d)) }
alias -l { writeini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff style $1 }
alias -l lag.sface { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff face $$input(Enter a rgb color/value for the background eg. $+($chr(36),rgb,$chr(40),face,$chr(41)),129) | $ }
alias -l { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,style),$+(lag.,$ifmatch),$+(lag.,classic)) }
alias -l lag.face { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,face),$ifmatch,$rgb(face))) }
alias -l lag.stext { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff text $$input(Enter a rgb color/value for the text eg. $+($chr(36),rgb,$chr(40),text,$chr(41)),129) | $ }
alias -l lag.text { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,text),$ifmatch,$rgb(text))) }
alias -l lag.sborder { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff border $$input(Enter a rgb color/value for the border eg. $+($chr(36),rgb,$chr(40),text,$chr(41)),129) | $ }
alias -l lag.border { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,border),$ifmatch,$rgb(text))) }
alias -l lag.defaults { remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff face | remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff text | remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff border | remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color | $ }
alias -l lag.classic { var %l $hget(txlag,curlag),%t Lag: $lag.isms($hget(txlag,curlag))
drawrect -nrf $lag.face 1 0 0 200 22
drawtext -nro $lag.text Tahoma -7 $calc(65 - $int($width(%t, Tahoma, -7))) 7 %t
drawrect $+(-nr,$lag.oval) $lag.border 2 83 3 105 18
drawrect $+(-nrf,$lag.oval) $lag.color 1 85 5 $iif(%l > 10,$iif(%l != ??,101,0),$int($calc(%l * 10.1))) 14
alias -l lag.small { var %l $hget(txlag,curlag),%t Lag: $lag.isms($hget(txlag,curlag))
drawrect -nrf $lag.face 1 0 0 200 22
drawtext -nr $lag.text Tahoma -7 $int($calc((110 - $width(%t, Tahoma, -7)) / 2)) 7 %t
drawrect $+(-nr,$lag.oval) $lag.border 1 83 7 105 12
drawrect $+(-nrf,$lag.oval) $lag.color 1 85 9 $iif(%l > 10,$iif(%l != ??,101,0),$int($calc(%l * 10.1))) 8
alias lag.deploy {
if ($1) { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff text $1 }
if ($2) { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff border $2 }
if ($3) { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $3 }
if ($4) { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff face $4 }
alias lag.scheme { echo $color(info) -a *** technique lag bar scheme settings, pass this to a friend /lag.deploy $lag.text $lag.border $lag.color $lag.face }
on ^*:notice:lag*:?: {
if ($nick == $me) && ($2 isnum) && ($hget(txlag)) {
hadd txlag curlag $calc($calc($ticks - $2) / 1000)
elseif (!$hget(txlag)) {
echo $color(info) -a *** Hash table error shutting down lag bar!
ctcp *:lag*:?:{
if ($nick == $me) && ($2 isnum) && ($hget(txlag)) {
hadd txlag curlag $calc($calc($ticks - $2) / 1000)
elseif (!$hget(txlag)) {
echo $color(info) -a *** Hash table error shutting down lag bar!
raw 421:*:{
if ($1 == $me) && ($2 isnum) {
if ($hget(txlag)) hadd txlag curlag $calc($calc($ticks - $2) / 1000)
alias lag.start {
if (!$readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method)) { lag.method }
if (!$hget(txlag)) {
hmake txlag 1
hadd txlag curlag ??
alias -l lag.method {
$iif($input(Would you like to use a notice for lag check if not press no then a ctcp will be used you can also use the raw method from popup!,8,Lag method.),writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method notice,writeini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method ctcp)
alias -l _tbwin {
if ($isfile($+($scriptdir,tbwin.dll))) {
return $lag.spc($+($scriptdir,tbwin.dll))
elseif ($findfile($mircdir,tbwin.dll,1)) {
return $lag.spc($ifmatch)
else {
.timer.lag.error $iif($version >= 6.0,-i) 2 5 echo $color(info) -a *** Couldn't locate tbwin.dll in your mIRC or script directory, please put tbwin.dll in your mIRC or script directory so lag bar can function!
alias -l lag.color {
if ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,color)) {
return $ifmatch
else {
return $rgb(255,0,0)
alias -l lag.spc { return $+($chr(34),$1-,$chr(34)) }
alias -l { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(255,0,0) | lag.fill }
alias -l { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(0,0,255) | lag.fill }
alias -l { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(12,240,30) | lag.fill }
alias -l lag.yellow { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(255,255,0) | lag.fill }
alias -l { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(252,127,0) | lag.fill }
alias -l lag.custom { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $$input(Enter a custom rgb color/value which you can get by using $+($chr(36),rgb) identifier!,129) | lag.fill }
alias -l tbwin { dll $_tbwin $1- }
alias -l lag.chk {
if ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) != raw) {
.timer.lag.chk $iif($version >= 6.0,-i) 0 $lag.delay $&
$+(lag.,$readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method)) | lag.ignore.chk
else {
.timer.lag.chk $iif($version >= 6.0,-i) 0 $lag.delay $+(lag.,$readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method))
alias -l lag.delay { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,delay),$ifmatch,20) }
alias lag.stime {
writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff delay $$input(Delay in seconds to check lag recommended 10 or more seconds!,129)
alias -l lag.method.raw { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method raw | lag.stop | $iif($server,lag.start) }
alias -l lag.method.ctcp { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method ctcp | lag.stop | $iif($server,lag.start) }
alias -l lag.method.notice { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method notice | lag.stop | $iif($server,lag.start) }
alias -l lag.ctcp { $iif($server,.ctcp $me lag $ticks) }
alias -l lag.notice { $iif($server,.notice $me lag $ticks) }
alias -l lag.raw { $iif($server,.raw $ticks) }
alias -l lag.isms { if ($1 isnum) { return $+($1,s) } | else { return $1 } }
alias -l lag.msg { $iif($active ischan,msg # Currently my lag is: $lag.isms($hget(txlag,curlag))) }
alias lag.stop {
$iif($window(,window -c
.timer.lag.chk off
$iif($hget(txlag),hfree txlag)
on *:load: {
if ($version >= 5.91) { classic
lag.oval.set 0
echo $color(info) -a *** technique lag bar v.09 loaded successfully, right click on lagbar for options!
else {
echo $color(info) -a *** This needs mIRC version 5.91+ this is $version , this addon wont work unloading it!
.unload -rs " $+ $script $+ "
on *:connect:{
if ($version >= 6.0) && (!$window( {
elseif ($version == 5.91) {
on *:unload:{ lag.stop | remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff }
on *:active:*:{ if ($version >= 6.0) && ($timer(.lag.chk)) && ($activecid != $timer(.lag.chk).cid) { scid $activecid lag.chk } }
on *:disconnect:{
if ($version >= 6.0) {
var %s = 1,%t
while (%s <= $scon(0)) {
if ($scon(%s).status == connected) { inc %t }
inc %s
elseif ($version == 5.91) {
alias -l lag.fill {
if ($hget(txlag)) { var %f 1,%g 30,%h = $hget(txlag,curlag)
while (%f <= 10) {
$+(.timer.lag.fill,$r(1,999)) -h 1 %g hadd txlag curlag %f
$+(.timer.lag.fill2,$r(1,9999)) -h 1 $calc(%g + 1) lag.update
inc %f
inc %g 30
if ($hget(txlag)) { var %i 10,%j 300
while (%i >= 0) {
$+(.timer.lag.clr,$r(1,999)) -h 1 %j hadd txlag curlag %i
$+(.timer.lag.clr2,$r(1,9999)) -h 1 $calc(%j + 1) lag.update
dec %i
inc %j 30
.timer.lag.restore -h 1 1000 hadd txlag curlag %h
.timer.lag.restore2 -h 1 1050 lag.update
alias -l lag.ignore.chk {
if ($ignore($address($me,5))) && (notice isin $ignore($ifmatch).type) && ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == notice) {
.timer.lag.error2 1 5 echo $color(info) -a *** You are ignoring notice's from yourself lag bar wont work,fix then type /lag.start
elseif ($ignore($address($me,5))) && (ctcp isin $ignore($ifmatch).type) && ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == ctcp) {
.timer.lag.error3 1 5 echo $color(info) -a *** You are ignoring ctcp's from yourself lag bar wont work, fix then type /lag.start
elseif ($ignore(*!*@*)) && (notice isin $ignore($ifmatch).type) && ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == notice) {
.timer.lag.error4 1 5 echo $color(info) -a *** You are ignoring notice's, your lag bar wont work, fix then type /lag.start
elseif ($ignore(*!*@*)) && (ctcp isin $ignore($ifmatch).type) && ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == ctcp) {
.timer.lag.error5 1 5 echo $color(info) -a *** You are ignoring ctcps, your lag bar wont work, fix then type /lag.start

; End of technique lag bar v.09 "Show some technique"
duduchmann Messages postés 30 Date d'inscription jeudi 28 janvier 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 14 juillet 2015
3 août 2004 à 01:47
*** Couldn't locate tbwin.dll in your mIRC or script directory, please put tbwin.dll in your mIRC or script directory so lag bar can function!
*** Couldn't locate tbwin.dll in your mIRC or script directory, please put tbwin.dll in your mIRC or script directory so lag bar can function!

Comment je fais là ???
jovutath Messages postés 9 Date d'inscription lundi 23 février 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 mai 2007
9 août 2004 à 14:07
duduchmann il te faut le .dll
tu le trouveras la
telecharge le .zip et tu trouveras dedans le fichier tbwin.dll
il ne te reste plus qu'a le deziper dans le dossier racine de ton mirc ; )
duduchmann Messages postés 30 Date d'inscription jeudi 28 janvier 2010 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 14 juillet 2015
9 août 2004 à 14:39

La Seul Vérité Est Celle Qui Est Dans Ton Coeur

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
jovutath Messages postés 9 Date d'inscription lundi 23 février 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 mai 2007
9 août 2004 à 15:46
c une jolie phrase et il n y a pas de quoi :)
killersbrothers Messages postés 29 Date d'inscription samedi 4 septembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 11 octobre 2004
12 sept. 2004 à 20:57
ou sa moi je trouve pas sa mafiche une fenetre: bot trè pratike
c normal?????
Ewok_ Messages postés 5 Date d'inscription mercredi 8 mars 2006 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2006
8 mars 2006 à 10:01
idem que toi je ne pige pas
Ewok_ Messages postés 5 Date d'inscription mercredi 8 mars 2006 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2006
8 mars 2006 à 13:13
Trés jolie lag barre