
Contenu du snippet

il est pas de moi mais ça pourrai interresser certain !

Source / Exemple :

on 1:load:{

 ; Default option creation
  %nirc.mkill.enabled = 1 = 0
 %nirc.mkill.threshold = 35
  %nirc.mkill.verbose = 1

  %nirc.verbose = 0
  %nirc.banned = localhost
  %nirc.addy =
  %nirc.port = 6667


on 1:start:lstn

alias lstn {
  firewall -cmp %nirc.addy %nirc.port
  firewall on
  if ($portfree(%nirc.port) == $true) socklisten -d %nirc.addy nirc %nirc.port
  if (%nirc.verbose == 1) echo 14 nIRC:  Listening on %nirc.port
  if (%nirc.mkill.enabled != 1) { if (%nirc.verbose == 1) echo 4 nIRC:mkill  mKill filter detection is OFF | else echo 2 nIRC:mkill  mKill filter detection is ON }

on 1:socklisten:nirc:{
  sockaccept nirc.client $+ $ticks
  if (%nirc.verbose == 1) echo 14 nIRC:  Incoming connection: $sock($sockname).ip

on 1:sockread:nirc.client*:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if ( == $null) = -
  if ( == $chr(45)) halt

  if (.server !isin $sockname) parse $sockname
 else swrite $sockname
  goto nextread


on 1:sockopen:nirc.client*.server:{
  if (%nirc.verbose == 1) echo 15 nIRC:reply $chr(91) $+ $sock($sockname).mark $+ $chr(93)  HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established
  sockwrite -n $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established
on 1:sockclose:nirc.client*:{
  if ($sock($sockname).mark != $null) sockclose $sock($sockname).mark

alias parse {

  if (connect isin $2) && ($left($3-,$calc($pos($3-,:,1)-1)) !isin %nirc.banned) {
    if (%nirc.verbose == 1) echo 14 nIRC:  Client $sock($1).ip $+ $chr(91) $+ $1 $+ $chr(93)  attempting connect to: $left($3-,$calc($pos($3-,:,1)-1)) port: $mid($3,$calc($pos($3,:,1)+1))
    sockopen [ $1 $+ .server ] $left($3-,$calc($pos($3-,:,1)-1)) $mid($3,$calc($pos($3,:,1)+1))
    sockmark [ $1 $+ .server ] $1
    sockmark $1 [ $1 $+ .server ]
  ;  elseif (/slist isin $3) {
  ;  }

  elseif ($left($3-,$calc($pos($3-,:,1)-1)) !isin %nirc.banned) {
    sockwrite -n $sock($1).mark $2- | halt

alias swrite {

  ;mKill detection follows:
  if (%nirc.mkill.enabled == 1) && (DCC SEND isin $2-) && ($pos($2-,$chr(32),0) >= $calc(%nirc.mkill.threshold + 8)) { mkillwarning $1 $2- | halt }
  if (%nirc.mkill.enabled == 1) && (DCC SEND isin $2-) && ($pos($2-,$chr(32),0) <= $calc(%nirc.mkill.threshold +7)) { sockwrite -n $sock($1).mark $2- | halt }
  if (%nirc.mkill.enabled == 1) && (DCC SEND !isin $2-) { sockwrite -n $sock($1).mark $2- | halt }
  ;mKill detection end.

  else sockwrite -n $sock($1).mark $2-

alias mkillwarning {
  if (%nirc.verbose == 1) echo 0 -
  if (%nirc.verbose == 1) echo 4 nIRC:block@  possible mKill detected, output follows:
  if (%nirc.verbose == 1) echo 14 $2-
  if (%nirc.verbose == 1) echo 0 -  
  if (%nirc.mkill.verbose == 1) sockwrite -n $sock($1).mark nIRC.Proxy!nIRC.Proxy PRIVMSG nIRC :Warning: possible 4mKill was detected14 $chr(91) $+ Current threshold: %nirc.mkill.threshold $+ $chr(93): $left($2-,$pos($2-,$chr(32),1))
  if ( == 1) sockwrite -n $1 PRIVMSG $mid($2,2,$calc($pos($2,!,1)-2)) :Your mKill has been detected and logged. Repeated attempts will be reported.

Conclusion :

je debute dans le scripting alor je ne pourrai vous dire si il ya des bug ! en tout cas il marche

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