Problème lors de création d'un .exe

cs_kaamos Messages postés 4 Date d'inscription lundi 20 septembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 22 octobre 2004 - 20 sept. 2004 à 14:24
crenaud76 Messages postés 4172 Date d'inscription mercredi 30 juillet 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 9 juin 2006 - 20 sept. 2004 à 17:04
Je suis très débutant en VB6. Voici la situation :
J'ai un projet ecrit en VB6, qui marche sans problème. Je doit le modifié pour l'adapter à d'autres fonctionnalités. Pour cela, j'ai été ammené à travailler avec un module de classe que j'ai chopé sur internet. C'est un module qui représente une HashTable. Je l'ai integré dans mon projet et j'ai modifié mon code, et tout marche à merveille. Le problème c'est que quand je crée l'exécutable de mon projet, il ne fait pas le travail comme lorsuque je le lance depuis l'environnement VB6 (en debug). Avez vous des suggestions?

Merci d'avance.

3 réponses

ShadowMaster Messages postés 184 Date d'inscription mercredi 27 novembre 2002 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 18 août 2005
20 sept. 2004 à 14:41
bon on peu pas vraiment t'aider c'est assez vague mais:
-tu compile bien en mode natif?
-ajoute bien tout au dessus de ton code: option explicit
cela permet de te forcer a bien declarer toute tes variables et ainsi évité des byzarrerie de vb :)
-dans la class que tu as ajouter les arguements ont bien les attributs Byval ou Byref? (exemple: public sub Mafonction (byval X as long)
essaye d'en preciser d'avantage sinon on peu pas vraiment t'aider.
cs_kaamos Messages postés 4 Date d'inscription lundi 20 septembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 22 octobre 2004
20 sept. 2004 à 15:02
Merci d'abord pour la réponse. Bon je précise un peu :
-Quand je lance le programme depuis Visual Studio en mode debug, tout marche bien, la compile et l'exécution.

-J'ai pas bien compris ce que tu veux dire par ton deuxième point :-(
-Voici le code de la classe HashTable : '----------------------------------------------
' HASHTABLE class module
' This class implements a hashtable, a structure that offers many
' of the features of a collectior or dictionary, and is often
' even faster than the built-in collection.
' NOTE: must make Item the default member, using the Tools | Procedure
' Attributes dialog
' Usage:
' Dim ht As New HashTable
' ht.SetSize 10000 ' initial number of slots (the higher,
' the better)
' ' enforce case-insensitive key search
' ht.IgnoreCase = True
' ' add values
' ht.Add "key", value ' add a value associated to a key
' ' count how many values are in the table
' Print ht.Count
' ' read/write a value
' Print ht("key")
' ht("key") = newValue
' ' remove a value
' ht.Remove "key"
' ' remove all values
' ht.RemoveAll
' ' check whether a value exists
' If ht.Exists("key") Then ...
' ' get the array of keys and values
' Dim keys() As String, values() As Variant
' keys() = ht.Keys
' values() = ht.Values

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (dest As _
Any, source As Any, ByVal bytes As Long)

' default values

Option Explicit

Private Type SlotType
Key As String
Value As Variant
nextItem As Long ' 0 if last item
End Type

' for each hash code this array holds the first element
' in slotTable() with the corresponding hash code
Dim hashTbl() As Long
' the array that holds the data
Dim slotTable() As SlotType

' pointer to first free slot
Dim FreeNdx As Long

' size of hash table
Dim m_HashSize As Long
' size of slot table
Dim m_ListSize As Long
' chunk size
Dim m_ChunkSize As Long
' items in the slot table
Dim m_Count As Long

' member variable for IgnoreCase property
Private m_IgnoreCase As Boolean

' True if keys are searched in case-unsensitive mode
' this can be assigned to only when the hash table is empty

Property Get IgnoreCase() As Boolean
IgnoreCase = m_IgnoreCase
End Property

Property Let IgnoreCase(ByVal newValue As Boolean)
If m_Count Then
Err.Raise 1001, , "The Hash Table isn't empty"
End If
m_IgnoreCase = newValue
End Property

' initialize the hash table

Sub SetSize(ByVal HashSize As Long, Optional ByVal ListSize As Long, _
Optional ByVal ChunkSize As Long)
' provide defaults If ListSize <0 Then ListSize m_ListSize If ChunkSize <0 Then ChunkSize m_ChunkSize
' save size values
m_HashSize = HashSize
m_ListSize = ListSize
m_ChunkSize = ChunkSize
m_Count = 0
' rebuild tables
FreeNdx = 0
ReDim hashTbl(0 To HashSize - 1) As Long
ReDim slotTable(0) As SlotType
ExpandSlotTable m_ListSize
End Sub

' check whether an item is in the hash table

Function Exists(Key As String) As Boolean
Exists = GetSlotIndex(Key) <> 0
End Function

' add a new element to the hash table

Sub Add(Key As String, Value As Variant)
Dim ndx As Long, Create As Boolean

' get the index to the slot where the value is
' (allocate a new slot if necessary)
Create = True
ndx = GetSlotIndex(Key, Create)

If Create Then
' the item was actually added
If IsObject(Value) Then
Set slotTable(ndx).Value = Value
slotTable(ndx).Value = Value
End If
' raise error "This key is already associated with an item of this
' collection"
Err.Raise 457
End If
End Sub

' the value associated to a key
' (empty if not found)

Property Get Item(Key As String) As Variant
Dim ndx As Long
' get the index to the slot where the value is
ndx = GetSlotIndex(Key)
If ndx = 0 Then
' return Empty if not found
ElseIf IsObject(slotTable(ndx).Value) Then
Set Item = slotTable(ndx).Value
Item = slotTable(ndx).Value
End If
End Property

Property Let Item(Key As String, Value As Variant)
Dim ndx As Long
' get the index to the slot where the value is
' (allocate a new slot if necessary)
ndx = GetSlotIndex(Key, True)
' store the value
slotTable(ndx).Value = Value
End Property

Property Set Item(Key As String, Value As Object)
Dim ndx As Long
' get the index to the slot where the value is
' (allocate a new slot if necessary)
ndx = GetSlotIndex(Key, True)
' store the value
Set slotTable(ndx).Value = Value
End Property

' remove an item from the hash table

Sub Remove(Key As String)
Dim ndx As Long, HCode As Long, LastNdx As Long
ndx = GetSlotIndex(Key, False, HCode, LastNdx)
' raise error if no such element
If ndx = 0 Then Err.Raise 5

If LastNdx Then
' this isn't the first item in the slotTable() array
slotTable(LastNdx).nextItem = slotTable(ndx).nextItem
ElseIf slotTable(ndx).nextItem Then
' this is the first item in the slotTable() array
' and is followed by one or more items
hashTbl(HCode) = slotTable(ndx).nextItem
' this is the only item in the slotTable() array
' for this hash code
hashTbl(HCode) = 0
End If

' put the element back in the free list
slotTable(ndx).nextItem = FreeNdx
FreeNdx = ndx
' we have deleted an item
m_Count = m_Count - 1

End Sub

' remove all items from the hash table

Sub RemoveAll()
SetSize m_HashSize, m_ListSize, m_ChunkSize
End Sub

' the number of items in the hash table

Property Get Count() As Long
Count = m_Count
End Property

' the array of all keys
' (VB5 users: convert return type to Variant)

Property Get Keys() As Variant()
Dim i As Long, ndx As Long
Dim n As Long
ReDim res(0 To m_Count - 1) As Variant

For i = 0 To m_HashSize - 1
' take the pointer from the hash table
ndx = hashTbl(i)
' walk the slottable() array
Do While ndx
res(n) = slotTable(ndx).Key
n = n + 1
ndx = slotTable(ndx).nextItem

' assign to the result
Keys = res()
End Property

' the array of all values
' (VB5 users: convert return type to Variant)

Property Get Values() As Variant()
Dim i As Long, ndx As Long
Dim n As Long
ReDim res(0 To m_Count - 1) As Variant

For i = 0 To m_HashSize - 1
' take the pointer from the hash table
ndx = hashTbl(i)
' walk the slottable() array
Do While ndx
res(n) = slotTable(ndx).Value
n = n + 1
ndx = slotTable(ndx).nextItem

' assign to the result
Values = res()
End Property

' Private procedures

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' initialize the tables at default size
End Sub

' expand the slotTable() array

Private Sub ExpandSlotTable(ByVal numEls As Long)
Dim newFreeNdx As Long, i As Long
newFreeNdx = UBound(slotTable) + 1

ReDim Preserve slotTable(0 To UBound(slotTable) + numEls) As SlotType
' create the linked list of free items
For i = newFreeNdx To UBound(slotTable)
slotTable(i).nextItem = i + 1
' overwrite the last (wrong) value
slotTable(UBound(slotTable)).nextItem = FreeNdx
' we now know where to pick the first free item
FreeNdx = newFreeNdx
End Sub

' return the hash code of a string

Private Function HashCode(Key As String) As Long
Dim lastEl As Long, i As Long

' copy ansi codes into an array of long
lastEl = (Len(Key) - 1) \ 4
ReDim codes(lastEl) As Long
' this also converts from Unicode to ANSI
CopyMemory codes(0), ByVal Key, Len(Key)

' XOR the ANSI codes of all characters
For i = 0 To lastEl
HashCode = HashCode Xor codes(i)

End Function

' get the index where an item is stored or 0 if not found
' if Create = True the item is created
' on exit Create=True only if a slot has been actually created

Private Function GetSlotIndex(ByVal Key As String, Optional Create As Boolean, _
Optional HCode As Long, Optional LastNdx As Long) As Long
Dim ndx As Long

' raise error if invalid key
If Len(Key) = 0 Then Err.Raise 1001, , "Invalid key"

' keep case-unsensitiveness into account
If m_IgnoreCase Then Key = UCase$(Key)
' get the index in the hashTbl() array
HCode = HashCode(Key) Mod m_HashSize
' get the pointer to the slotTable() array
ndx = hashTbl(HCode)

' exit if there is no item with that hash code
Do While ndx
' compare key with actual value
If slotTable(ndx).Key = Key Then Exit Do
' remember last pointer
LastNdx = ndx
' check the next item
ndx = slotTable(ndx).nextItem

' create a new item if not there
If ndx = 0 And Create Then
ndx = GetFreeSlot()
PrepareSlot ndx, Key, HCode, LastNdx
' signal that no item has been created
Create = False
End If
' this is the return value
GetSlotIndex = ndx

End Function

' return the first free slot

Private Function GetFreeSlot() As Long
' allocate new memory if necessary
If FreeNdx = 0 Then ExpandSlotTable m_ChunkSize
' use the first slot
GetFreeSlot = FreeNdx
' update the pointer to the first slot
FreeNdx = slotTable(GetFreeSlot).nextItem
' signal this as the end of the linked list
slotTable(GetFreeSlot).nextItem = 0
' we have one more item
m_Count = m_Count + 1
End Function

' assign a key and value to a given slot

Private Sub PrepareSlot(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Key As String, _
ByVal HCode As Long, ByVal LastNdx As Long)
' assign the key
' keep case-sensitiveness into account
If m_IgnoreCase Then Key = UCase$(Key)
slotTable(Index).Key = Key

If LastNdx Then
' this is the successor of another slot
slotTable(LastNdx).nextItem = Index
' this is the first slot for a given hash code
hashTbl(HCode) = Index
End If
End Sub
crenaud76 Messages postés 4172 Date d'inscription mercredi 30 juillet 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 9 juin 2006 28
20 sept. 2004 à 17:04
As-tu bien suivi le conseil inscrit en commentaire en haut de la classe, à savoir ceci :
"NOTE: must make Item the default member, using the Tools | Procedure Attributes dialog"

Christophe R.