Algorithme de apriori pour la génération des itemsets fréquent a partir d'une table binaire par yermes amine


Apriori pour la génération des Itemsets Fréquent a partir d'une table binaire

Le fichier de configuration contient 3 lignes

le nombre d'Item "Attribut de la Table"
nombres de transaction "enregistrement"
Exemple :

Source / Exemple :


  • Auteur: Mr. Yermes Mohammed EL Amine
  • Copyright: Centre Universitaire Mustapha Stambouli, MASCARA
  • ==============================================================================*/
//---- //---- input file need: //---- 1. config.txt //---- four lines, each line a integer //---- item number, transaction number , minsup //---- 2. transa.txt package apriori_algo ; import*; import java.lang.Integer.* ; import java.lang.Object.* ; import java.util.*; import org.jdom.*; import org.jdom.output.*; import java.lang.String.*; //------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Name : apriori // Purpose : main program class //------------------------------------------------------------- public class apriori_algo { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { aprioriProcess process1=new aprioriProcess(); System.exit(0); } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Name : aprioriProcess // Purpose : main processing class //------------------------------------------------------------- class aprioriProcess { //Nous allons commencer notre arborescence en crant la racine XML //qui sera ici "personnes". static Element racine ;//= new Element("Apriori"); //On cre un nouveau Document JDOM bas sur la racine que l'on vient de crer static org.jdom.Document document ;// = new Document(racine); private final int HT=1; // state of tree node (hash table or private final int IL=2; // itemset list) int N; // total item # int M; // total transaction # int minsup ; Vector largeitemset = new Vector() ; Vector candidate = new Vector() ; Vector Support = new Vector() ; String fullitemset; String configfile = "config.txt" ; String transafile = "transa25.txt" ; //------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Name : candidateelement // Purpose : object that will be stored in Vector candidate // : include 2 item // : a hash tree and a candidate list //------------------------------------------------------------- class candidateelement { hashtreenode htroot; Vector candlist; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Name : hashtreenode // Purpose : node of hash tree //------------------------------------------------------------- class hashtreenode { int nodeattr; // IL or HT int depth; Hashtable ht; Vector itemsetlist; public void hashtreenode() { nodeattr=HT; ht=new Hashtable(); itemsetlist=new Vector(); depth=0; } public void hashtreenode(int i) { nodeattr=i; ht=new Hashtable(); itemsetlist=new Vector(); depth=0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Name : itemsetnode // Purpose : node of itemset //------------------------------------------------------------- class itemsetnode { String itemset; int counter; public itemsetnode(String s1,int i1) { itemset=new String(s1); counter=i1; } public itemsetnode() { itemset=new String(); counter=0; } public String toString() { String tmp=new String(); tmp=tmp.concat("<\""); tmp=tmp.concat(itemset); tmp=tmp.concat("\","); tmp=tmp.concat(Integer.toString(counter)); tmp=tmp.concat(">"); return tmp; } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: printhashtree // Purpose : print the whole hash tree // Parameter : htn is a hashtreenode (when other method call this method,it is the root) // : transa : special transaction with all items occurr in it. // : a : recursive depth // Return : //------------------------------------------------------------- public void printhashtree(hashtreenode htn,String transa,int a) { if (htn.nodeattr == IL ) { System.out.println("Node is an itemset list"); System.out.println(" depth :<"+htn.depth+">"); System.out.println(" iteset:<"+htn.itemsetlist+">"); } else { // HT System.out.println("Node is a hashtable"); if ( return; for (int b=a+1;b<=N;b++) if (,transa)))) { System.out.println(" key:<"+getitemat(b,transa)); printhashtree((hashtreenode),transa))),transa,b); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: getconfig // Purpose : open file config.txt // : get the total number of items of transaction file // : and the total number of transactions // : and minsup //------------------------------------------------------------- public void getconfig() throws IOException { FileInputStream file_in; DataInputStream data_in; String oneline=new String(); int i=0; InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(input); String response = ""; System.out.println("Appuyer sur 'C' changer la configuration and le fichier de transaction par défault"); System.out.print("Ou sur n'import quelle touche pour continuer. "); try { response = reader.readLine(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } int res=response.compareTo("C") * response.compareTo("c"); if(res == 0) { System.out.print("\nEnter new transaction filename: "); try { transafile = reader.readLine(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } System.out.print("Enter new configuration filename: "); try { configfile = reader.readLine(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } System.out.println("Filenames changed"); } try { file_in = new FileInputStream(configfile); data_in = new DataInputStream(file_in); oneline=data_in.readLine(); N=Integer.valueOf(oneline).intValue(); oneline=data_in.readLine(); M=Integer.valueOf(oneline).intValue(); oneline=data_in.readLine(); minsup=Integer.valueOf(oneline).intValue(); System.out.print("\n configuration: "+N+" items, "+M+" transactions, "); System.out.println("minsup = "+minsup+"%"); System.out.println(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: getitemat // Purpose : get an item from an itemset // : get the total number of items of transaction file // Parameter : int i : i-th item ; itemset : string itemset // Return : int : the item at i-th in the itemset //------------------------------------------------------------- public int getitemat(int i,String itemset) { String str1=new String(itemset); StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(itemset); int j; if (i > st.countTokens()) System.out.println("eRRor! in getitemat, !!!!"); for (j=1;j<=i;j++) str1=st.nextToken(); return(Integer.valueOf(str1).intValue()); } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: itesetsize // Purpose : get item number of an itemset // Parameter : itemset : string itemset // Return : int : the number of item of the itemset //------------------------------------------------------------- public int itemsetsize(String itemset) { StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(itemset); return st.countTokens(); } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: gensubset // Purpose : generate all subset given an itemset // Parameter : itemset // Return : a string contains all subset deliminated by "," // : e.g. "1 2,1 3,2 3" is subset of "1 2 3" //------------------------------------------------------------- public String gensubset(String itemset) { int len=itemsetsize(itemset); int i,j; String str1; String str2=new String(); String str3=new String(); if (len==1) return null; for (i=1;i<=len;i++) { StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(itemset); str1=new String(); for (j=1;j<i;j++) { str1=str1.concat(st.nextToken()); str1=str1.concat(" "); } str2=st.nextToken(); for (j=i+1;j<=len;j++) { str1=str1.concat(st.nextToken()); str1=str1.concat(" "); } if (i!=1) str3=str3.concat(","); str3=str3.concat(str1.trim()); } return str3; } //end public String gensubset(String itemset) //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: createcandidate // Purpose : generate candidate n-itemset // Parameter : int n : n-itemset // Return : Vector : candidate is stored in a Vector //------------------------------------------------------------- public Vector createcandidate(int n) { Vector tempcandlist=new Vector(); Vector ln_1=new Vector(); int i,j,length1; String cand1=new String(); String cand2=new String(); String newcand=new String(); //System.out.println("Generating "+n+"-candidate item set ...."); if (n==1) for (i=1;i<=N;i++) tempcandlist.addElement(Integer.toString(i)); else { ln_1=(Vector)largeitemset.elementAt(n-2); length1=ln_1.size(); for (i=0;i<length1;i++) { cand1=(String)ln_1.elementAt(i); for (j=i+1;j<length1;j++) { cand2=(String)ln_1.elementAt(j); newcand=new String(); if (n==2) { newcand=cand1.concat(" "); newcand=newcand.concat(cand2); tempcandlist.addElement(newcand.trim()); } else { int c,i1,i2; boolean same=true; for (c=1;c<=n-2;c++) { i1=getitemat(c,cand1); i2=getitemat(c,cand2); if ( i1!=i2 ) { same=false; break; } else { newcand=newcand.concat(" "); newcand=newcand.concat(Integer.toString(i1)); } } if (same) { i1=getitemat(n-1,cand1); i2=getitemat(n-1,cand2); newcand=newcand.concat(" "); newcand=newcand.concat(Integer.toString(i1)); newcand=newcand.concat(" "); newcand=newcand.concat(Integer.toString(i2)); tempcandlist.addElement(newcand.trim()); } } //end if n==2 else } //end for j } //end for i } //end if n==1 else if (n<=2) return tempcandlist; Vector newcandlist=new Vector(); for (int c=0; c<tempcandlist.size(); c++) { String c1=(String)tempcandlist.elementAt(c); String subset=gensubset(c1); StringTokenizer stsubset=new StringTokenizer(subset,","); boolean fake=false; while (stsubset.hasMoreTokens()) if (!ln_1.contains(stsubset.nextToken())) { fake=true; break; } if (!fake) newcandlist.addElement(c1); } return newcandlist; } //end public createcandidate(int n) //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: createcandidatehashtre // Purpose : generate candidate hash tree // Parameter : int n : n-itemset // Return : hashtreenode : root of the hashtree //------------------------------------------------------------- public hashtreenode createcandidatehashtree(int n) { int i,len1; hashtreenode htn=new hashtreenode(); //System.out.println("Generating candidate "+n+"-itemset hashtree ...."); if (n==1) htn.nodeattr=IL; else htn.nodeattr=HT; len1=((candidateelement)candidate.elementAt(n-1)).candlist.size(); for (i=1;i<=len1;i++) { String cand1=new String(); cand1=(String)((candidateelement)candidate.elementAt(n-1)).candlist.elementAt(i-1); genhash(1,htn,cand1); } return htn; } //end public createcandidatehashtree(int n) //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: genhash // Purpose : called by createcandidatehashtree // : recursively generate hash tree node // Parameter : htnf is a hashtreenode (when other method call this method,it is the root) // : cand : candidate itemset string // : int i : recursive depth,from i-th item, recursive // Return : //------------------------------------------------------------- public void genhash(int i, hashtreenode htnf, String cand) { int n=itemsetsize(cand); if (i==n) { htnf.nodeattr=IL; htnf.depth=n; itemsetnode isn=new itemsetnode(cand,0); if (htnf.itemsetlist==null) htnf.itemsetlist=new Vector(); htnf.itemsetlist.addElement(isn); } else { if ( Hashtable(HT); if (,cand)))) { htnf=(hashtreenode),cand))); genhash(i+1,htnf,cand); } else { hashtreenode htn=new hashtreenode();,cand)),htn); if (i==n-1) { htn.nodeattr=IL; Vector isl=new Vector(); htn.itemsetlist=isl; genhash(i+1,htn,cand); } else { htn.nodeattr=HT; Hashtable ht=new Hashtable();; genhash(i+1,htn,cand); } } } } //end public void genhash(int i, hashtreenode htnf, String cand) //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: createlargeitemset // Purpose : find all itemset which have their counters>=minsup // Parameter : int n : n-itemset // Return : //------------------------------------------------------------- public void createlargeitemset(int n) { Vector candlist=new Vector(); Vector lis=new Vector(); //large item set hashtreenode htn=new hashtreenode(); int i; // System.out.println("Generating "+n+"-large item set ...."); candlist=((candidateelement)candidate.elementAt(n-1)).candlist; htn=((candidateelement)candidate.elementAt(n-1)).htroot; getlargehash(0,htn,fullitemset,lis); largeitemset.addElement(lis); } // end public void createlargeitemset(int n) //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: getlargehash // Purpose : recursively traverse candidate hash tree // : to find all large itemset // Parameter : htnf is a hashtreenode (when other method call this method,it is the root) // : cand : candidate itemset string // : int i : recursive depth // : Vector lis : Vector that stores large itemsets // Return : //------------------------------------------------------------- public void getlargehash(int i,hashtreenode htnf,String transa,Vector lis) { Vector tempvec=new Vector(); int j; if (htnf.nodeattr==IL) { tempvec=htnf.itemsetlist; for (j=1;j<=tempvec.size();j++) if (((itemsetnode)tempvec.elementAt(j-1)).counter >= ((minsup * M) / 100)) { lis.addElement( ((itemsetnode)tempvec.elementAt(j-1)).itemset ) ; Support.addElement(((itemsetnode)tempvec.elementAt(j-1)).counter ) ; } } else { if ( return; for (int b=i+1;b<=N;b++) { if (,transa)))) getlargehash(b,(hashtreenode),transa))),transa,lis); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: transatraverse // Purpose : read each transaction, traverse hashtree, // incrment approporiate itemset counter. // Parameter : int n : n-itemset // Return : //------------------------------------------------------------- public void transatraverse(int n) { FileInputStream file_in; DataInputStream data_in; String oneline=new String(); int i=0,j=0,len=0; String transa; hashtreenode htn=new hashtreenode(); StringTokenizer st; String str0; int numRead=0; //System.out.println("Traverse "+n+"-candidate hashtree ... "); htn=((candidateelement)candidate.elementAt(n-1)).htroot; try { file_in = new FileInputStream(transafile); data_in = new DataInputStream(file_in); while ( true ) { transa=new String(); oneline=data_in.readLine(); numRead++; if ((oneline==null)||(numRead > M)) break; st=new StringTokenizer(oneline.trim()); j=0; while ((st.hasMoreTokens()) && j < N) { j++; str0=st.nextToken(); i=Integer.valueOf(str0).intValue(); if (i!=0) { transa=transa.concat(" "); transa=transa.concat(Integer.toString(j)); len++; } } transa=transa.trim(); //transa=oneline.trim(); //System.out.println(transa); transatrahash(0,htn,transa); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: transatrahash // Purpose : called by transatraverse // : recursively traverse hash tree // Parameter : htnf is a hashtreenode (when other method call this method,it is the root) // : cand : candidate itemset string // : int i : recursive depth,from i-th item, recursive // Return : //------------------------------------------------------------- public void transatrahash(int i,hashtreenode htnf,String transa) { String stris=new String(); Vector itemsetlist=new Vector(); int j,lastpos,len,d; itemsetnode tmpnode=new itemsetnode(); if (htnf.nodeattr==IL) { itemsetlist=(Vector)htnf.itemsetlist; len=itemsetlist.size(); for (j=0;j<len;j++) { tmpnode=(itemsetnode)itemsetlist.elementAt(j); d=getitemat(htnf.depth,tmpnode.itemset); String v =Integer.toString(d) ; lastpos=transa.indexOf(" "+v+" "); if (lastpos!=-1) ((itemsetnode)(itemsetlist.elementAt(j))).counter++; } //return; } else //HT for (int b=i+1;b<=itemsetsize(transa);b++) if (,transa)))) transatrahash(i,(hashtreenode),transa))),transa); } // public transatrahash(int ii,hashtreenode htnf,String transa) //------------------------------------------------------------- // Method Name: aprioriProcess() // Purpose : main processing method // Parameters : // Return : //------------------------------------------------------------- public aprioriProcess() throws IOException { candidateelement cande; int k=0; Vector large=new Vector(); Date d=new Date(); long s1,s2; System.out.println(); System.out.println("Algorithm apriori starting now....."); System.out.println(); getconfig(); fullitemset=new String(); fullitemset=fullitemset.concat("1"); for (int i=2;i<=N;i++) { fullitemset=fullitemset.concat(" "); fullitemset=fullitemset.concat(Integer.toString(i)); } d=new Date(); s1=d.getTime(); while (true) { k++; cande=new candidateelement(); cande.candlist=createcandidate(k); //System.out.println("C"+k+"("+k+"-candidate-itemset): "+cande.candlist); if (cande.candlist.isEmpty()) break; cande.htroot=null; candidate.addElement(cande); ((candidateelement)candidate.elementAt(k-1)).htroot=createcandidatehashtree(k); System.out.println("\nNow reading transactions, increment counters of itemset"); transatraverse(k); createlargeitemset(k); System.out.println("\nFrequent "+k+"-itemsets:"); System.out.println((Vector)(largeitemset.elementAt(k-1))); String itemfrequent =String.valueOf(largeitemset.elementAt(k-1)); itemfrequent=itemfrequent.replace("[",","); itemfrequent=itemfrequent.replace("]",","); StringTokenizer sttt=new StringTokenizer(itemfrequent,","); racine = new Element("Apriori"); document = new Document(racine); Element Frequent = new Element("Frequent"); racine.addContent(Frequent); String h= String.valueOf(k); Attribute Niveau = new Attribute("Niveau",h); Frequent.setAttribute(Niveau); int o=1; while (sttt.hasMoreTokens()) { String hh = String.valueOf(o); Element itemfreqent = new Element("itemfreqent"); Frequent.addContent(itemfreqent); Attribute Num = new Attribute("Num",hh); Attribute support = new Attribute("Support",String.valueOf(Support.elementAt(o-1))); itemfreqent.setAttribute(Num); itemfreqent.setAttribute(support); String fer =sttt.nextToken().toString(); itemfreqent.setText(fer); o++; } enregistre("Frequents du Niveau "+k+".xml"); //affiche(); Support = new Vector() ; } hashtreenode htn=new hashtreenode(); htn=((candidateelement)candidate.elementAt(k-2)).htroot; d=new Date(); s2=d.getTime(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Execution time is: "+((s2-s1)/1000) + " seconds."); System.out.println("End."); //affiche(); //enregistre("Itemfrequent.xml"); } //============================================================================== // // Afficher le contenue du fichier XML // //============================================================================== static void affiche() { try { //On utilise ici un affichage classique avec getPrettyFormat() XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); sortie.output(document, System.out); } catch ( e){} } //============================================================================== // // Enregistrer dans le fichier XML // //============================================================================== static void enregistre(String fichier) { try { //On utilise ici un affichage classique avec getPrettyFormat() XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); //Remarquez qu'il suffit simplement de crer une instance de FileOutputStream //avec en argument le nom du fichier pour effectuer la srialisation. sortie.output(document, new FileOutputStream(fichier)); } catch ( e){} } //============================================================================== // // // Apriori Parametrer // // //============================================================================== }

Conclusion :

Le résultat serais dans un fichier XML

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