Visualiseur d'entete d'executable win32


Ce petit outils permet d' affichier les information contenus dans l'entete d'un fichier executable de type Win32 (Portable Executable).

Conclusion :

Voici un example d'execution de ce programme :

Header Information of PEviewer.exe
MS-DOS Header
Signature: MZ
Last PAGE Size: 0050
Total PAGES in File: 0002
Number of relocation items: 0000
Size in paragraphs of EXE header: 0004
Minimum Extra Paragraphs: 000F
Maximum Extra Paragraphs: FFFF
Initial Stack Segment: 0000
Initial Stack Pointer: 00B8
Complemented Checksum: 0000
Initial Instruction Pointer: 0000
Initial Code Segment: 0000
Relocation Table Offset: 0040
Overlay Number: 001A

PE Header
Magic: PE
Machine: Intel 80386
Number of Sections: 0008
Time Date Stamp: 2A425E19
Pointer To SymbolTable: 00000000
Number Of Symbols: 00000000
Size Of Optional Header: 00E0
Characteristics: 818E

Optional Header:
Magic: 010B
Linker Version: 2.19
Size of Code: 0000AC00
Size of Initialized Data: 00002C00
Size of Uninitialized Data: 00000000
Address of Entry Point: 0000BB68
Base of Code: 00001000
Base of Data: 0000C000
Image Base: 00400000
Section Alignment: 00001000
File Alignment: 00000200
Operating System Version: 4.0000
Image Version: 0.0000
Subsystem Version: 4.0000
Reserved1: 00000000
Size of Image: 00013000
Size of Headers: 00000400
CheckSum: 00000000
Subsystem: (Cui) Console Windows
Dll Characteristics: 0000
Size of StackReserve: 00100000
Size of StackCommit: 00004000
Size of HeapReserve: 00100000
Size of HeapCommit: 00001000
Loader Flags: 00000000
Size of data directory: 00000010

Import Directory:
RVA: 0000E000
Size: 000006AA

Resource Directory:
RVA: 00012000
Size: 00000E00

Base Relocation Table:
RVA: 00011000
Size: 00000D5C

RVA of GP:
RVA: 00010000
Size: 00000018

Section 1 Name: CODE
Virtual Size: 0000ABB8
Virtual Address: 00001000
Size of raw data: 0000AC00
Pointer to Raw Data: 00000400
Pointer to Relocations: 00000000
Pointer to Line Numbers: 00000000
Number of Relocations: 0000
Number of Line Numbers: 0000
Characteristics: 60000020

Section 2 Name: DATA
Virtual Size: 00000438
Virtual Address: 0000C000
Size of raw data: 00000600
Pointer to Raw Data: 0000B000
Pointer to Relocations: 00000000
Pointer to Line Numbers: 00000000
Number of Relocations: 0000
Number of Line Numbers: 0000
Characteristics: C0000040

Section 3 Name: BSS
Virtual Size: 00000B21
Virtual Address: 0000D000
Size of raw data: 00000000
Pointer to Raw Data: 0000B600
Pointer to Relocations: 00000000
Pointer to Line Numbers: 00000000
Number of Relocations: 0000
Number of Line Numbers: 0000
Characteristics: C0000000

Section 4 Name: .idata
Virtual Size: 000006AA
Virtual Address: 0000E000
Size of raw data: 00000800
Pointer to Raw Data: 0000B600
Pointer to Relocations: 00000000
Pointer to Line Numbers: 00000000
Number of Relocations: 0000
Number of Line Numbers: 0000
Characteristics: C0000040

Section 5 Name: .tls
Virtual Size: 00000008
Virtual Address: 0000F000
Size of raw data: 00000000
Pointer to Raw Data: 0000BE00
Pointer to Relocations: 00000000
Pointer to Line Numbers: 00000000
Number of Relocations: 0000
Number of Line Numbers: 0000
Characteristics: C0000000

Section 6 Name: .rdata
Virtual Size: 00000018
Virtual Address: 00010000
Size of raw data: 00000200
Pointer to Raw Data: 0000BE00
Pointer to Relocations: 00000000
Pointer to Line Numbers: 00000000
Number of Relocations: 0000
Number of Line Numbers: 0000
Characteristics: 50000040

Section 7 Name: .reloc
Virtual Size: 00000D5C
Virtual Address: 00011000
Size of raw data: 00000E00
Pointer to Raw Data: 0000C000
Pointer to Relocations: 00000000
Pointer to Line Numbers: 00000000
Number of Relocations: 0000
Number of Line Numbers: 0000
Characteristics: 50000040

Section 8 Name: .rsrc
Virtual Size: 00000E00
Virtual Address: 00012000
Size of raw data: 00000E00
Pointer to Raw Data: 0000CE00
Pointer to Relocations: 00000000
Pointer to Line Numbers: 00000000
Number of Relocations: 0000
Number of Line Numbers: 0000
Characteristics: 50000040

Codes Sources

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