Conteneurs stl polmorphiques

Contenu du snippet

poly_container permet de construire des listes, vecteurs et autres conteneurs STL polymorphiques et transparents.

Source / Exemple :

template<class C, typename T>
	class const_poly_iterator
		typedef const_poly_iterator<C,T> _Self;

		//! mimic inheritage from the regular const_iterator
		//! because we cannot simply derive from it since some iterators are regular pointers
		typedef typename C::const_iterator _Mimic;		
		_Mimic i; 
		operator _Mimic&() {return i;}	//!<needed to use poly_iterator in algorithms transparently
		_Self() {};
		_Self(const _Mimic& p):i(p) {}

		const T& operator*() const {return **i;}
		const T* operator->() const {return &**i;}
	public:	// compatibility with _Mimic iterator
		_Self& operator++() {++i; return *this;}
		_Self& operator--() {--i; return *this;}

		bool operator==(const _Mimic& other) const {return i==other;}
		bool operator!=(const _Mimic& other) const {return i!=other;}

		bool operator==(const _Self& other) const {return i==other.i;}
		bool operator!=(const _Self& other) const {return i!=other.i;}

	template<class C, typename T>
		class poly_iterator:public const_poly_iterator<C,T>
		typedef poly_iterator<C,T> _Self;
		typedef const_poly_iterator<C,T> _Parent;

		//! mimic inheritage from the regular iterator
		//! because we cannot simply derive from it since some iterators are regular pointers
		typedef typename C::iterator _Mimic;		
		operator _Mimic&() {return (_Mimic&)i;}	//!<needed to use poly_iterator in algorithms transparently

		_Self() {};
		_Self(const _Mimic& p):_Parent(p) {};
		_Self(const _Parent& p):_Parent(p) {};

	public:	// compatibility with _Mimic iterator
		_Self& operator++() {++i; return *this;}
		_Self& operator--() {--i; return *this;}

	template<typename T, typename R=boost::shared_ptr<T> >
	struct poly_factory
		inline static R factory(const T& p) {return R(T::Factory(p));}

	template<class C, typename T, typename F=poly_factory<T,C::value_type> >
	class poly_container : public C
		typedef C _Parent;
		typedef poly_container<C,T,F> _Self;
		typedef typename C::value_type value_type;	// (smart) pointer to T
		typedef T& reference;
		typedef const T& const_reference;
		typedef _Parent::size_type size_type;
		typedef poly_iterator<C,T> iterator;
		typedef const_poly_iterator<C,T> const_iterator;

		_Self() {};
		_Self(const _Parent& p):_Parent(p) {};

		const_iterator begin() const {return _Parent::begin();}
		iterator begin() {return _Parent::begin();}
		const_iterator end() const {return _Parent::end();}
		iterator end() {return _Parent::end();}

		iterator insert(iterator i, const value_type& f) {return _Parent::insert(i, f);}
		void push_front(const value_type& f) {insert(begin(), f);}
		void push_back(const value_type& f) {insert(end(), f);}

		const_reference front() const {return *_Parent::front();}
		const_reference back() const {return *_Parent::back();}

		void push_front(const_iterator& f) {copy(begin(), *_Parent::const_iterator(f));}
		void push_back(const_iterator& f) {insert(end(), *_Parent::const_iterator(f));}

		iterator insert(iterator i, const T& f) {return _Parent::insert(i, F::factory(f));}
		void push_front(const T& f) {insert(begin(), F::factory(f));}
		void push_back(const T& f) {insert(end(), F::factory(f));}

Conclusion :

ce code fait partie de ma librairie DYL, en open source, qui contient plein d'autres choses intéressantes. Allez voir sur

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