Frontier elite tips "jeux de david braden"


ce tips permet de trouver la letre qui est reclame l'orsqu un controle de police ce produit dans le jeux
"Frontier Elite II version FR"

ces tous

Source / Exemple :

Dim ValTmp, ValLigne, ValMot, ValPage, VloutBtMsgActiv, TestX, TestY

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
  Command3.Enabled = False
  If PictInfo.Visible = False Then
    PictInfo.Visible = True
    PictCheat.Visible = False
    Label9.Caption = "crée par movom"
    Label9.Caption = Label9.Caption & Chr(13) & "- irc - undernet -"
    Label9.Caption = Label9.Caption & Chr(13) & "- http -"
    Label9.Caption = Label9.Caption & Chr(13) & "- mail -"
    PictInfo.Visible = False
    PictCheat.Visible = True
    Command3.Enabled = True
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
  If FrontiereElitetips.Width = 5250 Then
    FrontiereElitetips.Width = 2700
    Command2.Enabled = False
    RichTextBox1.Enabled = False
    FrontiereElitetips.Width = 5250
    Command2.Enabled = True
    RichTextBox1.Enabled = True
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Initialize()
  FrontiereElitetips.Width = 2700
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
  VScroll1.Min = TestX
  If TestX >= 1000 And TestY = 0 Then TestX = TestX - 1: TestY = 0
  If TestX < 0 And TestY = 1 Then TestX = TestX + 1: TestY = 1
End Sub

Private Sub ValLigneMotPage_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
  Select Case KeyAscii
    Case 8
    Select Case Index
      Case 0
        Exit Sub
      Case 1
        If Len(ValLigneMotPage(1).Text) = 0 And Len(ValLigneMotPage(2).Text) = 0 Then
          ValLigneMotPage(0).SelStart = 0
          ValLigneMotPage(0).SelLength = Len(ValLigneMotPage(0).Text)
          Debug.Print ValLigneMotPage(0).SelText
        End If
        Exit Sub
      Case 2
        If Len(ValLigneMotPage(2).Text) = 0 And Len(ValLigneMotPage(1).Text) > 0 Then
          ValLigneMotPage(1).SelStart = 0
          ValLigneMotPage(1).SelLength = Len(ValLigneMotPage(1).Text)
        End If
        Exit Sub
    End Select
    Case 13
    If Index = 2 Then
    Dim Test, Testee
      ValTmp = Val(ValLigneMotPage(1).Text) & "," & Val(ValLigneMotPage(0).Text) & "," & Val(ValLigneMotPage(2).Text) & ","
      If Len(App.Path) <= 3 Then
        Test = App.Path & "Code.txt"
        Test = App.Path & "\Code.txt"
      End If
      Open Test For Input As #1
      Do While Not EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, Testee
        If Testee > "" Then
          If ValTmp = Mid(Testee, 1, Len(Testee) - 3) Then
            Label6.Caption = Mid(Testee, Len(Testee) - 2, 3)
            Close #1
            Exit Sub
          End If
        End If
      Close #1
      MsgBox "valeur incorecte ou inconnue", vbOKOnly, ".:. OUPS .:."
    End If
      If ValLigneMotPage(0).Text > "" Then
        ValTmp = Len(ValLigneMotPage(0).Text)
        If ValTmp > 1 Then ValLigne = ValLigneMotPage(0).Text
      End If
      If ValLigneMotPage(1).Text > "" Then
        ValTmp = Len(ValLigneMotPage(0).Text)
        If ValTmp > 1 Then ValMot = ValLigneMotPage(1).Text
      End If
      If ValLigneMotPage(2).Text > "" Then
        ValTmp = Len(ValLigneMotPage(0).Text)
        If ValTmp > 1 Then ValPage = ValLigneMotPage(2).Text
      End If
      If Index < 2 Then ValLigneMotPage(Index + 1).SetFocus
      If Len(ValLigneMotPage(Index)) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Il vous faut indiquer la valeur numerique"
        Exit Sub
      End If
      ValTmp = App.Path & "\code.txt"
      Open ValTmp For Input As #1
        Input #1, ValTmp
        If ValTmp = ValLigne & ValMot & ValPage Then Beep
      Close #1
      If ValPage > "" Then
        For TestX = 0 To 2
        Next TestX
        Debug.Print ValLigneMotPage(0).SelText
        ValTmp = ""
        ValLigne = ""
        ValMot = ""
        ValPage = ""
      End If
  End Select
  If Index < 2 Then
    If Len(ValLigneMotPage(Index)) = 2 Then ValLigneMotPage(Index + 1).SetFocus
  End If
End Sub

Codes Sources

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