Bargraph v2 (ocx)


permet 2 mode d'affichage en fonction de l'etat de IsLED
utilisation des property

suivant la valeur de Orange et de Rouge on modifie les limites min pour des couleurs

sinon pour modifier la valeur d'affichage on modifie Value

Source / Exemple :

Option Explicit

Dim val As Integer
Dim roug As Integer
Dim orang As Integer
Dim LED As Boolean

Dim lrect, hrect, nbrect

Public Property Get Rouge() As Integer
Rouge = roug
End Property

Public Property Let Rouge(ByVal new_value As Integer)
roug = new_value
Value = val
End Property

Public Property Get IsLED() As Boolean

End Property

Public Property Let IsLED(ByVal new_value As Boolean)
LED = new_value
Value = val
End Property

Public Property Get Orange() As Integer
Orange = orang
End Property

Public Property Let Orange(ByVal new_value As Integer)
orang = new_value
Value = val
End Property

Public Property Get Value() As Integer
Value = val
End Property

Public Property Let Value(ByVal new_value As Integer)
Dim v, i, j
If (new_value > 100) Then
val = 100
val = new_value

End If

v = val * nbrect / 100
v = Int(v)

If (val <= orang) Then

'' vert seulement
For i = 0 To v - 1
If (Not LED) Then
Shape1(i).FillColor = &HFF00&
Shape1(i).FillColor = &HFF00&
End If
Shape1(i).Visible = True
Next i


'' vert + orange
If (val > orang And val <= roug) Then
For i = 0 To orang * nbrect / 100

If (Not LED) Then
Shape1(i).FillColor = &HFF00&
Shape1(i).FillColor = &HFF00&
End If
Shape1(i).Visible = True
Next i

For i = orang * nbrect / 100 To v - 1

If (Not LED) Then
Shape1(i).FillColor = &H80FF&
Shape1(i).FillColor = &H80FF&
End If
Shape1(i).Visible = True
Next i


'' vert + orange+ rouge
For i = 0 To orang * nbrect / 100

If (Not LED) Then
Shape1(i).FillColor = &HFF00&
Shape1(i).FillColor = &HFF00&
End If

Shape1(i).Visible = True
Next i

For i = orang * nbrect / 100 To roug * nbrect / 100

If (Not LED) Then
Shape1(i).FillColor = &H80FF&
Shape1(i).FillColor = &H80FF&
End If

Shape1(i).Visible = True
Next i

For i = roug * nbrect / 100 To v
Shape1(i).FillColor = 255
Shape1(i).Visible = True
Next i
End If

End If

For j = v To nbrect - 1

If (Not LED) Then

Shape1(j).Visible = False

If (j * 100 / nbrect <= orang) Then

'' vert seulement
Shape1(j).FillColor = &H4000&
Shape1(j).Visible = True


If (j * 100 / nbrect > orang And j * 100 / nbrect < roug) Then

'' orange
Shape1(j).FillColor = &HC0&
Shape1(j).Visible = True


'' rouge
Shape1(j).FillColor = &H404080
Shape1(j).Visible = True

End If

End If

End If

Next j

End Property

Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
orang = 55
IsLED = False

roug = 80
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
Dim i, esp, ebord
hrect = UserControl.ScaleHeight - 4
ebord = 2
esp = 0
lrect = 2
nbrect = (UserControl.ScaleWidth - 2 * ebord) / (esp + lrect)
If (nbrect <> Int(nbrect)) Then
nbrect = Int(nbrect) + 1
End If

Shape1(0).Width = lrect
Shape1(0).Height = hrect

For i = 1 To nbrect
On Error Resume Next
Load Shape1(i)
Next i

For i = 0 To nbrect - 1
Shape1(i).Top = 2
Shape1(i).Width = lrect
Shape1(i).Left = ebord + i * (esp + lrect)
Shape1(i).Visible = False
Shape1(i).FillColor = &HC000&
Shape1(i).BorderStyle = 0
Shape1(i).FillStyle = 0

Next i

Line1.X1 = UserControl.ScaleWidth - 1
Line1.X2 = 0
Line1.Y1 = 0
Line1.Y2 = 0

Line2.X1 = UserControl.ScaleWidth - 1
Line2.X2 = UserControl.ScaleWidth - 1
Line2.Y1 = UserControl.ScaleHeight - 1
Line2.Y2 = 0

Line3.X1 = UserControl.ScaleWidth - 1
Line3.X2 = 0
Line3.Y1 = UserControl.ScaleHeight - 1
Line3.Y2 = UserControl.ScaleHeight - 1

Line4.X1 = 0
Line4.X2 = 0
Line4.Y1 = UserControl.ScaleHeight - 1
Line4.Y2 = 0
Value = 70

End Sub

Codes Sources

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