Ip calculator


Cette classe est la version PHP du programme unix ipcalc. Il permet de calculer à partir d'une adresse IP (en binaire, hexadécimal ou au format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (dotted quad)) et d'un masque de sous-réseau (en binaire, hexadécimal, dotted quad ou décimal) fournis en paramètres les informations suivantes :
  • Réseau
  • adresse de Broadcast
  • Plus petite adresse IP du sous réseau
  • Plus grande adresse IP du sous réseau
  • Adresse IP précédente
  • Adresse IP suivante
  • Réseau précédent
  • Réseau suivant
  • Nombre d'adresses IP dans le sous réseau

Elle permet également de tester si une adresse fait parti du même sous réseau qu'une autre.
Elle permet également la conversion des adresses d'un format à l'autre via des fonctions statiques et le calcul du réseau et de l'adresse de broadcast en statique.

Source / Exemple :

Fichier de test :
define('NL', "\n");

echo('Test for'.NL);
$oIP = new IP4Calc('', '16');
echo('Netmask (Quad): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::NETMASK, IP4Calc::QUAD_DOTTED).NL);
echo('Netmask (Bin): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::NETMASK, IP4Calc::BIN).NL);
echo('Netmask (Hex): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::NETMASK, IP4Calc::HEX).NL);
echo('Network (Quad): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::NETWORK, IP4Calc::QUAD_DOTTED).NL);
echo('Broadcast (Quad): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::BROADCAST, IP4Calc::QUAD_DOTTED).NL);
echo('Lowest IP address of the subnet (Quad): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::MIN_HOST, IP4Calc::QUAD_DOTTED).NL);
echo('Highest IP address of the subnet (Quad): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::MAX_HOST, IP4Calc::QUAD_DOTTED).NL);
echo('The previous IP address (Quad): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::PREVIOUS_HOST, IP4Calc::QUAD_DOTTED).NL);
echo('The next IP address (Quad): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::NEXT_HOST, IP4Calc::QUAD_DOTTED).NL);
echo('The previous network with the same netmask (Quad): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::PREVIOUS_NETWORK, IP4Calc::QUAD_DOTTED).NL);
echo('THe next network with the same netmask (Quad): '.$oIP->get(IP4Calc::NEXT_NETWORK, IP4Calc::QUAD_DOTTED).NL);
echo('The number of IP address usable for hosts in this subnet: '.$oIP->count().NL);
echo('Is part of this subnet ? ');
echo('Is part of this subnet ? ');

Code de la classe : 
if(!defined('IP4CALC_CLASS')) {
define('IP4CALC_CLASS', true);


  • This class is about converting IPv4 addresses between the different format available and
  • calculating informations out of the IPv4 and netmask provided.
  • @package IP4Calc
  • @author Florian MAURY <pub[DASH]ip4calc[AT]x[DASH]cli[DOT]com>
  • @version 1.1, 08/18/09
  • @history 08/18/09 Integrating the constants in the class, adding checks for the get function
  • /
class IP4Calc { // Definition of constants to abstract the usage from the internal namespace const IP='IP'; const NETMASK='Netmask'; const NETWORK='Network'; const BROADCAST='Broadcast'; const MIN_HOST='MinHost'; const MAX_HOST='MaxHost'; const PREVIOUS_HOST='PrevHost'; const NEXT_HOST='NextHost'; const PREVIOUS_NETWORK='PrevNetwork'; const NEXT_NETWORK='NextNetwork'; const INT32='Int32'; const BIN='Bin'; const HEX='Hex'; const QUAD_DOTTED='Quad'; const DECIMAL='Dec'; /**
  • Contains data provided, calculated and cached about the IP address used in this instance
  • @access private
  • @var Array
  • /
private $aAddresses; /**
  • @access public
  • @param string $sIP IP address in binary, hexadecimal or dotted quad format
  • @param mixed $mNetmask The netmask of the IP address in binary, hexadecimal, dotted quad or decimal (e.g. 24 for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24)
  • @throws Exception If the IP address or the netmask are not provided in a valid format
  • /
public function __construct($sIP, $mNetmask) { $this->aAddresses = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::IP] = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::NETMASK] = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::NETWORK] = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::BROADCAST] = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::MIN_HOST] = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::MAX_HOST] = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::PREVIOUS_HOST] = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::NEXT_HOST] = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::PREVIOUS_NETWORK] = array(); $this->aAddresses[self::NEXT_NETWORK] = array(); list($sFormat, $iIP) = $this->convertIPToInt32($sIP); $this->aAddresses[self::IP][$sFormat] = $sIP; $this->aAddresses[self::IP][self::INT32] = $iIP; // Detecting deciaml format for netmask if(preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}$/', (string) $mNetmask) > 0 && (integer) $mNetmask <= 32) { $this->aAddresses[self::NETMASK][self::DECIMAL] = (integer) $mNetmask; $this->aAddresses[self::NETMASK][self::INT32] = self::convertDecToInt32((integer) $mNetmask); } // Detecting Quad dotted format for netmask elseif(preg_match('/^((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\.((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\.((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\.((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))$/', (string)$mNetmask, $aQuad) > 0) { $this->aAddresses[self::NETMASK][self::QUAD_DOTTED] = $mNetmask; array_shift($aQuad); // Removing the first field containing the whole string $this->aAddresses[self::NETMASK][self::INT32] = self::convertQuadToInt32($aQuad); } // Detecting hexadecimal format for netmask elseif(preg_match('/^(?:Ox)?(?:([0-9a-f])[:.\-]?$)/i', (string)$mNetmask, $aHex) > 0) { $this->aAddresses[self::NETMASK][self::HEX] = $mNetmask; $this->aAddresses[self::NETMASK][self::INT32] = self::convertHexToInt32($aHex); } // Detecting binary format for netmask elseif(preg_match('/^[0-1]{32}$/', (string)$mNetmask) > 0) { $this->aAddresses[self::NETMASK][self::BIN] = $mNetmask; $this->aAddresses[self::NETMASK][self::INT32] = self::convertBinToInt32($mNetmask); } else { throw new Exception('Unknown format for this netmask parameter.'); } } /**
  • Convert an IP address from the dotted quad format to an unsigned int32.
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param mixed $mQuad The IP address to convert. Can be a string containing the dotted quad address or a 4 slots array.
  • @throws Exception the parameter is not a valid dotted quad IP address
  • @return uint32 Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int, it's a float.
  • /
static public function convertQuadToInt32($mQuad) { if(is_string($mQuad) === true) { // Checking the ip format + removing the eventual netmask if(preg_match('/^((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\.((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\.((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\.((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))$/i', $mQuad, $aQuad) > 0) { array_shift($aQuad); // Removing the first field containing the whole string } else { throw new Exception('Bad format. Expect a quad dotted address.'); } } else { $aQuad = $mQuad; } $iInt32Format = 0; for($i = 0 ; $i < 4 ; $i++) { $iInt32Format += (integer)$aQuad[3 - $i] * pow(2,8*$i); } return $iInt32Format; } /**
  • Convert an IP address from an unsigned int32 to a dotted quad.
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param uint32 $iQuad The IP address to convert. Since PHP does'nt handle unsigned int, this is a float.
  • @return string A dotted quad address
  • /
static public function convertInt32ToQuad($iQuad) { $mask = pow(2, 8) - 1; return (string)(($iQuad / pow(2,24)) & $mask).'.'.(string)(($iQuad / pow(2,16)) & $mask).'.'.(string)(($iQuad / pow(2,8)) & $mask).'.'.(string)($iQuad & $mask); } /**
  • Convert an IP address from a hexadecimal expression to an unsigned int32.
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param mixed $mHex The IP address to convert in hexadecimal. Can be a string representing the hexadecimal number or a 4 slots array.
  • @return uint32 Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int, it's a float.
  • /
static public function convertHexToInt32($mHex) { $sHex=''; if(is_array($mHex) === true) { $sHex = implode('', $mHex); } return hexdec($sHex); } /**
  • Convert an IP address from an unsigned int32 to a hexadecimal expression.
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param uint32 $iHex The IP address to convert. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int, it's a float.
  • @return string The IP address in the hexadecimal format
  • /
static public function convertInt32ToHex($iHex) { return '0x'.dechex($iHex); } /**
  • Convert an IP address from binary format to an unsigned int32.
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param string $sBin The IP address to convert. It's a 32 Bytes string of 1 and 0.
  • @return uint32 Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int, it's a float.
  • /
static public function convertBinToInt32($sBin) { return bindec($sBin); } /**
  • Convert an IP address from an unsigned int32 to a string of 1 and 0 (binary format).
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param uint32 $iBin The IP address to convert. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int, it's a float.
  • @return string It's a string of 1 and 0 representing the ip address in binary
  • /
static public function convertInt32ToBin($iBin) { return decbin($iBin); } /**
  • Convert a netmask from the short decimal format to an unsigned int32
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param integer $iNetmask A short decimal netmask (e.g. 27 for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/27)
  • @return uint32 The netmask in uint32 format. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int32, it's a float
  • /
static public function convertDecToInt32($iNetmask) { $iInt32Format = 0; for($i = 0 ; $i < $iNetmask ; $i++) { $iInt32Format += pow(2,31-$i); } return $iInt32Format; } /**
  • Convert a netmask from an unsigned int32 to a short decimal
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param uint32 $iNetmask The netmask in uint32 format. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int32, it's a float
  • @return integer A short decimal netmask (e.g. 27 for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/27)
  • /
static public function convertInt32ToDec($iNetmask) { $iDecFormat = 0; $bOver = false; for($i = 0 ; $i < 32 && $bOver === false ; $i++) { if((($iNetmask / pow(2,31-$i)) & 1) !== 0) { $iDecFormat++; } else { $bOver = true; } } return $iDecFormat; } /**
  • Get the network address of the given IP/Netmask couple
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param uint32 $iIP An IP address from the subnet for which you want the network address. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int32, it's a float
  • @param uint32 $iNetmask The netmask of the subnet for which you want the network address. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int32, it's a float
  • @return uint32 The network IP address in uint32 format. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int32, it's a float
  • /
static public function getNetwork($iIP, $iNetmask) { // Little trick to solve the problem of the unability of PHP to do bitwise operation on unsigned int32. // I don't want to force people to use the gmp module $mask=pow(2,16) - 1; return (((($iIP / pow(2,16)) & $mask) & (($iNetmask / pow(2,16)) & $mask)) * pow(2,16)) + (($iIP & $mask) & ($iNetmask & $mask)); } /**
  • Get the broadcast address of the given IP/Netmask couple
  • @access public
  • @static
  • @param uint32 $iIP An IP address from the subnet for which you want the broadcast address. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int32, it's a float
  • @param uint32 $iNetmask The netmask of the subnet for which you want the broadcast address. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int32, it's a float
  • @return uint32 The broadcast IP address in uint32 format. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int32, it's a float
  • /
static public function getBroadcast($iIP, $iNetmask) { return self::getNetwork($iIP,$iNetmask) + ((pow(2,32) - 1) - $iNetmask); } /**
  • Get the IP addresses of the different element that can be generated from the IP address given in the constructor.
  • @access public
  • @param string $sTarget The name of the element you want to get. Please, use the constants defined at the beginning of this file
  • @param string $sType The name of the return type of the element you want to get. Please, use the constants defined at the beginning of this file
  • @throws Exception If the $sTarget parameter is not a valid target
  • @return mixed The element requested in the type requested. Can be null if the element requested doesn't exist (case of previous host, previous network, next host, next network)
  • /
public function get($sTarget, $sType) { switch($sTarget) { case self::IP: case self::NETMASK: case self::NETWORK: case self::BROADCAST: case self::MIN_HOST: case self::MAX_HOST: case self::PREVIOUS_HOST: case self::NEXT_HOST: case self::PREVIOUS_NETWORK: case self::NEXT_NETWORK: break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown target.'); break; } switch($sType) { case self::INT32: case self::QUAD_DOTTED: case self::HEX: case self::BIN: break; case self::DECIMAL: if($sTarget !== self::NETMASK) { throw new Exception('Invalid format for this target'); } break; default: throw new Exception('Invalid format'); break; } if(false === isset($this->aAddresses[$sTarget][$sType])) { if(false === isset($this->aAddresses[$sTarget][self::INT32])) { $this->compute($sTarget); } if($sType !== self::INT32) { $sFunctionName = 'convertInt32To'.$sType; $this->aAddresses[$sTarget][$sType] = self::$sFunctionName($this->aAddresses[$sTarget][self::INT32]); } } return $this->aAddresses[$sTarget][$sType]; } /**
  • Get the number of IP addresses in the subnet of the IP provided in the constructor
  • @access public
  • @return integer The number of IP addresses in the subnet
  • /
public function count() { return (pow(2,32) - 1) - $this->get(self::NETMASK, self::INT32) - 1; } /**
  • Test if an IP address is part of the subnet of the IP address provided in the constructor
  • @access public
  • @param string $sIP The IP address to test
  • @return boolean True if the IP address provided is in the subnet, otherwise false
  • /
public function partOf($sIP) { list($sFormat, $iIP) = $this->convertIPToInt32($sIP); return ($this->get(self::MIN_HOST, self::INT32) <= $iIP && $this->get(self::MAX_HOST, self::INT32) >= $iIP); } /**
  • Compute the int32 format of the element requested in parameter and store it in the addresses table property of the class
  • @access private
  • @param string $sTarget The name of the element to be computed
  • @throws Exception If the $sTarget parameter is not a valid target
  • /
private function compute($sTarget) { switch($sTarget) { case self::NETWORK: $this->aAddresses[$sTarget][self::INT32] = self::getNetwork($this->get(self::IP, self::INT32), $this->get(self::NETMASK, self::INT32)); break; case self::BROADCAST: $this->aAddresses[$sTarget][self::INT32] = self::getBroadcast($this->get(self::IP, self::INT32), $this->get(self::NETMASK, self::INT32)); break; case self::MIN_HOST: $this->aAddresses[self::MIN_HOST][self::INT32] = $this->get(self::NETWORK, self::INT32) + 1; break; case self::MAX_HOST: $this->aAddresses[self::MAX_HOST][self::INT32] = $this->get(self::BROADCAST, self::INT32) - 1; break; case self::PREVIOUS_HOST: $this->aAddresses[self::PREVIOUS_HOST][self::INT32] = (($this->get(self::IP, self::INT32) - 1) === $this->get(self::NETWORK, self::INT32))?null:$this->get(self::IP, self::INT32) - 1; break; case self::NEXT_HOST: $this->aAddresses[self::NEXT_HOST][self::INT32] = (($this->get(self::IP, self::INT32) + 1) === $this->get(self::BROADCAST, self::INT32))?null:$this->get(self::IP, self::INT32) + 1; break; case self::PREVIOUS_NETWORK: $this->aAddresses[self::PREVIOUS_NETWORK][self::INT32] = ($this->get(self::NETWORK, self::INT32) === 0)?null:self::getNetwork($this->get(self::NETWORK, self::INT32) - 1, $this->get(self::NETMASK, self::INT32)); break; case self::NEXT_NETWORK: $this->aAddresses[self::NEXT_NETWORK][self::INT32] = ($this->get(self::BROADCAST, self::INT32) === (255*pow(2,24) + 255*pow(2,16) + 255 * pow(2,8) + 255))?null:$this->get(self::BROADCAST, self::INT32) + 1; break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown compute target.'); } } /**
  • Convert an IP address in any format into a uint32
  • @access private
  • @param string $sIP The IP address to convert
  • @throws Exception If the $sIP parameter is not a valid IP address
  • @return array(string, uint32) The format detected and the IP address in uint32 format. Since PHP doesn't handle unsigned int32, it's a float.
  • /
private function convertIPToInt32($sIP) { // Detecting Quad Dotted format for ip if(preg_match('/^((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\.((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\.((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))\.((?:1?[0-9]{1,2})|(?:2[0-4][0-9])|(?:25[0-5]))$/', $sIP, $aQuad) > 0) { array_shift($aQuad); // Removing the first field containing the whole string $sFormat = self::QUAD_DOTTED; $iIP = self::convertQuadToInt32($aQuad); } // Detecting hexadecimal format for ip elseif(preg_match('/^(?:Ox)?(?:([0-9a-f])[:.\-]?$)/i', $sIP, $aHex) > 0) { array_shift($aHex); // Removing the first field containing the whole string $sFormat = self::HEX; $iIP = self::convertHexToInt32($aHex); } // Detecting binary format for ip elseif(preg_match('/^[0-1]{32}$/', $sIP) > 0) { $sFormat = self::BIN; $iIP = self::convertBinToInt32($sIp); } // IP is not provided in a valid format else{ throw new Exception('Unknown format for the IP parameter.'); } return array($sFormat, $iIP); } } } ?>

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