Vpython et l'animation : jeux


La guerre des étoiles en environ de 200 lignes de code. Ce source vous montre toute la puissance de Vpython pour réaliser des animations aussi fluides que réalistes. A vous d'ajouter le contrôle du joystick...

Source / Exemple :

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: ISO-8859-15 -*-
#Utiliser au moins Python 2.5 et Vpython 2.5-3.2.11
from visual import *
from random import Random, randint, sample, uniform
from math import radians, degrees

sourceRandom = Random()
scene.fullscreen = True
scene.scale =(.01, .01, .01)

class TieWing(object):
    Aile du chasseur
    def __init__( self, center = ( 0., 0., 0. ) ,
                        dimension = ( 1., 2., 3.),
                        objColor = color.white, 
                        frame = None ):
        center = center of the wing ( x, y, z )
        dimension = dimension of the wing ( thickness, size, height )
        objColor = ( R, G, B )
        [ self.x0, self.y0, self.z0 ] = center
        [ self.thickness, self.size, self.height ] = dimension
        self.vObj = convex( color = objColor , frame = frame)
        self.Tir_1 = sphere(frame = frame,
                            pos=(self.x0,self.y0, self.z0 +0.7 ),
                            radius = 0.1)
    def draw( self ):
        Drawing of the wing.
        y1 = self.y0 + self.size * 0.5
        z1 = self.z0 + self.height * 0.25
        y2 = self.y0
        z2 = self.z0 + self.height * 0.5
        y3 = self.y0 - self.size * 0.5
        z3 = self.z0 + self.height * 0.25
        y4 = self.y0 - self.size * 0.5
        z4 = self.z0 - self.height * 0.25
        y5 = self.y0
        z5 = self.z0 - self.height * 0.5
        y6 = self.y0 + self.size * 0.5
        z6 = self.z0 - self.height * 0.25
        self.vObj.pos =[ ( self.x0, y1, z1 ), ( self.x0, y2, z2 ), 
                        ( self.x0, y3, z3 ), ( self.x0, y4, z4 ),
                        ( self.x0, y5, z5 ),( self.x0, y6, z6 ) ]
class Etoile :
    Represente une etoile qui scintille
    def __init__(self, Position):
        Position : position absolue de l'étoile dans le ciel
        sphere (color = (1,1,1),  pos = Position, radius = 1)
        x,y,z = Position
        L = 1.5
        #Rayons etoiles
        self.curve = curve (pos =[(x,y,z),(L+x,y,z),(x,y,z),(-L+x,y,z), 
    def move (self):
        Modification de l'etoile dans le temps
        #On fait clignoter chaque etoile
        self.curve.visible = 1 - self.curve.visible
class Tir:
    def __init__( self, position = ( 0., 0., 0. )):
        self.form = frame (pos=position)
        trait  = (position [0]*0.90,position [1]*0.90,position [2]*0.90)
        self.theCurve = curve (pos = [position,trait],
                                frame = self.form, color = (1,1,1))
        self.compteurVie = 0
    def move(self):
        self.form.pos = (self.form.pos[0]*0.55,
        self.compteurVie +=1
        if self.compteurVie > 10 :
            self.theCurve.visible = False
            del self
class TieFighter:
    Represente un vaisseau
    def __init__( self, position = ( 0., 0., 0. )):
        self.CalculateurPosition = None
        self.tie = frame( name = "TIE" )
        self.tieColor =  (sourceRandom.random() ,
        self.centerTieFighter = sphere( frame = self.tie, 
                                        pos = position,  
                                        radius = 0.5, 
                                        color = self.tieColor )
        leftWing = TieWing(frame = self.tie,
                            center = ( position[0] - 0.5, 
                                        position[2] ),
                            dimension = ( 1., 3., 5.),
                            objColor = self.tieColor )

        rightWing = TieWing(frame     = self.tie,
                            center    = ( position[0] + 0.5, position[1], position[2] ),
                            dimension = ( 1., 3., 5.), 
                            objColor  = self.tieColor )
        self.tie.pos = position
        self.directionXPredilection = sourceRandom.choice([-1,1])
        self.SensZ = 1
        self.angleRotation  = 0.1*sourceRandom.random()*sourceRandom.choice([-1,1])
        self.angleRotationPropreY = 0.01*sourceRandom.random()*sourceRandom.choice([-1,1])
        self.Tirs = []
    def move(self,dt):
        X,Y,Z = self.tie.pos
        if Z > 0:
            newX = X + (.5*self.directionXPredilection)
            newX = X - (.5*self.directionXPredilection)    
        newY = Y
        newZ = Z - self.SensZ
        self.tie.pos =  (newX, newY, newZ)
        self.tie.rotate( angle = self.angleRotation )
        axeY = self.tie.axis [1] + self.directionXPredilection *self.angleRotationPropreY
        self.tie.axis = (self.tie.axis [0],axeY,self.tie.axis [2])
        NtotalTir = 100
        chance_Tir = sourceRandom.randint(0,NtotalTir) 
        if chance_Tir > NtotalTir-1:
            self.Tirs.append (Tir (self.tie.pos))
        for unTir in self.Tirs:
            unTir.move ()
class FighterSpace (object):
    def __init__(self,FighterNumber):
        self.FighterNumber = FighterNumber
        self.FighterList = []
        self.etoiles = []
    def drawEarth(self):
         L = []
         Color=[0.5*sourceRandom.random() ,
         c = convex(color=Color)
         for i in range(100):
             L.append(20*(vector(0,1) + norm((uniform(-1,1),uniform(-1,1),uniform(-1,1)))))
         c.pos = L
         L = []
         d = convex(color=(0,0.5,0.5))
         for i in range(100):
             L.append(20*(vector(0,1) + norm((uniform(-1,1),uniform(-1,1),uniform(-1,1)))))
         d.pos = L
         L = []
         Color=[0.5*sourceRandom.random() ,
         e = convex(color=Color)
         for i in range(100):
             L.append(20*(vector(0,1) + norm((uniform(-1,1),uniform(-1,1),uniform(-1,1)))))
         e.pos = L
    def create_Fighter (self):
        for aTieFighter in range(self.FighterNumber):
            Position = array((20*sourceRandom.random()*sourceRandom.choice([-1,1]),
                             randint (10,200)))
            theTieFighter = TieFighter(position=Position)
    def goSimu (self):
        while True:
            framePerSecond = 50
            for aTieFighter in self.FighterList:
                aTieFighter.move(dt = 1.0/framePerSecond)
            # Selection de  10% des etoiles à faire clignoter: realisation d'un echantillonage
            nbEtoiles = len(self.etoiles)
            numeros_etoiles_a_faire_clignoter = sample(xrange(nbEtoiles), int(nbEtoiles*0.1))
            for numEtoiles in numeros_etoiles_a_faire_clignoter:
    def draw_space (self):
        #Dessin de beaucoup d'etoiles un peu partour dans l'espace
        RayonUnivers = 2000
        for i in range (FighterSpace.ETOILES_NUMBER):
            positionEtoile =array((RayonUnivers*sourceRandom.random()*sourceRandom.choice([-1,1]),
if __name__ == '__main__':
    FighterNumber = 100
    theFighterSpace= FighterSpace(FighterNumber)
    theFighterSpace.draw_space ()

Conclusion :

Quelques classes et le tour est joué. Avec un peu d'imagination et de travail, on peut faire un vrai jeux.

Codes Sources

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