La classe debug stream


Une classe assez simple, semblable au flux stl, qui redirige ses sorties vers une fentre console. Il s'agit d'un simple "Wrapper" autour de la fonction win32 ::OutputDebugString.

Source / Exemple :

// Interface de la classe



This is a part of the BKLib library.
Copyright (c) Adel_dz
All rights reserved.

Class Ver 1R3

Output debug messages using ::OutputDebugString.
The msg is also written to a console.

	- TyDebugStream flush the output string when:
		. Object is  destructed
		. The buffer is full
		. Calling Flush()

                                                                                                                                                                • /
#ifndef BKDBG_DEFS_H # include "Defs.h" #endif namespace bklib { class BKDBG_decl TyDebugStream { public: TyDebugStream() throw(); ~TyDebugStream() throw(); void Flush() throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (const void* Ptr) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (const char* CString) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (const wchar_t* WCString) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (bool b) throw(); //Print true/false. TyDebugStream& operator << (char Char) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (wchar_t Char) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (signed char Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (unsigned char Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (short Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (unsigned short Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (int Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (unsigned Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (long Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (unsigned long Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (__int64 Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (unsigned __int64 Integer) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (float Real) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (const double& Real) throw(); TyDebugStream& operator << (const long double& Real) throw(); protected: private: enum { buffer_len = 256 }; char dbg_buffer[buffer_len]; void CopyString(const wchar_t* String) throw(); void CopyString(const char* String) throw(); void WriteText(const char* Text) throw(); static BOOL WINAPI ConsoleHandler(unsigned CtrlType); }; //********************************************************************************** }//namespace #endif

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