Splash screen


exemple simple pour ajouter un splash screen à vos application

Source / Exemple :

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

include c:\masm32\include\windows.inc
include c:\masm32\include\kernel32.inc
include c:\masm32\include\user32.inc
include c:\masm32\include\gdi32.inc

includelib c:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib c:\masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib c:\masm32\lib\gdi32.lib

include splash.hex
;----------- CREE THREAD ------- 
           push 0
           push 0
           push 0
           push offset WINSPLASH
           push 0
           push 0
           call CreateThread 
;---------- FENETRE PRINCIPAL ---------------
            push 200h
            push GPTR
            call GlobalAlloc 
            push eax  ;arg GlobalFree
            mov dword ptr [eax],WS_CAPTION or WS_SYSMENU or DS_CENTER
            mov word ptr  [eax+14],290
            mov word ptr  [eax+16],100
            push 0
            push offset DialogProc
            push 0
            push eax
            push 400000h ;hinst
            call DialogBoxIndirectParam 
            call GlobalFree
            push 0
            call ExitProcess 
;-----------  PROC FENETRE PRINCIPAL --------------
DialogProc proc
            mov  eax,[esp+8]
            cmp  eax,WM_CLOSE
            je   WMCLOSE
            jmp  DLG
WMCLOSE:    push 0
            push [esp+8]
            call EndDialog
DLG:        xor eax,eax
            ret 16
DialogProc endp
;------------- FENETRE SPLASH --------------
            push 512
            push GPTR
            call GlobalAlloc 
            push eax  ;arg GlobalFree
            mov dword ptr [eax],WS_POPUP or DS_CENTER
            mov dword ptr [eax+4],WS_EX_TOPMOST or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW     
            mov word ptr  [eax+14],160
            mov word ptr  [eax+16],120
            push 0
            push offset DlgSplashProc
            push 0
            push eax
            push 400000h ;hinst
            call DialogBoxIndirectParam 
            call GlobalFree
;--------- PROC FENETRE SPLASH --------

DlgSplashProc proc

            mov  eax,[esp+8]
            cmp  eax,WM_ACTIVATEAPP
            je   WMACTIVAPP
            cmp  eax,WM_CLOSE
            je   WMCLOSE

            push [esp+4]
            call GetDC
            mov  edi,eax
            lea  esi,image
            mov  eax,esi
            add  eax,14
            mov  edx,esi
            add  edx,[esi+10]   

            push 00CC0020h		;copy
            push 0			;DIB_RGB_COLORS=0
            push eax;bmp_header
            push edx;bmp_pixels
            push [esi+22]	;bmp height DIB source
            push [esi+18]	;bmp width DIB source
            push 0			;y of source rectangle 
            push 0			;x of source rectangle
            push 240	;bmp height rect destination
            push 320	;bmp width rect destination
            push 0			;y of destination rectangle 
            push 0			;x of destination rectangle
            push edi	;DC of da window
            call StretchDIBits 
            jmp DLG
            push 0
            push [esp+12]
            push offset TIMER
            push 0
            push 0
            call CreateThread
            jmp  DLG
WMCLOSE:    push 0
            push [esp+8]
            call EndDialog 
DLG:        xor eax,eax
            ret 16
DlgSplashProc endp
;-------------- TIMER ------------
TIMER proc
            push 5000
            call Sleep
            push 0
            push 0
            push WM_CLOSE
            push [esp+16]
            call SendMessage
            ret 4 

TIMER endp

Conclusion :

Très simple on cree un thread qui cree la fenetre splash
et dans sa proc on cree un thread qui sert de timer
propre simple efficace comparer avec l'example dans masm.

Codes Sources

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