Commande du port parallele & moteur pas a pas

Contenu du snippet

C?est un programme pour commander un moteur pas a pas par excellence, et de commander les différentes entrées & sorties de l?ordinateur.
C?est le début d?un projet de commande des moteur, je suis entrains de modifier cette source pour une commande absolu même au niveau de transmission de mouvement , calcul vitesse ...
Je mettrais la suite du projet dans qlq jours ,elle contient environs 800 lignes

Je demande votre aide pour continuer ce projet surtout au niveau de lecture &écriture des fichier si par exemple on veut intégrer un tout petit compilateur ,par exemple :
On écrit dans un fichier :
Move 4 //pour avacer 4 pas ou
Move 4deg//pour avancer 4 degrés ou encore
IN ?
La question qui se pose comment lire move et si on trouve le mot move on lit la suite et si tout va bien on avance.
    • VC++ 6.0**

Source / Exemple :


  • (c) YESSINE 30/08/2004 *
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#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> #include <fstream> using namespace std; #define pport 0x378; void move(int tm); void move_to4(int step_number,int tm); void move_to44(int step_number,int tm); //void open_file(); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string command; int pval; int stime; int snbr; printf("<<<<****>>>> & STEPPER CONTROL 1.0 & <<<<****>>>>\n"); Sleep(500); printf(" MSDOS MODE \n"); Sleep(1000); printf(" (c)YESSINE 2004 \n\n"); while(command !="exit") { cout<<"-"; cin>>command; // OUT : X PORT if ((command=="op")||(command=="OP")||(command=="Op")||(command=="OpenPort")||(command=="openport")||(command=="OPENPORT")) { unsigned short port_num; int port_val; printf("PORT NUM : "); cin>>port_num; printf("VALUE : "); cin>>port_val; _outp(port_num, port_val); } //HELP if ((command=="help")||(command=="HELP")||(command=="Help")) { int ch ; cout<<"[COMMAND]"<<endl; cout<<" [PORT OUT ] [1]"<<endl; cout<<" [PARALLELE PORT OUT ] [2]"<<endl; cout<<" [MOVING THE STEPPER1] [3]"<<endl; cout<<" [MOVING THE STEPPER2] [4]"<<endl; cout<<" [RETURN ] [5]"<<endl<<endl; cout<<">"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: cout<<"Syntax : OpenPort(port number ,value)"<<endl; cout<<" : OPENPORT(port number ,value)"<<endl; cout<<" : openport(port number ,value)"<<endl; cout<<" : OP(port number ,value)"<<endl; cout<<" : Op(port number ,value)"<<endl; cout<<" : op(port number ,value)"<<endl; break; case 2: cout<<"Syntax : ppo(value)"<<endl; cout<<" : PPO(value)"<<endl; cout<<" : Ppo(value)"<<endl; cout<<" : ParallePortOut(value)"<<endl; cout<<" : paralle_port_out(value)"<<endl; break; case 3: cout<<"Syntax : move(time_millisecond)"<<endl; cout<<" : Move(time_millisecond)"<<endl; cout<<" : MOVE(time_millisecond)"<<endl; break; case 4: cout<<"Syntax : move_to(Step_number,time_millisecond)"<<endl; cout<<" : Move_To(Step_number,time_millisecond)"<<endl; cout<<" : MOVE_TO(Step_number,time_millisecond)"<<endl; break; case 5:break; default:break; } //open_file(); } // OUT : PARALLE PORT if ((command=="ppo")||(command=="PPO")||(command=="Ppo")) { printf("OUT NUM [0..1..2..4..8..16..32..64..128]: "); cin>>pval; _outp(0x378, pval); } // OUT : PARALLELE PORT if ((command=="ParallePortOut")||(command=="paralle_port_out")) { printf("OUT NUM [0..1..2..4..8..16..32..64..128]: "); cin>>pval; _outp(0x378, pval); } // STOP THE CURRENT ACTION if ((command=="stop")||(command=="Stop")||(command=="STOP")) { _outp(0x378, 0); printf("STOPPED!"); } // GET PORT /*if ((command=="in")||(command=="In")||(command=="IN")) { DWORD port_number1[5]; printf("PORT NUM : "); cin>>port_number1; cout<<_inp(port_number1); }*/ // MOVING 4 STEPS if ((command=="move")||(command=="Move")||(command=="MOVE")) { printf("SLEEPING TIME : "); cin>>stime; printf("MOVING . . . . .\n"); move(stime); } //MOVING X STEPS if ((command=="move_to")||(command=="Move_TO")||(command=="MOVE_TO")) { printf("STEP NUM : "); cin>>snbr; printf("SLEEPING TIME : "); cin>>stime; printf("MOVING . . . . .\n"); if (snbr<=4) { move_to4(snbr , stime); } if (snbr>4) { move_to4(snbr,stime); move_to44(snbr , stime); } } } return 0; } //MOVING 4 STEPS void move_to4(int step_number,int tm) { int i; for(i=1;i<=step_number;i++) { switch(i) { case 1: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 1); break; case 2: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 2); break; case 3: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 4); break; case 4: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 8); break; } } } //MOVING STEP-4 void move_to44(int step_number,int tm) { int i; for(i=1;i<=step_number-4;i++) { switch(i) { case 1: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 1); break; case 2: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 2); break; case 3: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 4); break; case 4: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 8); break; case 5: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 1); break; case 6: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 2); break; case 7: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 3); break; case 8: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 4); break; default:printf("MAX SETEPS = 12 !!"); break ; } } } void move(int tm) { int i; for(i=1;i<=4;i++) { switch(i) { case 1: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 1); break; case 2: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 2); break; case 3: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 4); break; case 4: Sleep(tm); _outp(0x378, 8); break; } } }

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