Messages postés4Date d'inscriptionvendredi 2 novembre 2001StatutMembreDernière intervention30 décembre 2002
30 déc. 2002 à 02:05
Messages postés196Date d'inscriptionsamedi 12 janvier 2002StatutMembreDernière intervention 1 septembre 2008
30 déc. 2002 à 13:17
Bonsoir tout le monde.
J'ai un gros probléme concerant le dévelloppement d'un jeu de stratégie.
Voilà quelqu'un sait comment placez les batiments?
Je veux dire placer une picture là ou le curseur est sur la feuille et si un batiment est déjà placé juste à cet endroit alors le placement ne se fais pas... vous voyez ce que je veux dire??
Messages postés196Date d'inscriptionsamedi 12 janvier 2002StatutMembreDernière intervention 1 septembre 20081 30 déc. 2002 à 03:23
Salut Dimitri
j'ai fait une partie de ce que tu demande.
tout d'abord inscrit ce code dans une form et crée 2 picturebox (Picture1 et Picture2)
Tu peut déplacer les 2 pictures.
Dès que tu relâche le boutton de la sourie lors d'un déplacement d'une des 2 pictures, si le coin supperieur gauche de la picture que tu déplace se trouve à l'interieur de l'autre picture, elle revient a sa position initiale.
En fait il faut que tu fasse le test pour tous les points de la picture que tu déplace.
Voila le code :
' Position de X et Y par rapport a l'écran
Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" ( _
lpPoint As PointAPI) As Long
' Position de X et Y par rapport a la fenètre et a GetCursorPos
Private Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hwnd As Long, _
lpPoint As PointAPI) As Long
Private Type PointAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Dim Position As PointAPI
Private Function Positionne(Picturex As PictureBox)
Dim pos As PointAPI
GetCursorPos pos
ScreenToClient Me.hwnd, pos
Picturex.Top = pos.Y * 15 - Picturex.Height / 2
Picturex.Left = pos.X * 15 - Picturex.Width / 2
End Function
Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Position.X = Picture1.Left
Position.Y = Picture1.Top
Positionne Picture1
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button Then Positionne Picture1
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim pos As PointAPI
GetCursorPos pos
ScreenToClient Me.hwnd, posIf (pos.Y * 15 - Picture1.Height / 2) < (Picture2.Top + Picture2.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 - Picture1.Height / 2) > Picture2.Top And (pos.X * 15 - Picture1.Width / 2) < (Picture2.Left + Picture2.Width) And (pos.X * 15 - Picture1.Width / 2) > Picture2.Left Then Picture1.Top Position.Y: Picture1.Left Position.X
End Sub
Private Sub Picture2_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Position.X = Picture2.Left
Position.Y = Picture2.Top
Positionne Picture2
End Sub
Private Sub Picture2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button Then Positionne Picture2
End Sub
Private Sub Picture2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim pos As PointAPI
GetCursorPos pos
ScreenToClient Me.hwnd, posIf (pos.Y * 15 - Picture2.Height / 2) < (Picture2.Top + Picture1.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 - Picture2.Height / 2) > Picture1.Top And (pos.X * 15 - Picture2.Width / 2) < (Picture1.Left + Picture1.Width) And (pos.X * 15 - Picture2.Width / 2) > Picture1.Left Then Picture2.Top Position.Y: Picture2.Left Position.X
End Sub
Messages postés196Date d'inscriptionsamedi 12 janvier 2002StatutMembreDernière intervention 1 septembre 20081 30 déc. 2002 à 13:17
'Bon j'ai fini voila le code complet Bonne Chance (SupraDolph)
' Position de X et Y par rapport a l'écran
Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" ( _
lpPoint As PointAPI) As Long
' Position de X et Y par rapport a la fenètre et a GetCursorPos
Private Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hwnd As Long, _
lpPoint As PointAPI) As Long
Private Type PointAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Dim Position As PointAPI
Private Function Positionne(Picturex As PictureBox)
Dim pos As PointAPI
GetCursorPos pos
ScreenToClient Me.hwnd, pos
Picturex.Top = pos.Y * 15 - Picturex.Height / 2
Picturex.Left = pos.X * 15 - Picturex.Width / 2
End Function
Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Position.X = Picture1.Left
Position.Y = Picture1.Top
Positionne Picture1
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button Then Positionne Picture1
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim pos As PointAPI
GetCursorPos pos
ScreenToClient Me.hwnd, pos
If (pos.Y * 15 - Picture1.Height / 2) < (Picture2.Top + Picture2.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 - Picture1.Height / 2) > Picture2.Top And (pos.X * 15 - Picture1.Width / 2) < (Picture2.Left + Picture2.Width) And (pos.X * 15 - Picture1.Width / 2) > Picture2.Left Or _
(pos.Y * 15 + Picture1.Height / 2) < (Picture2.Top + Picture2.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 + Picture1.Height / 2) > Picture2.Top And (pos.X * 15 - Picture1.Width / 2) < (Picture2.Left + Picture2.Width) And (pos.X * 15 - Picture1.Width / 2) > Picture2.Left Or _
(pos.Y * 15 - Picture1.Height / 2) < (Picture2.Top + Picture2.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 - Picture1.Height / 2) > Picture2.Top And (pos.X * 15 + Picture1.Width / 2) < (Picture2.Left + Picture2.Width) And (pos.X * 15 + Picture1.Width / 2) > Picture2.Left Or _
(pos.Y * 15 + Picture1.Height / 2) < (Picture2.Top + Picture2.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 + Picture1.Height / 2) > Picture2.Top And (pos.X * 15 + Picture1.Width / 2) < (Picture2.Left + Picture2.Width) And (pos.X * 15 + Picture1.Width / 2) > Picture2.Left _Then Picture1.Top Position.Y: Picture1.Left Position.X
End Sub
Private Sub Picture2_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Position.X = Picture2.Left
Position.Y = Picture2.Top
Positionne Picture2
End Sub
Private Sub Picture2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button Then Positionne Picture2
End Sub
Private Sub Picture2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim pos As PointAPI
GetCursorPos pos
ScreenToClient Me.hwnd, pos
If (pos.Y * 15 - Picture2.Height / 2) < (Picture1.Top + Picture1.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 - Picture2.Height / 2) > Picture1.Top And (pos.X * 15 - Picture2.Width / 2) < (Picture1.Left + Picture1.Width) And (pos.X * 15 - Picture2.Width / 2) > Picture1.Left Or _
(pos.Y * 15 + Picture2.Height / 2) < (Picture1.Top + Picture1.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 + Picture2.Height / 2) > Picture1.Top And (pos.X * 15 - Picture2.Width / 2) < (Picture1.Left + Picture1.Width) And (pos.X * 15 - Picture2.Width / 2) > Picture1.Left Or _
(pos.Y * 15 - Picture2.Height / 2) < (Picture1.Top + Picture1.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 - Picture2.Height / 2) > Picture1.Top And (pos.X * 15 + Picture2.Width / 2) < (Picture1.Left + Picture1.Width) And (pos.X * 15 + Picture2.Width / 2) > Picture1.Left Or _
(pos.Y * 15 + Picture2.Height / 2) < (Picture1.Top + Picture1.Height) And (pos.Y * 15 + Picture2.Height / 2) > Picture1.Top And (pos.X * 15 + Picture2.Width / 2) < (Picture1.Left + Picture1.Width) And (pos.X * 15 + Picture2.Width / 2) > Picture1.Left _Then Picture2.Top Position.Y: Picture2.Left Position.X
End Sub