Webcam http serveur live sans jmf


Serveur HTTP pour window capturant à interval régulier les frames provenant d'une webcam via la librairie webcamlib.

Pour accéder à la page web votre webcam il vous suffit de double cliquer sur le jar et de taper dans votre navigateur "http://localhost/".

La page index.html permet de recharger à interval régulier la source de l'image(/webcam) en javascript ( testé sous IE/Firefox/Opéra).

Si l'url de la ressource demandée est "/webcam" le serveur retourne une image au format jpeg, sinon recherche des fichiers dans le répertoire "public_html".

NB: Pour accéder à la webcam depuis internet il vous suffit de remplacer localhost par l'adresse IP du serveur à condition que vous ayez bien redirigé le port 80 vers votre serveur sur votre box adsl.

Have fun,

Source / Exemple :


  • HTTP Webcam Server Version 1.0
  • (c) 2008 Pierrick HYMBERT <>
  • This library is "PROVIDED AS IS" without guaranty of any kinds.
  • Freely distribuable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
  • Visit
  • /
package org.hypik.webcamlib.test.server; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hypik.webcamlib.codecs.Codec; import org.hypik.webcamlib.codecs.Codecs; import org.hypik.webcamlib.compressor.CompressionException; import org.hypik.webcamlib.compressor.DecompressVideo; import org.hypik.webcamlib.compressor.jna.ICM; import org.hypik.webcamlib.device.Device; import org.hypik.webcamlib.device.listener.DeviceErrorListener; import org.hypik.webcamlib.device.listener.DeviceFrameListener; import org.hypik.webcamlib.device.listener.DeviceStatusListener; import org.hypik.webcamlib.jna.User32.BitmapInfoHeader; import org.hypik.webcamlib.jna.User32.VideoHDR; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGEncodeParam; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder; import com.sun.jna.Memory; /**
  • This class manage the webcam capture in a thread.
  • After configure decompression video driver and webcam device.
  • Instance can grab frame every rate seconds and decompress it.
  • Frame data can be get back as RGB or Jpeg formats.
  • @author Pierrick Hymbert <a href="">Contact</a>
  • /
public class WebcamCapture extends Thread { /**
  • The class logger.
  • /
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WebcamCapture.class); /**
  • The webcam device.
  • /
private Device device; /**
  • Time between each frame.
  • /
private int rate; /**
  • Indicates if we must continue capturing frame.
  • /
private boolean capture = false; /**
  • Indicate that all is configured.
  • /
private boolean available = false; /**
  • The video driver decompression.
  • /
private DecompressVideo decompressVideo; /**
  • The decompressed data.
  • /
private Memory decompressedData; /**
  • The output frame format.
  • /
private BitmapInfoHeader bitmapInfoOutput; /**
  • Build a webcam capture.
  • @param device The webcam
  • @param rate The refresh rate.
  • /
public WebcamCapture(Device device, int rate){ super("WCCapture #" + device.getIndex()); this.device = device; this.rate = rate; } /**
  • Ask the thread to stop the capture.
  • /
public void stopCapture() { this.capture = false; } /**
  • Start the thread.
  • /
public void startCapture() { this.capture = true; this.start(); } /**
  • Run webcam capture until stopCapture is called.
  • /
public void run() { try{ // Configure device and decompressor logger.debug("Configuring webcam device..."); configureDevice(); logger.debug("Configuring frame decompressor..."); configureDecompressor();"Webcam capture started."); }catch( Exception e ){ logger.error(e); capture = false; } available = true; // Caputre loop while( capture ){ // Sometimes call back functions are disabled. device.forceCallBacks(); device.grabFrame(); try{ Thread.sleep(rate); }catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); capture = false; } } logger.debug("Disconnecting webcam device..."); // Destroy window and disconnect device.stop(); if( decompressVideo != null ){ try{ if( decompressVideo.isOpened() ){ logger.debug("Free decompression resources..."); decompressVideo.freeResources(); } }catch (CompressionException e) { logger.error(e); }finally{ try{ if( decompressVideo.isOpened() ){ logger.debug("Closing decompression driver..."); decompressVideo.close(); } }catch (CompressionException e) { logger.error(e); } } }"Webcam capture stopped."); } /**
  • Configure the device.
  • @throws Exception
  • /
private void configureDevice() throws Exception { //Create the capture window device.createCaptureWindow("Webcam device", 640, 480, 0, 0); if( !device.isCaptureWindowCreated() ) throw new Exception("Unable to create webcam capture window!"); // Add listeners device.addDeviceErrorListener( errorListener ); device.addDeviceStatusListener( statusListener ); device.addDeviceFrameListener( frameListener ); // Connect the window to device driver device.connect(); if( !device.isConnected() ) throw new Exception("Unable to connect webcam capture window to the webcam driver!"); logger.debug("Webcam device is now connected to the webcam window. Do not close this program before calling stopCapture. Otherwise you can cause damage to your video device."); device.setScale(false); device.setPreview(false); device.setPreviewRate(rate); } /**
  • Configure the decompressor
  • @throws CompressionException If no compressor found.
  • /
private void configureDecompressor() throws CompressionException { // Get back device bit map info input BitmapInfoHeader bitmapInfoInput = device.getBitMapInfo().bmiHeader; // Build the output format bitmapInfoOutput = new BitmapInfoHeader(); bitmapInfoOutput.biBitCount = 24; bitmapInfoOutput.biCompression = BitmapInfoHeader.BI_RGB; bitmapInfoOutput.biHeight = bitmapInfoInput.biHeight; bitmapInfoOutput.biWidth = bitmapInfoInput.biWidth; bitmapInfoOutput.biSizeImage = bitmapInfoInput.biSizeImage = 0; bitmapInfoOutput.biSize = bitmapInfoInput.biSize = bitmapInfoInput.size(); bitmapInfoOutput.biPlanes = bitmapInfoInput.biPlanes = 1; bitmapInfoOutput.biXPelsPerMeter = bitmapInfoOutput.biYPelsPerMeter = bitmapInfoInput.biXPelsPerMeter = bitmapInfoInput.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bitmapInfoOutput.biClrUsed = bitmapInfoOutput.biClrImportant = bitmapInfoInput.biClrUsed = bitmapInfoInput.biClrImportant = 256; Codec codecInput = Codecs.getCodec(bitmapInfoInput.biCompression); if (codecInput != null){"Device input codec is " + codecInput.getFourCCString() + ": " + codecInput.getLongName()); } Codec codecOutput = Codecs.getCodec(bitmapInfoOutput.biCompression); if (codecOutput != null){"Device output codec is " + codecOutput.getFourCCString() + ": " + codecOutput.getLongName()); } // Find a decompressor from the input format to the output decompressVideo = DecompressVideo.findDecompressorVideo(bitmapInfoInput, bitmapInfoOutput); //Check if a decompressor was found if( decompressVideo == null ){ throw new CompressionException("No decompressor found from this input codec to this output.", ICM.ICERR_BADFORMAT); } // Allocate decompressed data buffer decompressedData = new Memory(3
  • bitmapInfoOutput.biHeight * bitmapInfoOutput.biWidth);
// Opening decompression driver; // Begin decompression decompressVideo.begin(bitmapInfoInput, bitmapInfoOutput); } /**
  • Read decompressed datas in memory.
  • Warning NO Thread safe.
  • @return The decompressed data.
  • /
private byte[] getDatas(){ return decompressedData.getByteArray(0, (int) decompressedData.getSize()); } /**
  • A buffered image of the decompressed data.
  • @return The decompressed image.
  • /
public BufferedImage getBufferedImage(){ BufferedImage image = null; synchronized (decompressedData) { byte[] data = getDatas(); image = convertToAWT(data, bitmapInfoOutput.biWidth, bitmapInfoOutput.biHeight ); } return image; } /**
  • Get a JPG image of the decompressed datas as byte array.
  • @param imageQuality The image quality.
  • @return Byte array of the JPG image data.
  • /
public byte[] getJpgBuffer( float imageQuality ){ BufferedImage bufferImage = getBufferedImage(); ByteArrayOutputStream outputArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); JPEGImageEncoder jpegEncoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(outputArray); JPEGEncodeParam jpegParam = jpegEncoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(bufferImage); jpegParam.setQuality(imageQuality, false); jpegEncoder.setJPEGEncodeParam(jpegParam); try { jpegEncoder.encode(bufferImage); outputArray.close(); } catch ( IOEx) {IOEx.printStackTrace();} return outputArray.toByteArray(); } /**
  • Converts a byte data image to a AWT
  • <code>BufferedImage
  • @param data The byte data array to be converted.
  • @return The AWT image version.
  • /

  • private BufferedImage convertToAWT(byte[] data, int width, int height) {
    ColorModel colorModel = null;
    colorModel = new DirectColorModel(24, 0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000);
    BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(colorModel,
    colorModel.createCompatibleWritableRaster(width,height), false, null);
    WritableRaster raster = bufferedImage.getRaster();
    int[] pixelArray = new int[3];
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < width * 3; x+=3) {
    pixelArray[0] = data[ ( height - y - 1) * width * 3 + x + 2 ];
    pixelArray[1] = data[ ( height - y - 1) * width * 3 + x + 1 ];
    pixelArray[2] = data[ ( height - y - 1) * width * 3 + x];
    raster.setPixel(x / 3, y, pixelArray);
    return bufferedImage;
    private DeviceErrorListener errorListener = new DeviceErrorListener(){
    • Fire the listener that the device throws an error message.
    • @param device
    • The device in error state.
    • @param errorId
    • The error id is one of the constants below.
    • @param errorMessage
    • The error message.
    • /

    public void deviceError(Device device, int errorId, String errorMessage){
    logger.error(device + "=>" + errorId + ":" + errorMessage);
    private DeviceStatusListener statusListener = new DeviceStatusListener(){
    • Fire the listener that the device fire a status message.
    • @param device
    • The device.
    • @param statusId
    • The status id is one of the constants below.
    • @param statusMessage
    • The status message.
    • /

    public void deviceStatus(Device device, int statusId, String statusMessage){ + "=>" + statusId + ":" + statusMessage);

    private DeviceFrameListener frameListener = new DeviceFrameListener(){
    • @param device The device
    • @param videoHDR The video header
    • @param data The frame data.
    • /

    public void frame(Device device, VideoHDR videoHDR, Memory data){
    synchronized (decompressedData) {
    //Decompress data
    data, decompressedData);
    }catch (CompressionException e) {
    // Stop the capture
    capture = false;
    • Check if the webcam capture continue.
    • @return True if capture frame processing, false otherwise.
    • /

    public boolean isCapture() {
    return capture;
    • Check if all is ok.
    • @return True if both device and decompressor are set.
    • /

    public boolean isAvailable() {
    return available;

    Conclusion :

    Si cette source s'avère utilisée je me pencherai sur une manière de sécuriser l'accès à la webcam par mot de passe.

    Codes Sources

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