Cpu usage


Contrôle permettant de visualiser un graphe représentant l'utilisation du ou des processeurs (pour les applications multi-thread). Par défaut, ce contrôle est la réplique du CPU Usage History du Task Manager de windows mais il est entièrement paramétrable : Couleur de fond, couleur du quadrillage, couleur du graphe, taille du quadrillage....

Pour l?utiliser, mettez n'importe quel numéro dans le champ « serial ». Ca ne sert à rien?mais c?est comme ça. :-)

N?hésitez pas à visiter mon site qui est en cours de construction : [URL="http://www.need-soft.com"]http://www.need-soft.com/URL

Stephane DEFAYE

Source / Exemple :

Option Strict On

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization

<ToolboxBitmap(GetType(GrahProc), "GrahProc.bmp")> _
Public Class GrahProc
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl

#Region "Declaration"

    Dim _Graph_BackColor As Color = Color.Black
    Dim _Graph_GridColor As Color = Color.SeaGreen
    Dim _Graph_GridColorPen As Pen = Pens.SeaGreen
    Dim _Graph_GraphColor As Color = Color.Lime
    Dim _Graph_GraphColorPen As Pen = Pens.Lime
    Dim _Graph_BorderStyle As BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    Dim _Graph_Start As Boolean
    Dim _Graph_Width As Integer = 100
    Dim _Graph_Height As Integer = 24
    Dim _Graph_Interval As Integer = 1000
    Dim _Graph_QuaterSize As Short = 12
    Dim _Graph_Licence As Boolean = True
    Dim _Graph_Serial As String = CStr(My.Computer.Registry.GetValue _
                                                                ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Need-Soft\GraphProc", _
                                                                "Serial", Nothing))
    Dim Var_Points() As Point 'tableau qui contient les coordonées du graph
    Dim Yy As Integer = 0 'variable pour gérer le décalage du quadrillage
    Dim frmAbout_Form As New frmAbout

    Dim Var_Process As System.Diagnostics.Process
    Dim Var_TmpProc01 As String = "0"
    Dim Var_TmpProc02 As String
    Dim Var_TmpMach1 As String = "0"
    Dim Var_TmpMach2 As String
    Dim Var_PercentProc As Integer 'valeur en % d'utilisation du processeur

    Dim Var_CountProc As Integer = Environment.ProcessorCount 'nombre de processeur(s)
    Dim Var_Tag1 As Short = 0

#End Region

#Region "Propiété"

    Public Property Graph_BorderStyle() As BorderStyle

            Return _Graph_BorderStyle
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As BorderStyle)
            Select Case value
                Case Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
                    Me.PnlProc.BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
                    _Graph_BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
                Case Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
                    Me.PnlProc.BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
                    _Graph_BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
                Case Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None
                    Me.PnlProc.BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None
                    _Graph_BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None
            End Select
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Graph_BackColor() As Color
            Return _Graph_BackColor
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Color)
            _Graph_BackColor = value
            PnlProc.BackColor = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Graph_GridColor() As Color
            Return _Graph_GridColor
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Color)
            _Graph_GridColor = value
            _Graph_GridColorPen = New Pen(_Graph_GridColor)
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Graph_GraphColor() As Color
            Return _Graph_GraphColor
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Color)
            _Graph_GraphColor = value
            _Graph_GraphColorPen = New Pen(_Graph_GraphColor)
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Graph_Interval() As Integer
            Return _Graph_Interval
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
            _Graph_Interval = Value

            If _Graph_Interval > 60000 Then
                _Graph_Interval = 60000
                MsgBox("The value must be less 60000.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Need-Soft")
            ElseIf _Graph_Interval < 100 Then
                _Graph_Interval = 100
                MsgBox("The value must be more 99.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Need-Soft")
            End If
            Timer1.Interval = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Graph_QuaterSize() As Short
            If _Graph_QuaterSize <= 3 Then
                _Graph_QuaterSize = 3
            End If
            Return _Graph_QuaterSize
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Short)
            _Graph_QuaterSize = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Graph_Start() As Boolean
            Return _Graph_Start
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
            Me.Timer1.Enabled = value
            If value = False Then S_PnlClear()
        End Set
    End Property

#End Region

#Region "Function"

    Private Sub GraphProc_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                Handles Me.Resize

    End Sub ' Contrôle au redimensionnement du contrôle

    Protected Sub Init_GraphProc()

        Me.PnlProc.Height = Me.Height 'on ajuste la taille 
        Me.PnlProc.Width = Me.Width 'du panel à la taille du controle
        _Graph_Width = Me.Width
        _Graph_Height = Me.Height

            Var_Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess

        Catch excep As Exception
            Exit Try
        End Try

        If _Graph_BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D Then 'la gargeur du graph varie 
            _Graph_Width = _Graph_Width - 3 'en fonction du style de la bordure
            _Graph_Height = _Graph_Height - 3
        ElseIf Graph_BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle Then
            _Graph_Width = _Graph_Width - 1
            _Graph_Height = _Graph_Height - 1
        End If

        PnlProc.BackColor = _Graph_BackColor
        ReDim Var_Points(_Graph_Width)
        For u As Integer = 0 To _Graph_Width 'initialisation du tableau des coordonnées du graph
            Var_Points(u).X = (u - 1)
            Var_Points(u).Y = _Graph_Height
        _Graph_Serial = CStr(My.Computer.Registry.GetValue _
                                                                     ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Need-Soft\GraphProc", _
                                                                     "Serial", Nothing))

        If Me._Graph_Serial = Nothing Then
        End If

    End Sub 'initialise la taille du graph et la couleur de fond

    Protected Sub S_Pnl()

            Dim Graphic As System.Drawing.Graphics = PnlProc.CreateGraphics
            Dim I, Y, X As Integer

            Yy = Yy - 1
            If Yy < -_Graph_QuaterSize Then Yy = -1
            Y = Yy
            X = -1
            Graphic.Clear(_Graph_BackColor) ' on efface le panel
            For I = 0 To CInt(_Graph_Height / _Graph_QuaterSize) ' boucle pour tracer les traits verticaux
                X = X + _Graph_QuaterSize
                If X > _Graph_Height Then Exit For
                Graphic.DrawLine(_Graph_GridColorPen, 1, X, _Graph_Width, X)

            For I = 0 To CInt(_Graph_Width / (_Graph_QuaterSize)) ' boucle pour tracer les traits horizontaux
                Y = Y + _Graph_QuaterSize
                If Y > _Graph_Width Then Exit For
                Graphic.DrawLine(_Graph_GridColorPen, Y, 0, Y, _Graph_Height)
            For u As Integer = 0 To (_Graph_Width - 1) 'boucle pour décaler le graph de 1px sur la gauche
                Var_Points(u) = Var_Points(u + 1)
                Var_Points(u).X = (u - 1)
            Next u
            Var_Points((_Graph_Width - 1)).Y = CInt((100 - Func_Proc()) / 100 * _Graph_Height)
            Var_Points((_Graph_Width - 1)).X = _Graph_Width
            Graphic.DrawLines(_Graph_GraphColorPen, Var_Points)

        Catch excep As Exception
            Exit Sub
        End Try

    End Sub 'dessine le graph complet, fond, quadrillage et graph

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


    End Sub 'timer, marche arret, intervalle

    Protected Sub S_PnlClear()

            Dim Graphic As System.Drawing.Graphics = PnlProc.CreateGraphics
            Dim I, Y, X As Integer

            Yy = Yy - 1
            If Yy < -_Graph_QuaterSize Then Yy = -1
            Y = Yy
            X = -1
            Graphic.Clear(_Graph_BackColor) ' on efface le panel
            For I = 0 To CInt(_Graph_Height / _Graph_QuaterSize) ' boucle pour tracer les traits verticaux
                X = X + _Graph_QuaterSize
                If X > _Graph_Height Then Exit For
                Graphic.DrawLine(_Graph_GridColorPen, 1, X, _Graph_Width, X)

            For I = 0 To CInt(_Graph_Width / (_Graph_QuaterSize)) ' boucle pour tracer les traits horizontaux
                Y = Y + _Graph_QuaterSize
                If Y > _Graph_Width Then Exit For
                Graphic.DrawLine(_Graph_GridColorPen, Y, 0, Y, _Graph_Height)

        Catch excep As Exception
            Exit Sub
        End Try
    End Sub 'a l'arret du timer on redessine le graph avec le fond et le quadrillage

    Function Func_Proc() As Integer
            Var_TmpProc02 = Split(Var_Process.TotalProcessorTime.ToString, ":")(2)
            Var_TmpProc02 = CStr(CDbl((Split(Var_TmpProc02, ".")(0) & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(Split(Var_TmpProc02, ".")(1), 3))) / Var_CountProc)
            Var_TmpMach2 = Environment.TickCount.ToString
            If Var_TmpMach1 = Var_TmpMach2 Then
                Return Var_PercentProc
                Exit Function
            End If
            Var_PercentProc = CInt(Math.Round(((CDbl(Var_TmpProc02) - CDbl(Var_TmpProc01)) / (CDbl(Var_TmpMach2) - CDbl(Var_TmpMach1))) * 100))

            Var_TmpProc01 = Var_TmpProc02
            Var_TmpMach1 = Var_TmpMach2
            If Var_PercentProc < 0 Then
                Var_PercentProc = 0
            ElseIf Var_PercentProc > 100 Then
                Var_PercentProc = 100

            End If
            Return Var_PercentProc
        Catch excep As Exception
            Return Var_PercentProc
        End Try
    End Function

#End Region

    Private Sub PnlProc_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PnlProc.DoubleClick


    End Sub

End Class

Conclusion :

Vous trouverez dans le zip un formulaire de test.
Je pense que le code est pas mal commenté, mais n'hésitez pas à me solliciter pour toutes questions ou problèmes.

L'idée m'est venue d'une source de ce site :

Ah! C'est ici que je devais mentionner mon site, alors, je répète :

N?hésitez pas à visiter mon site qui est en cours de construction : [URL="http://www.need-soft.com"]http://www.need-soft.com/URL

Stephane DEFAYE

Codes Sources

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