Ecran lcd


C'est un ecran LCD 16 segments & un point.
il est multiligne et pas mal paramétrable, c a vous de juger ...

Source / Exemple :

Ce source a été créé par The Dolphin
                                 SupraDolph ®

'Déclaration d'un type d'énumération
Public Enum Horizontal
    Gauche = 1
    Droite = 2
    Centre = 3
End Enum
Public Enum Appear
End Enum
Public Enum Border
    [Fixed Single]
End Enum

Dim Ctrl_Caption As String          'Texte a écrire
Dim Ctrl_AlignementH As Horizontal  'Alignement Horizontal
Dim Ctrl_Font_Color As OLE_COLOR    'Couleur De La Police
Dim Ctrl_Back_Color As OLE_COLOR    'Couleur De Fond
Dim Ctrl_Back_Seg As OLE_COLOR      'Couleur Des segments eteind
Dim Ctrl_LCDWidth As Integer        'Largeur d'un LCD
Dim Ctrl_SegWidth As Integer        'Largeur d'un segment
Dim Ctrl_Appearance As Appear       'Apparence
Dim Ctrl_BorderStyle As Border      'Style de la bordure
Dim Ctrl_AutoSegWidth As Boolean    'Configuration de l'autowidth d'un segment
Dim Ctrl_See_Back_Seg As Boolean    'Configuration de l'affichage des segments non eclairé

Const Def_Ctrl_AlignementH = 1
Const Def_Ctrl_Font_Color = vbBlack
Const Def_Ctrl_Back_Color = &H8000000F
Const Def_Ctrl_Back_Seg = &H808080
Const Def_Ctrl_LCDWidth = 200
Const Def_Ctrl_SegWidth = 1
Const Def_Ctrl_Appearance = 1
Const Def_Ctrl_BorderStyle = 0
Const Def_Ctrl_AutoSegWidth = True
Const Def_Ctrl_See_Back_Seg = True

Event Click()
Event DblClick()
Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Event MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

Private Sub UserControl_Click()
RaiseEvent Click
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_DblClick()
RaiseEvent DblClick
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
RaiseEvent MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
RaiseEvent MouseMove(Button, Shift, X, Y)
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
RaiseEvent MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y)
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Show()
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
Ctrl_Caption = Extender.Name
Ctrl_AlignementH = Def_Ctrl_AlignementH
Ctrl_Font_Color = Def_Ctrl_Font_Color
Ctrl_Back_Color = Def_Ctrl_Back_Color
Ctrl_Back_Seg = Def_Ctrl_Back_Seg
Ctrl_Appearance = Def_Ctrl_Appearance
Ctrl_BorderStyle = Def_Ctrl_BorderStyle
Ctrl_LCDWidth = Def_Ctrl_LCDWidth
Ctrl_SegWidth = Def_Ctrl_SegWidth
Ctrl_AutoSegWidth = Def_Ctrl_AutoSegWidth
Ctrl_See_Back_Seg = Def_Ctrl_See_Back_Seg
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
Ctrl_Caption = PropBag.ReadProperty("Caption", Extender.Name)
Ctrl_AlignementH = PropBag.ReadProperty("AlignementH", Def_Ctrl_AlignementH)
Ctrl_Font_Color = PropBag.ReadProperty("FontColor", Def_Ctrl_Font_Color)
Ctrl_Back_Color = PropBag.ReadProperty("BackColor", Def_Ctrl_Back_Color)
Ctrl_Back_Seg = PropBag.ReadProperty("Back_Seg", Def_Ctrl_Back_Seg)
Ctrl_LCDWidth = PropBag.ReadProperty("LCDWidth", Def_Ctrl_LCDWidth)
Ctrl_SegWidth = PropBag.ReadProperty("SegWidth", Def_Ctrl_SegWidth)
Ctrl_Appearance = PropBag.ReadProperty("Appearance", Def_Ctrl_Appearance)
Ctrl_BorderStyle = PropBag.ReadProperty("BorderStyle", Def_Ctrl_BorderStyle)
Ctrl_AutoSegWidth = PropBag.ReadProperty("AutoSegWidth", Def_Ctrl_AutoSegWidth)
Ctrl_See_Back_Seg = PropBag.ReadProperty("SeeBackSeg", Def_Ctrl_See_Back_Seg)
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Caption", Ctrl_Caption, Extender.Name)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("AlignementH", Ctrl_AlignementH, Def_Ctrl_AlignementH)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("FontColor", Ctrl_Font_Color, Def_Ctrl_Font_Color)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BackColor", Ctrl_Back_Color, Def_Ctrl_Back_Color)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Back_Seg", Ctrl_Back_Seg, Def_Ctrl_Back_Seg)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("LCDWidth", Ctrl_LCDWidth, Def_Ctrl_LCDWidth)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("SegWidth", Ctrl_SegWidth, Def_Ctrl_SegWidth)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Appearance", Ctrl_Appearance, Def_Ctrl_Appearance)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BorderStyle", Ctrl_BorderStyle, Def_Ctrl_BorderStyle)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("AutoSegWidth", Ctrl_AutoSegWidth, Def_Ctrl_AutoSegWidth)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("SeeBackSeg", Ctrl_See_Back_Seg, Def_Ctrl_See_Back_Seg)
End Sub

Private Function TxtToLCD(Texte As String) As String
Select Case LCase(Texte)
    Case "a", "à"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,e,f,g1,g2"
    Case "b"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,d1,d2,g2,i,l"
    Case "c", "ç"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,d1,d2,e,f"
    Case "d"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,d1,d2,i,l"
    Case "e", "é", "è", "ë", "ê"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,d1,d2,e,f,g1"
    Case "f"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,e,f,g1"
    Case "g"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,c,d1,d2,e,f,g2"
    Case "h"
        TxtToLCD = "b,c,e,f,g1,g2"
    Case "i"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,d1,d2,i,l"
    Case "j"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,d1,e,i,l"
    Case "k"
        TxtToLCD = "e,f,g1,j,k"
    Case "l"
        TxtToLCD = "d1,d2,e,f"
    Case "m"
        TxtToLCD = "b,c,e,f,h,h,j"
    Case "n"
        TxtToLCD = "b,c,e,f,h,k"
    Case "o"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,d1,d2,e,f"
    Case "p"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,e,f,g1,g2"
    Case "q"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,d1,d2,e,f,k"
    Case "r"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,e,f,g1,g2,k"
    Case "s", "5"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,c,d1,d2,f,g1,g2"
    Case "t"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,i,l"
    Case "u", "ù"
        TxtToLCD = "b,c,d1,d2,e,f"
    Case "v"
        TxtToLCD = "e,f,j,m"
    Case "w"
        TxtToLCD = "b,c,e,f,k,m"
    Case "x" ', "*"
        TxtToLCD = "h,j,k,m"
    Case "y"
        TxtToLCD = "h,j,m"
    Case "z"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,a1,d1,d2,j,m"
    Case "0"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,d1,d2,e,f"
    Case "1", "|"
        TxtToLCD = "b,c"
    Case "2"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,d1,d2,e,g1,g2"
    Case "3"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,d1,d2,g1,g2"
    Case "4"
        TxtToLCD = "b,c,f,g1,g2"
'   Case "5" 'voir s
    Case "6"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,c,d1,d2,e,f,g1,g2"
    Case "7"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c"
    Case "8"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,d1,d2,e,f,g1,g2"
    Case "9"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,d1,d2,f,g1,g2"
    Case ".", ","
        TxtToLCD = "pt"
    Case "'"
        TxtToLCD = "f"
    Case "!"
        TxtToLCD = "b,c,pt"
    Case "?"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,a2,b,c,f,pt"
    Case "+"
        TxtToLCD = "g1,g2,i,l"
    Case "-"
        TxtToLCD = "g1,g2"
    Case "*" ' cf x
        TxtToLCD = "h,i,j,k,l,m,g1,g2"
    Case "/"
        TxtToLCD = "j,m"
    Case "="
        TxtToLCD = "d1,d2,g1,g2"
    Case "_"
        TxtToLCD = "d1,d2"
    Case ">", ")"
        TxtToLCD = "h,m"
    Case "<", "("
        TxtToLCD = "j,k"
    Case "\"
        TxtToLCD = "h,k"
    Case "["
        TxtToLCD = "a1,d1,e,f"
    Case "]"
        TxtToLCD = "a2,b,c,d2"
    Case "%"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,d2,j,m"
    Case ":"
        TxtToLCD = "i,l"
    Case "°"
        TxtToLCD = "a1,f,g1,i"
    Case Else
        TxtToLCD = " "
End Select
End Function

Private Function Aff_LCD(LCD As String, Deb As Long, Fin As Long, ByVal Top As Long, Optional Color As OLE_COLOR)
Dim Esp As Long, lar As Long, Segments() As String, i As Byte, DW As Integer

DW = 0.009 * (Fin - Deb)
If DW < 1 Then DW = 1
Top = Top + DW * 15
DrawWidth = IIf(Ctrl_AutoSegWidth, DW, Ctrl_SegWidth)
Esp = 0.18 * (Fin - Deb)
lar = Fin - Deb - 2 * Esp
Segments = Split(LCD, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(Segments)
    Select Case Segments(i)
        Case "a1"
'Line (Deb + Esp, Top)-(Fin - Esp, Top), Color
            Line (Deb + Esp, Top)-((Deb + Fin - Esp) / 2, Top), Color
        Case "a2"
            Line ((Deb + Fin + Esp) / 2, Top)-(Fin - Esp, Top), Color
        Case "b"
            Line (Fin, Top + Esp)-(Fin, Top + lar + Esp), Color
        Case "c"
            Line (Fin, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-(Fin, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
        Case "d1"
'Line (Deb + Esp, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar)-(Fin - Esp, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
            Line (Deb + Esp, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar)-((Deb + Fin - Esp) / 2, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
        Case "d2"
            Line ((Deb + Fin + Esp) / 2, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar)-(Fin - Esp, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
        Case "e"
            Line (Deb, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-(Deb, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
        Case "f"
            Line (Deb, Top + Esp)-(Deb, Top + lar + Esp), Color
        Case "g1"
'Line (Deb + Esp, Top + 2 * Esp + lar)-(Fin - Esp, Top + 2 * Esp + lar), Color
            Line (Deb + Esp, Top + 2 * Esp + lar)-((Deb + Fin - Esp) / 2, Top + 2 * Esp + lar), Color
        Case "g2"
            Line ((Deb + Fin + Esp) / 2, Top + 2 * Esp + lar)-(Fin - Esp, Top + 2 * Esp + lar), Color
        Case "h"
            Line (Deb + Esp, Top + Esp)-((Fin + Deb - Esp) / 2, Top + Esp + lar), Color
        Case "i"
            Line ((Fin + Deb) / 2, Top + Esp)-((Fin + Deb) / 2, Top + Esp + lar), Color
        Case "j"
            Line (Fin - Esp, Top + Esp)-((Fin + Deb + Esp) / 2, Top + Esp + lar), Color
        Case "k"
            Line ((Fin + Deb + Esp) / 2, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-(Fin - Esp, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
        Case "l"
            Line ((Fin + Deb) / 2, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-((Fin + Deb) / 2, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
        Case "m"
            Line ((Fin + Deb - Esp) / 2, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-(Deb + Esp, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
        Case "pt"
            PSet (Fin, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
        Case "all"
            'DrawWidth = 1
            Line (Deb + Esp, Top)-((Deb + Fin - Esp) / 2, Top), Color
            Line ((Deb + Fin + Esp) / 2, Top)-(Fin - Esp, Top), Color
            Line (Fin, Top + Esp)-(Fin, Top + lar + Esp), Color
            Line (Fin, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-(Fin, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
            Line (Deb + Esp, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar)-((Deb + Fin - Esp) / 2, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
            Line ((Deb + Fin + Esp) / 2, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar)-(Fin - Esp, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
            Line (Deb, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-(Deb, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
            Line (Deb, Top + Esp)-(Deb, Top + lar + Esp), Color
            Line (Deb + Esp, Top + 2 * Esp + lar)-((Deb + Fin - Esp) / 2, Top + 2 * Esp + lar), Color
            Line ((Deb + Fin + Esp) / 2, Top + 2 * Esp + lar)-(Fin - Esp, Top + 2 * Esp + lar), Color
            Line (Deb + Esp, Top + Esp)-((Fin + Deb - Esp) / 2, Top + Esp + lar), Color
            Line ((Fin + Deb) / 2, Top + Esp)-((Fin + Deb) / 2, Top + Esp + lar), Color
            Line (Fin - Esp, Top + Esp)-((Fin + Deb + Esp) / 2, Top + Esp + lar), Color
            Line ((Fin + Deb + Esp) / 2, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-(Fin - Esp, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
            Line ((Fin + Deb) / 2, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-((Fin + Deb) / 2, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
            Line ((Fin + Deb - Esp) / 2, Top + 3 * Esp + lar)-(Deb + Esp, Top + 3 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
            PSet (Fin, Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar), Color
    End Select
Next i
End Function

Public Property Get Caption() As String
Caption = Ctrl_Caption
End Property

Public Property Let Caption(ByVal New_Caption As String)
Ctrl_Caption = New_Caption
PropertyChanged "Caption"
End Property

Public Property Get AlignementH() As Horizontal
AlignementH = Ctrl_AlignementH
End Property

Public Property Let AlignementH(ByVal New_AlignementH As Horizontal)
Ctrl_AlignementH = New_AlignementH
PropertyChanged "AlignementH"
End Property

Public Property Get FontColor() As OLE_COLOR
FontColor = Ctrl_Font_Color
End Property

Public Property Let FontColor(ByVal New_Font_Color As OLE_COLOR)
Ctrl_Font_Color = New_Font_Color
PropertyChanged "FontColor"
End Property

Public Property Get BackColor() As OLE_COLOR
BackColor = Ctrl_Back_Color
End Property

Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal New_Back_Color As OLE_COLOR)
Ctrl_Back_Color = New_Back_Color
PropertyChanged "BackColor"
End Property

Public Property Get Back_Seg() As OLE_COLOR
Back_Seg = Ctrl_Back_Seg
End Property

Public Property Let Back_Seg(ByVal New_Back_Seg As OLE_COLOR)
Ctrl_Back_Seg = New_Back_Seg
PropertyChanged "Back_Seg"
End Property

Public Property Get LCDWidth() As Integer
LCDWidth = Ctrl_LCDWidth
End Property

Public Property Let LCDWidth(ByVal New_LCDWidth As Integer)
Ctrl_LCDWidth = New_LCDWidth
PropertyChanged "LCDWidth"
End Property

Public Property Get SegWidth() As Integer
SegWidth = Ctrl_SegWidth
End Property

Public Property Let SegWidth(ByVal New_SegWidth As Integer)
Ctrl_SegWidth = New_SegWidth
PropertyChanged "SegWidth"
End Property

Public Property Get Appearance() As Appear
Appearance = Ctrl_Appearance
End Property

Public Property Let Appearance(ByVal New_Appearance As Appear)
Ctrl_Appearance = New_Appearance
PropertyChanged "Appearance"
End Property

Public Property Get BorderStyle() As Border
BorderStyle = Ctrl_BorderStyle
End Property

Public Property Let BorderStyle(ByVal New_BorderStyle As Border)
Ctrl_BorderStyle = New_BorderStyle
PropertyChanged "BorderStyle"
End Property

Public Property Get AutoSegWidth() As Boolean
AutoSegWidth = Ctrl_AutoSegWidth
End Property

Public Property Let AutoSegWidth(ByVal New_AutoSegWidth As Boolean)
Ctrl_AutoSegWidth = New_AutoSegWidth
PropertyChanged "AutoSegWidth"
End Property

Public Property Get SeeBackSeg() As Boolean
SeeBackSeg = Ctrl_See_Back_Seg
End Property

Public Property Let SeeBackSeg(ByVal New_See_Back_Seg As Boolean)
Ctrl_See_Back_Seg = New_See_Back_Seg
PropertyChanged "SeeBackSeg"
End Property

Private Function Change()
Dim i As Integer, Deb As Long, Fin As Long, Lettre As String, Top As Long, Esp As Long, lar As Long, Ligne As Integer
If Ctrl_Caption = "" Then Exit Function
UserControl.Appearance = Ctrl_Appearance
UserControl.BorderStyle = Ctrl_BorderStyle
UserControl.BackColor = Ctrl_Back_Color

Fin = VCurrentX(0) - Ctrl_LCDWidth * 0.35 / 2

For i = 1 To Len(Ctrl_Caption)
    Deb = Fin
    Fin = Deb + Ctrl_LCDWidth
    Lettre = Mid(Ctrl_Caption, i, 1)
    Esp = 0.18 * (Fin - Deb)
    lar = Fin - Deb - 2 * Esp
    If Lettre = vbCr Then
        Top = Top + 4 * Esp + 2 * lar
        Ligne = Ligne + 1
        Fin = VCurrentX(Ligne) - Ctrl_LCDWidth * 0.35 / 2
        i = i + 1
        If Ctrl_See_Back_Seg Then Aff_LCD "all", Deb + Ctrl_LCDWidth * 0.35, Fin, Top, Ctrl_Back_Seg
        Aff_LCD TxtToLCD(Lettre), Deb + Ctrl_LCDWidth * 0.35, Fin, Top, Ctrl_Font_Color
    End If
Next i
End Function

Private Function VCurrentX(Ligne As Integer) As Long
Dim Texte() As String

Texte = Split(Ctrl_Caption, vbCrLf)
Select Case Ctrl_AlignementH
    Case 1
        VCurrentX = 0
    Case 2
        VCurrentX = ScaleWidth - Len(Texte(Ligne)) * Ctrl_LCDWidth
    Case 3
        VCurrentX = (ScaleWidth - Len(Texte(Ligne)) * Ctrl_LCDWidth) / 2
End Select
End Function

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