Upload en ajax + flash (fancy upload)


Superbe script réalisé par http://digitarald.de/project/fancyupload/ ,
Il permet l'envoi de fichiers multiples mais réellement multiples puisqu'il n'impose pas l'abondance d'input avec bouton parcourir, un seul suffit.
En plus une barre d'avancement animée est intégrée !

Je suis sur que cette source intéressera du monde tout autan que moi !

Le problème étant je le trouve assez complexe et je n'arrive pas à l'installer !

Voila si vous êtes intéressés par ce script je serrai ravi d'essayer de comprendre avec vous comment l'installer !

Source / Exemple :

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Script: Swiff.Uploader.js
	Contains <Swiff.Uploader>

	Valerio Proietti, <http://mad4milk.net>,
	Harald Kirschner, <http://digitarald.de>

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/* Class: Swiff.Uploader creates an uploader instance. Requires an existing Swiff.Uploader.swf instance. Arguments: callBacks - an object, containing key/value pairs, representing the possible callbacks. See below. onLoaded - Callback when the swf is initialized options - types, multiple, queued, swf, url, container callBacks: onOpen - a function to fire when the user opens a file. onProgress - a function to fire when the file is uploading. passes the name, the current uploaded size and the full size. onSelect - a function to fire when the user selects a file. onComplete - a function to fire when the file finishes uploading onError - a function to fire when there is an error. onCancel - a function to fire when the user cancels the file uploading.
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Swiff.Uploader = new Class({ options: { types: false, multiple: true, queued: true, swf: null, url: null, container: null }, callBacks: { onOpen: Class.empty, onProgress: Class.empty, onSelect: Class.empty, onComplete: Class.empty, onError: Class.empty, onCancel: Class.empty }, initialize: function(callBacks, onLoaded, options){ if (Swiff.getVersion() < 8) return false; this.setOptions(options); this.onLoaded = onLoaded; var calls = $extend($merge(this.callBacks), callBacks || {}); for (p in calls) calls[p] = calls[p].bind(this); this.instance = Swiff.nextInstance(); Swiff.callBacks[this.instance] = calls; this.object = Swiff.Uploader.register(this.loaded.bind(this), this.options.swf, this.options.container); return this; }, loaded: function(){ Swiff.remote(this.object, 'create', this.instance, this.options.types, this.options.multiple, this.options.queued, this.options.url); this.onLoaded.delay(10); }, browse: function(){ Swiff.remote(this.object, 'browse', this.instance); }, send: function(url){ Swiff.remote(this.object, 'upload', this.instance, url); }, remove: function(name, size){ Swiff.remote(this.object, 'remove', this.instance, name, size); }, fileIndex: function(name, size){ return Swiff.remote(this.object, 'fileIndex', this.instance, name, size); }, fileList: function(){ return Swiff.remote(this.object, 'filelist', this.instance); } }); Swiff.Uploader.implement(new Options); Swiff.Uploader.extend = $extend; Swiff.Uploader.extend({ swf: 'Swiff.Uploader.swf', callBacks: [], register: function(callBack, url, container){ if (!Swiff.Uploader.object || !Swiff.Uploader.loaded) { Swiff.Uploader.callBacks.push(callBack); if (!Swiff.Uploader.object) { Swiff.Uploader.object = new Swiff(url || Swiff.Uploader.swf, {callBacks: {'onLoad': Swiff.Uploader.onLoad}}); (container || document.body).appendChild(Swiff.Uploader.object); } } else callBack.delay(10); return Swiff.Uploader.object; }, onLoad: function(){ Swiff.Uploader.loaded = true; Swiff.Uploader.callBacks.each(function(fn){ fn.delay(10); }); Swiff.Uploader.callBacks.length = 0; } }); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Script: Swiff.Base.js Contains <Swiff>, <Swiff.getVersion>, <Swiff.remote> Author: Valerio Proietti, <http://mad4milk.net> enhanced by Harald Kirschner <http://digitarald.de> Credits: Flash detection 'borrowed' from SWFObject.
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/* Function: Swiff creates a flash object with supplied parameters. Arguments: source - the swf path. properties - an object with key/value pairs. all options are optional. see below. where - the $(element) to inject the flash object. Properties: width - int, the width of the flash object. defaults to 0. height - int, the height of the flash object. defaults to 0. id - string, the id of the flash object. defaults to 'Swiff-Object-num_of_object_inserted'. wmode - string, transparent or opaque. bgcolor - string, hex value for the movie background color. vars - an object of variables (functions, anything) you want to pass to your flash movie Returns: the object element, to be injected somewhere. Important: the $ function on the OBJECT element wont extend it, will just target the movie by its id/reference. So its not possible to use the <Element> methods on it. This is why it has to be injected using $('myFlashContainer').adopt(myObj) instead of $(myObj).injectInside('myFlashContainer'); Example: (start code) var obj = new Swiff('myMovie.swf', { width: 500, height: 400, id: 'myBeautifulMovie', wmode: 'opaque', bgcolor: '#ff3300', vars: { onLoad: myOnloadFunc, myVariable: myJsVar, myVariableString: 'hello' } }); $('myElement').adopt(obj); (end)
  • /
var Swiff = function(source, props){ if (!Swiff.fixed) Swiff.fix(); var instance = Swiff.nextInstance(); Swiff.vars[instance] = {}; props = $merge({ width: 1, height: 1, id: instance, wmode: 'transparent', bgcolor: '#ffffff', allowScriptAccess: 'sameDomain', callBacks: {'onLoad': Class.empty}, params: false }, props || {}); var append = []; for (var p in props.callBacks){ Swiff.vars[instance][p] = props.callBacks[p]; append.push(p + '=Swiff.vars.' + instance + '.' + p); } if (props.params) append.push(Object.toQueryString(props.params)); var swf = source + '?' + append.join('&'); return new Element('div').setHTML( '<object width="', props.width, '" height="', props.height, '" id="', props.id, '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="', swf, '">' ,'<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="', props.allowScriptAccess, '" />' ,'<param name="movie" value="', swf, '" />' ,'<param name="bgcolor" value="', props.bgcolor, '" />' ,'<param name="scale" value="noscale" />' ,'<param name="salign" value="lt" />' ,'<param name="wmode" value="', props.wmode, '" />' ,'</object>').firstChild; }; Swiff.extend = $extend; Swiff.extend({ count: 0, callBacks: {}, vars: {}, nextInstance: function(){ return 'Swiff' + Swiff.count++; }, //from swfObject, fixes bugs in ie+fp9 fix: function(){ Swiff.fixed = true; window.addEvent('beforeunload', function(){ __flash_unloadHandler = __flash_savedUnloadHandler = Class.empty; }); if (!window.ie) return; window.addEvent('unload', function(){ $each(document.getElementsByTagName("object"), function(swf){ swf.style.display = 'none'; for (var p in swf){ if (typeof swf[p] == 'function') swf[p] = Class.empty; } }); }); }, /* Function: Swiff.getVersion gets the major version of the flash player installed. Returns: a number representing the flash version installed, or 0 if no player is installed.
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getVersion: function(){ if (!Swiff.pluginVersion) { var x; if(navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes.length){ x = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]; if(x && x.description) x = x.description; } else if (window.ie){ try { x = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); x = x.GetVariable("$version"); } catch(e){} } Swiff.pluginVersion = ($type(x) == 'string') ? parseInt(x.match(/\d+/)[0]) : 0; } return Swiff.pluginVersion; }, /* Function: Swiff.remote Calls an ActionScript function from javascript. Requires ExternalInterface. Returns: Whatever the ActionScript Returns
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remote: function(obj, fn){ var rs = obj.CallFunction("<invoke name=\"" + fn + "\" returntype=\"javascript\">" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments, 2) + "</invoke>"); return eval(rs); } }); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Script: FancyUpload.js
  • FancyUpload - Flash meets Ajax for beauty uploads
  • Based on Swiff.Base and Swiff.Uploader.
  • Its intended that you edit this class to add your
  • own queue layout/text/effects. This is NO include
  • and forget class. If you want custom effects or
  • more output, use Swiff.Uploader as interface
  • for your new class or change this class.
  • USAGE:
  • var inputElement = $E('input[type="file"]');
  • new FancyUpload(inputElement, {
  • swf: '../swf/Swiff.Uploader.swf'
  • // more options
  • })
  • The target element has to be in an form, the upload starts onsubmit
  • by default.
  • url: Upload target URL, default is form-action if given, otherwise current page
  • swf: Path & filename of the swf file, default: Swiff.Uploader.swf
  • multiple: Multiple files selection, default: true
  • queued: Queued upload, default: true
  • types: Object with (description: extension) pairs, default: Images (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png)
  • limitSize: Maximum size for one added file, bigger files are ignored, default: false
  • limitFiles: Maximum files in the queue, default: false
  • createReplacement: Function that creates the replacement for the input-file, default: false, so a button with "Browse Files" is created
  • instantStart: Upload starts instantly after selecting a file, default: false
  • allowDuplicates: Allow duplicate filenames in the queue, default: true
  • container: Container element for the swf, default: document.body, used only for the first FancyUpload instance, see QUIRKS
  • optionFxDuration: Fx duration for highlight, default: 250
  • queueList: The Element or ID for the queue list
  • onComplete: Event fired when one file is completed
  • onAllComplete: Event fired when all files uploaded
  • NOTE:
  • Flash FileReference is stupid, the request will have no cookies
  • or additional post data. Only the file is send in $_FILES['Filedata'],
  • with a wrong content-type (application/octet-stream).
  • When u have sessions, append them as get-data to the the url.
  • @version 1.0rc1
  • @license MIT License
  • @author Harald Kirschner <mail [at] digitarald [dot] de>
  • @copyright Authors
  • /
var FancyUpload = new Class({ options: { url: false, swf: 'Swiff.Uploader.swf', multiple: true, queued: true, types: {'Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)': '*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png'}, limitSize: false, limitFiles: false, createReplacement: null, instantStart: false, allowDuplicates: false, optionFxDuration: 250, container: null, queueList: 'photoupload-queue', onComplete: Class.empty, onError: Class.empty, onCancel: Class.empty, onAllComplete: Class.empty }, initialize: function(el, options){ this.element = $(el); this.setOptions(options); this.options.url = this.options.url || this.element.form.action || location.href; this.fileList = []; this.uploader = new Swiff.Uploader({ onOpen: this.onOpen.bind(this), onProgress: this.onProgress.bind(this), onComplete: this.onComplete.bind(this), onError: this.onError.bind(this), onSelect: this.onSelect.bind(this) }, this.initializeFlash.bind(this), { swf: this.options.swf, types: this.options.types, multiple: this.options.multiple, queued: this.options.queued, container: this.options.container }); }, initializeFlash: function() { this.queue = $(this.options.queueList); $(this.element.form).addEvent('submit', this.upload.bindWithEvent(this)); if (this.options.createReplacement) this.options.createReplacement(this.element); else { new Element('input', { type: 'button', value: 'Browse Files', events: { click: this.browse.bind(this) } }).injectBefore(this.element); this.element.remove(); } }, browse: function() { this.uploader.browse(); }, upload: function(e) { if (e) e.stop(); this.uploader.send(this.options.url); }, onSelect: function(name, size) { if (this.uploadTimer) this.uploadTimer = $clear(this.uploadTimer); if ((this.options.limitSize && (size > this.options.limitSize)) || (this.options.limitFiles && (this.fileList.length >= this.options.limitFiles)) || (!this.options.allowDuplicates && this.findFile(name, size) != -1)) return false; this.addFile(name, size); if (this.options.instantStart) this.uploadTimer = this.upload.delay(250, this); return true; }, onOpen: function(name, size) { var index = this.findFile(name, size); this.fileList[index].status = 1; if (this.fileList[index].fx) return; this.fileList[index].fx = new Element('div', {'class': 'queue-subloader'}).injectInside( new Element('div', {'class': 'queue-loader'}).setHTML('Uploading').injectInside(this.fileList[index].element) ).effect('width', { duration: 200, wait: false, unit: '%', transition: Fx.Transitions.linear }).set(0); }, onProgress: function(name, bytes, total, percentage) { this.uploadStatus(name, total, percentage); }, onComplete: function(name, size) { var index = this.uploadStatus(name, size, 100); this.fileList[index].fx.element.setHTML('Completed'); this.fileList[index].status = 2; this.highlight(index, 'e1ff80'); this.checkComplete(name, size, 'onComplete'); }, /**
  • Error codes are just examples, customize them according to your server-errorhandling
  • /
onError: function(name, size, error) { var msg = "Upload failed (" + error + ")"; switch(error.toInt()) { case 500: msg = "Internal server error, please contact Administrator!"; break; case 400: msg = "Upload failed, please check your filesize!"; break; case 409: msg = "Could not process image, please choose another!"; break; case 415: msg = "Unsupported media type, please upload GIF, PNG, TIFF or JPEG!"; break; case 412: msg = "Invalid target, please reload page and try again!"; break; case 417: msg = "Photo too small, please keep our photo manifest in mind!"; break; } var index = this.uploadStatus(name, size, 100); this.fileList[index].fx.element.setStyle('background-color', '#ffd780').setHTML(msg); this.fileList[index].status = 2; this.highlight(index, 'ffd780'); this.checkComplete(name, size, 'onError'); }, checkComplete: function(name, size, fire) { this.fireEvent(fire, [name, size]); if (this.nextFile() == -1) this.fireEvent('onAllComplete'); }, addFile: function(name, size) { if (!this.options.multiple && this.fileList.length) this.remove(this.fileList[0].name, this.fileList[0].size); this.fileList.push({ name: name, size: size, status: 0, percentage: 0, element: new Element('li').setHTML('<span class="queue-file">'+ name +'</span><span class="queue-size" title="'+ size +' byte">~'+ Math.ceil(size / 1000) +' kb</span>').injectInside(this.queue) }); new Element('a', { href: 'javascript:void(0)', 'class': 'input-delete', title: 'Remove from queue', events: { click: this.cancelFile.bindWithEvent(this, [name, size]) } }).injectBefore(this.fileList.getLast().element.getFirst()); this.highlight(this.fileList.length - 1, 'e1ff80'); }, uploadStatus: function(name, size, percentage) { var index = this.findFile(name, size); this.fileList[index].fx.start(percentage).element.setHTML(percentage +'%'); this.fileList[index].percentage = percentage; return index; }, uploadOverview: function() { var l = this.fileList.length, i = -1, percentage = 0; while (++i < l) percentage += this.fileList[i].percentage; return Math.ceil(percentage / l); }, highlight: function(index, color) { return this.fileList[index].element.effect('background-color', {duration: this.options.optionFxDuration}).start(color, 'fff'); }, cancelFile: function(e, name, size) { e.stop(); this.remove(name, size); }, remove: function(name, size, index) { if (name) index = this.findFile(name, size); if (index == -1) return; if (this.fileList[index].status < 2) { this.uploader.remove(name, size); this.checkComplete(name, size, 'onCancel'); } this.fileList[index].element.effect('opacity', {duration: this.options.optionFxDuration}).start(1, 0).chain(Element.remove.pass([this.fileList[index].element], Element)); this.fileList.splice(index, 1); return; }, findFile: function(name, size) { var l = this.fileList.length, i = -1; while (++i < l) if (this.fileList[i].name == name && this.fileList[i].size == size) return i; return -1; }, nextFile: function() { var l = this.fileList.length, i = -1; while (++i < l) if (this.fileList[i].status != 2) return i; return -1; }, clearList: function(complete) { var i = -1; while (++i < this.fileList.length) if (complete || this.fileList[i].status == 2) this.remove(0, 0, 0, i--); } }); FancyUpload.implement(new Events, new Options);

Conclusion :

Voila pour plus d'informations vous pouvez allés sur http://digitarald.de/project/fancyupload/

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