[php5] smartdir : les itérateurs en php - lecture intelligente de répertoire


J'ai décidé de montrer toute la puissance de la SPL (Standard PHP Library) et des itérateurs en PHP5.
Ce package est à personnaliser. Il permet la lecture récursive ou non de répertoire, en appliquant, ou non, des filtres.
FILTER_ON fait un filtre montrant uniquement les fichiers correspondant aux masques :
oSmartDir::FILTER_ON = 'php';
Va filtrer sur les fichiers contenant'php'.
oSmartDir::FILTER_ON = array ('php, 'html', 'js');
va filtrer sur les fichiers contenant php, html, ou js.

FILTER_OFF faut un filtre négatif :
oSmartDir::FILTER_OFF = 'php';
ne montrera que les fichiers ne contenant pas 'php'.
Peut aussi être un tableau de masques.

oSmartDir::DIr = false;
Ne lira pas les répertoire

oSmartDir::FILE = false;
ne montrera pas les fichiers

oSmartDir::RECURSE = false;
Ne lira pas récursivement.

On peut évidemment modifier ces filtres via la méthode myFilter::valid ()

Méthodes :
oSmartDir::getDir ();
permet simplement de récupérer l'itérateur pour l'arborescence définie via les filtres (ou non, d'ailleurs).
Plus tard, j'implémenterai de nouvelles méthodes "outils" : copie, déplacement etc...en tenant compte des filtres.
J'ai mis une méthode copy ().
Attention, elle est effective sur le fichier d'exemple : le zip contient toute une arborescence. Le fichier exemple lit cette arbo avec divers filtres, pour donner quelques exemples, puis crée un répertoire copie/ dans lequel il copie toute l'arborescence, mais en ne prenan t en compte que les fichiers contenant 'php'.

J'ai volontairement montré un package assez complexe...mais la lecture d'un répertoire de manière récursive peut se faire en 3 lignes grâce aux itérateurs :

$dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('.'), true);

foreach ( $dir as $file ) {
echo str_repeat('-', $dir->getDepth()) . ' '.$file.'<br />';
Essayez ce code : il va lire récursivement le répertoire courant (donc, avec ses sous-répertoires), tout en indentant en fonction de l'arborescence.
Si si...!

Source / Exemple :


  • smartDir package
  • @author Johan Barbier <johan.barbier@gmail.com>
  • @version 20011120
  • /
  • class myFilter
  • check active filters
  • RecursiveFilterIterator child
  • /
class myFilter extends RecursiveFilterIterator { /**
  • active filter ON (keep these)
  • @var mixed
  • /
private $mFilterOn; /**
  • active filter OFF (do not keep these)
  • @var mixed
  • /
private $mFilterOff; /**
  • iterator
  • @var iterator
  • /
private $it = null; /**
  • error message
  • @var string
  • /
const ERROR_NO_VALID_FILTER = '{__FILTER__} is not a valid setable filter'; /**
  • Constructor
  • @param iterator $it
  • @param mixed $mFilterOn
  • @param mixed $mFilterOff
  • /
public function __construct ($it, $mFilterOn, $mFilterOff) { parent::__construct ($it); $this -> it = $it; $this -> mFilterOn = $mFilterOn; $this -> mFilterOff = $mFilterOff; } /**
  • Function accept ()
  • returns true or false if the current element is accepted or not
  • @return boolean
  • /
public function accept () { if (!is_null ($this -> mFilterOn)) { if (!is_array ($this -> mFilterOn)) { $mPos = strpos ($this -> it -> getFileName (), (string)$this -> mFilterOn); if (false === $mPos) { return false; } } else { foreach ($this -> mFilterOn as $sFilter) { $mPos = strpos ($this -> it -> getFileName (), (string)$sFilter); if (false !== $mPos) { return true; } } return false; } } if (!is_null ($this -> mFilterOff)) { if (!is_array ($this -> mFilterOff)) { $mPos = strpos ($this -> it -> getFileName (), (string)$this -> mFilterOff); if (false !== $mPos) { return false; } } else { foreach ($this -> mFilterOff as $sFilter) { $mPos = strpos ($this -> it -> getFileName (), (string)$sFilter); if (false !== $mPos) { return false; } else { return true; } } return false; } } return true; } } /**
  • Class MyRecursiveDirectoryIterator
  • parent of main class, RecursiveDirectoryIterator child
  • /
class MyRecursiveDirectoryIterator extends RecursiveDirectoryIterator { /**
  • are dir valid
  • @var boolean
  • /
protected $bDir = true; /**
  • are files valid
  • @var boolean
  • /
protected $bFile = true; /**
  • filter ON (keep these)
  • @var mixed
  • /
protected $mFilterOn = null; /**
  • filter OFF (do not keep these)
  • @var mixed
  • /
protected $mFilterOff = null; /**
  • Recursive dir or not
  • @var boolean
  • /
protected $bRecurse = true; /**
  • props that can be set
  • @var array
  • /
protected $aCanBeSet = array ( 'FLAG', 'FILTER_ON', 'FILTER_OFF', 'DIR', 'FILE', 'PATH', 'RECURSE' ); /**
  • filter ON (keep these)
  • @var RecursiveDirectoryIterator class constant
  • /
protected $cFlag = 0; /**
  • path to be read
  • @var string (valid path)
  • /
protected $sPath; protected $sCreatedDir = null; /**
  • error messages
  • @var string
  • /
const ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = '{__PATH__} has not been found'; const ERROR_PROP_NOT_SETABLE = '{__PROP__} is not a setable property'; const ERROR_BAD_PROP_VALUE = '{__VAL__} is not a correct value for {__PROP__}'; const ERROR_NO_BOOLEAN = '{__PROP__} value must be a boolean'; /**
  • getChildren will retrieve sub path
  • @return subiterator
  • /
public function getChildren () { $iSub = new self ($this -> getPathname ()); $iSub -> bDir = $this -> bDir; $iSub -> bFile = $this -> bFile; $iSub -> mFilterOn = $this -> mFilterOn; $iSub -> mFilterOff = $this -> mFilterOff; return $iSub; } /**
  • get current key
  • @return string
  • /
public function key () { return $this -> getPath (); } /**
  • get current file
  • @return string
  • /
public function current () { return $this -> getFileName (); } /**
  • is the current element valid or not
  • @return boolean
  • /
public function valid () { if (!is_null ($this -> sCreatedDir)) { if ($this -> current () === $this -> sCreatedDir) { return false; } } $oFilter = new myFilter ($this, $this -> mFilterOn, $this -> mFilterOff); if (true === parent::valid ()) { if (false === $oFilter -> accept ()) { if (false === $this -> isDir ()) { parent::next (); return $this -> valid (); } else { return true; } } if (false === $this -> bDir) { if (true === $this -> isDir ()) { parent::next (); return $this -> valid (); } } if (false === $this -> bFile) { if (true === $this -> isFile ()) { parent::next (); return $this -> valid (); } } return true; } return false; } /**
  • Setter
  • @param string $sProp
  • @param mixed $mVal
  • /
public function __set ($sProp, $mVal) { if (!in_array ($sProp, $this -> aCanBeSet)) { throw new Exception (str_replace ('{__PATH__}', $sProp, self::ERROR_PROP_NOT_SETABLE)); } switch ($sProp) { case 'FLAG' : if (!in_array ($mVal, array (parent::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO, parent::KEY_AS_FILENAME, parent::NEW_CURRENT_AND_KEY, 0))) { throw new Exception (str_replace (array ('{__VAL__}', '{__PROP__}'), array ($mVal, $sProp), self::ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)); } $this -> cFlag = $mVal; break; case 'FILTER_ON' : $this -> mFilterOn = $mVal; $this -> mFilterOff = null; break; case 'FILTER_OFF' : $this -> mFilterOff = $mVal; $this -> mFilterOn = null; break; case 'DIR' : if (!is_bool ($mVal)) { throw new Exception (str_replace ('{__PROP__}', $sProp, self::ERROR_NO_BOOLEAN)); } $this -> bDir = $mVal; break; case 'FILE' : if (!is_bool ($mVal)) { throw new Exception (str_replace ('{__PROP__}', $sProp, self::ERROR_NO_BOOLEAN)); } $this -> bFile = $mVal; break; case 'RECURSE' : if (!is_bool ($mVal)) { throw new Exception (str_replace ('{__PROP__}', $sProp, self::ERROR_NO_BOOLEAN)); } $this -> bRecurse = $mVal; break; case 'PATH' : if (!is_dir ($mVal)) { throw new Exception (str_replace ('{__PATH__}', $mVal, self::ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)); } $this -> sPath = $mVal; break; } } } /**
  • Class oSmartDir
  • MyRecursiveDirectoryIterator child
  • /
class oSmartDir extends MyRecursiveDirectoryIterator { /**
  • Constructor
  • @param string $sPath (valid path)
  • /
const ERROR_COPY_FAILED = 'Failed to copy {__FROM__} to {__TO__}'; public function __construct ($sPath) { if (!is_dir ($sPath)) { throw new Exception (str_replace ('{__PATH__}', $sPath, self::ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)); } $this -> sPath = $sPath; } /**
  • getDir will retrieve the asked directory
  • @return iterator
  • /
public function getDir () { parent::__construct ($this -> sPath, $this -> cFlag); if (true === $this -> bRecurse) { return new RecursiveIteratorIterator ($this, true); } else { return $this; } } public function copy ($sTo) { $aDir = $this -> getDir (); if (!is_dir ($sTo)) { mkdir ($sTo, '0755'); } $this -> sCreatedDir = $sTo; while ($aDir -> valid ()) { if ($aDir -> current () !== $sTo && !$aDir -> isDot ()) { if (!$aDir -> isDir ()) { if (!@copy ($aDir -> getPathName (), $sTo.'/'.$aDir -> getPathName ())) { throw new Exception (str_replace (array ('{__FROM__}', '{__TO__}'), array ($aDir -> getPathName (), $sTo.'/'.$aDir -> getPathName ()), self::ERROR_COPY_FAILED)); } } else { if (!@mkdir ($sTo.'/'.$aDir -> getPathName (), '0755')) { throw new Exception (str_replace (array ('{__FROM__}', '{__TO__}'), array ($aDir -> getPathName (), $sTo.'/'.$aDir -> getPathName ()), self::ERROR_COPY_FAILED)); } } } $aDir -> next (); } $this -> sCreatedDir = null; } } /**
  • /
try { $oDir = new oSmartDir ('.'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e -> getMessage (); } try { echo '<br /><strong>ALL NO RECURSIVE</strong><br />'; $oDir -> RECURSE = false; // no recursivity $aDir = $oDir -> getDir (); while ($aDir -> valid ()) { if ($aDir -> isDot ()) { $aDir -> next (); } $sHtml = ''; if ($aDir -> isDir ()) { $sHtml.= '<strong>'.$aDir -> current ().'</strong>'; } else { $sHtml.= '<em>'.$aDir -> current ().'</em>'; } $sHtml .= '<br />'; echo $sHtml; $aDir -> next (); } echo '<br /><strong>ALL</strong><br />'; $oDir -> RECURSE = true; // recursivity back to true $aDir = $oDir -> getDir (); while ($aDir -> valid ()) { if ($aDir -> isDot ()) { $aDir -> next (); } $sHtml = str_repeat ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $aDir -> getDepth ()); if ($aDir -> isDir ()) { $sHtml.= '<strong>'.$aDir -> current ().'</strong>'; } else { $sHtml.= '<em>'.$aDir -> current ().'</em>'; } $sHtml .= '<br />'; echo $sHtml; $aDir -> next (); } echo '<br /><strong>ALL + fileSize</strong><br />'; $oDir -> RECURSE = true; // recursivity back to true $aDir = $oDir -> getDir (); while ($aDir -> valid ()) { if ($aDir -> isDot ()) { $aDir -> next (); } $sHtml = str_repeat ('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $aDir -> getDepth ()); if ($aDir -> isDir ()) { $sHtml.= '<strong>'.$aDir -> current ().'</strong>'; } else { $sHtml.= '<em>'.$aDir -> current ().' '.round (($aDir -> getSize()/1024), 2).' Ko</em>'; } $sHtml .= '<br />'; echo $sHtml; $aDir -> next (); } echo '<br /><strong>ALL</strong><br />'; $aDir = $oDir -> getDir (); foreach ($aDir as $sK => $sV) { echo str_repeat ('-----', $aDir -> getDepth()), $sK, ' => ', $sV, '<br />'; } echo '<br /><strong>FILTRE ON SUR PHP</strong><br />'; $oDir -> FILTER_ON = 'php'; // only shows files with "php" in them $aDir = $oDir -> getDir (); foreach ($aDir as $sK => $sV) { echo str_repeat ('-----', $aDir -> getDepth()), $sK, ' => ', $sV, '<br />'; } echo '<br /><strong>DIR = FALSE</strong><br />'; $oDir -> DIR = false; // No directory $oDir -> FILTER_ON = null; // no filter ON $aDir = $oDir -> getDir (); foreach ($aDir as $sK => $sV) { echo str_repeat ('-----', $aDir -> getDepth()), $sK, ' => ', $sV, '<br />'; } echo '<br /><strong>FILE = FALSE</strong><br />'; $oDir -> DIR = true; // show directories $oDir -> FILE = false; // No files $aDir = $oDir -> getDir (); foreach ($aDir as $sK => $sV) { echo str_repeat ('-----', $aDir -> getDepth()), $sK, ' => ', $sV, '<br />'; } echo '<br /><strong>PATH = bla ET FILTRE OFF SUR PHP</strong><br />'; $oDir -> PATH = 'bla'; // parth = 'bla' $oDir -> FILE = true; // show files $oDir -> FILTER_OFF = 'php'; // do not show files with "php" in them $aDir = $oDir -> getDir (); foreach ($aDir as $sK => $sV) { //echo $sK, ' => ', $sV, '<br />'; echo str_repeat ('-----', $aDir -> getDepth()), $sK, ' => ', $sV, '<br />'; } /**
  • Create a copy of the whole directory recursively, but ONLY copy files with php in them ;-)
  • /
$oDir -> FILTER_ON = 'php'; $oDir -> PATH = '.'; $oDir -> copy ('copie'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e -> getMessage (), ' => ', $e -> getLine (); } ?>

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