Progressbar style xp (modifiée + d'option)


Et bien n'ayant pas windows XP g u l'i d 2 faire une ProgressBar dans le même genre que le XP.
2 + on pe changer la couleur sans passer par du code (comme ds la progressBar Classic)
A oui c 1 activx et la variable qui renvoi la progression est : Value
Mode dégrader normal ...
Bon Prog

Source / Exemple :

'Declaration De L'API GetSysColor :
Private Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
'Declaration Des Variables :
Dim Ctrl_value As Long
Dim Ctrl_Back_Couleur As OLE_COLOR      'Couleur Arrière Plan
Dim Ctrl_Int_Color As OLE_COLOR         'Couleur De La ProgB
Dim Ctrl_Font_Color As OLE_COLOR        'Couleur De La Police
Dim Ctrl_Line_Color As OLE_COLOR        'Couleur Du Contour
Dim Ctrl_Line As Boolean                'Affiche Ou Pas Le Contour
Dim Ctrl_FontVisible As Boolean         'Affiche Ou Pas La Police
Dim Ctrl_FixedSingle As Boolean         'Defini Le Borderstyle De Le ProgB
Dim Ctrl_ModeXP As Boolean              'Selectionne Le Mode
Dim Ctrl_Degrader As Boolean            'Selectionne Le Dégrader

Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
P1.Move 0, 0, UserControl.Width, UserControl.Height
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Show()
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
Ctrl_value = 0
Ctrl_Back_Couleur = &H8000000F
Ctrl_Int_Color = &H8000000D
Ctrl_Line_Color = &H8000000D
Ctrl_Font_Color = vbBlack
Ctrl_FontVisible = True
Ctrl_FixedSingle = True
Ctrl_Line = False
Ctrl_ModeXP = True
Ctrl_Degrader = True
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
Ctrl_value = PropBag.ReadProperty("value", "0")
Ctrl_Back_Couleur = PropBag.ReadProperty("CtrlBackColor", &H8000000F)
Ctrl_Int_Color = PropBag.ReadProperty("CtrlIntColor", &H8000000D)
Set P1.Font = PropBag.ReadProperty("Font", Ambient.Font)
Ctrl_FontVisible = PropBag.ReadProperty("FontVisible", True)
Ctrl_Font_Color = PropBag.ReadProperty("FontColor", vbBlack)
Ctrl_Line_Color = PropBag.ReadProperty("LineColor", &H8000000D)
Ctrl_FixedSingle = PropBag.ReadProperty("FixedSingle", True)
Ctrl_Line = PropBag.ReadProperty("Line", False)
Ctrl_ModeXP = PropBag.ReadProperty("ModeXP", True)
Ctrl_Degrader = PropBag.ReadProperty("Degrader", True)
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("value", Ctrl_value, "0")
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("CtrlBackColor", Ctrl_Back_Couleur, &H8000000F)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("CtrlIntColor", Ctrl_Int_Color, &H8000000D)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Font", P1.Font, Ambient.Font)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("FontVisible", Ctrl_FontVisible, True)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("FontColor", Ctrl_Font_Color, vbBlack)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("LineColor", Ctrl_Line_Color, &H8000000D)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("FixedSingle", Ctrl_FixedSingle, True)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Line", Ctrl_Line, False)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("ModeXP", Ctrl_ModeXP, True)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Degrader", Ctrl_Degrader, True)
End Sub
'Effectue Toutes Les Opération Graphiques.
Private Sub Changement()
P1.ForeColor = Ctrl_Font_Color
P1.BackColor = Ctrl_Back_Couleur
If Ctrl_FixedSingle = True Then P1.BorderStyle = 1 Else P1.BorderStyle = 0

CouleurRGB Ctrl_Int_Color, mrd, mvd, mbd
If Ctrl_value > 100 Then Ctrl_value = 100
Dim var1, var2, var3, var4, nb1, nb2
var1 = P1.ScaleHeight / 2
var3 = P1.ScaleHeight / 1.5
var4 = Ctrl_value / 100 * P1.ScaleWidth
nb2 = Ctrl_value / 100 * (P1.ScaleWidth / (var3 + 30) + 1)
If Ctrl_ModeXP = True Then
    For nb1 = 0 To nb2 - 1
    var2 = (var3 + 30) * nb1
    For i = 0 To var1
        If Ctrl_Degrader = True Then
            P1.Line (var2, i)-(var2 + var3, i), RGB(255 - (i / var1 * (255 - mrd)), 255 - (i / var1 * (255 - mvd)), 255 - (i / var1 * (255 - mbd)))
            P1.Line (var2, 2 * var1 - i)-(var2 + var3, 2 * var1 - i), RGB(255 - (i / var1 * (255 - mrd)), 255 - (i / var1 * (255 - mvd)), 255 - (i / var1 * (255 - mbd)))
            P1.Line (var2, 2 * i)-(var2 + var3, 2 * i), Ctrl_Int_Color
        End If
    Next i
    Next nb1
    For i = 0 To var4
        If Ctrl_Degrader = True Then
            P1.Line (i, 0)-(i, P1.ScaleHeight), RGB(255 - i / P1.ScaleWidth * (255 - mrd), 255 - i / P1.ScaleWidth * (255 - mvd), 255 - i / P1.ScaleWidth * (255 - mbd))
            P1.Line (i, 0)-(i, P1.ScaleHeight), Ctrl_Int_Color
        End If
    Next i
End If
If Ctrl_Line = True Then
    P1.DrawWidth = 2
    P1.Line (0, P1.ScaleHeight)-(0, 0), Ctrl_Line_Color
    P1.Line (0, 0)-(P1.ScaleWidth, 0), Ctrl_Line_Color
    P1.Line (P1.ScaleWidth, 0)-(P1.ScaleWidth, P1.ScaleHeight), Ctrl_Line_Color
    P1.Line (P1.ScaleWidth, P1.ScaleHeight)-(0, P1.ScaleHeight), Ctrl_Line_Color
    P1.DrawWidth = 1
End If
End Sub

Public Property Get Value() As String
Value = Ctrl_value
End Property

Public Property Let Value(ByVal New_CtrlValue As String)
On Error GoTo Err
Ctrl_value = New_CtrlValue
PropertyChanged "CtrlValue"
Exit Property
If New_CtrlValue > 0 Then Ctrl_value = 100 Else Ctrl_value = 0
PropertyChanged "CtrlValue"
End Property

Public Property Get BackColor() As OLE_COLOR
BackColor = Ctrl_Back_Couleur
End Property

Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal New_CtrlBackColor As OLE_COLOR)
Ctrl_Back_Couleur = New_CtrlBackColor
PropertyChanged "CtrlBackColor"
End Property

Public Property Get IntColor() As OLE_COLOR
IntColor = Ctrl_Int_Color
End Property

Public Property Let IntColor(ByVal New_CtrlIntColor As OLE_COLOR)
Ctrl_Int_Color = New_CtrlIntColor
PropertyChanged "CtrlIntColor"
End Property

Public Property Get Font() As Font
Set Font = P1.Font
End Property

Public Property Set Font(ByVal New_Font As Font)
Set P1.Font = New_Font
P1.FontName = Font.Name
P1.FontSize = Font.Size
P1.FontBold = Font.Bold
P1.FontItalic = Font.Italic
P1.FontStrikethru = Font.Strikethrough
P1.FontUnderline = Font.Underline
PropertyChanged "Font"
End Property

Public Property Get FontVisible() As Boolean
FontVisible = Ctrl_FontVisible
End Property

Public Property Let FontVisible(ByVal New_FontVisible As Boolean)
Ctrl_FontVisible = New_FontVisible
PropertyChanged "FontVisible"
End Property

Public Property Get FontColor() As OLE_COLOR
FontColor = Ctrl_Font_Color
End Property

Public Property Let FontColor(ByVal New_Font_Color As OLE_COLOR)
Ctrl_Font_Color = New_Font_Color
PropertyChanged "FontColor"
End Property

Public Property Get FixedSingle() As Boolean
FixedSingle = Ctrl_FixedSingle
End Property

Public Property Let FixedSingle(ByVal New_FixedSingle As Boolean)
Ctrl_FixedSingle = New_FixedSingle
PropertyChanged "FixedSingle"
End Property

Public Property Get Line() As Boolean
Line = Ctrl_Line
End Property

Public Property Let Line(ByVal New_Line As Boolean)
Ctrl_Line = New_Line
PropertyChanged "Line"
End Property

Public Property Get LineColor() As OLE_COLOR
LineColor = Ctrl_Line_Color
End Property

Public Property Let LineColor(ByVal New_LineColor As OLE_COLOR)
Ctrl_Line_Color = New_LineColor
PropertyChanged "LineColor"
End Property

Public Property Get ModeXP() As Boolean
ModeXP = Ctrl_ModeXP
End Property

Public Property Let ModeXP(ByVal New_ModeXP As Boolean)
Ctrl_ModeXP = New_ModeXP
PropertyChanged "ModeXP"
End Property

Public Property Get Degrader() As Boolean
Degrader = Ctrl_Degrader
End Property

Public Property Let Degrader(ByVal New_Degrader As Boolean)
Ctrl_Degrader = New_Degrader
PropertyChanged "Degrader"
End Property
'Transforme De L'Hexadecimal En RGB :
Private Sub CouleurRGB(Couleur, mrd, mvd, mbd)
Couleur = OleColorToRGB(Couleur)
'Valeur rouge
mrd = (((Couleur And 255) * 50) + ((Couleur And 255) * 50)) \ 100
'Valeur vert
mvd = ((((Couleur \ 256) And 255) * 50) + (((Couleur \ 256) And 255) * 50)) \ 100
'Valeur bleu
mbd = ((((Couleur \ 65536) And 255) * 50) + (((Couleur \ 65536) And 255) * 50)) \ 100
End Sub

Private Function OleColorToRGB(ByVal Couleur As OLE_COLOR) As Long
If Couleur And &H80000000 Then
OleColorToRGB = GetSysColor(Couleur Xor &H80000000)
OleColorToRGB = Couleur
End If
End Function
'Affiche Le Pourcentage Si On Le Demande :
Private Function Calcul_Value()
    If FontVisible = True Then
    P1.CurrentX = (P1.ScaleWidth - P1.TextWidth(Ctrl_value & "%")) / 2
    P1.CurrentY = (P1.ScaleHeight - P1.TextHeight(Ctrl_value & "%")) / 2
    P1.Print Ctrl_value & "%"
    End If
End Function

Conclusion :

Telecharger le il est super !

Codes Sources

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