Class d'ensemble de fichiers à télécharger

Contenu du snippet

Cette classe permet d'instancier des objets représentant un
ensemble de fichiers qui pourront être téléchargés.
L'utilisation est assez intuitive :
- Instancier un objet
- ajouter des fichiers à l'ensemble par la méthode
- supprimer des fichiers par la méthode
- supprimer tous les fichiers par la méthode
- démarrer un téléchargement par la méthode
"startDownload(nom_du_fichier)" ou "startDownloadIndex(index)"

Cette classe peut être utile lorsqu'on a une liste de fichiers dans une base
de données et que l'on récupère les noms de ceux-ci par une fonction SQL
dont le retour est généralement un tableau.

Source / Exemple :


  • Project:
  • File: fmk_download_inc.php
  • Class: Download
  • This class makes you able to create a downloadable object that
  • contains a set of downloadable files and start the download of a
  • specific one.
  • @author jean_poldeux <>
  • @date December 20th, 2004
  • Updated July 26th, 2005
  • @version 0.1
  • /
class Download { /**
  • Basic constructor that initialises mimeTypes allowed
  • /
function Download() { $this->filenames=array(); $this->types=array(); $this->mime=array( array(".htm","text/html"), array(".html","text/html"), array(".txt","text/plain"), array(".gif","image/gif"), array(".jpg","image/jpeg"), array(".zip","application/zip"), array(".pdf","application/pdf"), array(".ppt","application/mspowerpoint"), array(".xls","application/excel"), array(".doc","application/msword"), array(".exe","application/octet-stream") ); } /**
  • Add a file to the current set
  • @param $filename : File Name that can be downloaded (STRING)
  • @return : Boolean value = TRUE if the has correctly been added - FALSE if it isn't a file, the file doesn't exist
  • or is already in the set
  • /
function addFile($filename) { //Check if it is really a file and if it exists on the disk if (is_file($filename) && file_exists($filename)) { //Check if the file is not already in if(!in_array($filename,$filenames)) { //add it to the file set array_push($this->filenames,$filename); $extension=substr($filename,strrpos($filename,'.')+1); //Check the type of download required and add it to the set for($i=0;$i<=count($this->mime);$i++) { if (strcmp($extension,$this->mime[$i][0])==0) { array_push($this->types,$this->mime[$i][1]); return true; } } return false; } else return false; } else return false; } /**
  • Remove a specific file from the set given by the index number
  • @param $index : index value of the file that has to be deleted (INTEGER)
  • @return : Boolean value = TRUE if it has correctly been removed - FALSE if the index is out of bounds or not number
  • /
function removeFile($index) { if(is_int($index) && $index>0 && $index<=count($this->filenames)) { array_splice($this->filenames,($index-1),1); array_splice($this->types,($index-1),1); return true; } else return false; } /**
  • Remove all files from the set
  • /
function removeFiles() { array_splice($this->filenames,0); array_splice($this->types,0); } /**
  • Get the number of files that are contained in the set
  • @return : Number of files in the set (INTEGER)
  • /
function getNbFiles() { return count($this->filenames); } /**
  • Add a new mime type to the default one
  • @param $extension : extension of the new file type (STRING)
  • @param $handling_method : download method which depends on the new file type (STRING)
  • @return : Boolean value = TRUE if it has correctly insered - FALSE if the extension already exists
  • /
function addMimeType($extension, $handling_method) { //Add a dot before file extension if there isn't one if(strcmp(substr($extension, 0, 1),".") != 0) { $extension = ".".$extension; } //Check if the extension doesn't already exists in this object if(array_key_exists($extension, $mime) { return false; } else { $this->mime[$extension] = $handling_method; } } /**
  • Start the download of specific file given by the index number
  • @param $index : (INTEGER) index value of the file that has to be downloaded
  • @return : Boolean value = TRUE if it has correctly started - FALSE if the index is out of bounds or not number
  • /
function startDownloadIndex($index) { if(is_int($index) && $index>0 && $index<=count($this->filenames)) { $file=basename($this->filenames[$index-1]); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=".$this->filenames[$index-1]); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: ".$this->types[$index-1]."\n"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($this->filenames[$index-1])); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, public"); header("Expires: 0"); readfile($this->filenames[$index-1]); return true; } else return false; } /**
  • Start the download of specific file given by the filename
  • @param $filename : (STRING) Name of the file that has to be downloaded
  • @return : Boolean value = TRUE if it has correctly started - FALSE if the index is out of bounds or not number
  • /
function startDownloadFile($filename) { $index=array_search($this->filenames) if($index) { $file=basename($this->filenames[$index-1]); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=".$this->filenames[$index-1]); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: ".$this->types[$index-1]."\n"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($this->filenames[$index-1])); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, public"); header("Expires: 0"); readfile($this->filenames[$index-1]); return true; } else return false; } /**
  • @var Set of files names (STRING INDEXED ARRAY)
  • /
var $filenames; /**
  • @var Set of download method. It depends on the file type (STRING INDEXED ARRAY)
  • /
var $types; /**
  • @var Set of mime types that are allowed (STRING INDEXED ARRAY)
  • /
var $mime; } ?>

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