Class de connexion mysql


Cette classe permet d'ouvrir et de fermer une connexion à un serveur MySQL.
Elle permet aussi d'envoyer des requêtes en stipulant uniquement les tables et les champs désirés.
Les requêtes SELECT renvoient un tableau indexé.

Source / Exemple :

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | MySQL database connection class                                      |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | September 5th, 2004                                                  |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This class makes you able to create a connection to a MySQL Database,|
// | send all the SQL command trough it and get the results back of a     |
// | SQL SELECT command in an indexed array.                              |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Nottet Thomas                                                |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+


  • Function that creates a string list from an array
  • /
function createList($tab,$tab2) { if(!is_array($tab)) { $string=$tab; } else { for($i=0;$i<count($tab);$i++) { $string.=$tab[$i]; $string.=", "; } $string=substr($string,0,strlen($string)-2); } } class MyDB { /**
  • Basic Constructor
  • @param $srv : (STRING) The Server Name
  • @param $usr : (STRING) A valid user allowed to connect to the server
  • @parma $pwd : (STRING) The user password
  • @parma $db : (STRING) The database you want to connect to.
  • /
function MyDB($srv,$usr,$pwd,$db) { $this->srv=$srv; $this->usr=$srv; $this->db=$srv; $this->pwd=$srv; $this->id_connect=false; } /**
  • Change the database you are connected to. It actually close the connection before reopening it with the database
  • @parma $db : (STRING) The database you want to connect to.
  • @return : (BOOLEAN) TRUE if the connection has succeeded and the database exists
  • FALSE if the server is not available, the database doesn't exist or if you use a wrong user|password
  • /
function setDB($db) { if($this->id_connect!=false) { $this->deconnect(); } $this->db=$db; return $this->connect(); } /**
  • Change the username you are connected with. It actually close the connection before reopening it with the new user
  • @parma $usr : (STRING) The username you want to connect with.
  • @parma $pwd : (STRING) The password of the user you want to connect with.
  • @return : (BOOLEAN) TRUE if the connection has succeeded and the database exists
  • FALSE if the server is not available, the database doesn't exist or if you use a wrong user|password
  • /
function setUser($usr,$pwd) { if($this->id_connect!=false) { $this->deconnect(); } $this->usr=$usr; $this->usr=$pwd; return $this->connect(); } /**
  • Open a MySQL Server Connection
  • @return : (BOOLEAN) TRUE if the connection has succeeded and the database exists
  • FALSE if the server is not available, the database doesn't exist or if you use a wrong user|password
  • /
function connect() { $this->id_connect=@mysql_connect($this->srv,$this->usr,$this->pwd); if(!$this->id_connect) { return false; } $this->db=$db; $dbselect=@mysql_select_db($this->db, $this->id_connect); if(!$dbselect) { $this->deconnect(); $this->id_connect=false; return false; } return true; } /**
  • Close the MySQL Server Connection
  • /
function deconnect() { if($this->id_connect) { @mysql_close($this->id_connect); } $this->id_connect=false; } /**
  • Check if the connection to the server is open
  • @return : (BOOLEAN) TRUE if the connection is opened
  • FALSE if not
  • /
function connected() { if(!$this->id_connect) { return false; } else { return @mysql_ping($this->id_connect); } } /**
  • Function that get a records set from a database
  • @param $fields : (STRING ARRAY) Array(fields number x 1) of fields you want the values back
  • Don't forget to use alias if you have multiple fields with the same name from different tables
  • @param $tables : (STRING ARRAY) Array(tables numbers x 1) of tables you want the results from
  • Don't forget to use alias if you have multiple fields with the same name from different tables
  • @param $conditions : (STRING) Conditions list like you find behind a WHERE claus in a SQL statement. OPTIONAL
  • format : TABLE_ALIAS.FIELD_NAME operator VALUE [ logical_operator TABLE_ALIAS.FIELD_NAME operator VALUE ...]
  • operator could be : =, <, >, <>, <=, >=, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
  • logical_operator could be : AND or OR
  • e.g. t.champs1 = 4 AND champs3 IS NOT NULL OR t2.champs4 = "foo"
  • Don't forget to put \ before a single quote in a string value.
  • @param $groupBy : (STRING ARRAY) Array(fields number X 1) of fields following the GROUP BY clause. OPTIONAL
  • (sometimes needed if you use more than one table)
  • Don't forget to use alias if you have multiple fields with the same name from different tables
  • (format : $groubBy=array("TABLE_ALIAS.FIELD_NAME") )
  • @param $orderBy : (STRING ARRAY) Array(fields number X 2) of fields following which you want to order the set. OPTIONAL
  • The first element should be the field you the result set ordered by.
  • The second should be TRUE if you want ASCENDING order or FALSE if you want DESCENDING order
  • Don't forget to use alias if you have multiple fields with the same name from different tables
  • (format : $orderBy=array(array("TABLE_ALIAS.FIELD_NAME",true)) )
  • @param $limits : (INTEGER) The maximum number of records you want in the results set. OPTIONAL
  • of (INTEGER ARRAY) A 2-dimension array to only have a part of the results set.
  • The first element should be the index number of the first record you want back
  • The second should be the number of record you want back
  • @return : ARRAY(records number X fields number) An array containing a set of results or (BOOLEAN) FALSE if error or no records returned
  • /
function select($fields,$tables,$conditions,$groupBy,$orderBy,$limits) { //Check you have values for fields and tables if(empty($fields) || empty($tables)) return false; //Fields List Creation $fieldsList=createList($fields); $query="SELECT $fieldsList"; //Tables List Creation $tablesList=createList($tables); $query.=" FROM $tablesList"; //Conditions List Creation if(!empty($conditions)) { $query.=" WHERE $conditions"; } //Group By List creation if(!empty($groupBy)) { $tablesList=createList($tables); $query.=" GROUP BY $groupByList"; } // Order By List Creation if(!empty($orderBy)) { if(!is_array($orderBy)) { $orderByList=$orderBy; } else { if(!is_array($orderBy[0])) { for($i=0;$i<count($orderBy);$i++) { $orderByList.=$orderBy[$i]; $orderByList.=" ASC, "; } $orderByList=substr($orderByList,0,strlen($orderByList)-2); } else { for($i=0;$i<count($orderBy);$i++) { $orderByList.=$orderBy[$i][0]; if($orderBy[$i][1]) { $orderByList.=" ASC, "; } else { $orderByList.=" DESC, "; } } $orderByList=substr($orderByList,0,strlen($orderByList)-2); } } $query.=" ORDER BY $orderByList"; } //Limit clause creation if(!empty($limits)) { if(is_array($limits)) { $query.=" LIMIT $limits[0], $limits[1]"; } else { $query=$query." LIMIT $limits[0]"; } } //Execute the SQL Statement if($this->id_connect) { $res=@mysql_query($query, $this->id_connect); if (empty($res)) { return false; } else { $nbRows=@mysql_num_rows($res); if ($nbRows==0) { return false; } else { for($i=0;$i<$nbRows;$i++) { $enregs[$i]=@mysql_fetch_array($res,MYSQL_NUM); } return $enregs; } } } else { return false; } } /**
  • Function that send a SQL INSERT command to the server to insert a new record in a table
  • @param $fields : (STRING ARRAY) Array(fields number X 1) of the fields you want to give a value for the new record.
  • @param $values : (STRING ARRAY) Array(fields number X 1) of values you want to give to the different fields
  • @param $table : (STRING) Table name you want to add a record to
  • @return : (BOOLEAN) TRUE if the new record has correctly been added - FALSE if not
  • /
function insert($fields,$values,$table) { if(empty($table) || empty($fields) ) return false; //SQL Statement Creation $fieldsList=createList($fields); $valuesList=createList($fields); $query="INSERT INTO $table ($fieldsList) VALUES ($valuesList)"; //Execute the SQL statement if($this->id_connect) { $res=@mysql_query($query, $this->id_connect); if ($res) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } /**
  • Function that send a SQL DELETE command to the server to delete specific records in a table
  • @param $table : (STRING) Table name you want to remove records from
  • @param $conditions : (STRING) Conditions list like you find behind a WHERE claus in a SQL statement. OPTIONAL
  • format : TABLE_ALIAS.FIELD_NAME operator VALUE [ logical_operator TABLE_ALIAS.FIELD_NAME operator VALUE ...]
  • operator could be : =, <, >, <>, <=, >=, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
  • logical_operator could be : AND or OR
  • e.g. t.champs1 = 4 AND champs3 IS NOT NULL OR t2.champs4 = "foo"
  • Don't forget to put \ before a single quote in a string value.
  • @return : (INTEGER) the number of records that were succesfully removed - FALSE no records deleted or error
  • /
function delete($table,$conditions) { //SQL Statement Creation $query="DELETE FROM $table"; if(!empty($conditions)) { $query=$query." WHERE $conditions"; } //Execute SQL statement if($this->id_connect) { $res=@mysql_query($query, $this->id_connect); if (empty($res)) { return false; } else { $nb=mysql_affected_rows($this->id_connect); if($nb==0) { return false; } else { return $nb; } } } } /**
  • Function that send a SQL UPDATE command to the server to update specific records in a table
  • @param $table : (STRING) Table name where you want to update records
  • @param $fields : (STRING ARRAY) Array(fields number x 1) of fields you want to update
  • @param $values : (STRING ARRAY) Array(fields number x 1) of values for the fields you want to update
  • @param $conditions : (STRING) Conditions list like you find behind a WHERE claus in a SQL statement. OPTIONAL
  • format : TABLE_ALIAS.FIELD_NAME operator VALUE [ logical_operator TABLE_ALIAS.FIELD_NAME operator VALUE ...]
  • operator could be : =, <, >, <>, <=, >=, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
  • logical_operator could be : AND or OR
  • e.g. t.champs1 = 4 AND champs3 IS NOT NULL OR t2.champs4 = "foo"
  • Don't forget to put \ before a single quote in a string value.
  • @return : (INTEGER) the number of records that were succesfully updated - FALSE no records deleted or error
  • /
function update($table,$fields,$values,$conditions) { //SQL Statement creation if(empty($fields)||empty($table)||empty($values)) return false; $query="UPDATE $table "; if (!is_array($fields)) { $query.="SET $champs=$valeurs "; } else { $query.="SET ".$fields[0]."=".$values[0]; for($i=1;$i<$nbchamps;$i++) { $query.=", ".$champs[$i]."=".$valeurs[$i]; } } if(!empty($conditions)) { $query.=" WHERE $conditions"; } //SQL Statement Execution if($this->id_connect != false) { $res=@mysql_query($query, $this->id_connect); if (empty($res)) { return false; } else { $nb=@mysql_affected_rows($this->id_connect); if($nb==0) { return false; } else { return $nb; } } } } var $db; // (STRING) Database name var $id_connect; // (RESOURCE) ID of the Database Connection var $srv; // (STRING) Server name you have to connect to var $usr; // (STRING) Username you have to use for connection var $pwd; // (STRING) Password of this user var $db; // (STRING) Name of the current database you are connected to } ?>

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