Morpion version 3


Un petit jeu sympa...

Source / Exemple :

Dim grille(0 To 9, 0 To 9) As String
Dim tour As String

Private Sub Form_Load()
tour = "croix"
'For a = 0 To 101
'Image1(a).Picture = Image1(100)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
reponse = MsgBox("Fabuleux, ce jeu, non?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Vous nous quittez déjà?")
Loop While reponse <> vbYes
End Sub

Private Sub Image1_Click(Index As Integer)
y = Int(Index / 10)
x = Index - 10 * y
If grille(y, x) = "" Then
Image1(Index).Picture = Current(102).Picture
grille(y, x) = tour
If tour = "croix" Then tour = "ronds" Else tour = "croix"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub mnufichierapropos_Click()
MsgBox "Jeu de Morpion, par Nicolas Favre-Félix", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Morpion version 3"
End Sub

Private Sub mnufichierquitter_Click()
 Unload Form1
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
End Sub

Private Sub Testequijoue()
If tour = "croix" Then Current(102) = Image1(100) Else: Current(102) = Image1(101)
End Sub

Private Sub Testequiagagné()
For yboucle = 0 To 9
For xboucle = 0 To 5
If grille(yboucle, xboucle) = "croix" And grille(yboucle, xboucle + 1) = "croix" And grille(yboucle, xboucle + 2) = "croix" And grille(yboucle, xboucle + 3) = "croix" And grille(yboucle, xboucle + 4) = "croix" Then croixgagne
If grille(yboucle, xboucle) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle, xboucle + 1) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle, xboucle + 2) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle, xboucle + 3) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle, xboucle + 4) = "ronds" Then rondsgagne

For xboucle = 0 To 9
For yboucle = 0 To 5
If grille(yboucle, xboucle) = "croix" And grille(yboucle + 1, xboucle) = "croix" And grille(yboucle + 2, xboucle) = "croix" And grille(yboucle + 3, xboucle) = "croix" And grille(yboucle + 4, xboucle) = "croix" Then croixgagne
If grille(yboucle, xboucle) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle + 1, xboucle) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle + 2, xboucle) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle + 3, xboucle) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle + 4, xboucle) = "ronds" Then rondsgagne

'diagonal 1

For xboucle = 0 To 5
For yboucle = 4 To 9
If grille(yboucle, xboucle) = "croix" And grille(yboucle - 1, xboucle + 1) = "croix" And grille(yboucle - 2, xboucle + 2) = "croix" And grille(yboucle - 3, xboucle + 3) = "croix" And grille(yboucle - 4, xboucle + 4) = "croix" Then croixgagne
If grille(yboucle, xboucle) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle - 1, xboucle + 1) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle - 2, xboucle + 2) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle - 3, xboucle + 3) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle - 4, xboucle + 4) = "ronds" Then rondsgagne

'diagonal -1

For xboucle = 0 To 5
For yboucle = 0 To 5
If grille(yboucle, xboucle) = "croix" And grille(yboucle + 1, xboucle + 1) = "croix" And grille(yboucle + 2, xboucle + 2) = "croix" And grille(yboucle + 3, xboucle + 3) = "croix" And grille(yboucle + 4, xboucle + 4) = "croix" Then croixgagne
If grille(yboucle, xboucle) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle + 1, xboucle + 1) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle + 2, xboucle + 2) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle + 3, xboucle + 3) = "ronds" And grille(yboucle + 4, xboucle + 4) = "ronds" Then rondsgagne

nombre = 0
For xboucle = 0 To 9
For yboucle = 0 To 9
If grille(yboucle, xboucle) <> "" Then nombre = nombre + 1

If nombre = 100 Then MsgBox "EGALITE!!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Pas mal!!!"

End Sub
Private Sub croixgagne()
MsgBox "Les croix gagnent", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Bien joué"
End Sub

Private Sub rondsgagne()
MsgBox "Les ronds gagnent", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Bien joué"
End Sub

Codes Sources

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