Captcha opensource securimage (version 3)


Suite à une demande pour intégrer un captcha dans un de mes scripts, je suis parti à la recherche d'un facile à intégrer faute de ne savoir en faire un moi-même.

Je suis tombé sur SECURIMAGE qui est un captcha opensource et qui est très personnalisable.

Vous demander pourquoi je partage un script qui n'est pas de moi est une bonne question ; néanmoins j'ai plusieurs réponses :
- pour faire découvrir ce script facile d'utilisation à ceux qui ne le connaissait pas,
- aider les débutants (j'en suis un aussi) à utiliser un captcha,
- fournir une traduction de la doc disponible sur le site faite par moi.

Vous trouverai dans l'archive un fichier permettant de tester la configuration de votre serveur web et ainsi vérifier si vous pouvez utiliser le captcha.

N'hésitez pas à donner votre avis.
Bonne prog

Je joins en source le fichier securimage.php qui est la base de ce captcha.

Source / Exemple :


// error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); // uncomment this line for debugging


  • Project: Securimage: A PHP class for creating and managing form CAPTCHA images<br />
  • File: securimage.php<br />
  • Copyright (c) 2011, Drew Phillips
  • All rights reserved.
  • Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
  • are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  • - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
  • this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  • this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  • and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  • Any modifications to the library should be indicated clearly in the source code
  • to inform users that the changes are not a part of the original software.<br /><br />
* * *
  • /
/** ChangeLog 3.1 - Bugfix: removed use of deprecated variable in addSignature method that would cause errors with display_errors on 3.0 - Rewrite class using PHP5 OOP - Remove support for GD fonts, require FreeType - Remove support for multi-color codes - Add option to make codes case-sensitive - Add namespaces to support multiple captchas on a single page or page specific captchas - Add option to show simple math problems instead of codes - Remove support for mp3 files due to vulnerability in decoding mp3 audio files - Create new flash file to stream wav files instead of mp3 - Changed to BSD license 2.0.2 - Fix pathing to make integration into libraries easier (Nathan Phillip Brink 2.0.1 - Add support for browsers with cookies disabled (requires php5, sqlite) maps users to md5 hashed ip addresses and md5 hashed codes for security - Add fallback to gd fonts if ttf support is not enabled or font file not found (Mike Challis - Check for previous definition of image type constants (Mike Challis) - Fix mime type settings for audio output - Fixed color allocation issues with multiple colors and background images, consolidate allocation to one function - Ability to let codes expire after a given length of time - Allow HTML color codes to be passed to Securimage_Color (suggested by Mike Challis) 2.0.0 - Add mathematical distortion to characters (using code from HKCaptcha) - Improved session support - Added Securimage_Color class for easier color definitions - Add distortion to audio output to prevent binary comparison attack (proposed by Sven "SavageTiger" Hagemann []) - Flash button to stream mp3 audio (Douglas Walsh - Audio output is mp3 format by default - Change font to AlteHaasGrotesk by yann le coroller - Some code cleanup 1.0.4 (unreleased) - Ability to output audible codes in mp3 format to stream from flash - Error reading from wordlist in some cases caused words to be cut off 1 letter short 1.0.3 - Removed shadow_text from code which could cause an undefined property error due to removal from previous version 1.0.2 - Audible CAPTCHA Code wav files - Create codes from a word list instead of random strings 1.0 - Added the ability to use a selected character set, rather than a-z0-9 only. - Added the multi-color text option to use different colors for each letter. - Switched to automatic session handling instead of using files for code storage - Added GD Font support if ttf support is not available. Can use internal GD fonts or load new ones. - Added the ability to set line thickness - Added option for drawing arced lines over letters - Added ability to choose image type for output
  • /
  • Securimage CAPTCHA Class.
  • @version 3.0
  • @package Securimage
  • @subpackage classes
  • @author Drew Phillips <>
  • /
class Securimage { // All of the public variables below are securimage options // They can be passed as an array to the Securimage constructor, set below, // or set from securimage_show.php and securimage_play.php /**
  • Renders captcha as a JPEG image
  • @var int
  • /
const SI_IMAGE_JPEG = 1; /**
  • Renders captcha as a PNG image (default)
  • @var int
  • /
const SI_IMAGE_PNG = 2; /**
  • Renders captcha as a GIF image
  • @var int
  • /
const SI_IMAGE_GIF = 3; /**
  • Create a normal alphanumeric captcha
  • @var int
  • /
const SI_CAPTCHA_STRING = 0; /**
  • Create a captcha consisting of a simple math problem
  • @var int
  • /
  • The width of the captcha image
  • @var int
  • /
public $image_width = 215; /**
  • The height of the captcha image
  • @var int
  • /
public $image_height = 80; /**
  • The type of the image, default = png
  • @var int
  • /
public $image_type = self::SI_IMAGE_PNG; /**
  • The background color of the captcha
  • @var Securimage_Color
  • /
public $image_bg_color = '#ffffff'; /**
  • The color of the captcha text
  • @var Securimage_Color
  • /
public $text_color = '#707070'; /**
  • The color of the lines over the captcha
  • @var Securimage_Color
  • /
public $line_color = '#707070'; /**
  • The color of the noise that is drawn
  • @var Securimage_Color
  • /
public $noise_color = '#707070'; /**
  • How transparent to make the text 0 = completely opaque, 100 = invisible
  • @var int
  • /
public $text_transparency_percentage = 50; /**
  • Whether or not to draw the text transparently, true = use transparency, false = no transparency
  • @var bool
  • /
public $use_transparent_text = false; /**
  • The length of the captcha code
  • @var int
  • /
public $code_length = 6; /**
  • Whether the captcha should be case sensitive (not recommended, use only for maximum protection)
  • @var bool
  • /
public $case_sensitive = false; /**
  • The character set to use for generating the captcha code
  • @var string
  • /
public $charset = 'ABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWYZabcdefghklmnprstuvwyz23456789'; /**
  • How long in seconds a captcha remains valid, after this time it will not be accepted
  • @var unknown_type
  • /
public $expiry_time = 900; /**
  • The session name securimage should use, only set this if your application uses a custom session name
  • It is recommended to set this value below so it is used by all securimage scripts
  • @var string
  • /
public $session_name = null; /**
  • true to use the wordlist file, false to generate random captcha codes
  • @var bool
  • /
public $use_wordlist = false; /**
  • The level of distortion, 0.75 = normal, 1.0 = very high distortion
  • @var double
  • /
public $perturbation = 0.75; /**
  • How many lines to draw over the captcha code to increase security
  • @var int
  • /
public $num_lines = 8; /**
  • The level of noise (random dots) to place on the image, 0-10
  • @var int
  • /
public $noise_level = 0; /**
  • The signature text to draw on the bottom corner of the image
  • @var string
  • /
public $image_signature = ''; /**
  • The color of the signature text
  • @var Securimage_Color
  • /
public $signature_color = '#707070'; /**
  • The path to the ttf font file to use for the signature text, defaults to $ttf_file (AHGBold.ttf)
  • @var string
  • /
public $signature_font; /**
  • Use an SQLite database to store data (for users that do not support cookies)
  • @var bool
  • /
public $use_sqlite_db = false; /**
  • The type of captcha to create, either alphanumeric, or a math problem<br />
  • @var int
  • /
public $captcha_type = self::SI_CAPTCHA_STRING; /**
  • The captcha namespace, use this if you have multiple forms on a single page, blank if you do not use multiple forms on one page
  • @var string
  • <code>
  • <?php
  • // in securimage_show.php (create one show script for each form)
  • $img->namespace = 'contact_form';
  • // in form validator
  • $img->namespace = 'contact_form';
  • if ($img->check($code) == true) {
  • echo "Valid!";
  • }
  • /

  • public $namespace;

    • The font file to use to draw the captcha code, leave blank for default font AHGBold.ttf
    • @var string
    • /

    public $ttf_file;
    • The path to the wordlist file to use, leave blank for default words/words.txt
    • @var string
    • /

    public $wordlist_file;
    • The directory to scan for background images, if set a random background will be chosen from this folder
    • @var string
    • /

    public $background_directory;
    • The path to the SQLite database file to use, if $use_sqlite_database = true, should be chmod 666
    • @var string
    • /

    public $sqlite_database;
    • The path to the securimage audio directory, can be set in securimage_play.php
    • @var string
    • $img->audio_path = '/home/yoursite/public_html/securimage/audio/';
    • /

    public $audio_path;

    protected $im;
    protected $tmpimg;
    protected $bgimg;
    protected $iscale = 5;

    protected $securimage_path = null;

    protected $code;
    protected $code_display;

    protected $captcha_code;
    protected $sqlite_handle;

    protected $gdbgcolor;
    protected $gdtextcolor;
    protected $gdlinecolor;
    protected $gdsignaturecolor;

    • Create a new securimage object, pass options to set in the constructor.<br />
    • This can be used to display a captcha, play an audible captcha, or validate an entry
    • @param array $options
    • $options = array(
    • 'text_color' => new Securimage_Color('#013020'),
    • 'code_length' => 5,
    • 'num_lines' => 5,
    • 'noise_level' => 3,
    • 'font_file' => Securimage::getPath() . '/custom.ttf'
    • );
    • $img = new Securimage($options);
    • /

    public function __construct($options = array())
    $this->securimage_path = dirname(__FILE__);

    if (is_array($options) && sizeof($options) > 0) {
    foreach($options as $prop => $val) {
    $this->$prop = $val;

    $this->image_bg_color = $this->initColor($this->image_bg_color, '#ffffff');
    $this->text_color = $this->initColor($this->text_color, '#616161');
    $this->line_color = $this->initColor($this->line_color, '#616161');
    $this->noise_color = $this->initColor($this->noise_color, '#616161');
    $this->signature_color = $this->initColor($this->signature_color, '#616161');

    if ($this->ttf_file == null) {
    $this->ttf_file = $this->securimage_path . '/AHGBold.ttf';

    $this->signature_font = $this->ttf_file;

    if ($this->wordlist_file == null) {
    $this->wordlist_file = $this->securimage_path . '/words/words.txt';

    if ($this->sqlite_database == null) {
    $this->sqlite_database = $this->securimage_path . '/database/securimage.sqlite';

    if ($this->audio_path == null) {
    $this->audio_path = $this->securimage_path . '/audio/';

    if ($this->code_length == null || $this->code_length < 1) {
    $this->code_length = 6;

    if ($this->perturbation == null || !is_numeric($this->perturbation)) {
    $this->perturbation = 0.75;

    if ($this->namespace == null || !is_string($this->namespace)) {
    $this->namespace = 'default';

    // Initialize session or attach to existing
    if ( session_id() == '' ) { // no session has been started yet, which is needed for validation
    if ($this->session_name != null && trim($this->session_name) != '') {
    session_name(trim($this->session_name)); // set session name if provided

    • Return the absolute path to the Securimage directory
    • @return string The path to the securimage base directory
    • /

    public static function getPath()
    return dirname(__FILE__);

    • Used to serve a captcha image to the browser
    • @param string $background_image The path to the background image to use
    • $img = new Securimage();
    • $img->code_length = 6;
    • $img->num_lines = 5;
    • $img->noise_level = 5;
    • $img->show(); // sends the image to browser
    • exit;
    • /

    public function show($background_image = '')
    if($background_image != '' && is_readable($background_image)) {
    $this->bgimg = $background_image;


    • Check a submitted code against the stored value
    • @param string $code The captcha code to check
    • $code = $_POST['code'];
    • $img = new Securimage();
    • if ($img->check($code) == true) {
    • $captcha_valid = true;
    • } else {
    • $captcha_valid = false;
    • }
    • /

    public function check($code)
    $this->code_entered = $code;
    return $this->correct_code;

    • Output a wav file of the captcha code to the browser
    • $img = new Securimage();
    • $img->outputAudioFile(); // outputs a wav file to the browser
    • exit;
    • /

    public function outputAudioFile()
    $ext = 'wav'; // force wav - mp3 is insecure

    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"securimage_audio.{$ext}\"");
    header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
    header('Expires: Sun, 1 Jan 2000 12:00:00 GMT');
    header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT');
    header('Content-type: audio/x-wav');

    $audio = $this->getAudibleCode($ext);

    header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($audio));

    echo $audio;

    • The main image drawing routing, responsible for constructing the entire image and serving it
    • /

    protected function doImage()
    if( ($this->use_transparent_text == true || $this->bgimg != '') && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
    $imagecreate = 'imagecreatetruecolor';
    } else {
    $imagecreate = 'imagecreate';

    $this->im = $imagecreate($this->image_width, $this->image_height);
    $this->tmpimg = $imagecreate($this->image_width * $this->iscale, $this->image_height * $this->iscale);

    imagepalettecopy($this->tmpimg, $this->im);



    if ($this->noise_level > 0) {


    if ($this->perturbation > 0 && is_readable($this->ttf_file)) {

    if ($this->num_lines > 0) {

    if (trim($this->image_signature) != '') {


    • Allocate the colors to be used for the image
    • /

    protected function allocateColors()
    // allocate bg color first for imagecreate
    $this->gdbgcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im,

    $alpha = intval($this->text_transparency_percentage / 100 * 127);

    if ($this->use_transparent_text == true) {
    $this->gdtextcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im,
    $this->gdlinecolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im,
    $this->gdnoisecolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im,
    } else {
    $this->gdtextcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im,
    $this->gdlinecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im,
    $this->gdnoisecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im,

    $this->gdsignaturecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im,


    • The the background color, or background image to be used
    • /

    protected function setBackground()
    // set background color of image by drawing a rectangle since imagecreatetruecolor doesn't set a bg color
    imagefilledrectangle($this->im, 0, 0,
    $this->image_width, $this->image_height,
    imagefilledrectangle($this->tmpimg, 0, 0,
    $this->image_width * $this->iscale, $this->image_height * $this->iscale,

    if ($this->bgimg == '') {
    if ($this->background_directory != null &&
    is_dir($this->background_directory) &&
    $img = $this->getBackgroundFromDirectory();
    if ($img != false) {
    $this->bgimg = $img;

    if ($this->bgimg == '') {

    $dat = @getimagesize($this->bgimg);
    if($dat == false) {

    switch($dat[2]) {
    case 1: $newim = @imagecreatefromgif($this->bgimg); break;
    case 2: $newim = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->bgimg); break;
    case 3: $newim = @imagecreatefrompng($this->bgimg); break;
    default: return;

    if(!$newim) return;

    imagecopyresized($this->im, $newim, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    $this->image_width, $this->image_height,
    imagesx($newim), imagesy($newim));

    • Scan the directory for a background image to use
    • /

    protected function getBackgroundFromDirectory()
    $images = array();

    if ( ($dh = opendir($this->background_directory)) !== false) {
    while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
    if (preg_match('/(jpg|gif|png)$/i', $file)) $images[] = $file;


    if (sizeof($images) > 0) {
    return rtrim($this->background_directory, '/') . '/' . $images[rand(0, sizeof($images)-1)];

    return false;

    • Generates the code or math problem and saves the value to the session
    • /

    protected function createCode()
    $this->code = false;

    switch($this->captcha_type) {
    $signs = array('+', '-', 'x');
    $left = rand(1, 10);
    $right = rand(1, 5);
    $sign = $signs[rand(0, 2)];

    switch($sign) {
    case 'x': $c = $left * $right; break;
    case '-': $c = $left - $right; break;
    default: $c = $left + $right; break;

    $this->code = $c;
    $this->code_display = "$left $sign $right";

    if ($this->use_wordlist && is_readable($this->wordlist_file)) {
    $this->code = $this->readCodeFromFile();

    if ($this->code == false) {
    $this->code = $this->generateCode($this->code_length);

    $this->code_display = $this->code;
    $this->code = ($this->case_sensitive) ? $this->code : strtolower($this->code);
    } // default


    • Draws the captcha code on the image
    • /

    protected function drawWord()
    $width2 = $this->image_width * $this->iscale;
    $height2 = $this->image_height * $this->iscale;

    if (!is_readable($this->ttf_file)) {
    imagestring($this->im, 4, 10, ($this->image_height / 2) - 5, 'Failed to load TTF font file!', $this->gdtextcolor);
    } else {
    if ($this->perturbation > 0) {
    $font_size = $height2 * .4;
    $bb = imageftbbox($font_size, 0, $this->ttf_file, $this->code_display);
    $tx = $bb[4] - $bb[0];
    $ty = $bb[5] - $bb[1];
    $x = floor($width2 / 2 - $tx / 2 - $bb[0]);
    $y = round($height2 / 2 - $ty / 2 - $bb[1]);

    imagettftext($this->tmpimg, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $this->gdtextcolor, $this->ttf_file, $this->code_display);
    } else {
    $font_size = $this->image_height * .4;
    $bb = imageftbbox($font_size, 0, $this->ttf_file, $this->code_display);
    $tx = $bb[4] - $bb[0];
    $ty = $bb[5] - $bb[1];
    $x = floor($this->image_width / 2 - $tx / 2 - $bb[0]);
    $y = round($this->image_height / 2 - $ty / 2 - $bb[1]);

    imagettftext($this->im, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $this->gdtextcolor, $this->ttf_file, $this->code_display);

    // DEBUG
    //$this->im = $this->tmpimg;


    • Copies the captcha image to the final image with distortion applied
    • /

    protected function distortedCopy()
    $numpoles = 3; // distortion factor
    // make array of poles AKA attractor points
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numpoles; ++ $i) {
    $px[$i] = rand($this->image_width * 0.2, $this->image_width * 0.8);
    $py[$i] = rand($this->image_height * 0.2, $this->image_height * 0.8);
    $rad[$i] = rand($this->image_height * 0.2, $this->image_height * 0.8);
    $tmp = ((- $this->frand()) * 0.15) - .15;
    $amp[$i] = $this->perturbation * $tmp;

    $bgCol = imagecolorat($this->tmpimg, 0, 0);
    $width2 = $this->iscale * $this->image_width;
    $height2 = $this->iscale * $this->image_height;
    imagepalettecopy($this->im, $this->tmpimg); // copy palette to final image so text colors come across
    // loop over $img pixels, take pixels from $tmpimg with distortion field
    for ($ix = 0; $ix < $this->image_width; ++ $ix) {
    for ($iy = 0; $iy < $this->image_height; ++ $iy) {
    $x = $ix;
    $y = $iy;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numpoles; ++ $i) {
    $dx = $ix - $px[$i];
    $dy = $iy - $py[$i];
    if ($dx == 0 && $dy == 0) {
    $r = sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy);
    if ($r > $rad[$i]) {
    $rscale = $amp[$i] * sin(3.14 * $r / $rad[$i]);
    $x += $dx * $rscale;
    $y += $dy * $rscale;
    $c = $bgCol;
    $x *= $this->iscale;
    $y *= $this->iscale;
    if ($x >= 0 && $x < $width2 && $y >= 0 && $y < $height2) {
    $c = imagecolorat($this->tmpimg, $x, $y);
    if ($c != $bgCol) { // only copy pixels of letters to preserve any background image
    imagesetpixel($this->im, $ix, $iy, $c);

    • Draws distorted lines on the image
    • /

    protected function drawLines()
    for ($line = 0; $line < $this->num_lines; ++ $line) {
    $x = $this->image_width * (1 + $line) / ($this->num_lines + 1);
    $x += (0.5 - $this->frand()) * $this->image_width / $this->num_lines;
    $y = rand($this->image_height * 0.1, $this->image_height * 0.9);

    $theta = ($this->frand() - 0.5) * M_PI * 0.7;
    $w = $this->image_width;
    $len = rand($w * 0.4, $w * 0.7);
    $lwid = rand(0, 2);

    $k = $this->frand() * 0.6 + 0.2;
    $k = $k * $k * 0.5;
    $phi = $this->frand() * 6.28;
    $step = 0.5;
    $dx = $step * cos($theta);
    $dy = $step * sin($theta);
    $n = $len / $step;
    $amp = 1.5 * $this->frand() / ($k + 5.0 / $len);
    $x0 = $x - 0.5 * $len * cos($theta);
    $y0 = $y - 0.5 * $len * sin($theta);

    $ldx = round(- $dy * $lwid);
    $ldy = round($dx * $lwid);

    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++ $i) {
    $x = $x0 + $i * $dx + $amp * $dy * sin($k * $i * $step + $phi);
    $y = $y0 + $i * $dy - $amp * $dx * sin($k * $i * $step + $phi);
    imagefilledrectangle($this->im, $x, $y, $x + $lwid, $y + $lwid, $this->gdlinecolor);

    • Draws random noise on the image
    • /

    protected function drawNoise()
    if ($this->noise_level > 10) {
    $noise_level = 10;
    } else {
    $noise_level = $this->noise_level;

    $t0 = microtime(true);

    $noise_level *= 125; // an arbitrary number that works well on a 1-10 scale

    $points = $this->image_width * $this->image_height * $this->iscale;
    $height = $this->image_height * $this->iscale;
    $width = $this->image_width * $this->iscale;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $noise_level; ++$i) {
    $x = rand(10, $width);
    $y = rand(10, $height);
    $size = rand(7, 10);
    if ($x - $size <= 0 && $y - $size <= 0) continue; // dont cover 0,0 since it is used by imagedistortedcopy
    imagefilledarc($this->tmpimg, $x, $y, $size, $size, 0, 360, $this->gdnoisecolor, IMG_ARC_PIE);

    $t1 = microtime(true);

    $t = $t1 - $t0;

    // DEBUG
    imagestring($this->tmpimg, 5, 25, 30, "$t", $this->gdnoisecolor);
    header('content-type: image/png');
    • /


    • Print signature text on image
    • /

    protected function addSignature()
    $bbox = imagettfbbox(10, 0, $this->signature_font, $this->image_signature);
    $textlen = $bbox[2] - $bbox[0];
    $x = $this->image_width - $textlen - 5;
    $y = $this->image_height - 3;

    imagettftext($this->im, 10, 0, $x, $y, $this->gdsignaturecolor, $this->signature_font, $this->image_signature);

    • Sends the appropriate image and cache headers and outputs image to the browser
    • /

    protected function output()
    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
    header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT");
    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
    header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
    header("Pragma: no-cache");

    switch ($this->image_type) {
    case self::SI_IMAGE_JPEG:
    header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
    imagejpeg($this->im, null, 90);
    case self::SI_IMAGE_GIF:
    header("Content-Type: image/gif");
    header("Content-Type: image/png");


    • Gets the code and returns the binary audio file for the stored captcha code
    • @param string $format WAV only
    • /

    protected function getAudibleCode($format = 'wav')
    // override any format other than wav for now
    // this is due to security issues with MP3 files
    $format = 'wav';

    $letters = array();
    $code = $this->getCode();

    if ($code == '') {
    $code = $this->getCode();

    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); ++$i) {
    $letters[] = $code{$i};

    if ($format == 'mp3') {
    return $this->generateMP3($letters);
    } else {
    return $this->generateWAV($letters);

    • Gets a captcha code from a wordlist
    • /

    protected function readCodeFromFile()
    $fp = @fopen($this->wordlist_file, 'rb');
    if (!$fp) return false;

    $fsize = filesize($this->wordlist_file);
    if ($fsize < 128) return false; // too small of a list to be effective

    fseek($fp, rand(0, $fsize - 64), SEEK_SET); // seek to a random position of file from 0 to filesize-64
    $data = fread($fp, 64); // read a chunk from our random position
    $data = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\n", $data);

    $start = @strpos($data, "\n", rand(0, 56)) + 1; // random start position
    $end = @strpos($data, "\n", $start); // find end of word

    if ($start === false) {
    return false;
    } else if ($end === false) {
    $end = strlen($data);

    return strtolower(substr($data, $start, $end - $start)); // return a line of the file

    • Generates a random captcha code from the set character set
    • /

    protected function generateCode()
    $code = '';

    for($i = 1, $cslen = strlen($this->charset); $i <= $this->code_length; ++$i) {
    $code .= $this->charset{rand(0, $cslen - 1)};

    //return 'testing'; // debug, set the code to given string

    return $code;

    • Checks the entered code against the value stored in the session or sqlite database, handles case sensitivity
    • Also clears the stored codes if the code was entered correctly to prevent re-use
    • /

    protected function validate()
    $code = $this->getCode();
    // returns stored code, or an empty string if no stored code was found
    // checks the session and sqlite database if enabled

    if ($this->case_sensitive == false && preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $code)) {
    // case sensitive was set from securimage_show.php but not in class
    // the code saved in the session has capitals so set case sensitive to true
    $this->case_sensitive = true;

    $code_entered = trim( (($this->case_sensitive) ? $this->code_entered
    : strtolower($this->code_entered))
    $this->correct_code = false;

    if ($code != '') {
    if ($code == $code_entered) {
    $this->correct_code = true;
    $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace] = '';
    $_SESSION['securimage_code_ctime'][$this->namespace] = '';

    • Return the code from the session or sqlite database if used. If none exists yet, an empty string is returned
    • /

    protected function getCode()
    $code = '';

    if (isset($_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace]) &&
    trim($_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace]) != '') {
    if ($this->isCodeExpired(
    $_SESSION['securimage_code_ctime'][$this->namespace]) == false) {
    $code = $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace];
    } else if ($this->use_sqlite_db == true && function_exists('sqlite_open')) {
    // no code in session - may mean user has cookies turned off
    $code = $this->getCodeFromDatabase();
    } else { /* no code stored in session or sqlite database, validation will fail */ }

    return $code;

    • Save data to session namespace and database if used
    • /

    protected function saveData()
    $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace] = $this->code;
    $_SESSION['securimage_code_ctime'][$this->namespace] = time();


    • Saves the code to the sqlite database
    • /

    protected function saveCodeToDatabase()
    $success = false;


    if ($this->use_sqlite_db && $this->sqlite_handle !== false) {
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $time = time();
    $code = $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace]; // if cookies are disabled the session still exists at this point
    $success = sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle,
    "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO codes(ip, code, namespace, created)
    VALUES('$ip', '$code', '{$this->namespace}', $time)");

    return $success !== false;

    • Open sqlite database
    • /

    protected function openDatabase()
    $this->sqlite_handle = false;

    if ($this->use_sqlite_db && function_exists('sqlite_open')) {
    $this->sqlite_handle = sqlite_open($this->sqlite_database, 0666, $error);

    if ($this->sqlite_handle !== false) {
    $res = sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "PRAGMA table_info(codes)");
    if (sqlite_num_rows($res) == 0) {
    sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "CREATE TABLE codes (ip VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, code VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, namespace VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, created INTEGER)");

    return $this->sqlite_handle != false;

    return $this->sqlite_handle;

    • Get a code from the sqlite database for ip address
    • /

    protected function getCodeFromDatabase()
    $code = '';

    if ($this->use_sqlite_db && $this->sqlite_handle !== false) {
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $ns = sqlite_escape_string($this->namespace);

    $res = sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "SELECT * FROM codes WHERE ip = '$ip' AND namespace = '$ns'");
    if ($res && sqlite_num_rows($res) > 0) {
    $res = sqlite_fetch_array($res);

    if ($this->isCodeExpired($res['created']) == false) {
    $code = $res['code'];
    return $code;

    • Remove an entered code from the database
    • /

    protected function clearCodeFromDatabase()
    if (is_resource($this->sqlite_handle)) {
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $ns = sqlite_escape_string($this->namespace);

    sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "DELETE FROM codes WHERE ip = '$ip' AND namespace = '$ns'");

    • Deletes old codes from sqlite database
    • /

    protected function purgeOldCodesFromDatabase()
    if ($this->use_sqlite_db && $this->sqlite_handle !== false) {
    $now = time();
    $limit = (!is_numeric($this->expiry_time) || $this->expiry_time < 1) ? 86400 : $this->expiry_time;

    sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "DELETE FROM codes WHERE $now - created > $limit");

    • Checks to see if the captcha code has expired and cannot be used
    • @param unknown_type $creation_time
    • /

    protected function isCodeExpired($creation_time)
    $expired = true;

    if (!is_numeric($this->expiry_time) || $this->expiry_time < 1) {
    $expired = false;
    } else if (time() - $creation_time < $this->expiry_time) {
    $expired = false;

    return $expired;

    • Generate an MP3 audio file of the captcha image
    • @deprecated 3.0
    • /

    protected function generateMP3()
    return false;

    • Generate a wav file given the $letters in the code
    • @todo Add ability to merge 2 sound files together to have random background sounds
    • @param array $letters
    • @return string The binary contents of the wav file
    • /

    protected function generateWAV($letters)
    $data_len = 0;
    $files = array();
    $out_data = '';
    $out_channels = 0;
    $out_samplert = 0;
    $out_bpersample = 0;
    $numSamples = 0;
    $removeChunks = array('LIST', 'DISP', 'NOTE');

    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($letters); ++$i) {
    $letter = $letters[$i];
    $filename = $this->audio_path . strtoupper($letter) . '.wav';
    $file = array();
    $data = @file_get_contents($filename);

    if ($data === false) {
    // echo "Failed to read $filename";
    return $this->audioError();

    $header = substr($data, 0, 36);
    $info = unpack('NChunkID/VChunkSize/NFormat/NSubChunk1ID/'

    $dataPos = strpos($data, 'data');
    $out_channels = $info['NumChannels'];
    $out_samplert = $info['SampleRate'];
    $out_bpersample = $info['BitsPerSample'];

    if ($dataPos === false) {
    // wav file with no data?
    // echo "Failed to find DATA segment in $filename";
    return $this->audioError();

    if ($info['AudioFormat'] != 1) {
    // only work with PCM audio
    // echo "$filename was not PCM audio, only PCM is supported";
    return $this->audioError();

    if ($info['SubChunk1Size'] != 16 && $info['SubChunk1Size'] != 18) {
    // probably unsupported extension
    // echo "Bad SubChunk1Size in $filename - Size was {$info['SubChunk1Size']}";
    return $this->audioError();

    if ($info['SubChunk1Size'] > 16) {
    $header .= substr($data, 36, $info['SubChunk1Size'] - 16);

    if ($i == 0) {
    // create the final file's header, size will be adjusted later
    $out_data = $header . 'data';

    $removed = 0;

    foreach($removeChunks as $chunk) {
    $chunkPos = strpos($data, $chunk);
    if ($chunkPos !== false) {
    $listSize = unpack('VSize', substr($data, $chunkPos + 4, 4));

    $data = substr($data, 0, $chunkPos) .
    substr($data, $chunkPos + 8 + $listSize['Size']);

    $removed += $listSize['Size'] + 8;

    $dataSize = unpack('VSubchunk2Size', substr($data, $dataPos + 4, 4));
    $dataSize['Subchunk2Size'] -= $removed;
    $out_data .= substr($data, $dataPos + 8, $dataSize['Subchunk2Size'] * ($out_bpersample / 8));
    $numSamples += $dataSize['Subchunk2Size'];

    $filesize = strlen($out_data);
    $chunkSize = $filesize - 8;
    $dataCSize = $numSamples;

    $out_data = substr_replace($out_data, pack('V', $chunkSize), 4, 4);
    $out_data = substr_replace($out_data, pack('V', $numSamples), 40 + ($info['SubChunk1Size'] - 16), 4);

    $this->scrambleAudioData($out_data, 'wav');

    return $out_data;

    • Randomizes the audio data to add noise and prevent binary recognition
    • @param string $data The binary audio file data
    • @param string $format The format of the sound file (wav only)
    • /

    protected function scrambleAudioData(&$data, $format)
    $start = strpos($data, 'data') + 4; // look for "data" indicator
    if ($start === false) $start = 44; // if not found assume 44 byte header

    $start += rand(1, 4); // randomize starting offset
    $datalen = strlen($data) - $start;
    $step = 1;

    for ($i = $start; $i < $datalen; $i += $step) {
    $ch = ord($data{$i});
    if ($ch == 0 || $ch == 255) continue;

    if ($ch < 16 || $ch > 239) {
    $ch += rand(-6, 6);
    } else {
    $ch += rand(-12, 12);

    if ($ch < 0) $ch = 0; else if ($ch > 255) $ch = 255;

    $data{$i} = chr($ch);

    $step = rand(1,4);

    return $data;

    • Return a wav file saying there was an error generating file
    • @return string The binary audio contents
    • /

    protected function audioError()
    return @file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/audio/error.wav');

    function frand()
    return 0.0001 * rand(0,9999);

    • Convert an html color code to a Securimage_Color
    • @param string $color
    • @param Securimage_Color $default The defalt color to use if $color is invalid
    • /

    protected function initColor($color, $default)
    if ($color == null) {
    return new Securimage_Color($default);
    } else if (is_string($color)) {
    try {
    return new Securimage_Color($color);
    } catch(Exception $e) {
    return new Securimage_Color($default);
    } else if (is_array($color) && sizeof($color) == 3) {
    return new Securimage_Color($color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
    } else {
    return new Securimage_Color($default);

    • Color object for Securimage CAPTCHA

    • @version 3.0
    • @since 2.0
    • @package Securimage
    • @subpackage classes

    • /

    class Securimage_Color
    public $r;
    public $g;
    public $b;

    • Create a new Securimage_Color object.<br />
    • Constructor expects 1 or 3 arguments.<br />
    • When passing a single argument, specify the color using HTML hex format,<br />
    • when passing 3 arguments, specify each RGB component (from 0-255) individually.<br />
    • $color = new Securimage_Color('#0080FF') or <br />
    • $color = new Securimage_Color(0, 128, 255)
    • @param string $color
    • @throws Exception
    • /

    public function __construct($color = '#ffffff')
    $args = func_get_args();

    if (sizeof($args) == 0) {
    $this->r = 255;
    $this->g = 255;
    $this->b = 255;
    } else if (sizeof($args) == 1) {
    // set based on html code
    if (substr($color, 0, 1) == '#') {
    $color = substr($color, 1);

    if (strlen($color) != 3 && strlen($color) != 6) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException(
    'Invalid HTML color code passed to Securimage_Color'

    } else if (sizeof($args) == 3) {
    $this->constructRGB($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]);
    } else {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException(
    'Securimage_Color constructor expects 0, 1 or 3 arguments; ' . sizeof($args) . ' given'

    • Construct from an rgb triplet
    • @param int $red The red component, 0-255
    • @param int $green The green component, 0-255
    • @param int $blue The blue component, 0-255
    • /

    protected function constructRGB($red, $green, $blue)
    if ($red < 0) $red = 0;
    if ($red > 255) $red = 255;
    if ($green < 0) $green = 0;
    if ($green > 255) $green = 255;
    if ($blue < 0) $blue = 0;
    if ($blue > 255) $blue = 255;

    $this->r = $red;
    $this->g = $green;
    $this->b = $blue;

    • Construct from an html hex color code
    • @param string $color
    • /

    protected function constructHTML($color)
    if (strlen($color) == 3) {
    $red = str_repeat(substr($color, 0, 1), 2);
    $green = str_repeat(substr($color, 1, 1), 2);
    $blue = str_repeat(substr($color, 2, 1), 2);
    } else {
    $red = substr($color, 0, 2);
    $green = substr($color, 2, 2);
    $blue = substr($color, 4, 2);

    $this->r = hexdec($red);
    $this->g = hexdec($green);
    $this->b = hexdec($blue);

    Conclusion :

    Il n'y a pas de ?> à la fin de la source car cette page est intégré dans un script php par exemple grâce à la fonction include("");

    Vous pouvez télécharger la dernière version à cette adresse :
    Copiez tous les fichiers du dossier de l'archive téléchargée dans le dossier securimage (avec écrasement/remplacement des anciens fichiers) du script utilisé.

    Attention : si vous avez personnalisé le fichier securimage_show.php, faites-en une sauvegarde avant !

    Ce script a été intégrer dans le formulaire avec le choix du contact disponible à cette adresse

    Codes Sources

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