Parser de node xml alternatif

Contenu du snippet

Ce petit code est capable de parser une ligne XML genre:
<node foo="bar" lol="ok" />
<node foo="bar" lol="ok">hello world</node>

Il n'effectue pas de contrôle sur la validité du XML d'une ligne et se veut donc très rapide. J'en avais besoin car les classes XML de Microsoft sont très strictes sur le respect du standard XML.

Source / Exemple :


  • XmlNodeReader *
  • ***********************************
  • A fast, non validating, in-line *
  • XML Node reader *
  • *
  • Author: Tony POTTIER *
  • Contact: *
  • OWN RISKS. *
                                                                          • /
public enum XmlNodeType { Opening, Closing } [Serializable()] public class XmlNodeReader { private Dictionary<string, string> _attributes; private string _line; private XmlNodeType _xmlNodeType; private string _name; private string _innerText; /// <summary> /// The XML node as its string representation /// </summary> public string FullText { get { return _line; } } /// <summary> /// XML node Inner Text (empty if there is none) /// </summary> public string InnerText { get { return _innerText; } } /// <summary> /// XML Node Name /// </summary> public string Name { get { return _name; } } /// <summary> /// Opening or Closing tag. /// Tags ending with "/>" are considered as Opening tags. /// </summary> public XmlNodeType XMLNodeType { get { return _xmlNodeType; } } /// <summary> /// The list of attributes of the XML Node /// </summary> public Dictionary<string, string> Attributes { get { return _attributes; } } /// <summary> /// Get an attribute value of the XML node /// </summary> /// <param name="attribute">The name of the attribute</param> /// <returns>Empty string if attribute does not exist</returns> public string getAttribute(string attribute) { if (_attributes.ContainsKey(attribute)) { return _attributes[attribute]; } else { return ""; } } public XmlNodeReader() { _attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); } public XmlNodeReader(string line) { _line = line; _attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); decodeLine(); } public void decodeString(string line) { _line = line; decodeLine(); } private void decodeLine() { _attributes.Clear(); _name = ""; _innerText = ""; bool tagBegun = false; bool searchAttributeName = false; bool searchAttributeValue = false; bool AttributeValueBegunFound = false; //we're looking for the tag name before //attributes bool searchTagName = true; string currentAttributeName = ""; string currentAttributeValue = ""; _xmlNodeType = XmlNodeType.Opening; int i; for (i = 0; i < _line.Length; i++) { if (tagBegun) { //test end if (_line[i] == '>') { break; } //search for the tag name before //searching for attributes if (searchTagName) { if (_line[i] == '/') { _xmlNodeType = XmlNodeType.Closing; } else if (_line[i] == ' ' && _name != "") { searchTagName = false; } else { _name += _line[i]; } } else { //find a new attribute if (!searchAttributeValue && !searchAttributeName) { if (_line[i] != ' ') { searchAttributeName = true; currentAttributeName += _line[i]; } } else if (searchAttributeName && !searchAttributeValue) { //look for '=' wich is the end of attribute name if (_line[i] == '=') { searchAttributeName = false; searchAttributeValue = true; _attributes.Add(currentAttributeName.Trim(), ""); } else { currentAttributeName += _line[i]; } } else if (!searchAttributeName && searchAttributeValue) { if (AttributeValueBegunFound) { if (_line[i] == '"') { //END OF VALUE PARSING AttributeValueBegunFound = false; searchAttributeValue = false; searchAttributeName = false; _attributes[currentAttributeName.Trim()] = currentAttributeValue; currentAttributeName = ""; currentAttributeValue = ""; } else { currentAttributeValue += _line[i]; } } else { //try to find the first " to start value parsing if (_line[i] == '"') { AttributeValueBegunFound = true; } } } } } else if (_line[i] == '<') { tagBegun = true; } } //now decode inner text if it exists if (_line.Length + 1 > i) { for (i = i + 1; i < _line.Length; i++) { if (_line[i] == '<') { break; } else { _innerText += _line[i]; } } } } }

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