Mini client notes ecrit en vb5 !


Démonstration de l'utilisation des object COM de Lotus Notes. (Version 5 minimum) pour faire un petit "client" Notes en VB5 (lecture et affichage des message reçu)

Merci à Oguruma, modérateur de (Forum Lotus Notes en Français)

Source / Exemple :

Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Caption         =   "Form1"
   ClientHeight    =   5580
   ClientLeft      =   60
   ClientTop       =   450
   ClientWidth     =   6885
   LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
   ScaleHeight     =   5580
   ScaleWidth      =   6885
   StartUpPosition =   3  'Windows Default
   Begin VB.CommandButton CmdMove 
      Caption         =   "Move To"
      Enabled         =   0   'False
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   5880
      TabIndex        =   10
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   855
   Begin VB.TextBox Folder 
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   3240
      TabIndex        =   9
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   2655
   Begin VB.CommandButton CmdLast 
      Caption         =   ">> |"
      Enabled         =   0   'False
      BeginProperty Font 
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   8.25
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   2280
      TabIndex        =   8
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   615
   Begin VB.CommandButton CmdNext 
      Caption         =   ">"
      Enabled         =   0   'False
      BeginProperty Font 
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   8.25
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   1560
      TabIndex        =   7
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   615
   Begin VB.CommandButton CmdPrevious 
      Caption         =   "<"
      Enabled         =   0   'False
      BeginProperty Font 
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   8.25
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   840
      TabIndex        =   6
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   615
   Begin VB.TextBox From 
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   1200
      Locked          =   -1  'True
      TabIndex        =   3
      Top             =   1080
      Width           =   5535
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdFirst 
      Caption         =   "| <<"
      Enabled         =   0   'False
      BeginProperty Font 
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   8.25
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   120
      TabIndex        =   2
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   615
   Begin VB.TextBox Body 
      Height          =   3855
      Left            =   120
      Locked          =   -1  'True
      MultiLine       =   -1  'True
      ScrollBars      =   3  'Both
      TabIndex        =   1
      Top             =   1560
      Width           =   6615
   Begin VB.TextBox subject 
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   1200
      Locked          =   -1  'True
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   720
      Width           =   5535
   Begin VB.Label Label 
      Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
      BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
      Caption         =   "De :"
      BeginProperty Font 
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   12
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      Height          =   255
      Index           =   1
      Left            =   240
      TabIndex        =   5
      Top             =   1080
      Width           =   855
   Begin VB.Label Label 
      Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
      BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
      Caption         =   "Sujet :"
      BeginProperty Font 
         Name            =   "MS Sans Serif"
         Size            =   12
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      Height          =   255
      Index           =   0
      Left            =   240
      TabIndex        =   4
      Top             =   720
      Width           =   855
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

' (C)2005 by Patrick MOIRE
' Merci à Oguruma, modérateur de (Forum Lotus Notes en Français)

  Private session As New NotesSession
  Private dir As NotesDbDirectory
  Private db As NotesDatabase
  Private View As NotesView
  Private doc As NotesDocument

' Connection a Lotus Notes

Private Sub Form_Paint()

  Me.AutoRedraw = True
  Me.Caption = "Connexion en cours..."
 ' PS : en cas de problème, remplacer par :
 ' session.Initialize "password"
 ' voir :
 ' session.InitializeUsingNotesUserName "User", "password"
  Set dir = session.GetDbDirectory("")
  Set db = dir.OpenMailDatabase
  Me.Caption = db.filename
  Set View = db.GetView("($inbox)")
  Me.Caption = db.filename & " : " & View.Name
  Call cmdFirst_Click

End Sub
' Déplacement dans la liste des couriers

Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()
  Set doc = View.GetFirstDocument
  Me.CmdNext.Enabled = (Not doc Is Nothing)
  Me.CmdPrevious.Enabled = False
  Call Affiche
End Sub

Private Sub CmdPrevious_Click()
  If Not doc Is Nothing Then
    Set doc = View.GetPrevDocument(doc)
    Me.CmdNext.Enabled = True
    Me.CmdPrevious.Enabled = Not (View.GetPrevDocument(doc) Is Nothing)
  End If
  Call Affiche
End Sub

Private Sub CmdNext_Click()
  If Not doc Is Nothing Then
    Set doc = View.GetNextDocument(doc)
    Me.CmdPrevious.Enabled = True
    Me.CmdNext.Enabled = Not (View.GetNextDocument(doc) Is Nothing)
  End If
  Call Affiche
End Sub

Private Sub CmdLast_Click()
  Set doc = View.GetLastDocument
  Me.CmdNext.Enabled = False
  Call Affiche
End Sub

' Affichage d'un courier

Private Sub Affiche()

  Me.CmdMove.Enabled = (Not doc Is Nothing)
  Me.cmdFirst.Enabled = Me.CmdPrevious.Enabled
  Me.CmdLast.Enabled = Me.CmdNext.Enabled
  Me.subject.Text = ""
  Me.From.Text = ""
  Me.Body.Text = ""

  If Not doc Is Nothing Then
    If doc.HasItem("subject") Then Me.subject.Text = doc.GetItemValue("subject")(0)
    If doc.HasItem("from") Then Me.From.Text = doc.GetItemValue("from")(0)
    If doc.HasItem("body") Then Me.Body.Text = doc.GetItemValue("body")(0)
  End If
End Sub

' Deplacement d'un document dans un "folder"

Private Sub CmdMove_Click()
  moveToFolder db, doc, Me.Folder.Text
End Sub

Function moveToFolder(dbMailbox As NotesDatabase, docMailbox As NotesDocument, folderName As String) As Boolean
  Dim docMailBoxCopy As NotesDocument
    On Error GoTo handleError
      Set docMailBoxCopy = docMailbox.CopyToDatabase(dbMailbox)
      docMailBoxCopy.PutInFolder folderName, True
      docMailbox.Remove True
    On Error GoTo 0
    moveToFolder = True
    Exit Function
  MsgBox "Error # " & Err & " : " & Error$ & " - line " & Erl, 16, "DEMOA Notes Error - moveToFolder"
End Function

' Déconnection de Lotus Notes

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
  Set doc = Nothing
  Set View = Nothing
  Set db = Nothing
  Set dir = Nothing
  Set session = Nothing
End Sub

Conclusion :

Allez... j'en profite pour mettre un code pour envoyer un email via Notes. Pas de moi, mais fait un bon complément à mon code !

Private Sub Send()

Dim session As Object
Dim db As Object
Dim doc As Object

Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set db = session.GetDatabase("", "")

Set doc = db.CreateDocument()
With doc
.Form = "Memo"
.SendTo = ""
.CopyTo = ""
.subject = "Petit test"
.Body = "Ceci est un petit test d'envoie de message"
.From = session.CommonUserName
.PostedDate = Now
.SaveMessageOnSend = True
End With
Call doc.Send(True)

Set session = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set doc = Nothing

End Sub

Codes Sources

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