Affichage video

allarabeye Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription lundi 13 juin 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2008 - 31 mai 2007 à 19:29
allarabeye Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription lundi 13 juin 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2008 - 4 juin 2007 à 10:52
en ce moment je rencontre un probleme avec les fonctions : mciGetErrorString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciGetErrorStringA" et
mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA".
en effet je voudrai afficher de la video sur 2 form differentes sans passer par windows media player ou ocx. mais le probleme est que une fois que je lance mon application c'est juste une seule form qui affiche la video et non les deux en meme temps comme souhaité. please help me

11 réponses

Utilisateur anonyme
31 mai 2007 à 19:36

Faut que tu mette une id différent pour chaque vidéo.

Mais aussi, montre nous ton code.

allarabeye Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription lundi 13 juin 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2008
31 mai 2007 à 19:44
merci pour cette  reponse assez rapide, en fait je m'inspire d'un programme laisser par un developpeur Jason Hensley sur ce site , je n'ai plus le lien. mais bon voici le code

Pour le module de classe : MovieModule

'Programmer: Jason Hensley

'Email: []


'Description: Easily create a movie player to play
'avi, mpeg, mpeg2, quicktime, divx(need divx codec) and more
'Designed to be easy to use and small in size. Please email
'me if you have any feedback or problems.

'Problems/Bugs: If you use the mpegvideo device type
'and it skips the video just don't use the getPositionInFrames

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function mciGetErrorString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciGetErrorStringA" (ByVal dwError As Long, ByVal lpstrBuffer As String, ByVal uLength As Long) As Long 'Get the error message of the mcidevice if any
Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long 'Send command strings to the mci device

Private Data As String * 128 ' Used to store our return data
Public Error As Long ' Used to store our error message
Public Filename  As String ' Used to store our file

Public Function stepFrames(Value As Long)
    'Step ahead a specified amount of frames
    'Ex. If the movie was on frame 20. And if you stepped
    '10 frames the movie would skip ahead 10 frames and
    'would be on frame 30.
    Error = mciSendString("step movie by " & Value, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function restoreSizeDefault()
    'This function will restore the movie to its original
    'size. Not if you use a child window
    Error = mciSendString("put movie window", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function openMovie()
    'Open a movie in the default window style(Popup)
    Dim a As Long
    Filename = Chr$(34) & Filename & Chr$(34)
    Error = mciSendString("close movie", 0, 0, 0)
    'Decide which way you want the mci device to work below
    'Specify the mpegvideo driver to play the movies
    Error = mciSendString("open " & Filename & " type mpegvideo alias movie", 0, 0, 0)
    'Let the mci device decide which driver to use
    'Error = mciSendString("open " & Filename & " alias movie", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function openMovieWindow(hWnd As Long, WindowStyle As String)
    'Style types = popup , child or overlapped
    'Child window would be a .hwnd window of your choice.
    'Ex. A picturebox control or a frame control would be
    'a child window
    Filename = Chr$(34) & Filename & Chr$(34)
    Error = mciSendString("close movie", 0, 0, 0)
    'Decide which way you want the mci device to work below
    'use the command below to play divx movies. Must have the Divx codec installed
    Error = mciSendString("open " & Filename & " type mpegvideo alias movie parent " & hWnd & " style " & WindowStyle & " ", 0, 0, 0)
    'Let the mci device decide which driver to use
    'Error = mciSendString("open " & Filename & " alias movie parent " & hWnd & " style " & WindowStyle & " ", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function minimizeMovie()
    'Minimize the movie window
    Error = mciSendString("window movie state minimized", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function playMovie()
    'Play the movie after you open it
    Error = mciSendString("play movie", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function hideMovie()
    'Hides the movie window
    Error = mciSendString("window movie state hide", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function showMovie()
    'Will show the window if it was hidden with the
    'hideMovie function
    Error = mciSendString("window movie state show", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function restoreMovie()
    'Will restore the window to its original state
    Error = mciSendString("window movie state restore", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function stopMovie()
    'Stops the playing of the movie
    Error = mciSendString("stop movie", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function extractCurrentMovieSize(wLeft As Long, wTop As Long, wWidth As Long, wHeight As Long)
    'Returns the size parameters of the movie
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim a As String
    Dim b As String
    Dim C As String
    Dim f As String
    Dim g As String
    a = getCurrentSize
    b = InStr(1, a, " ")
    C = InStr(b + 1, a, " ")
    f = Mid(a, C + 1)
    g = InStr(1, f, " ")
    wWidth = Val(left(f, g)) 'width
    wHeight = Val(Mid(f, g)) 'height
End Function
Public Function extractDefaultMovieSize(wWidth As Long, wHeight As Long)
    'Returns the default size of the movie even if the size
    'of the movie has been changed
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim a As String
    Dim b As String
    Dim C As String
    Dim f As String
    Dim g As String
    a = getDefaultSize
    b = InStr(1, a, " ") '2
    C = InStr(b + 1, a, " ") '4
    f = Mid(a, C + 1) '9
    g = InStr(1, f, " ")
    wWidth = Val(left(f, g)) 'width
    wHeight = Val(Mid(f, g)) 'height
End Function
Public Function getBitsPerPixel()
    'Will get the movie bitsperpixel
    'Works with avi movies only
    Error = mciSendString("status movie bitsperpel", Data, 128, 0)
    getBitsPerPixel = Val(Data)
End Function
Public Function getMovieInput() As String
    'Returns the current input source
    Error = mciSendString("status movie monitor input", Data, 128, 0)
    getMovieInput = Data
End Function
Public Function getMovieOutput() As String
    'Returns the current output source
    Error = mciSendString("status movie monitor output", Data, 128, 0)
    getMovieOutput = Data
End Function
Public Function getAudioStatus() As String
    'Check to see if the audio is on or off
    Error = mciSendString("status movie audio", Data, 128, 0)
    getAudioStatus = Data
End Function
Public Function sizeLocateMovie(left As Long, top As Long, Width As Long, Height As Long)
    'Change the size of the movie and the location of
    'the movie in Pixels
    Error = mciSendString("put movie window at " & left & " " & top & " " & Width & " " & Height, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function isMoviePlaying() As Boolean
    'Checks the status of the movie whether it is playing
    'or not
    Dim isPlaying As String
    Error = mciSendString("status movie mode", Data, 128, 0)
    isPlaying = left(Data, 7)
    If isPlaying = "playing" Then
        isMoviePlaying = True
        isMoviePlaying = False
    End If
End Function
Public Function checkError() As String
    'A very useful function for getting any errors
    'associated with the mci device
    checkError = Space$(255)
    mciGetErrorString Error, checkError, Len(checkError)
End Function
Public Function getDeviceName() As String
    'Returns the current device name in use
    Error = mciSendString("info movie product", Data, 128, 0)
    getDeviceName = Data
End Function
Public Function getDeviceVersion() As String
    'Returns the current version of the mci device in use
    Error = mciSendString("info movie version", Data, 128, 0)
    getDeviceVersion = Data
End Function
Public Function getNominalFrameRate() As Long
    'Returns the nominal frame rate of the movie file
    Error = mciSendString("status movie nominal frame rate wait", Data, 128, 0)
    getNominalFrameRate = Val(Data)
End Function
Public Function getFramePerSecRate() As Long
    'Returns the Frames Per Second of the movie file
    'avi and mpeg movies
    Error = mciSendString("status movie frame rate", Data, 128, 0)
    getFramePerSecRate = Val(Data) \ 1000
End Function
Public Function getCurrentSize() As String
    'Returns the current width, height of the movie
    Error = mciSendString("where movie destination max", Data, 128, 0)
    getCurrentSize = Data
End Function
Public Function getDefaultSize() As String
    'Returns the default width, height the movie
    Error = mciSendString("where movie source", Data, 128, 0)
    getDefaultSize = Data
End Function
Public Function getLengthInFrames() As Long
    'Get the length of the movie in frames
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format frames", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("status movie length", Data, 128, 0)
    getLengthInFrames = Val(Data)
End Function
Public Function getLengthInMS() As Long
    'Get the length of the movie in milliseconds
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format ms", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("status movie length", Data, 128, 0)
    getLengthInMS = Val(Data)
End Function
Public Function playFullScreen()
    'Play the movie in full screen mode
    Error = mciSendString("play movie fullscreen", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function getLengthInSec() As Long
    'Get the length of the movie in seconds
    getLengthInSec = getLengthInMS \ 1000
End Function
Public Function setVideoOff()
    'Set the video device off
    Error = mciSendString("set all video off", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setVideoOn()
    'Set the video device on
    Error = mciSendString("set all video on", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function pauseMovie()
    'Pause the movie
    Error = mciSendString("pause movie", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function resumeMovie()
    'Resumes the movie
    Error = mciSendString("resume movie", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function getPositionInMS() As Long
    'Get the position of the movie in milliseconds
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format ms", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("status movie position wait", Data, 128, 0)
    getPositionInMS = Val(Data)
End Function
Public Function getRate() As Long
    'Get the current speed of the movie
    Error = mciSendString("status movie speed", Data, 128, 0)
    getRate = Val(Data)
End Function
Public Function getPositionInFrames() As Long
    'Get the position of the movie in frames
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format frames wait", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("status movie position", Data, 128, 0)
    getPositionInFrames = Val(Data)
End Function
Public Function getStatus() As String
    'Get the current mode of the movie
    'Playing, Stopped, Paused, Not Ready
    Error = mciSendString("status movie mode", Data, 128, 0)
    getStatus = StrConv(Data, vbProperCase)
End Function
Public Function closeMovie()
    'Close the mci device
    Error = mciSendString("close all", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function getFormatPosition() As String
    'Get the position in a userfriendly time format
    getFormatPosition = getThisTime(getPositionInMS)
End Function
Public Function getFormatLength() As String
    'Get the length in a userfriendly time format
    getFormatLength = getThisTime(getLengthInMS)
End Function

Private Function getThisTime(ByVal timein As Long) As String
    'Used to format the position and duration
    On Error GoTo TrapIt
    Dim conH As Integer
    Dim conM As Integer
    Dim conS As Integer
    Dim remTime As Long
    Dim strRetTime As String
    remTime = timein / 1000
    conH = Int(remTime / 3600)
    remTime = remTime Mod 3600
    conM = Int(remTime / 60)
    remTime = remTime Mod 60
    conS = remTime
    If conH > 0 Then
        strRetTime = Trim(Str(conH)) & ":"
        strRetTime = ""
    End If
    If conM >= 10 Then
        strRetTime = strRetTime & Trim(Str(conM))
    ElseIf conM > 0 Then
        strRetTime = strRetTime & Trim(Str(conM))
        strRetTime = strRetTime & "0"
    End If
    strRetTime = strRetTime & ":"
    If conS >= 10 Then
        strRetTime = strRetTime & Trim(Str(conS))
    ElseIf conS > 0 Then
        strRetTime = strRetTime & "0" & Trim(Str(conS))
        strRetTime = strRetTime & "00"
    End If
    getThisTime = strRetTime
    Exit Function
TrapIt:      MsgBox Err.Description, , " Error"
End Function
Public Function getVolume() As Long
    'Get the current volume level
    Error = mciSendString("status movie volume", Data, 128, 0)
    getVolume = Val(Data)
End Function
Public Function getVideoStatus() As String
    'Get the status of the video. Returns on or off
    Error = mciSendString("status movie video", Data, 128, 0)
    getVideoStatus = Data
End Function
Public Function getTimeFormat() As String
    'Returns the current time format. Frames or Millisecond
    Error = mciSendString("status movie time format", Data, 128, 0)
    getTimeFormat = Data
End Function
Public Function getLeftVolume() As Long
    'Returns the volume value of the left channel
    Error = mciSendString("status movie left volume", Data, 128, 0)
    getLeftVolume = Val(Data)
End Function
Public Function getPositionInSec() As Long
    'Get the position of the movie in seconds
    getPositionInSec = getPositionInMS \ 1000
End Function
Public Function getRightVolume() As Long
    'Get the volume value of the right channel
    Error = mciSendString("status movie right volume", Data, 128, 0)
    getRightVolume = Data
End Function
Public Function setAudioOff()
    'Turns of the audio device
    Error = mciSendString("set movie audio all off", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setAudioOn()
    'turns on the audio device
    Error = mciSendString("set movie audio all on", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setLeftOff()
    'Turns of the left channel
    Error = mciSendString("set movie audio left off", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setRightOff()
    'Turns of the right channel
    Error = mciSendString("set movie audio right off", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setLeftOn()
    'Turns on the left channel
    Error = mciSendString("set movie audio left on", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setRightOn()
    'Truns on the right channel
    Error = mciSendString("set movie audio right on", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setDoorOpen()
    'Open the cdrom door
    Error = mciSendString("set cdaudio door open", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setDoorClosed()
    'Close the cdrom door
    Error = mciSendString("set cdaudio door closed", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setVolume(Value As Long)
    'Raise or lower the volume for both channels
    '1000 max - 0 min
    Error = mciSendString("setaudio movie volume to " & Value, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setPositionTo(Second As Long)
    'Sets the position of the movie to play at
    Second = Second * 1000
    If isMoviePlaying = True Then
    mciSendString "play movie from " & Second, 0, 0, 0
    ElseIf isMoviePlaying = False Then
    mciSendString "seek movie to " & Second, 0, 0, 0
    End If
    End Function
Public Function restartMovie()
    'Sets the movie to the beginning and call the playMovie
    'function to start playing from the beginning
    Error = mciSendString("seek movie to start", 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function rewindByMS(numMS As Long)
    'Rewind the movie a specified number of milliseconds
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format ms", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("play movie from " & getPositionInMS - numMS, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function rewindByFrames(numFrames As Long)
    'Rewind the movie by a specified number of frames
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format frames", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("play movie from " & getPositionInFrames - numFrames, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function rewindBySeconds(numSec As Long)
    'Rewind the movie by a specified number of seconds
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format ms", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("play movie from " & getPositionInMS - 1000 * numSec, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function forwardByFrames(numFrames As Long)
    'Forward the movie a specified number of frames
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format frames", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("play movie from " & getPositionInFrames + numFrames, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function forwardByMS(numMS As Long)
    'Forward the movie a specified number of milliseconds
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format ms", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("play movie from " & getPositionInMS + numMS, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function forwardBySeconds(numSec As Long)
    'Forward the movie a specified number of seconds
    Error = mciSendString("set movie time format ms", 0, 0, 0)
    Error = mciSendString("play movie from " & getPositionInMS + 1000 * numSec, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function checkDeviceReady() As String
    'Returns true or false depending if the mci device
    'is ready or not
    Error = mciSendString("status movie ready", Data, 128, 0)
    checkDeviceReady = Data
End Function
Public Function setSpeed(Value As Long)
    'Set the current playing spped of the movie
    '0 = as fast as possible without losing frames
    'Values 1 - 2000 - 2000 being fastest
    Error = mciSendString("set movie speed " & Value, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setLeftVolume(Value As Long)
    'Set the value of the left volume
    Error = mciSendString("setaudio movie left volume to " & Value, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Public Function setRightVolume(Value As Long)
    'Set the value of the right volume
    Error = mciSendString("setaudio movie right volume to " & Value, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Sub timeOut(duration)
    'Pauses for a specified amount of milliseconds
    Dim StartTime As Long
    Dim X As Long
    StartTime = Timer
    Do While Timer - StartTime < duration
        X = DoEvents()
    Exit Sub
End Sub

et pour la form : form1

Dim MM As New MovieModule

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    On Error Resume Next
    MM.setVolume Volume.Value * 10 ' set the new movie the selected volume
    MM.setSpeed Rate.Value * 20 'set the new movie to the selected speed
    T.Enabled = True 'set our timer on
    H.Max = Val(MM.getLengthInSec) 'load the position bar with the max length
    MM.timeOut 0.5 'Give the mci device enough time to process
    L7.Caption = "Length: " & MM.getFormatLength
    L8.Caption = "Total Time: " & MM.getLengthInMS
    L9.Caption = "Total Frames: " & MM.getLengthInFrames
    L3.Caption = "Status: " & MM.getStatus

    L4.Caption = "Error Status: " & MM.checkError 'Check for a error during the last process

End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
    T.Enabled = False
    MM.timeOut 1 'give our mci device time to update the status
    L3.Caption = "Status: " & MM.getStatus
    L4.Caption = "Error Status: " & MM.checkError
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
    If Command3.Caption = "Pause" Then
        Command3.Caption = "Resume"
        T.Enabled = False
        Command3.Caption = "Pause"
        T.Enabled = True
    End If
    MM.timeOut 1 'give our mci device time to update the status
    L3.Caption = "Status: " & MM.getStatus
    L4.Caption = "Error Status: " & MM.checkError
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
    Dim a As Long
    Dim b As Long
'open and set the filename
    C.Filter = "Avi Files (*.avi)|*.avi|Mpeg Files (*.mpeg)|*.mpeg|Mpg Files (*.mpg)|*.mpg|Mov Files (*.mov)|*.mov|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
    MM.Filename = C.Filename
'open the movie
    MM.openMovieWindow P.hWnd, "child" 'this will open our movie in a child window
    'MM.openMovie 'use this function to open in a popup window
'clear the previous filename
    C.Filename = ""
'fill in status and size information
    L3.Caption = "Status: " & MM.getStatus
    L4.Caption = "Error Status: " & MM.checkError
    MM.extractDefaultMovieSize a, b
    txtWidth.Text = CStr(a)
    txtHeight.Text = CStr(b)
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
    MM.closeMovie 'close the mci device
    L3.Caption = "Status: " & MM.getStatus
    L4.Caption = "Error Status: " & MM.checkError
    T.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
    MM.sizeLocateMovie Val(txtLeft.Text), Val(txtTop.Text), Val(txtWidth.Text), Val(txtHeight.Text)
    L4.Caption = "Error Status: " & MM.checkError
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
    Dim cWidth As Long
    Dim cHeight As Long
    MM.extractCurrentMovieSize 0, 0, cWidth, cHeight
    txtWidth = CStr(cWidth)
    txtHeight = CStr(cHeight)
    L4.Caption = "Error Status: " & MM.checkError
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    'set defulat volume and rate values
    Volume.Value = 80
    Rate.Value = 50
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub H_Click()
    'change the playback position of the movie
    MM.setPositionTo H.Value
End Sub

Private Sub Rate_Click()
    'change the rate the movie is played
    MM.setSpeed Rate.Value * 20
    L11.Caption = "Play Rate: " & Rate.Value * 2 & "%"
End Sub

Private Sub Slider1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub T_Timer()
    On Error Resume Next
    L1.Caption = "Time: " & MM.getPositionInMS
    L2.Caption = "Frame: " & MM.getPositionInFrames 'skips

    L10.Caption = "Frame Rate: " & MM.getNominalFrameRate
    L6.Caption = "Position: " & MM.getFormatPosition
    L5.Caption = "FramesPerSec: " & MM.getFramePerSecRate
    H.Value = MM.getPositionInSec
End Sub

Private Sub Volume_Click()
    MM.setVolume Volume.Value * 10
    L12.Caption = "Volume: " & Volume.Value & "%"
End Sub
Utilisateur anonyme
31 mai 2007 à 19:54
C'est bien ce que je pensais, ce code ne définis pas d'id pour les vidéos, donc même id pour toutes les vidéos

Dans toutes les commandes open :
open " & Filename & " type mpegvideo alias movie
Ici, l'id est movie, donc il faut changer par
open " & Filename & " type mpegvideo alias

& Id
Et définir un id avec une valeur alèatoire de façons qu'il soit différent.

Mais attention, il faudras mémoriser cet idée et changer toutes les commandes.

Exemple pour la play :
Public Function playMovie()
    'Play the movie after you open it
    <strike>Error = mciSendString("play movie", 0, 0, 0)</strike>
    Error = mciSendString("play " & id, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Mais il faut le faire pour toute.

Mais il faut aussi faire attention que cet id soit celle de la vidéo opérée.

allarabeye Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription lundi 13 juin 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2008
31 mai 2007 à 19:55
voici une impression d'ecran pour vous donner une idée

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
allarabeye Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription lundi 13 juin 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2008
31 mai 2007 à 20:17
j'ai essayé avec Id mais ça ne marche pas je me sens nul
Utilisateur anonyme
31 mai 2007 à 21:41
Qu'est-ce qui ne marche pas ?

Renfield Messages postés 17287 Date d'inscription mercredi 2 janvier 2002 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 27 septembre 2021 74
1 juin 2007 à 06:50
La vache ! je vais me mettre à .Net, alors, c'est tout pareil que VB6, je ne serai absolument pas dépaysé.....

ah, non !

encore un qui ne sais pas où poster ses messages....
pffff !!!!

Vous êtes ici :
Thèmes / VB.NET et VB 2005 / ...

tu peux utiliser DirectShow, tu as un exemple, sur la page d'accueil de VbFrance.

Admin CodeS-SourceS- MVP Visual Basic
allarabeye Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription lundi 13 juin 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2008
1 juin 2007 à 12:21
ben avec les id, dis moi charle je peux avoir un exemple du comment tu fais? merci
allarabeye Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription lundi 13 juin 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2008
1 juin 2007 à 12:22
merci pour l'exemple je le telecharge et je le teste trop sympa
Utilisateur anonyme
1 juin 2007 à 12:59
Bon prenons par exemple :

Dans un module (je met juste les fonciton essentiels :

Private Declare Function GetShortPathNameA Lib "kernel32" ( _
  ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, _
  ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" ( _
  ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, _
  ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long

Public Function OpenMovie(FileName As String, DestHnwd As Long) As String
  Dim Alias As Integer
  Alias = Int(Rnd() * &H7FFF) + 1
  Dim BufferNom As String * 255
  Dim BufferLen As Long
  Dim ShortFileName As String
  BufferLen = GetShortPathNameA(FileName, BufferNom, 255)
  ShortFileName$ = Left$(BufferNom, BufferLen)
  Call mciSendString( _
    "open MPEGVideo!" & ShortFileName$ & " alias " & Alias & " parent " & _
    DestHnwd & " Style " & CStr(&H40000000), 0&, 0&, 0&)
  OpenMovie = Alias
End Function
Public Sub PlayMovie(VideoId As Integer)
  Call mciSendString("play " & VideoId, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub StopMovie(VideoId As Integer)
  Call mciSendString("stop " & VideoId, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
Public Function GetMovieLength(VideoId As Integer) As Long
  Dim TDur As String * 128
  Call mciSendString("set " & VideoId & " time format ms", 0, 0, 0)
  Call mciSendString("status " & VideoId & " length", TDur, 128, 0)
  GetMovieLength = Val(TDur)
End Function
Public Function GetMoviePosition(VideoId As Integer) As Long
  Dim TDur As String * 128
  Call mciSendString("set " & VideoId & " time format ms", 0, 0, 0)
  Call mciSendString("status " & VideoId & " position wait", TDur, 128, 0)
  GetMoviePosition = Val(TDur)
End Function
Public Sub CloseMovie(VideoId As Integer)
  Call mciSendString("close " & VideoId, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub CloseAllMovie()
  Call mciSendString("close all", 0, 0, 0)
End Sub,


(Coloration syntaxique automatique par Kenji)

Dans la form de démarrage (avac un bouton) :

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Dim tt As New FormMovie
End Sub ,


(Coloration syntaxique automatique par Kenji)

Et dans une autre form qu'on appellera FormMovie et contenant une CommonDialog nommée CDlgOpen :

Dim FileName As String
Dim VideoId As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()
  CDlgOpen.Filter = "Avi Files (*.avi)|*.avi|Mpeg Files (*.mpeg)|*.mpeg|Mpg Files (*.mpg)|*.mpg|Mov Files (*.mov)|*.mov|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
  FileName = CDlgOpen.FileName
  VideoId = OpenMovie(FileName, Me.hWnd)
  Call PlayMovie(VideoId)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Terminate()
  Call CloseMovie(VideoId)
End Sub ,


(Coloration syntaxique automatique par Kenji)

allarabeye Messages postés 37 Date d'inscription lundi 13 juin 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 8 mars 2008
4 juin 2007 à 10:52
merci pour ton aide je vais le tester et je te tient au courant merci encore