Probléme avec la boucle for

hassenra Messages postés 6 Date d'inscription jeudi 27 octobre 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 1 août 2009 - 26 déc. 2007 à 01:36
Ombitious_Developper Messages postés 2333 Date d'inscription samedi 28 février 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 26 juillet 2013 - 26 déc. 2007 à 20:28
je veux utilié une classe dans mon projet mais elle contient ce code

for (List t1 : trees1)


for (List t2 : trees2)


for (PointerTargetNode node : t1)


if (contains(t2,node.getSynset()))




Ce qui n'est pas accepté avec jbuilder
comment je peux changer ces boucles?
merci pour l'aide

5 réponses

gmi19oj19 Messages postés 545 Date d'inscription lundi 10 mai 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 septembre 2011 2
26 déc. 2007 à 08:53

Quel est le messaged'erreur au juste ? Parc que là on peut pas t'aider des masses.
Avec ce que tu nous a mis, je vois deux possiblités : la non-fermeture des acolades ouvrantes ou la non existence de lamethode conains dans la classe ou tu as ce bout de code.

Copie cole l'erreur du compilo, ça nous sera utile

Ombitious_Developper Messages postés 2333 Date d'inscription samedi 28 février 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 26 juillet 2013 38
26 déc. 2007 à 09:42

Apparement, la version du JDK que JBuilder utilises est inférieure à 1.5 ce pourquoi il n'a pas accepté le code qui utilise la généricité.

Si c'est le cas, il faut utiliser un version plus récentes de java (1.5 ou plus).

Ombitious_Developper Messages postés 2333 Date d'inscription samedi 28 février 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 26 juillet 2013 38
26 déc. 2007 à 09:47

Quels sont les types des variables trees1 et trees2?

hassenra Messages postés 6 Date d'inscription jeudi 27 octobre 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 1 août 2009
26 déc. 2007 à 11:58
je vais vous donner le code de la classe



import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.HashSet;

import java.util.LinkedHashMap;

import java.util.Map;

import java.util.Set;

import net.didion.jwnl.JWNLException;




import net.didion.jwnl.dictionary.Dictionary;


* An abstract notion of a similarity measure that all provided

* implementations extend.

* @author Mark A. Greenwood


public abstract class SimilarityMeasure



* A mapping of terms to specific synsets. Usually used to map domain

* terms to a restricted set of synsets but can also be used to map

* named entity tags to appropriate synsets.


private Map<String,Set<Synset>> domainMappings = new HashMap<String,Set<Synset>>();


* The maximum size the cache can grow to


private int cacheSize = 5000;


* To speed up computation of the similarity between two synsets

* we cache each similarity that is computed so we only have to

* do each one once.


private Map<String,Double> cache = new LinkedHashMap<String,Double>(16,0.75f,true)


public boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String,Double> eldest)


//if the size is less than zero then the user is asking us

//not to limit the size of the cache so return false

if (cacheSize < 0) return false;

//if the cache has crown bigger than it's max size return true

return size() > cacheSize;




* Get a previously computed similarity between two synsets from the cache.

* @param s1 the first synset between which we are looking for the similarity.

* @param s2 the other synset between which we are looking for the similarity.

* @return The similarity between the two sets or null

* if it is not in the cache.


protected final Double getFromCache(Synset s1, Synset s2)


return cache.get(s1.getKey()+"-"+s2.getKey());



* Add a computed similarity between two synsets to the cache so that

* we don't have to compute it if it is needed in the future.

* @param s1 one of the synsets between which we are storring a similarity.

* @param s2 the other synset between which we are storring a similarity.

* @param sim the similarity between the two supplied synsets.

* @return the similarity score just added to the cache.


protected final double addToCache(Synset s1, Synset s2, double sim)



return sim;



* Configures the similarity measure using the supplied parameters.

* @param params a set of key-value pairs that are used to configure

* the similarity measure. See concrete implementations for details

* of expected/possible parameters.

* @throws Exception if an error occurs while configuring the similarity measure.


protected abstract void config(Map<String,String> params) throws Exception;


* Create a new instance of a similarity measure.

* @param confURL the URL of a configuration file. Parameters are specified

* one per line as key:value pairs.

* @return a new instance of a similairy measure as defined by the

* supplied configuration URL.

* @throws Exception if an error occurs while creating the similarity measure.


public static SimilarityMeasure newInstance(URL confURL) throws Exception


//create map to hold the key-value pairs we are going to read from

//the configuration file

Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();

//create a reader for the config file

BufferedReader in = null;



//open the config file

in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(confURL.openStream()));

String line = in.readLine();

while (line != null)


line = line.trim();

if (!line.equals(""))


//if the line contains something then

//split the data so we get the key and value

String[] data = line.split("\\s*:\\s*",2);

if (data.length == 2)


//if the line is valid add the two parts to the map

params.put(data[0], data[1]);




//if the line isn't valid tell the user but continue on

//with the rest of the file

System.out.println("Config Line is Malformed: " + line);



//get the next line ready to process

line = in.readLine();





//close the config file if it got opened

if (in != null) in.close();


//create and return a new instance of the similarity measure specified

//by the config file

return newInstance(params);



* Creates a new instance of a similarity measure using the supplied parameters.

* @param params a set of key-value pairs which define the similarity measure.

* @return the newly created similarity measure.

* @throws Exception if an error occurs while creating the similarity measure.


public static SimilarityMeasure newInstance(Map<String,String> params) throws Exception


//get the class name of the implementation we need to load

String name = params.remove("simType");

//if the name hasn't been specified then throw an exception

if (name == null) throw new Exception("Must specifiy the similarity measure to use");

//Get hold of the class we need to load

@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<SimilarityMeasure> c = (Class<SimilarityMeasure>)Class.forName(name);

//create a new instance of the similarity measure

SimilarityMeasure sim = c.newInstance();

//get the cache parameter from the config params

String cSize = params.remove("cache");

//if a cache size was specified then set it
if (cSize !null) sim.cacheSize Integer.parseInt(cSize);

//get the url of the domain mapping file

String mapURL = params.remove("mapping");

if (mapURL != null)


//if a mapping file has been provided then

//open a reader over the file

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((new URL(mapURL)).openStream()));

//get the first line ready for processing

String line = in.readLine();

while (line != null)


if (!line.startsWith("#"))


//if the line isn't a comment (i.e. it doesn't start with #) then...

//split the line at the white space

String[] data = line.trim().split("\\s+");

//create a new set to hold the mapped synsets

Set<Synset> mappedTo = new HashSet<Synset>();

for (int i = 1 ; i < data.length ; ++i)


//for each synset mapped to get the actual Synsets

//and store them in the set



//if we have found some actual synsets then

//store them in the domain mappings

if (mappedTo.size() > 0) sim.domainMappings.put(data[0], mappedTo);


//get the next line from the file

line = in.readLine();


//we have finished with the mappings file so close it



//make sure it is configured properly


//then return it

return sim;



* This is the method responsible for computing the similarity between two

* specific synsets. The method is implemented differently for each

* similarity measure so see the subclasses for detailed information.

* @param s1 one of the synsets between which we want to know the similarity.

* @param s2 the other synset between which we want to know the similarity.

* @return the similarity between the two synsets.

* @throws JWNLException if an error occurs accessing WordNet.


public abstract double getSimilarity(Synset s1, Synset s2) throws JWNLException;


* Get the similarity between two words. The words can be specified either

* as just the word or in an encoded form including the POS tag and possibly

* the sense number, i.e. cat#n#1 would specifiy the 1st sense of the noun cat.

* @param w1 one of the words to compute similarity between.

* @param w2 the other word to compute similarity between.

* @return a SimilarityInfo instance detailing the similarity between the

* two words specified.

* @throws JWNLException if an error occurs accessing WordNet.


public final SimilarityInfo getSimilarity(String w1, String w2) throws JWNLException


//Get the (possibly) multiple synsets associated with each word

Set<Synset> ss1 = getSynsets(w1);

Set<Synset> ss2 = getSynsets(w2);

//assume the words are not at all similar

SimilarityInfo sim = null;

for (Synset s1 : ss1)


for (Synset s2 : ss2)


//for each pair of synsets get the similarity

double score = getSimilarity(s1, s2);

if (sim == null || score > sim.getSimilarity())


//if the similarity is better than we have seen before

//then create and store an info object describing the

//similarity between the two synsets

sim = new SimilarityInfo(w1, s1, w2, s2, score);




//return the maximum similarity we have found

return sim;



* Finds all the synsets associated with a specific word.

* @param word the word we are interested. Note that this may be encoded

* to include information on POS tag and sense index.

* @return a set of synsets that are associated with the supplied word

* @throws JWNLException if an error occurs accessing WordNet


private final Set<Synset> getSynsets(String word) throws JWNLException


//get a handle on the WordNet dictionary

Dictionary dict = Dictionary.getInstance();

//create an emptuy set to hold any synsets we find

Set<Synset> synsets = new HashSet<Synset>();

//split the word on the # characters so we can get at the

//upto three componets that could be present: word, POS tag, sense index

String[] data = word.split("#");

//if the word is in the domainMappings then simply return the mappings

if (domainMappings.containsKey(data[0])) return domainMappings.get(data[0]);

if (data.length == 1)


//if there is just the word

for (IndexWord iw : dict.lookupAllIndexWords(data[0]).getIndexWordArray())


//for each matching word in WordNet add all it's senses to

//the set we are building up



//we have finihsed so return the synsets we found

return synsets;


//the calling method specified a POS tag as well so get that

POS pos = POS.getPOSForKey(data[1]);

//if the POS tag isn't valid throw an exception

if (pos == null) throw new JWNLException("Invalid POS Tag: " + data[1]);

//get the word with the specified POS tag from WordNet

IndexWord iw = dict.getIndexWord(pos, data[0]);

if (data.length > 2)


//if the calling method specified a sense index then

//add just that sysnet to the set we are creating





//no sense index was specified so add all the senses of

//the word to the set we are creating



//return the set of synsets we found for the specified word

return synsets;



Merci pour l'aide

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Ombitious_Developper Messages postés 2333 Date d'inscription samedi 28 février 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 26 juillet 2013 38
26 déc. 2007 à 20:28

Le code que tu as fournit ne contient pas aucune indication sur le type de des variables trees1 et trees2.

Supposons qu'ils sont deux objets de type java.util.List si c'est un tableau change la méthode size() par l'attribut length.

Sans généricité, il faut faire des casting des références.

for (int i = 0; i < trees.size(); ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < trees.size(); ++j) {
        for (int k = 0; k < ((List)t1).size(); ++k) {
            if (contains(t2,node.getSynset())){  

            // ...