Spoofer ip sur irc grace a bnc

Contenu du snippet

Deja au debut faut metre 2 variable
./set %login VotreLogin
./set %pass LeMdp
une fois cela est faite vous taper
/bouncer <== ca lance le serveur qui ecoute sur votre IP le Port 6668

Si qq1 se connecte sur votre IP sur le port 6668 le serveur demandera alors
Pls Enter Your BNC account Infos
Bah fait entré votre login et pass
une fois logé ilya 2 commands

./quote bouncerconnect IP/HOSt PORT

EX : /quote bouncerconnect fr.quakenet.org 6667
et /quote bouncerdisconnect 1
En gros c une version de Test j'ai pas le temps pour le finir mais bon amusez vous bien :)

Source / Exemple :

;IRC Bouncer Version Test
;By ocZio
;ID $9/05/2002 14:38$

on 1:sockclose:bouncerirc: {
  //unset %connection
on 1:sockclose:lol: {
  //unset %connection

alias bouncer {
  /socklisten bouncer 6668
alias bouncermotd {
  //sockwrite -n lol :Welcome To The The Alfa version Of The oBNC
  //sockwrite -n lol :This BNC was maked by mIRC scripting
  //sockwrite -n lol :Scripters : 
  //sockwrite -n lol :5ocZio
  //sockwrite -n lol :5BaK
  //sockwrite -n lol :The Commands Are :
  //sockwrite -n lol :/quote 10BOUNCERCONNECT 10HOST7/10IP 14PORT
  //sockwrite -n lol :/quote BOUNCERDISCONNECT 1
  //sockwrite -n lol :This is only test version of the Bouncer so only 1 connection and 1 user is allowed
  //sockwrite -n lol :Have Fun ! =D

alias bouncerbadmotd {
  //sockwrite -n lol :Invalid Pass/User Account pls Check again and retry!
  //sockwrite -n lol :Sorry But For the Security reasons you will be disconnected...
  //sockclose lol

on 1:socklisten:bouncer:{
  if $sock(lol).status != active { 
    /sockaccept lol
    /sockwrite -n lol :Pls Enter Your BNC account Infos :
    /sockwrite -n lol :/quote LOGIN PASSWORD
    /sockwrite -n lol :Thx!
  else { //goto end }

on 1:sockread:lol:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%temp == $null) %temp = -
  echo 4 %temp
  set %atemp %temp
  if ($left(%temp,4) == NICK) && ($sock(lol).status == active) { //set %usernick $gettok(%temp,2,32) }
  if ($left(%temp,4) == USER) && ($sock(lol).status == active) { //set %useruser $gettok(%temp,2-,32) }
  if ($left(%temp,5) == LOGIN) && ($gettok(%temp,2,32) != $null) && ($gettok(%temp,3,32) != $null) { 
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == %login) && ($gettok(%temp,3,32) == %pass) {
      //set %connection Ok | /bouncermotd 
    elseif ($gettok(%temp,2,32) != %login) || ($gettok(%temp,3,32) != %pass) { //bouncerbadmotd | //set %bad 1 }
  if (($sock(bouncer).status == listening) && ($sock(lol).status == active) && ($sock(bouncerirc).status == active)) { //sockwrite -n bouncerirc %atemp }
  if ($left(%temp,$len(bouncerconnect)) == bouncerconnect) {
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) != $null) && ($gettok(%temp,3,32) != $null) && (%connection == Ok) && ($gettok(%temp,3,32) isnum) { //sockopen bouncerirc $gettok(%temp,2,32) $gettok(%temp,3,32) }
    else { //sockwrite -n lol :Error Pls Check Your Port Number and all values!!! }
  if ($left(%temp,$len(bouncerdisconnect)) == bouncerdisconnect) {
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) != $null) && ($sock(bouncerirc).status == active) && ($sock(lol).status == active) && (%Connection == Ok) && ($gettok(%temp,2,32) isnum) && ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 1) {
      //sockwrite -n lol :Ok I will try to Disconnect the Connection pls wait...
      //sockwrite -n lol :Done.
      //sockclose bouncerirc
      //sockclose lol
      //unset %connection

    else { //sockwrite -n lol : Error pls check all values!! }
  goto nextread

on 1:sockopen:bouncerirc:{
  if $sock(bouncerirc).status = active {
    //sockwrite -n bouncerirc NICK %usernick
    //sockwrite -n bouncerirc USER %useruser
  else { //echo -a Error... }

on 1:sockread:bouncerirc:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%temp == $null) %temp = -
  echo 4 %temp
  if $left(%temp,4) = PING {
    //sockwrite -n bouncerirc PONG : $+ $gettok(%temp,2,58)
    //sockwrite -n lol %temp  
  //sockwrite -n lol %temp
  goto nextread

;Dialog by BaK
;ID $BaK 22:00$
on 1:dialog:oBNC:init:0:{
  if %oBNC.loginuser.1.active == on did -c oBNC 80
  if %oBNC.loginuser.2.active == on did -c oBNC 83
  if %oBNC.loginuser.3.active == on did -c oBNC 86
  if %oBNC.loginuser.4.active == on did -c oBNC 89
  if %oBNC.loginuser.5.active == on did -c oBNC 92
  if %oBNC.loginuser.6.active == on did -c oBNC 95
  if %oBNC.loginuser.7.active == on did -c oBNC 98
  if %oBNC.loginuser.8.active == on did -c oBNC 101
  if %oBNC.loginuser.9.active == on did -c oBNC 104
  if %oBNC.loginuser.0.active == on did -c oBNC 107
  if %oBNC.logging == on did -c oBNC 35

; ID,left,top,width,height
Dialog oBNC {
  option bu
  size -1 -1 374 244
  title "Options for oBNC."

  tab                     "Main",  1, 1 1 372 225

  text         "Listen on port:" 31,   5  30  80 15,style,tab1
  EDIT               %oBNC.port, 32,  75  27 100 19,style,tab1
  text           "Admin. pass.:" 33,   5  47  80 15,style,tab1
  EDIT          %oBNC.adminpass, 34,  75  45 100 19,style,tab1
  CHeCK               "Logging"  35,   5  64  60 19,style,tab1

  tab                    "Login",  2

  text "Active.  User.     Password." 79,   5  30 300 19,style,tab2
  CHeCK                       "On"  80,   5  43  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.1,  81,  40  43  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIT %oBNC.loginuser.1.password,  82,  92  43 280 19,style,tab2,autohs
  CHeCK                       "On"  83,   5  60  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.2,  84,  40  60  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIt %oBNC.loginuser.2.password,  85,  92  60 280 19,style,tab2,autohs
  CHeCK                       "On"  86,   5  77  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.3,  87,  40  77  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIT %oBNC.loginuser.3.password,  88,  92  77 280 19,style,tab2,autohs
  CHeCK                       "On"  89,   5  94  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.4,  90,  40  94  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIT %oBNC.loginuser.4.password,  91,  92  94 280 19,style,tab2,autohs
  CHeCK                       "On"  92,   5 111  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.5,  93,  40 111  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIT %oBNC.loginuser.5.password,  94,  92 111 280 19,style,tab2,autohs
  CHeCK                       "On"  95,   5 128  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.6,  96,  40 128  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIT %oBNC.loginuser.6.password,  97,  92 128 280 19,style,tab2,autohs
  CHeCK                       "On"  98,   5 145  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.7,  99,  40 145  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIT %oBNC.loginuser.7.password, 100,  92 145 280 19,style,tab2,autohs
  CHeCK                       "On" 101,   5 162  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.8, 102,  40 162  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIT %oBNC.loginuser.8.password, 103,  92 162 280 19,style,tab2,autohs
  CHeCK                       "On" 104,   5 179  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.9, 105,  40 179  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIT %oBNC.loginuser.9.password, 106,  92 179 280 19,style,tab2,autohs
  CHeCK                       "On" 107,   5 196  36 19,style,tab2
  EDIT          %oBNC.loginuser.0, 108,  40 196  53 19,style,tab2,autohs
  EDIT %oBNC.loginuser.0.password, 109,  92 196 280 19,style,tab2,autohs

  BUTTON                    "&OK" 3, 266 223  54 21, ok
  BUTTON                "&Cancel" 4, 320 223  54 21, cancel

on *:Dialog:obnc:Sclick:3:{
  if $did(oBNC,35).state == 1 { set %oBNC.logging on }
  else { unset %oBNC.logging }

  set %oBNC.loginuser.1 $did(oBNC,81)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.2 $did(oBNC,84)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.3 $did(oBNC,87)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.4 $did(oBNC,90)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.5 $did(oBNC,93)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.6 $did(oBNC,96)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.7 $did(oBNC,99)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.8 $did(oBNC,102)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.9 $did(oBNC,105)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.0 $did(oBNC,108)

  set %oBNC.loginuser.1.password $did(oBNC,82)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.2.password $did(oBNC,85)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.3.password $did(oBNC,88)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.4.password $did(oBNC,91)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.5.password $did(oBNC,94)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.6.password $did(oBNC,97)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.7.password $did(oBNC,100)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.8.password $did(oBNC,103)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.9.password $did(oBNC,106)
  set %oBNC.loginuser.0.password $did(oBNC,109)

  if $did(oBNC,80).state == 1 { set %oBNC.loginuser.1.active on }
  else { unset %oBNC.loginuser.1.active }
  if $did(oBNC,83).state == 1 { set %oBNC.loginuser.2.active on }inuser.4.active on }
  else { unset %oBNC.loginuser.4.active }
  if $did(oBNC,92).state == 1 { set %oBNC.loginuser.5.active on }
  else { unset %oBNC.loginuser.5.active }
  if $did(oBNC,95).state == 1 { set %oBNC.loginuser.6.active on }
  else { unset %oBNC.loginuser.6.active }
  if $did(oBNC,98).state == 1 { set %oBNC.loginuser.7.active on }
  else { unset %oBNC.loginuser.7.active }
  if $did(oBNC,101).state == 1 { set %oBNC.loginuser.8.active on }
  else { unset %oBNC.loginuser.8.active }
  if $did(oBNC,104).state == 1 { set %oBNC.loginuser.9.active on }
  else { unset %oBNC.loginuser.9.active }
  if $did(oBNC,107).state == 1 { set %oBNC.loginuser.0.active on }
  else { unset %oBNC.loginuser.0.active }


alias obnc { .dialog -m oBNC oBNC }

Conclusion :

hu? :D

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