Remplacer avantageusement une scroll barre...


HScrollLabel peut remplacer avantageusement une Scroll barre, il renvoie sa valeur indicative, ne prend pas beaucoup de place, est personnalisable et precis.
L'icone affichee sur le control indique la marche a suivre.
On peut adapter le principe a une liste ou d'autre types de contrôles (voir l'exemple HScrollListe).

Source / Exemple :


Public dz As Integer, ez As Integer, fz As Integer, gz As Integer, hz As Integer, iz As Integer, jz As Integer

Public Sub HScrollLab(Obj As Object, Button As Integer, X As Single, MinVal As Integer, MaxVal As Integer, Sensibility As Integer)
Obj.MousePointer = 99
Obj.MouseIcon = Command1.Picture
If Button = 0 Then
hz = 0
End If
If Button = 1 And hz = 0 Then
    gz = X
    fz = Obj.Caption
    hz = 1
End If
If Button = 1 And hz = 1 Then
    a = CInt((X - gz) / Sensibility)
    b = fz + a
        If b >= MinVal And b <= MaxVal Then
        Obj.Caption = b
        End If
End If
End Sub

Public Sub HScrollList(Obj As Object, Id As Integer, Button As Integer, X As Single, MinVal As Integer, MaxVal As Integer, Sensibility As Integer)
Obj.MousePointer = 99
Obj.MouseIcon = Command1.Picture
If Button = 0 Then
hz = 0
End If
If Button = 1 And hz = 0 Then
    gz = X
    fz = Obj.List(Id)
    hz = 1
    iz = Id 'Iz verrouille la variation sur l'index de liste(Id)
End If
If Button = 1 And hz = 1 Then
    a = CInt((X - gz) / Sensibility)
    b = fz + a
        If b >= MinVal And b <= MaxVal Then
        Obj.List(iz) = b
        End If
Obj.Selected(iz) = True
End If
End Sub


Private Sub Label1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Obj As Object, Button As Integer, X As Single, MinVal As Integer, MaxVal As Integer, Sensibility As Integer

Call HScrollLab(Label1, Button, X, 0, 127, 100)
End Sub

Private Sub List1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Obj As Object, Id As Integer, Button As Integer, X As Single, MinVal As Integer, MaxVal As Integer, Sensibility As Integer

Call HScrollList(List1, List1.ListIndex, Button, X, 0, 127, 100)
End Sub

Conclusion :

J'ai generaliser l'utilisation de ce control dans CORDE VIRTUELLE,
une application MIDI comportant d'innombrables parametres.
Les boutons tournant et autre curseurs ne sont tres ergonomiques.

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