Overlib : bulles sur liens personalisables


Ce script sert à faire des bulles sur des liens (ou des DIV) personnalisables (couleur, font, taille et d'autres choses)

PS : il vient du site http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/

Source / Exemple :

/ Main background color (the large area)
// Usually a bright color (white, yellow etc)
if (typeof ol_fgcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_fgcolor = "#CCCCFF";}
// Border color and color of caption
// Usually a dark color (black, brown etc)
if (typeof ol_bgcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_bgcolor = "#333399";}
// Text color
// Usually a dark color
if (typeof ol_textcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_textcolor = "#000000";}
// Color of the caption text
// Usually a bright color
if (typeof ol_capcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_capcolor = "#FFFFFF";}
// Color of "Close" when using Sticky
// Usually a semi-bright color
if (typeof ol_closecolor == 'undefined') { var ol_closecolor = "#9999FF";}

// Font face for the main text
if (typeof ol_textfont == 'undefined') { var ol_textfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";}

// Font face for the caption
if (typeof ol_captionfont == 'undefined') { var ol_captionfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";}

// Font face for the close text
if (typeof ol_closefont == 'undefined') { var ol_closefont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";}

// Font size for the main text
// When using CSS this will be very small.
if (typeof ol_textsize == 'undefined') { var ol_textsize = "1";}

// Font size for the caption
// When using CSS this will be very small.
if (typeof ol_captionsize == 'undefined') { var ol_captionsize = "1";}

// Font size for the close text
// When using CSS this will be very small.
if (typeof ol_closesize == 'undefined') { var ol_closesize = "1";}

// Width of the popups in pixels
// 100-300 pixels is typical
if (typeof ol_width == 'undefined') { var ol_width = "200";}

// How thick the ol_border should be in pixels
// 1-3 pixels is typical
if (typeof ol_border == 'undefined') { var ol_border = "1";}

// How many pixels to the right/left of the cursor to show the popup
// Values between 3 and 12 are best
if (typeof ol_offsetx == 'undefined') { var ol_offsetx = 10;}
// How many pixels to the below the cursor to show the popup
// Values between 3 and 12 are best
if (typeof ol_offsety == 'undefined') { var ol_offsety = 10;}

// Default text for popups
// Should you forget to pass something to overLIB this will be displayed.
if (typeof ol_text == 'undefined') { var ol_text = "Default Text"; }

// Default caption
// You should leave this blank or you will have problems making non caps popups.
if (typeof ol_cap == 'undefined') { var ol_cap = ""; }

// Decides if sticky popups are default.
// 0 for non, 1 for stickies.
if (typeof ol_sticky == 'undefined') { var ol_sticky = 0; }

// Default background image. Better left empty unless you always want one.
if (typeof ol_background == 'undefined') { var ol_background = ""; }

// Text for the closing sticky popups.
// Normal is "Close".
if (typeof ol_close == 'undefined') { var ol_close = "Close"; }

// Default vertical alignment for popups.
// It's best to leave RIGHT here. Other options are LEFT and CENTER.
if (typeof ol_hpos == 'undefined') { var ol_hpos = RIGHT; }

// Default status bar text when a popup is invoked.
if (typeof ol_status == 'undefined') { var ol_status = ""; }

// If the status bar automatically should load either text or caption.
// 0=nothing, 1=text, 2=caption
if (typeof ol_autostatus == 'undefined') { var ol_autostatus = 0; }

// Default height for popup. Often best left alone.
if (typeof ol_height == 'undefined') { var ol_height = -1; }

// Horizontal grid spacing that popups will snap to.
// 0 makes no grid, anything else will cause a snap to that grid spacing.
if (typeof ol_snapx == 'undefined') { var ol_snapx = 0; }

// Vertical grid spacing that popups will snap to.
// 0 makes no grid, andthing else will cause a snap to that grid spacing.
if (typeof ol_snapy == 'undefined') { var ol_snapy = 0; }

// Sets the popups horizontal position to a fixed column.
// Anything above -1 will cause fixed position.
if (typeof ol_fixx == 'undefined') { var ol_fixx = -1; }

// Sets the popups vertical position to a fixed row.
// Anything above -1 will cause fixed position.
if (typeof ol_fixy == 'undefined') { var ol_fixy = -1; }

// Background image for the popups inside.
if (typeof ol_fgbackground == 'undefined') { var ol_fgbackground = ""; }

// Background image for the popups frame.
if (typeof ol_bgbackground == 'undefined') { var ol_bgbackground = ""; }

// How much horizontal left padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used.
if (typeof ol_padxl == 'undefined') { var ol_padxl = 1; }

// How much horizontal right padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used.
if (typeof ol_padxr == 'undefined') { var ol_padxr = 1; }

// How much vertical top padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used.
if (typeof ol_padyt == 'undefined') { var ol_padyt = 1; }

// How much vertical bottom padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used.
if (typeof ol_padyb == 'undefined') { var ol_padyb = 1; }

// If the user by default must supply all html for complete popup control.
// Set to 1 to activate, 0 otherwise.
if (typeof ol_fullhtml == 'undefined') { var ol_fullhtml = 0; }

// Default vertical position of the popup. Default should normally be BELOW.
// ABOVE only works when HEIGHT is defined.
if (typeof ol_vpos == 'undefined') { var ol_vpos = BELOW; }

// Default height of popup to use when placing the popup above the cursor.
if (typeof ol_aboveheight == 'undefined') { var ol_aboveheight = 0; }

// Default icon to place next to the popups caption.
if (typeof ol_capicon == 'undefined') { var ol_capicon = ""; }

// Default frame. We default to current frame if there is no frame defined.
if (typeof ol_frame == 'undefined') { var ol_frame = self; }

// Default timeout. By default there is no timeout.
if (typeof ol_timeout == 'undefined') { var ol_timeout = 0; }

// Default javascript funktion. By default there is none.
if (typeof ol_function == 'undefined') { var ol_function = null; }

// Default timeout. By default there is no timeout.
if (typeof ol_delay == 'undefined') { var ol_delay = 0; }

// If overLIB should decide the horizontal placement.
if (typeof ol_hauto == 'undefined') { var ol_hauto = 0; }

// If overLIB should decide the vertical placement.
if (typeof ol_vauto == 'undefined') { var ol_vauto = 0; }

// If the user has to click to close stickies.
if (typeof ol_closeclick == 'undefined') { var ol_closeclick = 0; }

// This variable determines if you want to use CSS or inline definitions.
// CSSOFF=no CSS    CSSSTYLE=use CSS inline styles    CSSCLASS=use classes
if (typeof ol_css == 'undefined') { var ol_css = CSSOFF; }

// Main background class (eqv of fgcolor)
// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
if (typeof ol_fgclass == 'undefined') { var ol_fgclass = ""; }

// Frame background class (eqv of bgcolor)
// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
if (typeof ol_bgclass == 'undefined') { var ol_bgclass = ""; }

// Main font class
// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
if (typeof ol_textfontclass == 'undefined') { var ol_textfontclass = ""; }

// Caption font class
// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
if (typeof ol_captionfontclass == 'undefined') { var ol_captionfontclass = ""; }

// Close font class
// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
if (typeof ol_closefontclass == 'undefined') { var ol_closefontclass = ""; }

// Unit to be used for the text padding above
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
// Options include "px", "%", "in", "cm"
if (typeof ol_padunit == 'undefined') { var ol_padunit = "px";}

// Unit to be used for height of popup
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
// Options include "px", "%", "in", "cm"
if (typeof ol_heightunit == 'undefined') { var ol_heightunit = "px";}

// Unit to be used for width of popup
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
// Options include "px", "%", "in", "cm"
if (typeof ol_widthunit == 'undefined') { var ol_widthunit = "px";}

// Font size unit for the main text
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_textsizeunit == 'undefined') { var ol_textsizeunit = "px";}

// Decoration of the main text ("none", "underline", "line-through" or "blink")
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_textdecoration == 'undefined') { var ol_textdecoration = "none";}

// Font style of the main text ("normal" or "italic")
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_textstyle == 'undefined') { var ol_textstyle = "normal";}

// Font weight of the main text ("normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", ect.)
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_textweight == 'undefined') { var ol_textweight = "normal";}

// Font size unit for the caption
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_captionsizeunit == 'undefined') { var ol_captionsizeunit = "px";}

// Decoration of the caption ("none", "underline", "line-through" or "blink")
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_captiondecoration == 'undefined') { var ol_captiondecoration = "none";}

// Font style of the caption ("normal" or "italic")
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_captionstyle == 'undefined') { var ol_captionstyle = "normal";}

// Font weight of the caption ("normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", ect.)
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_captionweight == 'undefined') { var ol_captionweight = "bold";}

// Font size unit for the close text
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_closesizeunit == 'undefined') { var ol_closesizeunit = "px";}

// Decoration of the close text ("none", "underline", "line-through" or "blink")
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_closedecoration == 'undefined') { var ol_closedecoration = "none";}

// Font style of the close text ("normal" or "italic")
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_closestyle == 'undefined') { var ol_closestyle = "normal";}

// Font weight of the close text ("normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", ect.)
// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
if (typeof ol_closeweight == 'undefined') { var ol_closeweight = "normal";}

Conclusion :

d'autres exemples et de la doc sur http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/

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