Java dtmf

Contenu du snippet

Code source issu de sun pour décoder du DTMF

Source / Exemple :

class DtmfCallObserver implements  MediaCallObserver {


  • This CallObserver will be notified of Call events. We want to first
  • answer the incoming telephone call, and then perform the neccessary
  • media actions to perform DTMF.
  • /
public void callChangedEvent(CallEv evlist[]) { for (int i = 0; i < evlist.length; i++) { CallEv ev = evlist[i]; if (ev instanceof TermConnRingingEv) { /* Answer the phone. */ TerminalConnection tc = ((TermConnEv)ev).getTerminalConnection(); try { tc.answer(); } catch (Exception excp) { // Handle Exceptions } } else if (ev instanceof MediaTermConnAvailableEv) { /* We want to start DTMF-detection TerminalConnection tc = (TermConnEv)ev.getTerminalConnection(); MediaTerminalConnection mtc = (MediaTerminalConnection)tc; try { mtc.setDtmfDetection(true); } catch (Exception excp) { // Handle exceptions } } else if (ev instanceof MediaTermConnUnavailableEv) { /* Turn off DTMF-detection */ TerminalConnection tc = (TermConnEv)ev.getTerminalConnection(); MediaTerminalConnection mtc = (MediaTerminalConnection)tc; try { mtc.setDtmfDetection(false); } catch (Exception excp) { // Handle exceptions } } else if (ev instanceof MediaTermConnDtmfEv) { /* Print out the DTMF digits */ char digit = ((MediaTermConnDtmfEv)ev).getDigit(); System.out.println("detected DTMF: " + digit); } } } } public class DtmfCall { public static final void main(String args[]) { /*
  • Create a provider by first obtaining the default implementation of
  • JTAPI and then the default provider of that implementation.
  • /
Provider myprovider = null; try { JtapiPeer peer = JtapiPeerFactory.getJtapiPeer(null); myprovider = peer.getProvider(null); } catch (Exception excp) { System.out.println("Can't get Provider: " + excp.toString()); System.exit(0); } /*
  • Locate the Terminal associated with our near end and place a call
  • observer on it. This will instruct the implementation to add a call
  • observer once a telephone call comes to the Terminal. We are assuming
  • Terminals are named after a primary telephone number on that terminal.
  • /
Terminal terminal; try { terminal = myprovider.getTerminal("4761111"); terminal.addCallObserver(new MachineCallObserver()); } catch (Exception excp) { // Handle all Exceptions } } }

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