Synchronisation de deux dossiers

Contenu du snippet

Permet de synchroniser deux dossier récursivement, ont peut choisir l'extention de copy et ont a le chois d'écraser ou de ne pas écraser les fichiers existants déja... rien de compliquer apffichage coloré...

Source / Exemple :


  • Synchronisation dossiers.
  • @author dlaserre
  • /
Class synchro { private $destination; public $haveErrors = array(); public $source; // Optionnal parameters. private $type; /* Mutators */ public function _setDestination($destination) { echo 'Synchronisation destination : '.$destination.PHP_EOL; $this->destination = $destination; } public function _setSource($source) { echo 'Synchronisation source : '.$source.PHP_EOL; $this->source = $source; } public function _setType($type) { echo 'Synchronisation type : '.$type.PHP_EOL; $this->type = array($type); } /* End Mutators */ /**
  • Copy file in destination.
  • @param string $file
  • /
protected function _copy($dir, $file) { $path = substr($dir, $this->_checkPath($dir)); if(!file_exists($this->destination.$path.$file)) { if (copy($dir.$file, $this->destination.$path.$file)) return (true); } return (false); } /**
  • Return offset of difference path source and file.
  • @param unknown $path
  • @return offset of difference.
  • /
protected function _checkPath($path) { if(!empty($path)) { for($offset = 0; $offset < strlen($path); $offset++) { if($path[$offset] != ((!empty($this->source[$offset]))?$this->source[$offset]:null)) return ($offset); } } } /**
  • Create recursive directory for copy files
  • @param unknown $path
  • /
protected function createArbo($path) { $path = substr($path, $this->_checkPath($path)); if(!file_exists($this->destination.$path)) { mkdir($this->destination.$path, true); // get permitions of source file. system('chmod -R '.intval(substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($this->source.$path)), -3)).' '.$this->destination.$path); } } /**
  • Erase file already exists on destination.
  • /
public function retryingFilesFailds() { foreach($this->haveErrors as $file) { $path_ = explode('|', $file); $path = substr($path_[0], strlen($this->source)); $file = str_replace('|', '/', $file); if(strlen($path) > 0) echo "\t"; if(copy($file, $this->destination.$path.$path_[1])) echo "\33[0;34m".$path."\033[37m".' '.$file." \033[32mErase complited\033[37m".PHP_EOL; else echo "\033[31m".$path."\033[37m".' '.$file." \033[32mErase faild\033[37m".PHP_EOL; } } /**
  • Lecture du directory
  • @param string $Directory
  • /
public function _dir($Directory = null, $i = 0, $indir = false) { if($Directory == NULL) $Directory = $this->source; $fd = opendir($Directory); while($entry = @readdir($fd)) { if($entry != '..' and $entry != '.' and $entry != '.svn') { if(is_dir($Directory.'/'.$entry)) { $this->createArbo($Directory.'/'.$entry); if($indir) { for($a = 0; $a < $i; $a++) echo "\t"; } echo "\33[0;34m".$Directory."/".$entry."\033[37m".PHP_EOL; $this->_dir($Directory.'/'.$entry, $i+1, true); } else { if($indir) { for($a = 1; $a < $i+1; $a++) echo "\t"; } if(!empty($this->type)) { $fil = explode('.', $entry); if(!in_array(@$fil[1], $this->type)) { echo '- '.$entry." \033[33mSkiped\033[37m".PHP_EOL; } else { echo '- '.$entry; if(self::_copy($Directory.'/', $entry)) echo " \033[32mOK\033[37m".PHP_EOL; else { echo " \033[31mExist\033[37m".PHP_EOL; $this->haveErrors[] = $Directory.'|'.$entry; } } } else { echo '- '.$entry; if(self::_copy($Directory.'/', $entry)) echo " \033[32mOK\033[37m".PHP_EOL; else { echo " \033[31mExist\033[37m".PHP_EOL; $this->haveErrors[] = $Directory.'|'.$entry; } } } } } if($fd) closedir($fd); } /**
  • Help function
  • toString
  • /
public function __toString() { $return = '------------------------------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; $return .= '- Usage : php synchro_img_mt.php'.PHP_EOL; $return .= '- Options :'.PHP_EOL; $return .= '- s : Source copying "file dont end path with /"'.PHP_EOL; $return .= '- d : Destination copying files "dont end path with /"'.PHP_EOL; $return .= '-- Optionnal --'.PHP_EOL; $return .= '- t : Type of file ex : .jpg, .ini, .php, etc...'.PHP_EOL; $return .= '------------------------------------------------------'.PHP_EOL; return ($return); } public function __destruct() {} } $options = array('d' => 'destination', 's' => 'source', 't' => 'type'); $syn = new synchro(); $arg = getopt('h:d:s:t:'); foreach($arg as $option => $value) { if(!array_key_exists('h', $arg)) { if(array_key_exists($option, $options)) { call_user_func(array($syn,'_set'.ucfirst($options[$option])), $value); } } else { die($syn); } } $syn->_dir(); if(!empty($syn->haveErrors)) { $handle = fopen("php://stdin", 'r'); echo count($syn->haveErrors).' Exists ! erase exists ? [y/n] : '; $responce = fgets($handle); if( $responce == "y\n") { $syn->retryingFilesFailds(); } } ?>

Conclusion :

a votre bon coeur !

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