Calcul heure de nuit


cette source traite du calcul d heures de nuit elle n est pas encore
fini mais peut servir a un débutant
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Source / Exemple :

Private Sub apercu_Click()
Printer.TrackDefault = True
Printer.ScaleMode = 6
Printer.Orientation = 1
Printer.PaperSize = 9
Printer.PrintQuality = -4
Printer.ColorMode = 1
Printer.FontSize = 20 'taille de la police
DecalX = 20 - (Printer.Width - Printer.ScaleWidth) / 2
DecalY = 15 - (Printer.Height - Printer.ScaleHeight) / 2
Printer.PaintPicture MSFlexGrid1.Picture, 30, 60

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
i = Row + 2
MSFlexGrid1.AddItem Calendar1, 2
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 1) = TxtHeureDebut.Text & " h " & TxtMinuteDebut.Text
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 2) = TxtHeureFin.Text & " h " & TxtMinuteFin.Text
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 3) = TxtHeureResultat.Text & " h " & TxtMinuteResultat.Text
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 4) = Txtohsupp.Text & " h " & Txtomsupp.Text
MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 5) = Textheurenuit.Text & " h " & Textminnuit.Text
On Error Resume Next
Text5.Text = Text5.Text
Texthnorm.Text = CSng(TxtHeureResultat.Text) + CSng(Texthnorm.Text)
Text5.Text = CSng(Text5.Text) + CSng(TxtMinuteResultat.Text)
Text8.Text = CSng(Textheurenuit.Text) + CSng(Text8.Text)
Text9.Text = CSng(Textminnuit.Text) + CSng(Text9.Text)
Text6.Text = CSng(Txtohsupp.Text) + CSng(Text6.Text)
Text7.Text = CSng(Txtomsupp.Text) + CSng(Text7.Text)
If Text5.Text > 60 Then Texthnorm.Text = Texthnorm.Text + 1

If Text5.Text > 59 Then Text5.Text = Text5.Text - 60
If Text7.Text > 60 Then Text6.Text = Text6.Text + 1

If Text7.Text > 59 Then Text7.Text = Text7.Text - 60
If Text7.Text < 0 Then Text6.Text = Text6.Text - 1
If Text7.Text < 0 Then Text7.Text = Text7.Text + 60
If Text6.Text < 0 Then Text6.Text = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
CalculMinuteFin = TxtMinuteFin
    CalculHeureFin = TxtHeureFin
    If TxtMinuteFin < TxtMinuteDebut Then
        CalculMinuteFin = TxtMinuteFin + 60
    End If

    If TxtHeureFin < TxtHeureDebut Then
        CalculHeureFin = TxtHeureFin + 24
    End If

    TxtHeureResultat = CalculHeureFin - TxtHeureDebut
    TxtMinuteResultat = CalculMinuteFin - TxtMinuteDebut
     Txtohsupp = TxtHeureResultat - 6
     Txtomsupp = TxtMinuteResultat - 30
     Textheurenuit = H2 - TxtHeureDebut
    Textminnuit = M2 - TxtMinuteDebut
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim f As Integer
f = FreeFile
Open "apercu.txt" For Output As #f
Print #f, Texthnorm.Text
Close #f
 Dim a As Integer
a = FreeFile
Open "1.txt" For Output As #a
Print #a, Text5.Text
Close #a
Dim b As Integer
b = FreeFile
Open "2.txt" For Output As #b
Print #b, Text6.Text
Close #b
Dim c As Integer
c = FreeFile
Open "3.txt" For Output As #c
Print #c, Text7.Text
Close #c
Dim d As Integer
d = FreeFile
Open "4.txt" For Output As #d
Print #d, Text8.Text
Close #d
Dim e As Integer
e = FreeFile
Open "5.txt" For Output As #e
Print #e, Text9.Text
Close #e
Dim file_name As String
Dim fnum As Integer
Dim max_row As Integer
Dim max_col As Integer
Dim R As Integer
Dim yy As Integer

    file_name = App.Path
    If Right$(file_name, 1) <> "\" Then file_name = file_name & "\"
    file_name = file_name & "FlexGrid1.dat"

    fnum = FreeFile
    Open file_name For Output As fnum

    ' Save the maximum row and column.
    max_row = MSFlexGrid1.Rows - 1
    max_col = MSFlexGrid1.Cols - 1
    Write #fnum, max_row, max_col

    For R = 0 To max_row
        For yy = 0 To max_col
            Write #fnum, MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(R, yy);
        Next yy
        Write #fnum,
    Next R

    Close fnum
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1
MSFlexGrid1.Row = 0
MSFlexGrid1.Col = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
Texthnorm.Text = "00"
Text5.Text = "00"
Text6.Text = "00"
Text7.Text = "00"
Text8.Text = "00"
Text9.Text = "00"
TxtHeureDebut = "00"
TxtMinuteDebut = "00"
TxtHeureFin = "00"
TxtMinuteFin = "00"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Open App.Path & "\apercu.TXT" For Input As #1
Texthnorm.Text = Input(LOF(1), #1)
Close #1
 Open App.Path & "\1.txt" For Input As #1
Text5.Text = Input(LOF(1), #1)
Close #1
Open App.Path & "\2.txt" For Input As #1
Text6.Text = Input(LOF(1), #1)
Close #1
Open App.Path & "\3.txt" For Input As #1
Text7.Text = Input(LOF(1), #1)
Close #1
Open App.Path & "\4.txt" For Input As #1
Text8.Text = Input(LOF(1), #1)
Close #1
Open App.Path & "\5.txt" For Input As #1
Text9.Text = Input(LOF(1), #1)
Close #1

With MSFlexGrid1
.MergeCells = 1
MSFlexGrid1.MergeRow(1) = True
     .Rows = 2
     .Cols = 6
 .MergeCells = 0
     .MergeRow(0) = True
.ColWidth(0) = 1100
     .ColWidth(1) = 1400
     .ColWidth(2) = 1400
     .ColWidth(3) = 1400
     .ColWidth(4) = 1400
     .ColWidth(5) = 1400
     .TabStop = False
     'Ajouter filds
     .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "date "
     .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "heure embauche "
     .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "fin de service "
     .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "total jour "
     .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "heure supp "
     .TextMatrix(0, 5) = "heure nuit "
         End With
Dim file_name As String
Dim fnum As Integer
Dim max_row As Integer
Dim max_col As Integer
Dim R As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim txt As String
Dim max_len As Single
Dim new_len As Single

    file_name = App.Path
    If Right$(file_name, 1) <> "\" Then file_name = file_name & "\"
    file_name = file_name & "FlexGrid1.dat"

    fnum = FreeFile
    Open file_name For Input As fnum

    ' Hide the control until it's loaded.
    MSFlexGrid1.Visible = False

    ' Get the maximum row and column.
    Input #fnum, max_row, max_col

    MSFlexGrid1.FixedCols = 0
    MSFlexGrid1.Cols = max_col + 1
    MSFlexGrid1.FixedRows = 1
    MSFlexGrid1.Rows = max_row + 1

    ' Load the cell entries.
    For R = 0 To max_row
        For c = 0 To max_col
            Input #fnum, txt
            MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(R, c) = txt
        Next c

        ' Read the last blank entry.
        Input #fnum, txt
    Next R

    Close #fnum

    ' Size the columns.
    Font.Name = MSFlexGrid1.Font.Name
    Font.Size = MSFlexGrid1.Font.Size
    For c = 0 To max_col
        max_len = 0
        For R = 0 To max_row
            new_len = TextWidth(MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(R, c))
            If max_len < new_len Then max_len = new_len
        Next R
        MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(c) = max_len + 240
        MSFlexGrid1.ColAlignment(c) = flexAlignLeftCenter
    Next c

    ' Display the control.
    MSFlexGrid1.Visible = True
End Sub

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