Game of life

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Source / Exemple :

;The Game of Life is a cellular automata program, where each pixel on the screen 
;will live or die in each generation based upon some arbitrary rules. 
;Specifically, if a pixel has three neighbors, it lives to the next generation. 
;If an empty cell has two neighbors, it becomes populated in the next generation. 
;Otherwise, that pixel gets cleared for the next generation. In this program, we 
;generate an initial screen image using the paint program from last class. We 
;then make a future image of the video screen in our offscreen buffer, then when 
;complete, copy to the video. 
; source file for assembling to binary files
; build with:
;    nasmw -f bin -o life.asm

org 100h

section .text

	mov	ax,13h
	int	10h		;256 color graphics mode

	mov	ax,0a000h     	;video buffer
	mov	es,ax  		;pointer for segment
	xor	di,di  		;offset
	mov	cx,32000       	;number of words in video
	xor	ax,ax          	;clear AX
	rep	stosw          	;and store in video buffer

	mov	ax,1           	;show mouse
	int	33h

	mov	ax,0b21h	;check keyboard status
	int	21h
	cmp	al,0   		;are any characters pending?
	jne	Game

	mov	ax,3   		;get mouse status call
	int	33h
	cmp	bx,0   		;is mouse up
	je	M0     		;loop till pressed

M1:	mov	ax,0b21h	;check keyboard status
	int	21h
	cmp	al,0   		;are any characters pending?
	jne	Game
	mov	ax,3   		;get fresh copy of mouse coordinates
	int	33h

	mov	ah,0ch 		;write dot at coordinate
	mov	al,1   		;color value
	shr	cx,1   		;mouse scale offset fix
	dec	cx		;escape mouse overwrite in win95
	int	10h

	mov	ax,3
	int	33h
	cmp	bx,0
	jne	M1
	mov	ax,0b21h	;check keyboard status
	int	21h
	cmp	al,0   		;are any characters pending?
	je	M0


	mov	ax,2   		;hide cursor function
	int	33h
	mov	cx,100
G1:	mov	ax,ds  		;segment address
	mov	es,ax  		;now pointed to by ES
	push	cx
	mov	di,Screen
	mov	cx,32000	;number of words in video
	xor	ax,ax  		;clear AX
	rep	stosw	      	;and store in video buffer (cleared)
	mov	word [X],318	;X goes from 1 to 318 (0 to 319 excluding boundaries)
G2:	mov	word [Y],198	;Y goes from 1 to 198 (0 to 199 excluding boundaries)
G3:	call	Count		;count of neighbors lands in AX
	cmp	AX,2		;survive threshold
	jne	G4		;if not, check for three
	call	GetDot  	;do we have a current cell here to survive?
	je	G4      	;if not, don't set
	call	SetDot		;make color 2
G4:	cmp	AX,3		;check generation
	jne	G5		;no spawn if not 3
	call	SetDot		;else set color 3
G5:	dec	word[Y]  	;move up
	jne	G3		;if not at top
	dec	word[X]     	;move left
	jne	G2		;if not at left
	mov	ax,0a000h	;video buffer
	mov	es,ax
	xor	di,di		;destination pointer
	mov	si,Screen	;source pointer
	mov	cx,32000
	rep	movsw		;copy to video
	mov	ax,ds   	;reset extra segment to data segment
	mov	es,ax

	pop	cx
	loop	G1      
	mov	ax,3		;put video back into text mode
	int	10h
	mov	ax,4c00h        
	int	21h
GetDot:				;check for cell on screen at coordinates in X and Y
	push    ax
	push    bx
	push    dx
	push    es
	mov     ax,0a000h	;video segment
	mov     es,ax		;pointer
	mov     ax,[Y]    	;y coord
	mov     bx,320  	;dots per Y
	mul     bx      	;DX:AX has answer (DX = 0, AX = row offset)
	add     ax,[X]    	;add X coordinate
	mov     bx,ax   	;use BX as pointer
	mov     al,[es:bx]	;get
	cmp     al,0    	;is cell zero? return in flag
	pop     es
	pop     dx
	pop     bx
	pop     ax
SetDot: 			;mov al to coordinates in X and Y
	push    ax
	push    bx
	push    dx
	push    ax      	;store data on stack
	mov     ax,[Y]    	;y coord
	mov     bx,320  	;dots per Y
	mul     bx      	;DX:AX has answer (DX = 0, AX = row offset)
	add     ax,[X]    	;add X coordinate
	mov     bx,ax   	;use BX as pointer
	add     bx,Screen  	;add in offset of screen buffer
	pop     ax      	;get count value as color
	mov     [es:bx],al	;store
	pop     dx
	pop     bx
	pop     ax
	push	bx
	push    cx
	push    dx
	push    es
	mov     ax,0a000h   	;video buffer segment
	mov     es,ax
	mov     ax,[Y] 		;y coord
	mov     bx,320 		;dots per Y
	mul     bx    		;DX:AX has answer (DX = 0, AX = row offset)
	add     ax,[X] 		;add X coordinate
	mov     bx,ax  		;use BX as pointer
	xor	ax,ax  		;clear AX
	xor	dx,dx  		;just a convenient zero
;			  2 3 4 
;			  0   1
;			  5 6 7

	cmp	dl,[es:bx-1] 	;check left
	je      C1     		;if clear, skip add
	inc	ax
C1:	cmp	dl,[es:bx+1]  	;check right
	je      C2     		;if clear, skip add
	inc     ax
C2:	cmp     dl,[es:bx-321]  ;check top left
	je      C3     		;if clear, skip add
	inc     ax
C3:	cmp     dl,[es:bx-320]  ;check above
	je      C4     		;if clear, skip add
	inc     ax
C4:	cmp     dl,[es:bx-319]  ;check upper right
	je      C5     		;if clear, skip add
	inc     ax
C5:	cmp     dl,[es:bx+319]  ;check below left
	je      C6     		;if clear, skip add
	inc     ax
C6:	cmp     dl,[es:bx+320]  ;check below
	je      C7     		;if clear, skip add
	inc     ax
C7:	cmp     dl,[es:bx+321] 	;check below right
	je      C8     		;if clear, skip add
	inc     ax
C8:	pop     es
	pop     dx
	pop     cx
	pop     bx
section .data
X	dw      0		;X coordinate during regeneration
Y       dw	0		;Y coordinate during regeneration

section .bss
Screen  resb    64000       	;copy of screen in mode 13H

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