Conversion d'un nombre en "packed number", et inversement

Contenu du snippet

Fonction permettant de convertir un nombre (entier ou décimal, positif ou négatif) en nombre packé ("packed number" utilisé en DB2).
La fonction a 3 arguments :
- le nombre à traiter
- le nombre de positions de la partie entière du nombre après conversion
- le nombre de décimales du nombre après conversion.
Par exemple, la conversion du nombre -12345.67 en "packed number" avec 8 positions de l'entier et 2 positions pour la partie décimale donne donc l'appel à la fonction suivant :
et le résultat suivant :

Fonction permettant de convertir un nombre packé ("packed number" utilisé en DB2) en nombre entier ou décimal, positif ou négatif (suivant le nombre packé).
La fonction a 1 seul argument :
- le nombre à traiter

Par exemple, la conversion du nombre packé 000123456P donne donc l'appel à la fonction suivant :
et le résultat suivant :

Source / Exemple :

Function Pack_Num(NumberToConvert As Double, EntirePositionsCount As Integer, DecimalPositionsCount As Integer) As String
    '** Code from WebSeb's Code Snippets
    '** Version 01 - 2010-02-24
    '** Explanation : allows a number to be packed for mainframe databases
    '** See Also : Function Signed_Num allowing a number to be unpacked
    'sample :
    ' -123.45 = 000001234N if the amt = -123.45, EntirePositionsCount = 8 and DecimalPositionsCount = 2
    'A "packed" number replaces the last (right-most) digit with a letter to indicate both value and sign:
    '{=0    }=-0
    'A=1    J=-1
    'B=2    K=-2
    'C=3    L=-3
    'D=4    M=-4
    'E=5    N=-5
    'F=6    O=-6
    'G=7    P=-7
    'H=8    Q=-8
    'I=9    R=-9
    Dim TmpVal As String
    TmpVal = String(EntirePositionsCount + DecimalPositionsCount, "0")
    TmpVal = TmpVal & Abs(Fix(NumberToConvert))
    TmpVal = TmpVal & Right(Round(Abs(NumberToConvert) * Int("1" & String(DecimalPositionsCount, "0"))), DecimalPositionsCount)
    TmpVal = Right(TmpVal, EntirePositionsCount + DecimalPositionsCount)
    'Debug.Print TmpVal
    Select Case NumberToConvert < 0
        Case True
            Select Case Right(TmpVal, 1)
                Case 0
                    last = "}"
                Case 1
                    last = "J"
                Case 2
                    last = "K"
                Case 3
                    last = "L"
                Case 4
                    last = "M"
                Case 5
                    last = "N"
                Case 6
                    last = "O"
                Case 7
                    last = "P"
                Case 8
                    last = "Q"
                Case 9
                    last = "R"
            End Select
        Case Else
            Select Case Right(TmpVal, 1)
                Case 0
                    last = "{"
                Case 1
                    last = "A"
                Case 2
                    last = "B"
                Case 3
                    last = "C"
                Case 4
                    last = "D"
                Case 5
                    last = "E"
                Case 6
                    last = "F"
                Case 7
                    last = "G"
                Case 8
                    last = "H"
                Case 9
                    last = "I"
            End Select
    End Select
    TmpVal = Mid(TmpVal, 1, EntirePositionsCount + DecimalPositionsCount - 1) & last
    Pack_Num = TmpVal
End Function

Function Signed_Num(theAmt As Variant) As Double

    '** Code from WebSeb's Code Snippets
    '** Version 01 - 2009-05-20
    '** Explanation : allows a packed number to be converted to human readable format
    '** See Also : Function Pack_Num allowing a number to be packed
    Dim thelast As String
    Dim theFrnt As String
    thelast = Right(RTrim(LTrim(theAmt)), 1)
    theFrnt = Mid$(theAmt, 1, Len(theAmt) - 1)
    If thelast = "{" Or thelast = "0" Then
        thelast = "0"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "A" Or thelast = "1" Then
        thelast = "1"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "B" Or thelast = "2" Then
        thelast = "2"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "C" Or thelast = "3" Then
        thelast = "3"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "D" Or thelast = "4" Then
        thelast = "4"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "E" Or thelast = "5" Then
        thelast = "5"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "F" Or thelast = "6" Then
        thelast = "6"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "G" Or thelast = "7" Then
        thelast = "7"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "H" Or thelast = "8" Then
        thelast = "8"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "I" Or thelast = "9" Then
        thelast = "9"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / 100
    ElseIf thelast = "}" Then
        thelast = "0"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    ElseIf thelast = "J" Or thelast = "1" Then
        thelast = "1"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    ElseIf thelast = "K" Or thelast = "2" Then
        thelast = "2"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    ElseIf thelast = "L" Or thelast = "3" Then
        thelast = "3"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    ElseIf thelast = "M" Or thelast = "4" Then
        thelast = "4"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    ElseIf thelast = "N" Or thelast = "5" Then
        thelast = "5"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    ElseIf thelast = "O" Or thelast = "6" Then
        thelast = "6"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    ElseIf thelast = "P" Or thelast = "7" Then
        thelast = "7"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    ElseIf thelast = "Q" Or thelast = "8" Then
        thelast = "8"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    ElseIf thelast = "R" Or thelast = "9" Then
        thelast = "9"
        Signed_Num = Val(theFrnt & thelast) / -100
    End If

End Function

Conclusion :

Le code a été développé en VBA afin d'utiliser la fonction dans une Query.

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