Macrosudoku v1.2 bêta eng


La MacroSudoku v1.2 ENG permet de:
_ résoudre TOUS les Sudokus (y compris les plus difficiles)
_ Aider à la résolution (ajout d'un chiffre supplémentaire, identification des erreurs etc.)
_ Générer un nombre infini de Sudoku nouveau, selon la difficulté choisie (de très facile à très difficile).

Contrairement aux autres sources trouvées sur le net, cette macro est TRES facile d'utilisation, complète (résolution logique puis par essais successifs), rapide (résolution en 100ms), et enfin elle permet d'aussi générer de nouvelles grilles.

La macro contient aussi une page d'option, qui permet de paramétrer la macro (couleur utilisée, recherche ou non de toutes les solutions, utilisation ou non d'un log, temps limite de solution/génération, difficulté de la grille générée).

Je recherche des partenaires pour continuer le développement de cette application, que je souhaiterais rendre open-source. Si intéressé:
_ me contacter à
_ visiter

Amusez vous bien !

Source / Exemple :

'=                      MacroSudoku v1.2                        =
'=       Macro started the 19/10/2008 by Bastien YVERNEAU       =

' Ideas for later:
' _ Implement a timer, counting how long does the user need to solve the grid (with a pause/resume function, when paused hide the grid)
' _ Give the opportunity to make a printable sheet of x sudokus
' _ Create a "High-Scores" sheet, and make it work
' _ Correct the bug that makes the rating change if AllSolution is 'On' or 'Off'
' _ Give the options to generate a new Sudoku OR to take it from the database

' Done:
' _ Solve the issue of fake grid from the beginning...
' _ Optimiser les boucles de résolution et utiliser des booleens pour les contrôler
' _ Add a "Log" excel sheet
' _ Check if all cases in the grid contain only figure (and no letter, no symbol etc)
' _ Count the number of potential solution
' _ Implement the Sudoku Creator
' _ Create an "options" sheet, and make it work
' _ Create a function to estimate the difficulty

' Declaration of private constants
    Private Const WSSudoku As String = "MacroSudoku"
    Private Const WSOptions As String = "Options"
    Private Const WSHighScores As String = "High Scores"
    Private Const WSLog As String = "Log"
    Private Const WSSamples As String = "Sudoku Samples"
    Private Const WSDocuments As String = "Documents"
    Private Const Password As String = "#########################"
    Private Const Col1 As Integer = 2
    Private Const Row1 As Integer = 3
    Private Const NbInitValue As Integer = 5
' Declaration of private variable
    Private ColorInit As Integer
    Private ColorMistake As Integer
    Private ColorHint As Integer
    Private Difficulty, OptionsDifficulty As String
    Private NbLevel, NbCheckU, NbCheckSB, LineLog, ColLog, NbSolution, LineR, TimeLimitSolution, TimeLimitGeneration As Integer
    Private Solution(8, 8, 9) As Integer
    Private TimeSolution, TimeGeneration As Double
    Private bool, UpdateUsual, UpdateSubGroup, BoolAllSolutions, BoolLog, Terminate As Boolean

Private Sub AnalyseTheSudokuGrid_Click()
    ' Solve the Sudoku and fill Solution()
    Dim i, j, k, Test, MyArray(8, 8, 9) As Integer
    Dim str2 As String
    ' Set the MacroSudoku sheet zoom ability and scroll area
    ' !!!! move this to 'This workbook', in the macro "Private Sub Workbook_open()"
    ' doesn't work....Worksheets(WSSudoku).PageSetup.Zoom = False
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).ScrollArea = "$A$1:$V$15"
    ' Check if all values written on the Sudoku grid are integer
    If CheckIfAllInteger() = False Then Exit Sub
    ' Init the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog Then bool = InitLog()
    If BoolLog Then bool = PrintLog("AnalyseTheSudokuGrid", "Started")
    ' NbLevel/NbCheckU/NbCheckSB count the number of time each main function is called ; LineLog is used to print the log;
    NbLevel = 0
    NbCheckU = 0
    NbCheckSB = 0
    LineLog = 2
    ColLog = 1
    ' NbSolution count the number of total solution
    NbSolution = 0
    Terminate = False
    ' TimeSolution count the time needed to find a solution
    TimeSolution = Timer
    ' Set the options
    bool = SetOptions()
    ' Take the initial value of the grid
    bool = InitArray(MyArray())
    bool = InitValue(MyArray())
    ' If the BoolAllSolutions is true, then check if a minimum number of values are entered to avoid very long resolution time
    If BoolAllSolutions Then If VeryLongComputingTime(MyArray()) Then Exit Sub
    ' Solve the Sudoku grid
    Test = Solve(MyArray())
    ' Check the solution (needed as Solve() might return a false value if BoolAllSolutions is true
    Test = TestGrid(Solution())
    ' Update the status: if grid is not feasible, exit the function. Else, show how much time was needed
    If Test <> 1 Then
        bool = ResetStatus()
        bool = PrintStatus("This grid is not feasible!")
        bool = PrintWarning()
        Exit Sub

        ' Estimate the difficulty of the grid
        bool = EstimateDifficulty(Int(100000 * (Timer - TimeSolution)) / 100)
        bool = ResetStatus()
        If BoolAllSolutions Then
            If NbSolution = 1 Then
                bool = PrintStatus("Sudoku solved in " + CStr(Int(100000 * (Timer - TimeSolution)) / 100) + " milliseconds. Sudoku rated as '" + Difficulty + "'. There is only " + CStr(NbSolution) + " solution.")
                bool = PrintStatus("Sudoku solved in " + CStr(Int(100000 * (Timer - TimeSolution)) / 100) + " milliseconds. Sudoku rated as '" + Difficulty + "'. There are " + CStr(NbSolution) + " solutions.")
            End If
            bool = PrintStatus("Sudoku solved in " + CStr(Int(100000 * (Timer - TimeSolution)) / 100) + " milliseconds. Sudoku rated as '" + Difficulty + "'.")
        End If
        ' Protect all the initial values
        bool = ProtectInitValue()
    End If
    ' Update the buttons
    FindMyMistakes.Enabled = True
    GiveMe1NumberMore.Enabled = True
    ShowTheFullSolution.Enabled = True
    EmptyTheSudokuGrid.Enabled = True
    AnalyseTheSudokuGrid.Enabled = False
    CreateANewSudokuGrid.Enabled = False
    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog Then bool = PrintLog("AnalyseTheSudokuGrid", "Ended")
End Sub

Private Sub BossComing_Click()
    ' Show a 'professional' excel sheet, and hide the other sheets
    ' Hide the MacroSudoku Excel sheets
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Visible = xlSheetHidden
    Worksheets(WSOptions).Visible = xlSheetHidden
    Worksheets(WSHighScores).Visible = xlSheetHidden
    Worksheets(WSLog).Visible = xlSheetHidden
    Worksheets(WSSamples).Visible = xlSheetHidden
    ' Activate the 'Documents' excel sheet
End Sub

Private Sub EmptyTheSudokuGrid_Click()
    ' Empty the grid, so as to prepare a new one
    Dim i, j As Integer
    ' Unprotect the Excel sheet
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Unprotect Password
    ' Update the buttons
    FindMyMistakes.Enabled = False
    GiveMe1NumberMore.Enabled = False
    ShowTheFullSolution.Enabled = False
    AnalyseTheSudokuGrid.Enabled = True
    CreateANewSudokuGrid.Enabled = True
    EmptyTheSudokuGrid.Enabled = False
    ' Delete any formatting and put value to 0
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
            Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).ClearContents
            Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Locked = False
    ' Reset Solution()
    bool = InitArray(Solution())
    ' Reset the status cell, and print an informative message
    bool = ResetStatus()
    bool = PrintStatus("The Sudoku grid is now ready for a new Sudoku!")
End Sub

Private Sub FindMyMistakes_Click()
' Compare the grid with the solution and mark the wrong number
    Dim i, j, k As Integer
    ' Unprotect the Excel sheet
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Unprotect Password
    ' Clear the format of each cell (paint the background as white)
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Locked = False Then Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
    ' Compare each cell with the solution, if values are different then paint it in orange
    ' k count the number of mistake occured
    k = 0
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If (Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value <> 0 And Solution(i, j, 0) <> Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value) Then
                ' Change the color of the mistaken case(i,j)
                Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Interior.ColorIndex = ColorMistake
                ' Wait half a second
                bool = Wait(0.5)
                ' Put back the initial color of the mistaken case(i,j)
                Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
                k = k + 1
            End If
    bool = ResetStatus()
    bool = PrintStatus("The Sudoku has " + CStr(k) + " mistakes.")
    ' Protect the Excel sheet
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Protect Password
End Sub

Private Sub GiveMe1NumberMore_Click()
    ' Write a new number (hint) on the Excel sheet
    Dim i, j, k, NbEmptyCase As Integer
    ' Unprotect the Excel sheet
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Unprotect Password
    NbEmptyCase = 0
    ' Count the number of empty cell
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value = 0 Then NbEmptyCase = NbEmptyCase + 1
    ' If the Sudoku is already full, then launch ShowTheFullSolution_Click and exit the function
    If NbEmptyCase = 0 Then
        Call ShowTheFullSolution_Click
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Choose randomly a number to add
    k = Int(NbEmptyCase * Rnd()) + 1
    NbEmptyCase = 0
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value = 0 Then NbEmptyCase = NbEmptyCase + 1
            ' If the number counted (l) is equal to the number guessed (k)
            If NbEmptyCase = k Then
                ' Print the value Solution(i, j, 0) on the Sudoku grid at the case(i,j),
                Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value = Solution(i, j, 0)
                ' Change the color of case(i,j), Wait half a second, Put back the initial color of the case(i,j)
                Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Interior.ColorIndex = ColorHint
                bool = Wait(0.5)
                Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

                ' Update the status cell
                bool = ResetStatus()
                bool = PrintStatus("The number " + CStr(Solution(i, j, 0)) + " was added to the case(" + CStr(i + 1) + "," + CStr(j + 1) + ").")

                ' To exit the loop quicker...
                i = 8
                j = 8
            End If

    ' Protect the Excel sheet
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Protect Password
End Sub

Private Sub ShowTheFullSolution_Click()
    ' Write the full grid in the Excel sheet
    Dim i, j, k As Integer
    ' Unprotect the Excel sheet
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Unprotect Password
    ' Test the result of the grid Solution()
    k = TestGrid(Solution())
    ' Result of Testgrid:
    If k <> 1 Then
        bool = ResetStatus()
        If k = -1 Then bool = PrintStatus("The grid is not feasible.")
        If k = -2 Then bool = PrintStatus("The grid is not feasible and was thus not completed.")
        If k = 2 Then bool = PrintStatus("The grid is not completed.")
    ' If the grid is solved, write the full solution
        bool = PrintStatus("Soduko completed.")
        For i = 0 To 8
            For j = 0 To 8
                If (Solution(i, j, 0) <> 0 And Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Locked = False) Then Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value = Solution(i, j, 0)
    End If

    ' Update the buttons
    FindMyMistakes.Enabled = False
    GiveMe1NumberMore.Enabled = False
    ShowTheFullSolution.Enabled = False
    ' Protect the Excel sheet
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Protect Password
End Sub

Private Function Solve(MyArray() As Integer) As Integer
    ' Resolve a given grid MyArray. Can be recursive!
    Dim i, j, min, k, l, M, N, Test As Integer
    Dim MyArray2(8, 8, 9) As Integer
    Solve = 0
    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog = True Then bool = PrintLog("Solve", "Started")
    ' Check if the solution time is still under the limit set in the 'Options' sheet
    If Not CheckTimeSolution() Then
        i = MsgBox("MacroSudoku is taking too much time to solve the Sudoku. Do you want to continue anyway (be careful, this will remove the time limitation)?", vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "Solution Time Limit")
        If i = vbOK Then TimeLimitSolution = 0
        If i = vbCancel Then
            Terminate = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    ' Increase the depth of the NbLevel
    NbLevel = NbLevel + 1
    ' Main Loop where Solve try the Sudoku rules to solve the grid
            UpdateUsual = CheckGridUsual(MyArray())
        Loop While UpdateUsual
        ' Solve the grid by applying the Subgroup rule
        UpdateSubGroup = CheckGridSubGroup(MyArray())
     Loop While UpdateSubGroup
    ' Check if the grid is completed
    Test = TestGrid(MyArray())
    If Test = 1 Then
        bool = CopyArray1toArray2(MyArray(), Solution())
        NbSolution = NbSolution + 1
        Solve = Test
        If Not BoolAllSolutions Then Exit Function
    End If
    If Test < 0 Then
        Solve = Test
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' *********************************************************************************
    ' * As the grid is still unsolved by applying the Sudoku rules, Solve() will have *
    ' * to make a guess and to call itself with a new MyArray()                       *
    ' *********************************************************************************
    If Test = 2 Then
        ' Copy MyArray to MyArray2 in order to keep it safe
        bool = CopyArray1toArray2(MyArray(), MyArray2())
        ' Search the case(i,j) with the less potential-values remaining min
        min = 9
        For i = 0 To 8
            For j = 0 To 8
                ' For each unknown case(i,j)
                If MyArray(i, j, 0) = 0 Then
                    If SumVal(MyArray(), i, j) < min Then
                        min = SumVal(MyArray(), i, j)
                        k = i
                        l = j
                    End If
                End If
        ' Try to solve the grid for each potential-value of the case(k,l)
        For i = 1 To min
            ' First, copy back MyArray2(), which is a saved copy, to MyArray()
            bool = CopyArray1toArray2(MyArray2(), MyArray())
            ' Identify the m-th value within the potential values for the case(k,l) which is still valid
            M = 0
            For j = 1 To 9
                If MyArray(k, l, j) = 1 Then
                    M = M + 1
                    If M = i Then
                        N = j
                        j = 10
                    End If
                End If
            ' Add the guessed value n to the case (k,l)
            bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), k, l, N)
            ' And try to solve the new MyArray() with the guessed value n (Solve() is a recursive function)
            Solve = Solve(MyArray())
            ' If Solve return a '1' (i.e. grid solved) and the function is not looking for all solutions, then exit the function
            If Not BoolAllSolutions Then
                If Solve = 1 Then Exit Function
            End If
            If Terminate Then Exit Function
    End If
    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog = True Then bool = PrintLog("Solve", "Ended")
End Function

Private Function CheckGridUsual(MyArray() As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Check the grid with the 'usual' rules to remove possible value
    Dim i, j, k As Integer
    CheckGridUsual = False
    ' NbCheckU count how many times the function CheckGridUsual has been called
    NbCheckU = NbCheckU + 1
    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog = True Then bool = PrintLog("CheckGridUsual", "Started")
    ' Run each row/column and each value to see what potential-value can be deducted (only one left)
    For i = 0 To 8
        For k = 1 To 9
                ' Each row
                If SumArrayRow(MyArray(), i, k) = 1 Then
                    For j = 0 To 8
                        If MyArray(i, j, k) = 1 Then
                            bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), i, j, k)
                            CheckGridUsual = True
                        End If
                End If
                ' Each column
                If SumArrayCol(MyArray(), i, k) = 1 Then
                    For j = 0 To 8
                        If MyArray(j, i, k) = 1 Then
                            bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), j, i, k)
                            CheckGridUsual = True
                        End If
                End If
    ' Run each case to see what potential-value can be deducted (only one left)
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If SumVal(MyArray(), i, j) = 1 Then
                For k = 1 To 9
                    If MyArray(i, j, k) = 1 Then
                        bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), i, j, k)
                        CheckGridUsual = True
                    End If
            End If
    ' Run each square to see what potential-value can be deducted (only one left)
    For i = 0 To 2
        For j = 0 To 2
            For k = 1 To 9
                If SumArraySqu(MyArray(), 3 * i, 3 * j, k) = 1 Then
                    bool = UpdateSquare(MyArray(), i, j, k)
                    CheckGridUsual = True
                End If
    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog = True Then bool = PrintLog("CheckGridUsual", "Ended")
End Function

Private Function UpdateSquare(MyArray() As Integer, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer, ByVal k As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Update the square number (i,j) for the value k, which is found
    Dim l, M As Integer
    FindInSquare = True
    For l = 0 To 2
        For M = 0 To 2
            If MyArray(3 * i + l, 3 * j + M, k) = 1 Then
                bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), 3 * i + l, 3 * j + M, k)
            End If

End Function

Private Function CheckGridSubGroup(MyArray() As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Check the grid with the SubGroup rule (which work with a square + a colum or a row) to remove possible value
    Dim i, j, k As Integer
    CheckGridSubGroup = False
    ' NbChecksb count how many times the function CheckGridSubGroup has been called
    NbCheckSB = NbCheckSB + 1
    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog = True Then bool = PrintLog("CheckGridSubGroup", "Started")
    ' Apply the subgroup rule for each row/column i and value k
    For i = 0 To 8
        For k = 1 To 9
            bool = False
            ' For each row
            j = SubGroup(MyArray(), i, k, "row")
            If j <> -1 Then bool = CleanSquare(MyArray(), i, j, k, "row")
            ' If CleanSquare is true (the square was cleaned), then CheckGridSubGroup is true
            If bool Then CheckGridSubGroup = True
            ' Same code than above, but for each column
            j = SubGroup(MyArray(), i, k, "col")
            If j <> -1 Then bool = CleanSquare(MyArray(), j, i, k, "col")
            If bool Then CheckGridSubGroup = True

    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog = True Then bool = PrintLog("CheckGridSubGroup", "Ended")
End Function

Private Function SubGroup(MyArray() As Integer, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal k As Integer, ByVal str2 As String) As Integer
    ' Check if the subgroup rule apply for a given value k and a given row/column i
    ' str2: either "col" or "row" depending on the case
    ' i: row/column number, depending on the case
    ' k: value checked for the s€ubgroup rule
    Dim j, l, M As Integer
    SubGroup = -1
    M = -1
    ' Check if the subgroup rule apply, for the i row and the k value
    If str2 = "row" Then
        ' If there is less than 1 potential-values k in the row i, then no need to check the rule
        If SumArrayRow(MyArray(), i, k) > 1 Then
            For j = 0 To 8
                ' If the case(i,j) has a potential-value k, then l save the square number
                If MyArray(i, j, k) = 1 Then
                    l = Pwr3(j)
                    SubGroup = j
                    ' If it's the 1st case(i,j) found with a potential-value k, then m save the 1st square number
                    If M = -1 Then M = Pwr3(j)
                    ' If l and m are different (= different squares), then SubGroup will be '-1', else it will give the column number of the case(i,j)
                    If l <> M Then
                        SubGroup = -1
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                End If
        End If
    ' Same code than above, but i and j are now reversed (rows become columns)
        If SumArrayCol(MyArray(), i, k) > 1 Then
           For j = 0 To 8
                If MyArray(j, i, k) = 1 Then
                    l = Pwr3(j)
                    SubGroup = j
                    If M = -1 Then M = Pwr3(j)
                    If l <> M Then
                        SubGroup = -1
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                End If
        End If
    End If
End Function

Private Function CleanSquare(MyArray() As Integer, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer, ByVal k As Integer, ByVal str2 As String) As Boolean
    ' Clean the square where the subgroup apply for the value k
    ' str2: either "col" or "row", depending on the case
    ' i: row number
    ' j: column number
    ' k: value removed in the same square than the case(i,j), expect for the i/j column/row
    ' CleanSquare is true if a k potential value have been removed, false if their is no value to remove
    Dim l, M As Integer
    CleanSquare = False
    For l = 0 To 2
        For M = 0 To 2
            ' Code for the column case
            If str2 = "col" Then
                ' Check if the column (3 * Pwr3(j) + m) is not equal to the j column
                If (3 * Pwr3(j) + M) <> j Then
                    ' Check if the k potential value is still potential, i.e. equal to 1
                    If MyArray(3 * Pwr3(i) + l, 3 * Pwr3(j) + M, k) = 1 Then
                        MyArray(3 * Pwr3(i) + l, 3 * Pwr3(j) + M, k) = 0
                        CleanSquare = True
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            'Same code than above but for the row case
            If str2 = "row" Then
                If (3 * Pwr3(i) + l) <> i Then
                    If MyArray(3 * Pwr3(i) + l, 3 * Pwr3(j) + M, k) = 1 Then
                        MyArray(3 * Pwr3(i) + l, 3 * Pwr3(j) + M, k) = 0
                        CleanSquare = True
                    End If
                End If
            End If
End Function

Private Function InitArray(MyArray() As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Set values of MyArray() to '0' or '1'

    Dim i, j, k As Integer
    InitArray = True
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            MyArray(i, j, 0) = 0
            For k = 1 To 9
                MyArray(i, j, k) = 1
End Function

Private Function InitValue(MyArray() As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Copy the values of the grid from the Excel sheet, and update MyArray()
    Dim i, j As Integer
    ValeurInit = True
    ' For each cell(i,j), if the value (copied on k) is not equal to 0 then it updates MyArray()
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value <> 0 Then bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), i, j, Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value)
End Function

Private Function ProtectInitValue() As Boolean
    ' Protect the initial values of the Soduko Grid and change their color
    Dim i, j As Integer
    ProtectInitValue = True
    ' Unprotect the Excel sheet
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Unprotect Password
    ' Unprotect all cells of the Sudoku grid
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Locked = False
    ' Re-protect only cells with an initial value
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value <> 0 Then
                Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Interior.ColorIndex = ColorInit
                Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Locked = True
            End If
    ' Protect the Excel sheet
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Protect Password
End Function

Private Function UpdateAll(MyArray() As Integer, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer, ByVal k As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Update MyArray() with the new value k in the case(i,j)
    Dim l, M As Integer
    UpdateAll = True

    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog = True Then bool = PrintLog("UpdateAll", "Started")
    ' Remove the k potential-value for the whole i row and j column
    For l = 0 To 8
        MyArray(i, l, k) = 0
        MyArray(l, j, k) = 0
    ' Remove the k potential-value for the whole square where the case(i,j) is located
    For l = 0 To 2
        For M = 0 To 2
            MyArray(3 * Pwr3(i) + l, 3 * Pwr3(j) + M, k) = 0
    ' Remove all potential-values for the case(i,j)
    For l = 1 To 9
        MyArray(i, j, l) = 0
    ' Update MyArray: enter the k value for the grid (i,j,0) and rewrite the k value as potential
    MyArray(i, j, 0) = k
    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog = True Then bool = PrintLog("UpdateAll", "Ended")
End Function

Private Function Pwr3(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer
    ' Give the int part of (i/3)
    Pwr3 = Int(i / 3)
End Function

Private Function SumVal(MyArray() As Integer, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer) As Integer
    ' Count the number of remaining possible value for a given case(i,j)
    Dim k As Integer
    SumVal = 0
    For k = 1 To 9
        If MyArray(i, j, k) = 1 Then SumVal = SumVal + 1

End Function

Private Function SumArrayCol(MyArray() As Integer, ByVal j As Integer, ByVal k As Integer) As Integer
    ' Count the number of 1 in the column j of the array MyArray(), for the value k
    Dim i As Integer
    SumArrayCol = 0
    For i = 0 To 8
        SumArrayCol = SumArrayCol + MyArray(i, j, k)

End Function

Private Function SumArrayRow(MyArray() As Integer, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal k As Integer) As Integer
    ' Count the number of 1 in the row i of the array MyArray(), for the value k
    Dim j As Integer
    SumArrayRow = 0
    For j = 0 To 8
        SumArrayRow = SumArrayRow + MyArray(i, j, k)

End Function

Private Function SumArraySqu(MyArray() As Integer, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer, ByVal k As Integer) As Integer
    ' Count the number of 1 within the same square than the case (i, j) of the array MyArray(), for the value k

    Dim l, M As Integer
    SumArraySqu = 0
    For l = 0 To 2
        For M = 0 To 2
            SumArraySqu = SumArraySqu + MyArray(3 * Pwr3(i) + l, 3 * Pwr3(j) + M, k)

End Function

Private Function PrintLog(ByVal str2 As String, ByVal str3 As String) As Boolean
    ' Write the log of the macro
    PrintLog = True
    ' The function stops if Collog is above 20
    If ColLog > 24 Then
        Exit Function
        ' Print the value on the log: str2 and str3, the time, LineLog and NbLevel
        Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(LineLog, ColLog + 0).Value = str2
        Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(LineLog, ColLog + 1).Value = str3
        Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(LineLog, ColLog + 2).Value = Timer - Time
        Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(LineLog, ColLog + 3).Value = LineLog
        Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(LineLog, ColLog + 4).Value = NbLevel
        ' Increase the LineLog to prepare the new print
        LineLog = LineLog + 1
        ' If linelog reach 65536, the macro will make an error (Excel limitation). To avoid this, Linelog is put back to 2 and ColLog is increased by 6
        If LineLog = 65536 Then
            LineLog = 2
            ColLog = ColLog + 6
        End If
    End If
End Function

Private Function InitLog() As Boolean
    ' Init/Clear the log sheet
    ' Clear contents of the 28 first columns
    ' Write the titles
    Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(1, 1).Value = "Processus"
    Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(1, 2).Value = "Start/End"
    Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(1, 3).Value = "Time"
    Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(1, 4).Value = "Line"
    Worksheets(WSLog).Cells(1, 5).Value = "NbLevel"
End Function
Private Function TestGrid(MyArray() As Integer) As Integer
    ' Test the grid to see if it's completed (or not) or feasible (or not)
    ' -2 if the grid is false and not completed
    ' -1 if the grid is false and completed
    '  1 if the grid is not false and completed
    '  2 if the grid is not false and  not completed
    Dim bF, bC As Boolean
    Dim aTestCol(9) As Integer
    Dim aTestRow(9) As Integer
    Dim i, j, k, l As Integer
    bF = True
    bC = True
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If MyArray(i, j, 0) = 0 Then bC = False
    ' Test each column and each row to see if each value is there only once
    For i = 0 To 8
        bool = ResetaTest(aTestCol())
        bool = ResetaTest(aTestRow())
        For j = 0 To 8
            aTestCol(MyArray(i, j, 0)) = aTestCol(MyArray(i, j, 0)) + 1
            aTestRow(MyArray(j, i, 0)) = aTestRow(MyArray(j, i, 0)) + 1
        If TestaTest(aTestCol()) = False Then bF = False
        If TestaTest(aTestRow()) = False Then bF = False
    ' Test each square to see if each value is here only once
    For i = 0 To 2
        For j = 0 To 2
            ' Testing each square
            bool = ResetaTest(aTestCol())
                For k = 0 To 2
                    For l = 0 To 2
                        aTestCol(MyArray(3 * i + k, 3 * j + l, 0)) = aTestCol(MyArray(3 * i + k, 3 * j + l, 0)) + 1
            If TestaTest(aTestCol()) = False Then bF = False
    ' Test if all potential-values are forbidden (=0)
    l = 0
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            For k = 1 To 9
                l = l + MyArray(i, j, k)
                ' Created to exit the loop quicker as soon as a potential value have been found
                If l > 1 Then
                    i = 9
                    j = 9
                    k = 10
                End If
    ' If no potential-values is still valid then the grid if false
    If l = 0 Then
        If bC = False Then
            bF = False
        End If
    End If
    If bC Then
        TestGrid = 1
        TestGrid = 2
    End If
    If bF = False Then TestGrid = -TestGrid
End Function

Private Function ResetaTest(aTest() As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Reset aTest by setting all values to '0'
    Dim i As Integer
    ResetTest = True
    For i = 1 To 9
        aTest(i) = 0
End Function

Private Function TestaTest(aTest() As Integer) As Boolean
    ' See if any value between 1 and 9 was counted more than once
    ' ATest() is an array of Integer(9), counting for each value i how many times they were counted in aTest(i)
    Dim i As Integer
    TestaTest = True
    For i = 1 To 9
        If aTest(i) > 1 Then TestaTest = False
End Function

Private Function CopyArray1toArray2(MyArray1() As Integer, MyArray2() As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Copy all values from MyArray1(8,8,9) to MyArray2(8,8,9)
    ' Was created because it was not possible to use a ByVal Array() as a parameter in a function (no idea why!!)

    Dim i, j, k As Integer
    CopyArray1toArray2 = True
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            For k = 0 To 9
                MyArray2(i, j, k) = MyArray1(i, j, k)
End Function

Private Function PrintStatus(str2 As String) As Boolean
    ' Print the string str2 in the status cell

    Dim str As String
    ' Unprotect the Excel sheet and the Status cell
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Unprotect Password

    ' Check if the cell Status is empty are already containing a string str
    str = Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(14, 2).Value
    If str <> "" Then
        Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(14, 2).Value = str + " " + str2
        Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(14, 2).Value = str2
    End If
    ' Protect the Excel sheet and the Status cell
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Protect Password
    PrintStatus = True
End Function

Private Function ResetStatus() As Boolean
    ' Reset the status cell

    ' Unprotect the Excel sheet and the Status cell
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Unprotect Password

    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(14, 2).Value = ""
    ' Protect the Excel sheet and the Status cell
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Protect Password
    ResetStatus = True
End Function

Private Function CheckIfAllInteger() As Boolean
    ' Check if all initial values are integers and below 10
    Dim i, j As Integer
    Dim k As Double
    Dim str2 As String
    CheckIfAllInteger = True
    ' For each case(i,j) of the sudoku grid
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            ' str2 is a string showing the value type
            str2 = TypeName(Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value)
            ' Values can be Integer or Empty, or else they will need to be checked
            If str2 <> "Integer" And str2 <> "Empty" Then
                ' But if they are Long, Single, or Double, it can be a format mistake (for example, 1 entered as a double)
                If str2 = "Long" Or str2 = "Single" Or str2 = "Double" Then
                    k = Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value
                    If k <> Int(k) Then
                        k = MsgBox("Please enter only integer numbers on the Sudoku.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error")
                        CheckIfAllInteger = False
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                    k = MsgBox("Please enter only integer numbers on the Sudoku.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error")
                    CheckIfAllInteger = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            End If
            ' Check if the number is below 9
            If str2 = "Integer" Or str2 = "Long" Or str2 = "Single" Or str2 = "Double" Then
                k = Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value
                If k > 9 Or k < 0 Then
                    k = MsgBox("Please enter only integer numbers between 1 and 9 on the Sudoku.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error")
                    CheckIfAllInteger = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            End If
End Function

Private Function PrintWarning() As Boolean
    ' Make the status cell changing color
    Dim Time2 As Double
    PrintWarning = True
    ' Unprotect the Excel sheet and the Status cell
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Unprotect Password

    Time2 = Timer
        Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(14, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = ColorMistake
        bool = Wait(0.2)
        Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(14, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
        bool = Wait(0.2)
    Loop While (Timer - Time2) < 2
    ' Protect the Excel sheet and the Status cell
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).Protect Password

End Function

Private Function Wait(ByVal Dbl As Double) As Boolean
    ' Wait a given time, given by dbl
    Dim Time2 As Double
    Wait = True
    Time2 = Timer
    Loop While (Timer - Time2) < Dbl
End Function

Private Sub CreateANewSudokuGrid_Click()
    ' Init the process of creation of a valid Sudoku grid
    Dim i, j, k, l, Nbr, NbMiniValue, NbrGridGenerated As Integer
    Dim Grid(8, 8) As Integer
    Dim Soluce(8, 8) As Integer
    Dim MyArray(8, 8, 9) As Integer
    ' Set the MacroSudoku sheet zoom ability and scroll area
    ' !!!! move this to 'This workbook', in the macro "Private Sub Workbook_open()"
    ' doesn't work....Worksheets(WSSudoku).PageSetup.Zoom = False
    Worksheets(WSSudoku).ScrollArea = "$A$1:$V$15"
    ' Init the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog Then bool = InitLog()
    If BoolLog Then bool = PrintLog("CreateANewSudokuGrid", "Started")
    LineLog = 2
    ColLog = 1
    ' Set the options
    bool = SetOptions()
    ' TimeGeneration count the time needed to generate a grid
    TimeGeneration = Timer
    NbrGridGenerated = 0
    ' Main loop: create Sudoku until it reaches the level of difficulty set in Options, or when TimeGeneration is expired
        ' Init MyArray()
        bool = InitArray(MyArray())
        NbrGridGenerated = NbrGridGenerated + 1
        ' Launch the recursive function CreateValidGrid with BoolAllSolutions as False, then put it back as True
        BoolAllSolutions = False
        bool = CreateValidGrid(0, MyArray())
        BoolAllSolutions = True
        ' Init the array Grid()
        ' Grid can have 3 possible values for each case(i,j)
        '  1: not tested, not empty (x is the value of the Solution)
        '  0: tested, empty
        ' -1: tested, not empty (because it leads to a more-than-1-solution grid)
        For i = 0 To 8
            For j = 0 To 8
                Grid(i, j) = 1
                Soluce(i, j) = Solution(i, j, 0)
        ' Set NbMiniValue depending on the difficulty set in options
        If OptionsDifficulty = "Very Easy" Then
            NbMiniValue = 10
            If OptionsDifficulty = "Easy" Then
                NbMiniValue = 5
                NbMiniValue = 0
            End If
        End If
        ' Remove all not-needed value (i.e. as long as there is still only 1 solution)
            ' Choose a random case which is NOT empty and NOT tested
                k = Int(Rnd() * 9)
                l = Int(Rnd() * 9)
            Loop While Grid(k, l) < 1
            ' Remove the number of the case(k,l)
            Grid(k, l) = 0
            NbSolution = 0
            ' Init MyArray()
            bool = InitArray(MyArray())
            ' Copy the Soluce(i,j) values to MyArray() for each value not empty (Grid(i,j) <> 0)
            For i = 0 To 8
                For j = 0 To 8
                    If Grid(i, j) <> 0 Then
                        bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), i, j, Soluce(i, j))
                    End If
            ' Solve the incomplete solution
            TimeSolution = Timer
            Test = Solve(MyArray())
            ' Count the number of solution
            If NbSolution > 1 Then
                Grid(k, l) = -1
            End If
            ' Count how many numbers can still be removed
            Nbr = 0
            For i = 0 To 8
                For j = 0 To 8
                    If Grid(i, j) = 1 Then Nbr = Nbr + 1
            ' Check if the generation time is still under the limit set in the 'Options' sheet
            If Not CheckTimeGeneration() Then
                i = MsgBox("MacroSudoku is taking too much time to generate a Sudoku at the difficulty set in 'Options'. Do you want to continue anyway (be careful, this will remove the time limitation)?", vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "Generation Time Limit")
                If i = vbOK Then TimeLimitGeneration = 0
                If i = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
            End If
        Loop While Nbr > NbMiniValue
        ' NbLevel/NbCheckU/NbCheckSB count the number of time each main function is called.
        NbLevel = 0
        NbCheckU = 0
        NbCheckSB = 0
        NbSolution = 0
        ' to remove!! prevent the MacroSudoku to generate very hard BoolAllSolutions = False
        ' Init MyArray()
        bool = InitArray(MyArray())
        ' Copy the Soluce(i,j) values to MyArray() for each value not empty (Grid(i,j) <> 0)
        For i = 0 To 8
            For j = 0 To 8
                If Grid(i, j) <> 0 Then bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), i, j, Soluce(i, j))
        ' Solve the Sudoku grid
        TimeSolution = Timer
        Test = Solve(MyArray())
        ' Estimate the difficulty of the grid
        bool = EstimateDifficulty(Int(100000 * (Timer - TimeSolution)) / 100)
        ' Check if the generation time is still under the limit set in the 'Options' sheet
        If Not CheckTimeGeneration() Then
            i = MsgBox("MacroSudoku is taking too much time to generate a Sudoku at the difficulty set in 'Options'. Do you want to continue anyway (be careful, this will remove the time limitation)?", vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "Generation Time Limit")
            If i = vbOK Then TimeLimitGeneration = 0
            If i = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
        End If
        ' to remove!!
        bool = PrintStatus(CStr(NbrGridGenerated))
    Loop While Difficulty <> OptionsDifficulty
    ' Print the Sudoku generated
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If Grid(i, j) <> 0 Then
                Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value = Soluce(i, j)
                Worksheets(WSSudoku).Cells(Row1 + i, Col1 + j).Value = ""
            End If
    ' Update the status bar
    bool = ResetStatus()
    bool = PrintStatus(CStr(NbrGridGenerated) + " Sudoku(s) generated in " + CStr(Int(100000 * (Timer - TimeGeneration)) / 100) + " milliseconds. ")
    bool = PrintStatus("Sudoku solved in " + CStr(Int(100000 * (Timer - TimeSolution)) / 100) + " milliseconds. Sudoku rated as '" + Difficulty + "'. There is only " + CStr(NbSolution) + " solution.")

    ' Protect all the initial values
    bool = ProtectInitValue()
    ' Update the buttons
    FindMyMistakes.Enabled = True
    GiveMe1NumberMore.Enabled = True
    ShowTheFullSolution.Enabled = True
    EmptyTheSudokuGrid.Enabled = True
    AnalyseTheSudokuGrid.Enabled = False
    CreateANewSudokuGrid.Enabled = False
    ' Update the log if it's turned on (i.e. if BoolLog is True)
    If BoolLog Then bool = PrintLog("CreateANewSudokuGrid", "Ended")
End Sub
Private Function CreateValidGrid(NbrValue As Integer, MyArray() As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Create a valid Sudoku grid. Also recursive, like Solution. Call itself until the number of set figure is equal to NbInitValue
    Dim i, j, k, Test As Integer
    Dim MyArray2(8, 8, 9) As Integer
    CreateValidGrid = True
    ' Copy MyArray to MyArray2 for safety (possibilty to go back)
    bool = CopyArray1toArray2(MyArray(), MyArray2())
    ' Choose a random case which is empty
        i = Int(Rnd() * 9)
        j = Int(Rnd() * 9)
    Loop While MyArray(i, j, 0) <> 0
    ' Choose a random value k to add to the case(i,j)
    k = Int(Rnd() * 9) + 1
    ' Add the value k to the case(i,j)
    bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), i, j, k)
    ' Test the result of the grid
    TimeSolution = Timer
    Test = Solve(MyArray())
    ' MyArray2 is used to change MyArray to its previous state
    bool = CopyArray1toArray2(MyArray2(), MyArray())
    ' If the grid is still valid, then the value k is added to the case(i,j) and the number of value is increased
    If Test > 0 Then
        NbrValue = NbrValue + 1
        bool = UpdateAll(MyArray(), i, j, k)
    End If
    ' Check if the grid has the number of set-numbers required = NbInitValue. If yes, then it stops. if not, then it calls itself.
    If NbrValue = NbInitValue Then
        Exit Function
        bool = CreateValidGrid(NbrValue, MyArray())
    End If
End Function

Private Function SetOptions() As Boolean
    ' Set the Options values from the Option sheet
    SetOptions = True
    ' Get if the macro should look for all solutions and if it should use the log
    BoolAllSolutions = Worksheets(WSOptions).AllSolutionTrue.Value
    BoolLog = Worksheets(WSOptions).LogTrue.Value

    ' Get the color of each kind of cell (
    ColorInit = Worksheets(WSOptions).Cells(6, 3).Interior.ColorIndex
    ColorHint = Worksheets(WSOptions).Cells(8, 3).Interior.ColorIndex
    ColorMistake = Worksheets(WSOptions).Cells(10, 3).Interior.ColorIndex
    ' Get the time limitation for Solution and Generation
    TimeLimitSolution = Worksheets(WSOptions).Cells(6, 13).Value
    TimeLimitGeneration = Worksheets(WSOptions).Cells(8, 13).Value
    ' Get the Difficulty set in the Options sheet, set OptionsDifficulty
     If Worksheets(WSOptions).SudokuDifficultyVE.Value Then OptionsDifficulty = "Very Easy"
     If Worksheets(WSOptions).SudokuDifficultyE.Value Then OptionsDifficulty = "Easy"
     If Worksheets(WSOptions).SudokuDifficultyM.Value Then OptionsDifficulty = "Medium"
     If Worksheets(WSOptions).SudokuDifficultyD.Value Then OptionsDifficulty = "Difficult"
     If Worksheets(WSOptions).SudokuDifficultyVD.Value Then OptionsDifficulty = "Very Difficult"
End Function

Private Function EstimateDifficulty(ByVal Dbl As Double) As Boolean
    ' Estimate the difficulty based on a calculation from: NbLevel, NbCheckSB, NbCheckU and Time

    EstimateDifficulty = True
    ' 5: Very difficult. If the macro had to make at least 5 guess
    If NbLevel > 5 Then
        Difficulty = "Very difficult"
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' 4: Difficult. If the macro had to make at least 2 guess.
    If NbLevel > 2 Then
        Difficulty = "Difficult"
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' 3: Medium. If the macro had to use the SubGroup rule and resolution time>30
    If NbCheckSB > 0 And ((Dbl > 60 And BoolAllSolutions) Or (Dbl > 30 And Not BoolAllSolutions)) Then
        Difficulty = "Medium"
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' 2: Easy. If the macro did not have to make guess AND to use SubGroup rule.
    If Dbl > 15 Then
        Difficulty = "Easy"
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' 1: Very Easy. Used in all other cases
    Difficulty = "Very Easy"

End Function

Private Function VeryLongComputingTime(MyArray() As Integer) As Boolean
    ' Check if the user want to continue when there is not enough initial values
    Dim i, j, k As Integer
    VeryLongComputingTime = False
    k = 0
    For i = 0 To 8
        For j = 0 To 8
            If MyArray(i, j, 0) <> 0 Then k = k + 1
    If k < 10 Then i = MsgBox("You have launched the resolution of the Sudoku with only " + CStr(k) + " initial values." + Chr(10) + "Since the macro also has to search for all solutions, the MacroSudoku" + Chr(10) + "might take a very long time to end. Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, "Very long processing time")
    If i = vbCancel Then VeryLongComputingTime = True
End Function

Private Function CheckTimeSolution() As Boolean
    ' Check if the the time of solution is still under the limit set in 'Options'
    CheckTimeSolution = True
    If TimeLimitSolution = 0 Then Exit Function
    If (Timer - TimeSolution) > TimeLimitSolution * 60 Then CheckTimeSolution = False
End Function

Private Function CheckTimeGeneration() As Boolean
    ' Check if the the time of solution is still under the limit set in 'Options'
    CheckTimeGeneration = True
    If TimeLimitGeneration = 0 Then Exit Function
    If (Timer - TimeGeneration) > TimeLimitGeneration * 60 Then CheckTimeGeneration = False
End Function

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