Contrôle label/icône (comme dans outlook)

Contenu du snippet

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Créer un usercontrol et copier le code ci-dessous dans le user control. Bon amusement!

Source / Exemple :

Option Explicit
' ****************************************************************************
' *** CONTROLE IconLabel ******************************************* v1.00 ***
' ****************************************************************************
' *** DESCRIPTION:                                                         ***
' ***----------------------------------------------------------------------***
' ***    Label avec icône (comme dans Outlook).                            ***
' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETES:                                                          ***
' ***----------------------------------------------------------------------***
' ***    [RW] BackColor                                                    ***
' ***    [RW] BorderSize                                                   ***
' ***    [RW] Caption                                                      ***
' ***    [RW] CaptionAlignment                                             ***
' ***    [RW] Enabled                                                      ***
' ***    [RW] Font                                                         ***
' ***    [RW] ForeColor                                                    ***
' ***    [RW] Icon                                                         ***
' ***    [RW] IconAlignment                                                ***
' ***    [RW] IconStretch                                                  ***
' ****************************************************************************
' *** EVENEMENTS:                                                          ***
' ***----------------------------------------------------------------------***
' ***    -= C'est un label ... =-                                          ***
' ****************************************************************************
' *** 1.00: Première version.                                              ***
' ****************************************************************************
' *** (c) 2000 FlyKiller. All Rights Reserved. Can Be Distributed Freely.  ***
' ****************************************************************************
Private Const P_BC As String = "BackColor"
Private Const P_BS As String = "BorderSize"
Private Const P_C As String = "Caption"
Private Const P_CA As String = "CaptionAlignment"
Private Const P_F As String = "Font"
Private Const P_FC As String = "ForeColor"
Private Const P_I As String = "Icon"
Private Const P_IA As String = "IconAlignment"
Private Const P_IS As String = "IconStretch"

Public Enum ilIconAlignments
  iliaLeft = 0
  iliaRight = 1
End Enum

Public Enum ilCaptionAlignments
  ilcaLeft = 0
  ilcaCenter = 1
  ilcaRight = 2
End Enum

Private mBS As Integer             ' Propriété BorderSize
Private mC As String               ' Propriété Caption
Private mCA As ilCaptionAlignments ' Propriété CaptionAlignment
Private mI As IPictureDisp         ' Propriété Icon
Private mIA As ilIconAlignments    ' Propriété IconAlignment
Private mIS As Boolean             ' Propriété IconStretch

' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETE BackColor ****************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Public Property Get BackColor() As OLE_COLOR
  BackColor = UserControl.BackColor
End Property
Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal RHS As OLE_COLOR)
  UserControl.BackColor = RHS
  UserControl.PropertyChanged P_BC
End Property

' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETE BorderSize ***************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Public Property Get BorderSize() As Integer
  BorderSize = mBS
End Property
Public Property Let BorderSize(ByVal RHS As Integer)
  mBS = RHS
  UserControl.PropertyChanged P_BS
End Property

' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETE Caption ******************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Public Property Get Caption() As String
  Caption = mC
End Property
Public Property Let Caption(ByVal RHS As String)
  mC = RHS
  UserControl.PropertyChanged P_C
End Property

' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETE CaptionAlignment *********************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Public Property Get CaptionAlignment() As ilCaptionAlignments
  CaptionAlignment = mCA
End Property
Public Property Let CaptionAlignment(ByVal RHS As ilCaptionAlignments)
  mCA = RHS
  UserControl.PropertyChanged P_CA
End Property

' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETE Font *********************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Public Property Get Font() As IFontDisp
  Set Font = UserControl.Font
End Property
Public Property Set Font(ByVal RHS As IFontDisp)
  Set UserControl.Font = RHS
  UserControl.PropertyChanged P_F
End Property

' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETE ForeColor ****************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Public Property Get ForeColor() As OLE_COLOR
  ForeColor = UserControl.ForeColor
End Property
Public Property Let ForeColor(ByVal RHS As OLE_COLOR)
  UserControl.ForeColor = RHS
  UserControl.PropertyChanged P_FC
End Property

' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETE Icon *********************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Public Property Get Icon() As IPictureDisp
  Set Icon = mI
End Property
Public Property Set Icon(ByVal RHS As IPictureDisp)
  Set mI = RHS
  UserControl.PropertyChanged P_I
End Property

' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETE IconAlignment ************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Public Property Get IconAlignment() As ilIconAlignments
  IconAlignment = mIA
End Property
Public Property Let IconAlignment(ByVal RHS As ilIconAlignments)
  mIA = RHS
  UserControl.PropertyChanged P_IA
End Property

' ****************************************************************************
' *** PROPRIETE IconStretch **************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Public Property Get IconStretch() As Boolean
  IconStretch = mIS
End Property
Public Property Let IconStretch(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
  mIS = RHS
  UserControl.PropertyChanged P_IS
End Property

' ****************************************************************************
' *** SUB InitProperties *****************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
'  UserControl.BackColor = .ReadProperty(P_BC, UserControl.BackColor)
  mBS = 2
  mC = ""
  mCA = ilCaptionAlignments.ilcaLeft
'  Set UserControl.Font = .ReadProperty(P_F, UserControl.Font)
'  UserControl.ForeColor = .ReadProperty(P_FC, UserControl.ForeColor)
  Set mI = Nothing
  mIA = ilIconAlignments.iliaLeft
  mIS = True
End Sub

' ****************************************************************************
' *** SUB Paint **************************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Private Sub UserControl_Paint()
Dim SH As Single ' UserControl - ScaleHeight
Dim SW As Single ' UserControl - ScaleWidth
Dim IL As Single ' Icon - Left
Dim IT As Single ' Icon - Top
Dim IW As Single ' Icon - Width
Dim IH As Single ' Icon - Height
Dim ZF As Single ' Zoom Factor: si IH < UC.ScaleHeight + (MBS*2)
Dim CL As Single ' Caption - Left
Dim CT As Single ' Caption - Top
Dim CW As Single ' Caption - Width
Dim CH As Single ' Caption - Height

  With UserControl
    SH = .ScaleHeight
    SW = .ScaleWidth
    ' ==========================================================================
    ' === Dessiner l'icône =====================================================
    ' ==========================================================================
    If Not (mI Is Nothing) Then
      IW = .ScaleX(mI.Width, vbHimetric, .ScaleMode)
      IH = .ScaleY(mI.Height, vbHimetric, .ScaleMode)
      If ((SH - (mBS * 2)) < IH) And (mIS = True) Then
        ZF = (SH - (mBS * 2)) / IH
        IH = IH * ZF
        IW = IW * ZF
        IT = mBS
        IT = (SH - IH) / 2
      End If
      If mIA = iliaLeft Then
        IL = mBS
        IL = SW - (IW + mBS)
      End If
      .PaintPicture mI, IL, IT, IW, IH
    End If
    ' ========================================================================
    ' === Dessiner le texte ==================================================
    ' ========================================================================
    If Len(mC) > 0 Then
      CW = .TextWidth(mC)
      CH = .TextHeight(mC)
      CT = (SH - CH) / 2
      If mCA = ilcaLeft Then
        If mIA = iliaLeft Then
          CL = IL + IW + mBS
          CL = mBS
        End If
      ElseIf mCA = ilcaCenter Then
        CL = (SW - CW) / 2
        If mIA = iliaRight Then
          CL = SW - (IW + CW + mBS * 2)
          CL = SW - (CW + mBS)
        End If
      End If
      .CurrentX = CL
      .CurrentY = CT
      Print mC
    End If
  End With
End Sub

' ****************************************************************************
' *** SUB ReadProperties *****************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
  With PropBag
    UserControl.BackColor = .ReadProperty(P_BC, UserControl.BackColor)
    mBS = .ReadProperty(P_BS, 2)
    mC = .ReadProperty(P_C, "")
    mCA = .ReadProperty(P_CA, ilCaptionAlignments.ilcaLeft)
    Set UserControl.Font = .ReadProperty(P_F, UserControl.Font)
    UserControl.ForeColor = .ReadProperty(P_FC, UserControl.ForeColor)
    Set mI = .ReadProperty(P_I, Nothing)
    mIA = .ReadProperty(P_IA, ilIconAlignments.iliaLeft)
    mIS = .ReadProperty(P_IS, True)
  End With
End Sub

' ****************************************************************************
' *** SUB WriteProperties ****************************************************
' ****************************************************************************
Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
  With PropBag
    .WriteProperty P_BC, UserControl.BackColor
    .WriteProperty P_BS, mBS
    .WriteProperty P_C, mC
    .WriteProperty P_CA, mCA
    .WriteProperty P_F, UserControl.Font
    .WriteProperty P_FC, UserControl.ForeColor
    .WriteProperty P_I, mI
    .WriteProperty P_IA, mIA
    .WriteProperty P_IS, mIS
  End With
End Sub

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