Slideshow images et textes en pur javascript


Voulant me frotter de plus prêt à javascript, j'ai codé un slideshow 'par recouvrement' (z-index).
On peut choisir la direction du recouvrement et l'emplacement du texte.
La vitesse de défilement des images et du texte sont réglables séparément.
La démo se trouve sur cette page:

Source / Exemple :

/* CSS (slideshow.css) */

------------- slideshow CSS ----------------------------------------------------

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.slideshow-img { background-color: white; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; } .content-text { overflow:hidden; position:relative; color:black; /* You can change */ text-align:center; /* You can change */ padding:5px; /* You can change */ margin-left:20px; /* You can change */ margin-right:20px; /* You can change */ z-index:0; } .back-trans { z-index:-1; position:absolute; overflow:hidden; top:0px; bottom:0px; left:0px; right:0px; background-color:white; /* You can change color & opacity */ filter:alpha(opacity=70); opacity:0.7; } .pos-left { right: 9999px; } .pos-right { left: 9999px; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- player CSS ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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.triangle { width:0; height:0; border:8px solid transparent; } .triangle-droit { border-left:8px solid #323536; } .triangle-gauche { border-right:8px solid #323536; } .triangle-play { border-left:12px solid green; float:left; cursor: pointer; } .container-double { cursor: pointer; position:relative; float:left; z-index:11; } .second-triangle-droit { position:absolute; left:8px; top:0px; } .second-triangle-gauche { position:absolute; right:8px; top:0px; } .lecteurSlideShow { position:relative; background-color:white; filter:alpha(opacity=70); opacity:0.7; overflow:auto; padding: 5px 0px 2px 8px; width:70px; z-index:10; } /* END CSS */ /* JAVASCRIPT (slideshow.js) */ /* ############################################################################ ## ## ## Copyright (C) 2012 AnsuzPeorth (ansuzpeorth AT gmail DOT com) ## ## ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## ## along with this program. If not, see <>. ## ## ## ############################################################################
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function ClassSlideshow() { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- class variable ----------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.currentSlide = 0; this.flagSliding = true; var _self = this; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- utility ------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.returnType = function() { if(this.currentElement.textPosition == 'left') { var type = 'right'; } else{ var type = 'left'; } return type; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- image animation ---------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.refreshOrderSlideList = function() { // enleve le premier div de la liste et ajoute un nouveau à la fin this.orderSlideListe[0] = -2; this.orderSlideListe.shift(); this.currentSlide += 1; if(this.currentSlide == this.slideshowImages.length) {this.currentSlide=0 }; this.currentElement = this.slideshowImages[this.currentSlide]; this.orderSlideListe[2] = this.currentElement; this.orderSlideListe[1] = 1; this.orderSlideListe[0] = 0; } this.refreshOrderSlideListInvert = function() { // tri de la liste inversée this.orderSlideListe[0] = this.orderSlideListe[1]; this.orderSlideListe[1] = this.orderSlideListe[2]; this.currentSlide -= 1; if(this.currentSlide == -1) {this.currentSlide = this.slideshowImages.length-1}; this.currentElement = this.slideshowImages[this.currentSlide]; this.orderSlideListe[2] = this.currentElement; this.orderSlideListe[1] = 1; this.orderSlideListe[0] = 0; } this.manageSlides = function(sens) { // @sens bool if(sens){ this.refreshOrderSlideListInvert(); }else { this.refreshOrderSlideList(); } = 2; this.animateSlide(this.currentElement.sliding, this.currentElement.div, this.slideHeight, this.currentElement.animationPas, this.currentElement.animationProgress); } this.animateSlide = function(type, div, pos, pas, timing) { // @type top,bottom,left,right // @div the current div image // @pos the position in pixel // @pas the pas of progress // @timing the delay if(pos <= 0){ eval(''+type +' = "0px"'); this.launchTextAnimation(); } else { eval(''+type +' = "'+pos+'px"'); this.animateTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { _self.animateSlide(type, div, pos-pas, pas, timing); },timing); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- texte animation ---------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.launchTextAnimation = function() { var div_text = this.currentElement.divText; var type = this.returnType(); = this.currentElement.textPosition; = this.currentElement.textTop+'px'; eval(''+type+' = "'+div_text.offsetWidth+'px"'); this.animateText( div_text, type, div_text.offsetWidth, this.currentElement.animationTextPas, this.currentElement.animationTextProgress); } this.animateText = function(div_text, type, pos, pas, timing) { // @type left,right // @div_text the current div text // @pos the position in pixel // @pas the pas of progress // @timing the delay if(pos <= 0) { eval(''+type+' = "0px"'); if(this.flagSliding) { this.animeTextTimeout = window.setTimeout(function(){ _self.hideDivText(div_text, type); }, this.slideChangeDelay); } }else { eval(''+type+' = "'+pos+'px"'); this.timeOutText = window.setTimeout(function(){ _self.animateText(div_text, type, pos-pas, pas, timing); }, timing); } } this.hideDivText = function(div, type) { // @type left,right // @div the current div text eval(''+type+' = "9999px"'); if(this.flagSliding) { this.manageSlides(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- creation slideshow ------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.createSlideshow = function() { var divContainer = document.getElementById(this.slideContentDiv); = this.slideWidth+'px'; = this.slideHeight+'px'; = 'auto'; = 'hidden'; = 'relative'; divContainer.setAttribute('onmouseover','.mouseOverCb()'); divContainer.setAttribute('onmouseout','.mouseOutCb()'); for(var i in this.slideshowImages) { var element = this.slideshowImages[i] var container = document.createElement('div'); = this.slideWidth+'px'; = this.slideHeight+'px'; = -2; = 'absolute'; = 'url("'+element.url+'")'; container.className = 'slideshow-img'; var div_text = document.createElement('div'); div_text.className = 'content-text pos-'+element.textPosition; div_text.innerHTML = '<div class="back-trans"></div>'+element.text; container.appendChild(div_text); divContainer.appendChild(container); this.slideshowImages[i].div = container; this.slideshowImages[i].divText = div_text; } divContainer.appendChild(this.createPlayer()); // chargement de la liste de reference des slideimage.(3 necessaires,zIndex) this.orderSlideListe = [ this.slideshowImages[this.slideshowImages.length-2], this.slideshowImages[this.slideshowImages.length-1], this.slideshowImages[0], ]; this.currentElement = this.slideshowImages[0]; = 2; this.launchTextAnimation(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- slideshow callbacks ------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.mouseOverCb = function() { = this.slideHeight - 22 +'px'; } this.mouseOutCb = function() { = this.slideHeight - 2 +'px'; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- creation player ---------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.createPlayer = function() { this.lecteur = document.createElement('div'); this.lecteur.className = 'lecteurSlideShow'; = (this.slideWidth / 2) - 70 +'px'; = this.slideHeight - 2 +'px'; this.playButton = document.createElement('div'); this.playButton.className = 'triangle triangle-play'; this.playButton.setAttribute('onclick', +'.playerPlayClickedCb(this)'); this.lecteur.appendChild(this.playButton); var contain_double = document.createElement('div'); contain_double.className = 'container-double'; var triangle = document.createElement('div'); triangle.className = 'triangle triangle-gauche'; contain_double.appendChild(triangle); var second_triangle = document.createElement('div'); second_triangle.className = 'triangle triangle-gauche second-triangle-gauche'; contain_double.appendChild(second_triangle); contain_double.setAttribute('onclick', +'.playerPrecedentClickedCb()'); this.lecteur.appendChild(contain_double); var contain_double = document.createElement('div'); contain_double.className = 'container-double'; = '10px'; var triangle = document.createElement('div'); triangle.className = 'triangle triangle-droit'; contain_double.appendChild(triangle); var second_triangle = document.createElement('div'); second_triangle.className = 'triangle triangle-droit second-triangle-droit'; contain_double.appendChild(second_triangle); contain_double.setAttribute('onclick', +'.playerSuivantClickedCb()'); this.lecteur.appendChild(contain_double); return this.lecteur; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------- player callbacks --------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.playerPlayClickedCb = function(div) { // @div the div of play button if(this.flagSliding) { window.clearTimeout(this.animeTextTimeout); window.clearTimeout(this.timeOutText); this.flagSliding = false; = '12px solid red'; }else { this.flagSliding = true; = '12px solid green'; this.hideDivText(this.currentElement.divText, this.returnType()); } } this.playerSuivantClickedCb = function(flag) { // @flag bool sens of sort window.clearTimeout(this.timeOutText); window.clearTimeout(this.animeTextTimeout); if(this.flagSliding) { this.playerPlayClickedCb(this.playButton); } this.hideDivText(this.currentElement.divText, this.returnType()); this.manageSlides(flag); } this.playerPrecedentClickedCb = function() { this.playerSuivantClickedCb(true) } } /* END JAVASCRIPT */ /* HTML (slideshow.html) */ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html><head> <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type"> <script src="slideshow.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="slideshow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <title>Ansuz Slideshow</title> <script type="text/javascript"> /* reference pour une image -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { url:'visuel_1.jpg', sliding: 'top/bottom/left/right', text: 'Le texte', textPosition: 'left/right', textTop: '70', => position du texte par le haut en pixel animationPas:'10', => le nombre de pixel à chaque itérations, en pixel animationProgress:'50', => itération en ms animationTextPas:'5', => le nombre de pixel à chaque itérations, en pixel animationTextProgress:'5', => itération en ms } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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var listeImages = [ { url:'visuel_1.jpg', sliding: 'top', text: 'Visitez nos cotes sauvages', textPosition: 'left', textTop: '70', animationPas:'10', animationProgress:'50', animationTextPas:'5', animationTextProgress:'5', }, { url:'visuel_2.jpg', sliding:'bottom', text:'Nos falaises remarquables', textPosition:'left', textTop:'20', animationPas:'10', animationProgress:'50', animationTextPas:'5', animationTextProgress:'5', }, { url:'visuel_3.jpg', sliding:'top', text:'Protégée du grand large', textPosition:'right', textTop:'100', animationPas:'10', animationProgress:'50', animationTextPas:'5', animationTextProgress:'5', }, { url:'visuel_4.jpg', sliding:'bottom', text:'Notre lagon de mer turquoise', textPosition:'left', textTop:'100', animationPas:'10', animationProgress:'50', animationTextPas:'5', animationTextProgress:'5', }, { url:'visuel_5.jpg', sliding:'top', text:'Sans oublier nos plages de sables fin<br>et nos filles dénudées !', textPosition:'right', textTop:'20', animationPas:'10', animationProgress:'50', animationTextPas:'5', animationTextProgress:'5', }, ]; var monSlideshow = new ClassSlideshow(); monSlideshow.slideshowImages = listeImages; = 'monSlideshow'; //indiquer nom de la var utiliser pour la class monSlideshow.slideHeight = 150; monSlideshow.slideWidth = 700; monSlideshow.slideChangeDelay = 3000; // 3 secondes entre chaque image monSlideshow.slideContentDiv = 'slideshow'; //la div contenant le slideshow if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", monSlideshow.createSlideshow()); } else { window.onload = function() { monSlideshow.createSlideshow(); } } </script> </head> <body> <br> <div id="slideshow"> </div> </body></html> /* END HTML */

Conclusion :

Version actuelle: 3 (code ci-dessus version 1)
L'archive en PJ contient des images pour pouvoir tester de suite ;)
Je n'ai pas essayé sous IE (le player est en CSS, et les border transparent sous ie, je sais pas...!), si qql'un peut me donner un retour à ce sujet ?
Toutes critiques bienvenues, je ne suis pas expert en javascript (ni en autre choses d'ailleurs !)


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