Encore un pong (linux, curses) [gcc]

Contenu du snippet

Ben oui, encore un clone de pong...! Bah, si on peut appeler sa un clone... C'est encore plus laid!!
Et comme j'utilise les curses, bah pour que la balle bouge, faut appuyer sur une touche :S
Enfin... utilisez 'w' et 's' pour le pad de gauche, et 'o' et 'l' pour le pad de droit.
Le jeu quitte lorsque vous marquez un point.
    • Petite amelioration : La balle continue de bouger meme sans appuyer sur un touche. J'ai trouver comment continuer un traitement dans une boucle tout en reagissant si une touche est enfoncee!!

Source / Exemple :

| Pong - main.c                          |
|    Jeu tres simple base sur le         |
|    classique pong. Utilise les curses. |
|                                        |
| Auteur: Martin Boulianne               |
| e-mail: frzburn@gmail.com            	 |

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <term.h>

/* Constants definitions */
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 		40	/* Set the screen height */
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 		120	/* Set the screen width */
#define LOCAL_ESCAPE_KEY	27	/* Local escape key code */
#define BALL_SPEED		1	/* Set the ball movement speed */

static struct termios initial_settings, new_settings;
static int peek_character = -1;

/* Functions prototypes */
void printTable(char table[SCREEN_HEIGHT + 1][SCREEN_WIDTH + 1]);
void init_keyboard();
void close_keyboard();
int move_ball(char table[SCREEN_HEIGHT + 1][SCREEN_WIDTH + 1]);
int kbhit();
int readch();

/* Global variables */
int pad1, pad2;		/* Actual pads position */
int pad1_, pad2_;	/* Old pads position */
int ball_x, ball_y;	/* Actual ball position */
int ball_xi, ball_yi;	/* Ball deplacement vector */
int ball_x_, ball_y_;	/* Old ball position */

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, j, key;
    char table[SCREEN_HEIGHT + 1][SCREEN_WIDTH + 1];

    /* Variables initialisation */
    pad1 = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 2;
    pad2 = pad1;
    pad1_ = pad1;
    pad2_ = pad1;
    ball_y = 16;
    ball_x = 70;
    ball_y_ = ball_y;
    ball_x_ = ball_x;
    ball_xi = -2;		/* Giving initial ball movement */
    ball_yi = -1;

    /* Puts empty character in each table case */
    for(i = 0; i < SCREEN_HEIGHT; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < SCREEN_WIDTH; j++) {
            table[i][j] = ' ';

    /* Make the borders of the table */
    for(i = 0; i <= SCREEN_HEIGHT; i++) {
       table[i][0] = 'X';
       table[i][SCREEN_WIDTH] = 'X'; 

    for(i = 0; i <= SCREEN_WIDTH; i++) {
       table[0][i] = 'X';
       table[SCREEN_HEIGHT][i] = 'X';

    /* Put the ball in the table */
    table[ball_y][ball_x] = 'O';

    /* Put the pads in the table */
    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
	table[pad1 + i][SCREEN_WIDTH - 4] = 'H';
	table[pad2 + i][4] = 'H';



    /* Now we're ready to manage the keys pressed */
    keypad(stdscr, TRUE);

    key = getch();

    while(1) {

		key = readch();

        switch(key) {
            case 'o':
		if(pad1 > 1)
		    pad1 -= 1;
	    case 'l':
		if(pad1 < SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8)
		    pad1 += 1;
	    case 'w':
		if(pad2 > 1)
		    pad2 -= 1;
	    case 's':
	        if(pad2 < SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8)
			pad2 += 1;

	switch(move_ball(table)) {
	     case 1:
		move(SCREEN_HEIGHT + 3, 5);
		printw("%s", "Player 1 won!");
	    case 2:
		move(SCREEN_HEIGHT + 3, 5);
                printw("%s", "Player 2 won!");


        pad1_ = pad1;
	pad2_ = pad2;
	ball_y_ = ball_y;
	ball_x_ = ball_x;

	key = 0;



/* Refresh the ball position in the table and manage collisions */
int move_ball(char table[SCREEN_HEIGHT + 1][SCREEN_WIDTH + 1])
    /* If the ball reches the top or the bottom */
    if(((ball_y + ball_yi * BALL_SPEED) <= 0) || ((ball_y + ball_yi * BALL_SPEED) >= (SCREEN_HEIGHT)))
	ball_yi = -ball_yi;

    /* If the ball hit the left paddle */
    if(((ball_x + ball_xi * BALL_SPEED) <= 4) && (((ball_y + ball_yi * BALL_SPEED) >= pad2))) { 
        if((ball_y + ball_yi * BALL_SPEED) <= pad2 + 8)
	    ball_xi = -ball_xi;

    /* If the ball hit the right paddle */
    if(((ball_x + ball_xi * BALL_SPEED) >= SCREEN_WIDTH - 4) && (((ball_y + ball_yi * BALL_SPEED) >= pad1))) {
        if((ball_y + ball_yi * BALL_SPEED) <= pad1 + 8)
            ball_xi = -ball_xi;

    /* If it passes either paddle */
    if((ball_x + ball_xi * BALL_SPEED) <= 0)
	return 1;

    if((ball_x + ball_xi * BALL_SPEED) >= SCREEN_WIDTH)
	return 2;

    ball_y += ball_yi * BALL_SPEED;
    ball_x += ball_xi * BALL_SPEED;

    table[ball_y_][ball_x_] = ' ';
    table[ball_y][ball_x] = 'O';

    return 0;

/* Print the whole table on the screen */
void printTable(char table[SCREEN_HEIGHT + 1][SCREEN_WIDTH + 1])
    int i, j;

    /* Refresh pads position */
    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        table[pad1_ + i][SCREEN_WIDTH - 4] = ' ';
        table[pad2_ + i][4] = ' ';
    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        table[pad1 + i][SCREEN_WIDTH - 4] = 'H';
        table[pad2 + i][4] = 'H';

    /* Print the whole table on the screen */
    for(i = 0; i <= SCREEN_HEIGHT; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j <= SCREEN_WIDTH; j++) {
            move(i, j);

    /* Move the cursor away from the table */
    move(SCREEN_HEIGHT + 5, SCREEN_WIDTH + 5);
    addch(' ');


void init_keyboard()
    new_settings = initial_settings;
    new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
    new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
    new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ISIG;
    new_settings.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    new_settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings);

void close_keyboard()
    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &initial_settings);

int kbhit()
    char ch;
    int nread;

    if(peek_character != -1)
        return 1;
    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings);
    nread = read(0, &ch, 1);
    tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings);

    if(nread == 1) {
        peek_character = ch;
        return 1;
    return 0;

int readch()
    char ch;

    if(peek_character != -1) {
        ch = peek_character;
        peek_character = -1;
        return ch;
    read(0, &ch, 1);
    return ch;

Conclusion :

Bon, c'est encore incomplet, je viens tout juste de finir de le faire fonctionner.
Et le code pourrait etre optimisé, sa ne fait aucun doute =P
Ha, ya les characteres aussi que je veux changer, mettre un rectangle plein a place des 'X' et des 'H'...
Mais pour l'instant c'est ca... Je suis tanné pour aujourd'hui....
Pour compiler, oubliez pas de mettre les curses. Sa devrait ressembler a :
cc main.c -o pong -lcurses (et -Wall et tout ca si vous voulez =P)

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