Morpion by cda


Un morpion tout simple, histoire de s'occuper pendant les heures de bureau.

Source / Exemple :

Option Explicit
'   Déclaration des variables globales

Dim nbParties       As Integer
Dim nbGagnees       As Integer
Dim nbNulles        As Integer
Dim matrix(8)       As String
Dim fin As Boolean

Private Sub initRaz()
'   Initialisation de l'affichage
Dim cpt             As Integer

    For cpt = 0 To 8
        matrix(cpt) = "N"
    Next cpt
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'   Chargement de l'appli
    nbParties = 0
    nbGagnees = 0
    nbNulles = 0
    ' Affichage du titre de l'appli
    With Me
        .Caption = App.Title
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub men_abt_Click()
'   Affichage de la fenêtre A propos ..
End Sub

Private Sub men_aid_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub men_new_Click()
'   Remise à zéro quand fichier/nouveau
End Sub

Private Sub men_quit_Click()
'   Menu Fichier/quitter
End Sub

Private Sub picTable_Click(Index As Integer)
'   Procédure principale
Dim cpt             As Integer
Dim enCours         As Integer

    For cpt = 0 To 8
        picTable(cpt).Enabled = False
    Next cpt
    fin = False
    If StrComp(matrix(Index), "N") = 0 Then
        picTable(Index).Line (picTable(Index).ScaleTop, picTable(Index).ScaleLeft)-(picTable(Index).ScaleHeight, picTable(Index).ScaleWidth)
        picTable(Index).Line (picTable(Index).ScaleLeft, picTable(Index).ScaleHeight)-(picTable(Index).ScaleWidth, picTable(Index).ScaleTop)
        matrix(Index) = "X"
        enCours = verifFin
        If Not fin Then
            cpt = testCoup("X")
            picTable(cpt).Circle (picTable(cpt).ScaleHeight / 2 - 5, picTable(cpt).ScaleWidth / 2 - 5), (picTable(cpt).ScaleHeight / 2 - 5)
            matrix(cpt) = "O"
            enCours = verifFin
        End If
        If fin Then
            If enCours = 0 Then
                MsgBox "Vous avez perdu !"
            ElseIf enCours = 1 Then
                MsgBox "Vous avez gagné !"
                nbGagnees = nbGagnees + 1
            ElseIf enCours = -1 Then
                MsgBox "Match nul !"
                nbNulles = nbNulles + 1
            End If
            nbParties = nbParties + 1
            lblScore.Caption = nbGagnees & "/" & nbParties
            Label1.Caption = nbNulles & "/" & nbParties
        End If
    End If
    For cpt = 0 To 8
        picTable(cpt).Enabled = True
    Next cpt
End Sub

Function verifFin() As Integer
Dim test As Boolean
Dim cpt  As Integer

    Select Case Abs(verifLigne)
        Case 1: picTable(0).Cls
                picTable(0).Line (picTable(0).ScaleTop, picTable(0).ScaleWidth / 2)-(picTable(0).ScaleHeight, picTable(0).ScaleWidth / 2)
                picTable(1).Line (picTable(1).ScaleTop, picTable(1).ScaleWidth / 2)-(picTable(1).ScaleHeight, picTable(1).ScaleWidth / 2)
                picTable(2).Line (picTable(2).ScaleTop, picTable(2).ScaleWidth / 2)-(picTable(2).ScaleHeight, picTable(2).ScaleWidth / 2)
                fin = True
        Case 2: picTable(3).Cls
                picTable(3).Line (picTable(3).ScaleTop, picTable(3).ScaleWidth / 2)-(picTable(3).ScaleHeight, picTable(3).ScaleWidth / 2)
                picTable(4).Line (picTable(4).ScaleTop, picTable(4).ScaleWidth / 2)-(picTable(4).ScaleHeight, picTable(4).ScaleWidth / 2)
                picTable(5).Line (picTable(5).ScaleTop, picTable(5).ScaleWidth / 2)-(picTable(5).ScaleHeight, picTable(5).ScaleWidth / 2)
                fin = True
        Case 3: picTable(6).Cls
                picTable(6).Line (picTable(6).ScaleTop, picTable(6).ScaleWidth / 2)-(picTable(6).ScaleHeight, picTable(6).ScaleWidth / 2)
                picTable(7).Line (picTable(7).ScaleTop, picTable(7).ScaleWidth / 2)-(picTable(7).ScaleHeight, picTable(7).ScaleWidth / 2)
                picTable(8).Line (picTable(8).ScaleTop, picTable(8).ScaleWidth / 2)-(picTable(8).ScaleHeight, picTable(8).ScaleWidth / 2)
                fin = True
    End Select
    Select Case Abs(verifColonne)
        Case 1: picTable(0).Cls
                picTable(0).Line (picTable(0).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(0).ScaleTop)-(picTable(0).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(0).ScaleHeight)
                picTable(3).Line (picTable(3).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(3).ScaleTop)-(picTable(3).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(3).ScaleHeight)
                picTable(6).Line (picTable(6).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(6).ScaleTop)-(picTable(6).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(6).ScaleHeight)
                fin = True
        Case 2: picTable(1).Cls
                picTable(1).Line (picTable(1).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(1).ScaleTop)-(picTable(1).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(1).ScaleHeight)
                picTable(4).Line (picTable(4).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(4).ScaleTop)-(picTable(4).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(4).ScaleHeight)
                picTable(7).Line (picTable(7).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(7).ScaleTop)-(picTable(7).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(7).ScaleHeight)
                fin = True
        Case 3: picTable(2).Cls
                picTable(2).Line (picTable(2).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(2).ScaleTop)-(picTable(2).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(2).ScaleHeight)
                picTable(5).Line (picTable(5).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(5).ScaleTop)-(picTable(5).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(5).ScaleHeight)
                picTable(8).Line (picTable(8).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(8).ScaleTop)-(picTable(8).ScaleWidth / 2, picTable(8).ScaleHeight)
                fin = True
    End Select
    Select Case Abs(verifDiagonal)
        Case 1: picTable(0).Cls
                picTable(0).Line (picTable(0).ScaleTop, picTable(0).ScaleLeft)-(picTable(0).ScaleWidth, picTable(0).ScaleHeight)
                picTable(4).Line (picTable(4).ScaleTop, picTable(4).ScaleLeft)-(picTable(4).ScaleWidth, picTable(4).ScaleHeight)
                picTable(8).Line (picTable(8).ScaleTop, picTable(8).ScaleLeft)-(picTable(8).ScaleWidth, picTable(8).ScaleHeight)
                fin = True
        Case 2: picTable(2).Cls
                picTable(2).Line (picTable(2).ScaleHeight, picTable(2).ScaleLeft)-(picTable(2).ScaleTop, picTable(2).ScaleWidth)
                picTable(4).Line (picTable(4).ScaleHeight, picTable(4).ScaleLeft)-(picTable(4).ScaleTop, picTable(4).ScaleWidth)
                picTable(6).Line (picTable(6).ScaleHeight, picTable(6).ScaleLeft)-(picTable(6).ScaleTop, picTable(6).ScaleWidth)
                fin = True
    End Select
    test = False
    If matrix(0) <> "N" And matrix(1) <> "N" And matrix(2) <> "N" And _
       matrix(3) <> "N" And matrix(4) <> "N" And matrix(5) <> "N" And _
       matrix(6) <> "N" And matrix(7) <> "N" And matrix(8) <> "N" Then
       fin = True
       test = True
    End If
    If fin Then
        If verifLigne < 0 Or verifColonne < 0 Or verifDiagonal < 0 Then
            verifFin = 0
        ElseIf verifLigne > 0 Or verifColonne > 0 Or verifDiagonal > 0 Then
            verifFin = 1
        ElseIf test Then
            verifFin = -1
        End If
    End If

End Function

Function verifLigne() As Integer

Dim tmpLigne        As Integer
Dim tmpJoueur       As String

    tmpLigne = 0
    If (matrix(0) = matrix(1) And matrix(1) = matrix(2) And matrix(2) <> "N") Then
        tmpLigne = 1
        tmpJoueur = matrix(0)
    ElseIf (matrix(3) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) <> "N") Then
        tmpLigne = 2
        tmpJoueur = matrix(3)
    ElseIf (matrix(6) = matrix(7) And matrix(7) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) <> "N") Then
        tmpLigne = 3
        tmpJoueur = matrix(6)
    End If
    If tmpJoueur = "O" And tmpLigne <> 0 Then
        tmpLigne = 0 - tmpLigne
    End If
    verifLigne = tmpLigne

End Function

Function verifColonne() As Integer

Dim tmpColonne      As Integer
Dim tmpJoueur       As String

    tmpColonne = 0
    If (matrix(0) = matrix(3) And matrix(3) = matrix(6) And matrix(6) <> "N") Then
        tmpColonne = 1
        tmpJoueur = matrix(0)
    ElseIf (matrix(1) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = matrix(7) And matrix(7) <> "N") Then
        tmpColonne = 2
        tmpJoueur = matrix(1)
    ElseIf (matrix(2) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) <> "N") Then
        tmpColonne = 3
        tmpJoueur = matrix(2)
    End If
    If tmpJoueur = "O" And tmpColonne <> 0 Then
        tmpColonne = 0 - tmpColonne
    End If
    verifColonne = tmpColonne

End Function

Function verifDiagonal() As Integer

Dim tmpDiagonal     As Integer
Dim tmpJoueur       As String

    tmpDiagonal = 0
    If (matrix(0) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) <> "N") Then
        tmpDiagonal = 1
        tmpJoueur = matrix(0)
    ElseIf (matrix(2) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = matrix(6) And matrix(6) <> "N") Then
        tmpDiagonal = 2
        tmpJoueur = matrix(2)
    End If
    If tmpJoueur = "O" And tmpDiagonal <> 0 Then
        tmpDiagonal = 0 - tmpDiagonal
    End If
    verifDiagonal = tmpDiagonal

End Function

Function testCoup(joueur As String) As Integer

Dim tmpCp           As Integer
Dim tmpRnd          As Integer
Dim trouve          As Boolean

    If (matrix(0) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = "O" And matrix(4) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(2) = matrix(6) And matrix(6) = "O" And matrix(4) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(1) = matrix(7) And matrix(7) = "O" And matrix(4) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(3) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) = "O" And matrix(4) = "N") Then
       ' Case du milieu
        tmpCp = 4
    ElseIf (matrix(1) = matrix(2) And matrix(2) = "O" And matrix(0) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(3) = matrix(6) And matrix(6) = "O" And matrix(0) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(4) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = "O" And matrix(0) = "N") Then
       ' Premier coin, en haut à gauche
        tmpCp = 0
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(1) And matrix(1) = "O" And matrix(2) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(6) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = "O" And matrix(2) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(8) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) = "O" And matrix(2) = "N") Then
       ' Second coin, en haut à droite
        tmpCp = 2
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(3) And matrix(3) = "O" And matrix(6) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(2) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = "O" And matrix(6) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(7) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = "O" And matrix(6) = "N") Then
       ' Troisième coin, en bas à gauche
        tmpCp = 6
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = "O" And matrix(8) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(2) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) = "O" And matrix(8) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(6) = matrix(7) And matrix(7) = "O" And matrix(8) = "N") Then
        ' Quatrième coin, en bas à gauche
        tmpCp = 8
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(2) And matrix(2) = "O" And matrix(1) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(4) = matrix(7) And matrix(7) = "O" And matrix(1) = "N") Then
       ' Au centre, en haut
        tmpCp = 1
    ElseIf (matrix(6) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = "O" And matrix(7) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(1) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = "O" And matrix(7) = "N") Then
       ' Au centre, en bas
        tmpCp = 7
    ElseIf (matrix(3) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = "O" And matrix(5) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(2) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = "O" And matrix(5) = "N") Then
       ' Au centre, à droite
        tmpCp = 5
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(6) And matrix(6) = "O" And matrix(3) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(4) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) = "O" And matrix(3) = "N") Then
       ' Au centre, à gauche
        tmpCp = 3
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = joueur And matrix(4) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(2) = matrix(6) And matrix(6) = joueur And matrix(4) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(1) = matrix(7) And matrix(7) = joueur And matrix(4) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(3) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) = joueur And matrix(4) = "N") Then
       ' Case du milieu
        tmpCp = 4
    ElseIf (matrix(1) = matrix(2) And matrix(2) = joueur And matrix(0) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(3) = matrix(6) And matrix(6) = joueur And matrix(0) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(4) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = joueur And matrix(0) = "N") Then
       ' Premier coin, en haut à gauche
        tmpCp = 0
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(1) And matrix(1) = joueur And matrix(2) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(6) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = joueur And matrix(2) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(8) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) = joueur And matrix(2) = "N") Then
       ' Second coin, en haut à droite
        tmpCp = 2
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(3) And matrix(3) = joueur And matrix(6) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(2) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = joueur And matrix(6) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(7) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = joueur And matrix(6) = "N") Then
       ' Troisième coin, en bas à gauche
        tmpCp = 6
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = joueur And matrix(8) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(2) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) = joueur And matrix(8) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(6) = matrix(7) And matrix(7) = joueur And matrix(8) = "N") Then
        ' Quatrième coin, en bas à gauche
        tmpCp = 8
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(2) And matrix(2) = joueur And matrix(1) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(4) = matrix(7) And matrix(7) = joueur And matrix(1) = "N") Then
       ' Au centre, en haut
        tmpCp = 1
    ElseIf (matrix(6) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = joueur And matrix(7) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(1) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = joueur And matrix(7) = "N") Then
       ' Au centre, en bas
        tmpCp = 7
    ElseIf (matrix(3) = matrix(4) And matrix(4) = joueur And matrix(5) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(2) = matrix(8) And matrix(8) = joueur And matrix(5) = "N") Then
       ' Au centre, à droite
        tmpCp = 5
    ElseIf (matrix(0) = matrix(6) And matrix(6) = joueur And matrix(3) = "N") Or _
       (matrix(4) = matrix(5) And matrix(5) = joueur And matrix(3) = "N") Then
       ' Au centre, à gauche
        tmpCp = 3
        trouve = False
            tmpRnd = Int((8 * Rnd))
            If matrix(tmpRnd) = "N" Then
                tmpCp = tmpRnd
                trouve = True
            End If
        Loop Until trouve
    End If
    testCoup = tmpCp

End Function

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