Affichage d'une fonction mathématique sous forme de graphique

Contenu du snippet

voila une application php permettant d'afficher une fonction php de votre choix.


fonction: la fonction, necessite une syntaxe PHP

axex : nombre de pixel pour 1 unité sur laxe X

axey : nombre de pixel pour 1 unité sur laxe X

Source / Exemple :

function graphe($formule, $axex, $axey){
$param[height] = "500";
$param[width] = "500";
$param[gradx] = "20"; //nbr de pixel pour 1 de largeur
$param[grady] = "20"; //nbr de pixel pour 1 de hauteur
$pos_top = "20";
$im = ImageCreate($param[width], $param[height]);
if ($axex != "" AND $axex >= "5" AND $axex <= "100"){ $param[gradx] = $axex; }
else { $param[gradx] = "20"; }
if ($axey != "" AND $axey >= "5" AND $axey <= "100"){ $param[grady] = $axey; }
else { $param[grady] = "20"; }
if ($formule  == "") $formule = 'x*x';

$formule = str_replace(' ', '+', $formule);

//Traitement de la formule
$formule1 = str_replace('x', '$x', $formule);
$formule2 = str_replace('x', '$x2', $formule);

function puis($x, $exposant){
$x2 = $x;
for ($i = "0"; $i< $exposant;$i++){
return $x;

$white = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255,255,255);
$black = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0,0,0);
$red = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 220,0,0);
$backgr = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 220,220,220);
$grey_title = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 190,190,190);
$grey_sombre = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 100,50,50);
$quadrillage = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 200,200,200);
$axe_blue = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 193,161,114);
$box_border_top = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 100,100,100);
$box_border_left = $box_border_top;
$box_border_right = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 50,50,50);
$box_border_bottom = $box_border_right;
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $backgr);
	ImageLine($im, 0, 0, 0, $param[height], $box_border_top);
	ImageLine($im, 0, 0, $param[width], 0, $box_border_left);
	ImageLine($im, ($param[width]-1), 0, ($param[width]-1), ($param[height]-1), $black);
	ImageLine($im, ($param[width]-1), ($param[height]-1), 0, ($param[height]-1), $black);

	ImageLine($im, ($param[width]/2), (30+$pos_top), ($param[width]/2), (($param[height]-180)+$pos_top), $axe_blue);
	ImageLine($im, 100, (((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)+$pos_top), ($param[width]-100), (((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)+$pos_top), $axe_blue);
		ImageLine($im, ($param[width]/2), (30+$pos_top), (($param[width]/2)-5), (40+$pos_top), $axe_blue);
		ImageLine($im, ($param[width]/2), (30+$pos_top), (($param[width]/2)+5), (40+$pos_top), $axe_blue);
		ImageLine($im, ($param[width]-100), (((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)+$pos_top), (($param[width]-100)-10), ((((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)+5)+$pos_top), $axe_blue);
		ImageLine($im, ($param[width]-100), (((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)+$pos_top), (($param[width]-100)-10), ((((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)-5)+$pos_top), $axe_blue);

$center_width = (($param[width]-200)/2)+100;
$center_height = ((($param[height]-210)/2)+30+$pos_top);

for ($i = 1; $i < "200"; $i++ ){
if ($i*$param[gradx] < "150"){
//quadrillage + graduage
ImageLine($im, 100, (((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)+$pos_top+($i*$param[grady])), ($param[width]-100), (((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)+$pos_top+($i*$param[grady])), $quadrillage);
ImageLine($im, 100, (((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)+$pos_top-($i*$param[grady])), ($param[width]-100), (((($param[height]-210)/2)+30)+$pos_top-($i*$param[grady])), $quadrillage);
ImageLine($im, (($param[width]/2)-($i*$param[gradx])), (30+$pos_top), (($param[width]/2)-($i*$param[gradx])), (($param[height]-180)+$pos_top), $quadrillage);
ImageLine($im, (($param[width]/2)+($i*$param[gradx])), (30+$pos_top), (($param[width]/2)+($i*$param[gradx])), (($param[height]-180)+$pos_top), $quadrillage);

ImageLine($im, ($center_width+($i*$param[gradx])), ($center_height-2), ($center_width+($i*$param[gradx])), ($center_height+2), $axe_blue);
ImageLine($im, ($center_width+($i*-$param[gradx])), ($center_height-2), ($center_width+($i*-$param[gradx])), ($center_height+2), $axe_blue);
if ($i*$param[grady] < "150"){
ImageLine($im, ($center_width-2), ($center_height+($i*$param[grady])), ($center_width+2), ($center_height+($i*$param[grady])), $axe_blue);
ImageLine($im, ($center_width-2), ($center_height+($i*-$param[grady])), ($center_width+2), ($center_height+($i*-$param[grady])), $axe_blue);

	ImageString($im, 3, 130, 10, "** Mathematical Function Shower **", $grey_title);
	ImageString($im, 3, 10, 35+320, "Entries:", $black);
	ImageString($im, 2, 10, 55+320, "function : ", $grey_sombre);
	ImageString($im, 2, 90, 55+320, "$formule", $grey_sombre);
	ImageString($im, 2, 10, 75+320, "Echelle [x] : 1/$param[gradx]", $box_border_top);
	ImageString($im, 2, 10, 90+320, "Echelle [y] : 1/$param[grady]", $box_border_top);
	ImageString($im, 3, 250, 480, " v.1 (c) by Colder -", $grey_title);
//affichage des points
for ($i = "-140"; $i < "140"; $i++ ){
$x = (1/$param[gradx])*$i;
$x2 = (1/$param[gradx])*($i-1);
 eval( "\$result_op = $formule1;" );
 eval( "\$result_op_back = $formule2;" );
$result_op = $result_op*$param[grady]*(-1);
$result_op_back = $result_op_back*$param[grady]*(-1);
if ($result_op < 140 AND $result_op > -140 AND $result_op_back < 140 AND $result_op_back > -140 ){
ImageLine($im, ($center_width+$i), ($center_height+$result_op), ($center_width+($i-1)), ($center_height+$result_op_back), $black);

//affichange de l'image
Header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");

graphe($formule, $axex, $axey);

Conclusion :

petite imprécision détectée avec la fonction x

j'ai absolument aucune idée d'ou ca peut venir.

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