Classe matrix

Contenu du snippet

Une classe matrix en template pour effectuer les opérations courantes sur matrices: additions, multiplications, inversions.

Source / Exemple :


  • TMatrix c++ class
  • 2002
  • This class implement an object with 2 dimensional array
  • like a matrix. Elements are stored into a simple array. Another
  • array contain a pointer on each row.
  • When you build a matrix, like "TMatrix<float> a(6,4);", you must
  • de-allocate memory using the function "a.destroy();". The destructor
  • TMatrix::~Tmatrix(); cause malfunctions... sorry :(
  • If you give only one dimension, like "TMatrix<float> a(3);", you
  • create a square matrix 3x3. Default is 2x2.
  • To put data on a matrix, create before an array of float with
  • values and use the function ";" if M is the matrix.
  • If DATAARRAY size not correspond at the size of matrix, the result
  • is not guaranteed.
  • Next, use functions and operators classically:
  • M.reverse();
  • M.determinant();
  • M0=M1*M2;
  • ...etc.
  • For more, contact me at
  • /
#ifndef __TMATRIX H__ #define __TMATRIX H__ #include <iostream.h> #include <math.h> // Uses this declaTn for C ONLY // version of memory allocation // #include <alloc.h> class TMatrixException /* Exception class for TFloatMatix */ { public: enum Exception { DIM_TOO_SMALL , NOT_SAME_DIM , NOT_SQUARE , NOT_MULTIPLICABLE }; TMatrixException(Exception); Exception Err; }; template <class T> class TMatrix { public: /* ---------------------- Attributes --------------------------- */ T *M; /* Linear matrix data storage */ T **P; /* Pointers on each rows */ int dimR; /* Number of rows ( column size ) */ int dimC; /* Number of columns ( row size ) */ /* ----------------------- Builders --------------------------- */ TMatrix(int dim=2); /* Default, for square matrix */ TMatrix(int,int); /* For NxM matrix */ TMatrix(const TMatrix<T>&); /* Copy */ ~TMatrix(); /* de-allocate memory */ /* -------------------- Utils procedures ----------------------- */ void clear(); /* Reset to 0 all elements */ void destroy(); /* de-allocate memory */ void resize(int,int); /* Set a new dimension */ void resize(int dim=2); /* The same, for square */ void in(T*); /* Input data in a matrix */ ostream& out(ostream&) const; /* Display matrix on std::out */ /* ------------- Functions and procedure on this object ------- */ TMatrix cofactor(); /* Return cofactor matrix */ T cofactor(int, int); /* 1 element cofactor */ T minor(int, int); /* 1 element minor */ T determinant(); /* Determinant of a matrix */ void transpose(); /* Transpose a matrix */ void reverse(); /* Reverse a matrix */ void TC(); /* Transpose and cofactor matrix */ /* ---------------------- Operators ---------------------------- */ TMatrix<T>& operator=(const TMatrix<T>&); TMatrix<T> operator-() ; TMatrix<T> operator+(const TMatrix<T>&) ; TMatrix<T> operator-(const TMatrix<T>&) ; TMatrix<T> operator*(const TMatrix<T>&) ; TMatrix<T> operator*(const T); TMatrix<T> operator*=(const T); private: T det3x3(); /* return the determinant of a 3x3 matrix */ T det2x2(); /* return the determinant of a 2x2 matrix */ TMatrix<T> matrix4minor(int,int); /* Return matrix of minor */ TMatrix<T> mul(const TMatrix<T>&); /* Multiply two matrices */ }; template <class T> ostream& operator<< (ostream& o, const TMatrix<T>& m) {return m.out(o);} template <class T> istream& operator>> (istream&, TMatrix<T>&); #endif //=========================================================================== TMatrixException::TMatrixException(Exception e) : Err(e) { if (e==DIM_TOO_SMALL) { cout <<"ERR: DIM TOO SMALL"<<endl<<endl; system("pause"); return;//exit(0); } if (e==NOT_SAME_DIM) { cout <<"ERR: NOT SAME DIM"<<endl; cout <<"US: Add or substract only same size matrix."<<endl; cout <<"FR: Additionner ou soustraire uniquement des "; cout <<"matrices de meme taille"<<endl; system("pause"); return;//exit(0); } if (e==NOT_SQUARE) { cout <<"ERR: NOT SQUARE"<<endl<<endl; cout <<"US: Attempt to use a function reserved to square matrix "; cout <<"on a not-square matrix."<<endl; cout <<"FR: Tentative d'utilisation d'une fonction reservee aux "; cout <<"matrices carrees sur une matrice non-carree."<<endl; system("pause"); return;//exit(0); } if (e==NOT_MULTIPLICABLE) { cout <<"ERR: NOT MULTIPLICABLE"<<endl<<endl; cout <<"US: To multiply, the number of columns in first matrix "; cout <<"must be equal to number of rows in the second."<<endl; cout <<"FR: Pour multiplier, le nombre de colonnes de la "; cout <<"premiere matrice doit etre egal au nombre de lignes "; cout <<"de la deuxieme."<<endl; system("pause"); return;//exit(0); } else { cout <<"UNKNOW EXCEPTION"<<endl; system("pause"); return ;//exit(0); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T>::TMatrix(int dimRow, int dimCol) { if (dimRow<1 || dimCol<1) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::DIM_TOO_SMALL); dimR=dimRow; dimC=dimCol; // C ONLY VERSION // M=(float*) malloc (dimR*dimR*sizeof(float)); // P=(float**) malloc (dimR*sizeof(float*)); // C++ VERSION M=new T[dimR*dimC*sizeof(T)]; P=new T*[dimR*sizeof(T*)]; T *ref; ref=M; for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) { P[i]=ref; ref+=dimC; } clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T>::TMatrix(int dim) { if (dim<1) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::DIM_TOO_SMALL); dimR=dim; dimC=dim; // C ONLY VERSION // M=(float*) malloc (dimR*dimR*sizeof(float)); // P=(float**) malloc (dimR*sizeof(float*)); // C++ VERSION M=new T[dimR*dimC*sizeof(T)]; P=new T*[dimR*sizeof(T*)]; T *ref; ref=M; for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) { P[i]=ref; ref+=dimC; } clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T>::TMatrix(const TMatrix<T>& m) { dimR=m.dimR; dimC=m.dimC; M=m.M; P=m.P; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T>::~TMatrix() { /* use the function destroy() after use. */ /* This destructor cause exceptions ... */ } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> void TMatrix<T>::destroy() { // C ONLY VERSION // free(M); // free(P); // C++ VERSION for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) delete [] P[i]; delete[] P; delete[] M; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> void TMatrix<T>::clear() { for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<dimC; j++) P[i][j]=0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> void TMatrix<T>::resize(int rw, int cl) { TMatrix<T> m(rw,cl); if (dimR*dimC <= rw*cl) { for (int i=0; i<dimR;i++) for (int j=0; j<dimC; j++) m.P[i][j]=P[i][j]; for (int i2=dimR; i2<rw; i2++) for (int j2=dimC; j2<cl; j2++) m.P[i2][j2]=0; } else { for (int i=0; i<rw;i++) for (int j=0; j<cl; j++) m.P[i][j]=P[i][j]; }
  • this=m;
} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> void TMatrix<T>::resize(int dim) { TMatrix<T> m(dim); if (dimR*dimC <= dim*dim) { for (int i=0; i<dimR;i++) for (int j=0; j<dimC; j++) m.P[i][j]=P[i][j]; for (int i2=dimR; i2<dim; i2++) for (int j2=dimC; j2<dim; j2++) m.P[i2][j2]=0; } else { for (int i=0; i<dim;i++) for (int j=0; j<dim; j++) m.P[i][j]=P[i][j]; }
  • this=m;
} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> void TMatrix<T>::in(T *data) { for (int i=0; i<dimR;i++) for (int j=0; j<dimC; j++) P[i][j]=data[dimC*i+j]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> ostream& TMatrix<T>::out(ostream& o) const { for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) { for (int j=0; j<dimC; j++) o <<P[i][j]<<" "; o <<endl; } return o; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T>& TMatrix<T>::operator=(const TMatrix<T>& m) { dimR=m.dimR; dimC=m.dimC; M=m.M; P=m.P; return *this; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T> TMatrix<T>::operator-() { TMatrix<T> r(dimR,dimC); r=*this * T(-1); return r; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T> TMatrix<T>::operator+(const TMatrix<T>& m) { if (dimR!=m.dimR || dimC!=m.dimC) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_SAME_DIM); TMatrix<T> r(dimR,dimC); for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<dimC; j++) r.P[i][j]=P[i][j]+m.P[i][j]; return r; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T> TMatrix<T>::operator-(const TMatrix<T>& m) { if (dimR!=m.dimR || dimC!=m.dimC) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_SAME_DIM); TMatrix<T> r(dimR,dimC); for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<dimC; j++) r.P[i][j]=P[i][j]-m.P[i][j]; return r; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T> TMatrix<T>::operator*(const TMatrix<T>& m) { if (dimC!=m.dimR) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_MULTIPLICABLE); TMatrix<T> r(dimR,m.dimC); r=this->mul(m); return r; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T> TMatrix<T>::operator*(const T f) { for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<dimC; j++) P[i][j]*=f; return *this; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T> TMatrix<T>::operator*=(const T f) {
  • this=*this*f;
return *this; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T> TMatrix<T>::mul(const TMatrix<T>& m) { TMatrix<T> r(dimR,m.dimC); T e=0; for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<m.dimC; j++) { for (int k=0; k<dimC; k++) e+=P[i][k]*m.P[k][j]; r.P[i][j]=e; e=0; } return r; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> void TMatrix<T>::reverse() { if (dimR!=dimC) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_SQUARE); TMatrix<T> r(dimR,dimC); r=cofactor(); r.transpose(); for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<dimR; j++) r.P[i][j]=r.P[i][j]*pow(-1,i+j+2); r*=T(1)/determinant();
  • this=r;
} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> void TMatrix<T>::TC() { if (dimR!=dimC) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_SQUARE); TMatrix<T> r(dimR,dimC); r=cofactor(); r.transpose(); for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<dimR; j++) r.P[i][j]=r.P[i][j]*pow(-1,i+j+2);
  • this=r;
} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> void TMatrix<T>::transpose() { TMatrix<T> m(dimC,dimR); for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<dimC; j++) { m.P[i][j]=P[j][i];}
  • this=m;
} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> T TMatrix<T>::det3x3() { return P[0][0] * ( (P[1][1]*P[2][2])-(P[1][2]*P[2][1]) ) - P[1][0] * ( (P[0][1]*P[2][2])-(P[0][2]*P[2][1]) ) + P[2][0] * ( (P[0][1]*P[1][2])-(P[0][2]*P[1][1]) ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> T TMatrix<T>::det2x2() { return P[0][0]*P[1][1] - P[0][1]*P[1][0]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> T TMatrix<T>::determinant() { if (dimR!=dimC) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_SQUARE); if (dimR==2) return det2x2(); if (dimR==3) return det3x3(); T d=0; for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) d+=P[i][0] * cofactor(i,0); return d; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> T TMatrix<T>::cofactor(int ir, int ic) { if (dimR!=dimC) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_SQUARE); return minor(ir,ic) * pow(-1, ir+ic+2); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> T TMatrix<T>::minor(int ir, int ic) { if (dimR!=dimC) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_SQUARE); TMatrix<T> m4m(dimR-1); m4m=matrix4minor(ir,ic); return m4m.determinant(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T> TMatrix<T>::cofactor() { if (dimR!=dimC) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_SQUARE); TMatrix<T> r(dimR); for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<dimR; j++) r.P[i][j]=cofactor(i,j); return r; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> TMatrix<T> TMatrix<T>::matrix4minor(int ir, int ic) { if (dimR!=dimC) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::NOT_SQUARE); int indexR=0; int indexC=0; TMatrix<T> r(dimR-1); for (int i=0; i<dimR; i++) for (int j=0; j<dimR; j++) { if (i!=ir && j!=ic) { r.P[indexR][indexC]=P[i][j]; indexC++; } if (indexC==r.dimR) { indexC=0; indexR++; } if (indexR==r.dimR) return r; } return r; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> istream& operator>> (istream& in, TMatrix<T> &m) { int rw,cl; cout << "DIM ROW: "; in >> rw; cout << "DIM COL: "; in >> cl; if (rw<1 && cl<1) throw TMatrixException(TMatrixException::DIM_TOO_SMALL); m.resize(rw,cl); T *data=new T[rw*cl]; T element; for (int i=0; i<rw; i++) for (int j=0; j<cl; j++) { cout << i <<','<<j<<':'; in >> element; data[cl*i+j]=element; } for (int x=0; x<rw; x++) for (int y=0; y<cl; y++) m.P[x][y]=data[cl*x+y]; delete [] data; return in; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conclusion :

J'ai encore un probleme pour le destructeur. J'ai du le remplacer par une fonction destroy() qu'il faut utiliser apres utilisation.

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