Jeu (titre trop court)

Contenu du snippet

mettre 4 label (caption = 0) 4 timer ( timer1 et 2 = 1 timer4=100 timer3=2700) et mettre 2 image (une picture et l'autre pict2)
timer1.enabled = false

Source / Exemple :

Private i
Option Explicit
Const cSoundBuffers = 10
'Le code qui suit est de Nix
Dim X(50), Y(50), Velocity(50), Size(50) As Integer
Private Sub Form_Activate()

    For i = 1 To 50
        X(i) = Int(Me.Width * Rnd)
        Y(i) = Int(Me.Height * Rnd)
        Velocity(i) = Int(500 - (Int(Rnd * 499)))
        Size(i) = 16 * Rnd
End Sub

Private Sub Timer4_Timer()

    For i = 1 To 50
        Circle (X(i), Y(i)), Size(i), BackColor
        Y(i) = Y(i) + Velocity(i)
        If Y(i) >= SOUND.Height Then
            Y(i) = 0
            X(i) = Int(SOUND.Width * Rnd)
        End If
        Circle (X(i), Y(i)), Size(i), vbWhite
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then pict2.Left = pict2.Left - 40
If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then pict2.Left = pict2.Left + 40
If KeyCode = vbKeySpace Then espace
If (pict2.Top >= Image1.Top) And (pict2.Top <= (Image1.Top + Image1.Height)) Then
If (pict2.Left >= Image1.Left) And (pict2.Left <= (Image1.Left + Image1.Width)) Then

End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.BackColor = 0
End Sub
Private Sub espace()
Label1.Caption = pict2.Top
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim dedans As Boolean
dedans = True
Label1.Caption = Label1.Caption - 90
pict2.Top = Label1.Caption
If (pointDedans(pict2.Top, pict2.Top + pict2.Height, pict2.Left, pict2.Left + pict2.Width, Image1.Left, Image1.Top)) = False Then
   If (pointDedans(pict2.Top, pict2.Top + pict2.Height, pict2.Left, pict2.Left + pict2.Width, Image1.Left + Image1.Width, Image1.Top)) = False Then
      If (pointDedans(pict2.Top, pict2.Top + pict2.Height, pict2.Left, pict2.Left + pict2.Width, Image1.Left, Image1.Top + Image1.Height)) = False Then
         If (pointDedans(pict2.Top, pict2.Top + pict2.Height, pict2.Left, pict2.Left + pict2.Width, Image1.Left + Image1.Width, Image1.Top + Image1.Height)) = False Then
           dedans = False
         End If
      End If
   End If
End If

If dedans = True Then
   Label4.Caption = Label4.Caption + 10
   Image1.Left = Rnd * 3000
End If
If pict2.Top <= 0 Then
pict2.Top = 5520
Timer1.Enabled = False
End If

If Label4.Caption = 100 Then
MsgBox "Bonus de 50 points", vbExclamation, "bonus"
Label4.Caption = Label4.Caption + 50
End If
If Label4.Caption = 200 Then
MsgBox "Bonus de 50 points", vbExclamation, "bonus"
Label4.Caption = Label4.Caption + 50
End If
If Label4.Caption = 300 Then
MsgBox "Bonus de 50 points", vbExclamation, "bonus"
Label4.Caption = Label4.Caption + 50
End If
If Label4.Caption = 400 Then
MsgBox "Bonus de 50 points", vbExclamation, "bonus"
Label4.Caption = Label4.Caption + 50
End If
If Label4.Caption >= 500 Then
MsgBox "Vous avez gagné", vbExclamation, "Gagné"

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
Label1.Caption = pict2.Top
Label2.Caption = pict2.Left
Label3.Caption = Image1.Left
End Sub

Private Function pointDedans(Base, Hauteur, Gauche, Droite, X, Y) As Boolean
pointDedans = False
If (X >= Gauche) And (X <= Droite) Then
If (Y >= Base) And (Y <= Hauteur) Then
pointDedans = True
End If
End If

End Function

Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
Image1.Left = Rnd * 3000

End Sub

Conclusion :

plus simple

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