Module access : requetesql->query->ouerture report->exportation du report

Contenu du snippet

bah ...
Tu as une requetes SQL en chaine de caracteres (genre tu la generes dans un formulaire ...)

Tu veux la stocker dans une Query (objet requete d'ACCESS) et ensuite ouvrir un report qui se refaire a la dite query, et exporter ce report

Et bien tu appeles la fonction avec tout les arguments

Source / Exemple :

Function EditReportFromQuery(StrSQL As String, Query_name As String, Report_Name As String, Filename As String, Format As String) As Boolean
' Edit the report named R_name after having repalce the query Q_name by the StrSQL
' if a param is NULL then try to ignore it ... or error
' return false if error

'* Variable :
    Dim Q_select As QueryDef ' the querydef that will contains the "select" query (i.e a string)
    Dim query As String ' the "select" query
    Dim Q_name As String ' name of the query in this database
    Dim R_name As String ' name of the report
    Dim query_def As QueryDef
    Dim ook As Boolean

'*Begin Sub
On Error GoTo Erro
     If IsNull(Report_Name) Then
        MsgBox "no report name ...?", vbCritical
     End If
     If IsNull(Query_name) Then
        MsgBox "no query ...?", vbCritical
        EditReportFromQuery = False
        Exit Function
     End If
    R_name = Report_Name
    Q_name = Query_name
    If Not IsNull(StrSQL) Then
        ' create a query with this SQL string
        For Each query_def In CurrentDb.QueryDefs
            If query_def.Name = Q_name Then
                CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete (Q_name)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next query_def
        Set Q_select = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(Q_name, StrSQL)
        'if this querydef existing ?
        ook = False
        For Each query_def In CurrentDb.QueryDefs
            If query_def.Name = Q_name Then
                ook = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next query_def
        If ook = False Then
            MsgBox "no query ...?", vbCritical
            EditReportFromQuery = False
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    'open the query as a table
    DoCmd.OpenQuery Q_name, acViewNormal
    'open the correponding report
    DoCmd.OpenReport R_name, acViewPreview
    'output to a txt file
    If Not IsNull(Filename) And Filename <> "NILL" Then
        Select Case Format
                Case "HTML"
                    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, R_name, acFormatHTML, Filename, True
                Case "RTF"
                    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, R_name, acFormatRTF, Filename, True
                Case "TXT"
                    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, R_name, acFormatTXT, Filename, True
                Case "XLS"
                    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, R_name, acFormatXLS, Filename, True
                End Select
    End If
    EditReportFromQuery = True
    Exit Function

        If Err.Number <> 2501 Then
            EditReportFromQuery = False
            MsgBox "EditReportFromQuery : " & Err.Description, vbCritical, Err.Number
        End If
End Function

Conclusion :

c est hyper long , mais y a des appels de fonctions utiles ...

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