Test Nombre Premier

Contenu du snippet

Function isNP(ByVal Nb As Long) As Boolean



' Test de validit‚

If Nb < 2 Then Exit Function

' Param?res

Dim Liste As Integer

Dim Saut As Integer

Dim t As Integer

Dim A As Long

Dim A1 As Integer

Dim A2 As Integer

Dim Pi_NbP As Integer

Dim Pi_Nbp2 As Integer

Dim Prod As Long

Dim nbp2 As Integer

Dim t2 As Integer

Dim fin As Long

Dim m As Long

' Param?tres d'optimisation

Pi_NbP = 5 'indice de 0 … 5

Prod = 30030 'produit de 2*3*5*7*11*13

' ALGO ERATHOSTENE : G‚n‚re liste nb premier jusqu'… pi(A+1)

A = Prod + 1
A1 = CInt(Int((A ^ 0.5 - 3) / 2)) 
A2 = CInt((A - 3) / 2)
Dim Nbp(A2) As Boolean

For Liste = 0 To A1 
If Nbp(Liste) = False Then

Saut = 2 * Liste + 3
For t = CInt((Saut ^ 2 - 3) / 2) To A2 Step Saut 
Nbp(t) = True 'pas premier
Next t 
End If
Next Liste 
' Forme la liste

Dim L(A2 + 1) As Long

L(0) = 2

Pi_Nbp2 = 0
For t = 0 To A2 
If Nbp(t) = False Then

Pi_Nbp2 = Pi_Nbp2 + 1

L(Pi_Nbp2) = 2 * t + 3

End If
Next t 
' Test si trivial

If Nb > Prod Then GoTo suite '‚vite si pas n‚cessaire
For t = 0 To Pi_Nbp2 
If Nb = L(t) Then isNP = True : Exit Function
Next t 

' Test si multiple
For t = 0 To Pi_Nbp2 
If Nb = L(t) * Int(Nb / L(t)) Then Exit Function
Next t 
' Forme liste compl?te

Dim L2(5627) As Long
For t = Pi_NbP + 1 To Pi_Nbp2 
nbp2 = nbp2 + 1

L2(nbp2) = L(t)
Next t 
' On rajoute les multiples
For t = Pi_NbP + 1 To Pi_Nbp2 
If L(t) * L(t) > A Then Exit For
For t2 = t To Pi_Nbp2 
If L(t) * L(t2) < A Then

nbp2 = nbp2 + 1

L2(nbp2) = L(t) * L(t2)


Exit For

End If
Next t2 
Next t

fin = CLng(Math.Sqrt(Nb)) 
For m = 0 To fin Step Prod
For t = 1 To nbp2 
If Nb = (m + L2(t)) * Int(Nb / (m + L2(t))) Then Exit Function
Next t 
Next m
isNP = True

End Function 
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim Stopwatch As System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch 
Stopwatch = New Stopwatch

Dim a As Long
a = CLng(TextBox1.Text) 
Dim b As Boolean


b = isNP(a)


MsgBox(b & " " & Stopwatch.Elapsed().TotalMilliseconds & " millisecondes") 
End Sub

Compatibilité : VB 2008

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